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                                                                                       Department of the Treasury
                                                                                       Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8902

(Rev. April 2018)
Alternative Tax on Qualifying Shipping Activities

Section references are to the Internal   How To File                              requirement is met when determined 
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.                                              by treating all members of such group 
                                         File Form 8902 by attaching it to the 
                                         corporation's Form 1120 or Form          as one person.
Future Developments
                                         1120-F.                                  Bareboat charters.   A person is 
For the latest information about                                                  treated as operating and using a 
developments related to Form 8902        Definitions                              vessel that it has chartered out on 
and its instructions, such as                                                     bareboat charter terms only if:
                                         Qualifying vessel operator.     The 
legislation enacted after they were                                               The vessel is (a) temporarily 
                                         term “qualifying vessel operator” 
published, go to IRS.gov/Form8902.                                                surplus to the person's requirements 
                                         means any corporation that operates 
                                         one or more qualifying vessels and       and the term of the charter does not 
What’s New                               meets the shipping activity              exceed 3 years, or (b) bareboat 
Alternative tax rate for fiscal year     requirement. See the definitions of      chartered to a member of a controlled 
filers. Public Law 115-97 reduced        these terms below.                       group which includes such person or 
                                                                                  to an unrelated person who 
the highest corporate tax rate from      Operating a vessel. Except as            sub-bareboats or time charters the 
35% to 21%, effective for tax years      provided in the definition of bareboat   vessel to such a member (including 
beginning after December 31, 2017.       charters below, a person is treated as   the owner of the vessel); and
Under section 11(b), as amended by       operating any vessel during any          The vessel is used as a qualifying 
section 15, corporations with fiscal tax period if:                               vessel by the person to whom 
years beginning before January 1,        Such vessel is owned by, or              ultimately chartered.
2018, and ending after December 31,      chartered (including a time charter) to, 
2017, figure and apportion their         the person, or the person provides       U.S. foreign trade.  The term “U.S. 
alternative tax by blending the 35%      services for such vessel pursuant to     foreign trade” means the 
rate in effect before January 1, 2018,   an operating agreement; and              transportation of goods or passengers 
with the 21% rate in effect after        Such vessel is in use as a qualifying    between a place in the United States 
December 31, 2017. See the               vessel during such period.               and a foreign place or between 
instructions for line 30.                                                         foreign places.
                                         Qualifying vessel. A self-propelled      See section 1355 for more 
                                         (or combination self-propelled and 
General Instructions                                                              definitions and special rules that apply 
                                         non-self-propelled) U.S. flag vessel of  with respect to the above definitions.
Purpose of Form                          not less than 6,000 deadweight tons 
                                         used exclusively in the U.S. foreign 
Form 8902 is used by qualifying                                                   Partnerships and Other 
                                         trade during the period the election is 
vessel operators (defined below) who                                              Pass-Through Entities
                                         in effect.
are making an alternative tax election                                            In applying these rules to a partner in 
under section 1354(a) or who have        Shipping activity requirement.     A     a partnership:
made such an election previously.        corporation meets this requirement for   Each partner is treated as operating 
The form is used to make such an         any tax year only if the following       vessels operated by the partnership;
election or report the termination of    requirement is met for each of the 2     Each partner is treated as 
such an election, to report information  preceding tax years: On average          conducting the activities conducted by 
relating to such an election, and to     during the tax year, at least 25% of the the partnership; and
figure the alternative tax.              aggregate tonnage of qualifying          The extent of a partner's ownership, 
                                         vessels used by the corporation was      charter, or operating agreement 
Who Must File                            owned by such corporation or             interest in any vessel operated by the 
Form 8902 must be filed by a             chartered to such corporation on         partnership will be determined on the 
qualifying vessel operator (defined      bareboat charter terms (see definition   basis of the partner's interest in the 
below) who is making an alternative      below).                                  partnership.
tax election under section 1354(a) or    Special rule for first year of           A similar rule applies to other 
who is reporting the termination of      election.  A corporation meets this      pass-through entities.
such an election. The form must also     requirement for the first tax year for 
be used by a qualifying vessel           which this election is in effect only if 
operator who has a valid election in     this requirement is met for the 
effect to report information pertaining  preceding tax year.
to that election and to figure the 
alternative tax.                         Controlled groups.  A corporation 
                                         that is a member of a controlled group 
                                         meets this requirement only if such 

Mar 27, 2018                                        Cat. No. 39897X

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                                           a single employer under section 52(a)     secondary activities that does not 
Specific Instructions                      or (b) if sections 52(a)(1) and (2) did   exceed 20% of line G(1).
                                           not apply.
Part I. Section 1354                                                                 Electing groups. In the case of an 
                                           Line G(1). Core Qualifying                electing group, the above rules are 
Election or Termination                                                              applied as if the group were one 
Item B                                     Enter on line G(1) the corporation's      entity, and the 20% limitation is 
A corporation must make the                gross income from core qualifying         allocated among the corporations in 
alternative tax election on or before      activities. Attach a schedule.            the group.
the due date (including extensions of                                                Line G(2)(b). Amount that exceeds 
time to file) of the income tax return for For purposes of this election, the        the 20% limit.   Enter on line G(2)(b) 
the tax year for which the election is     term “core qualifying activities” means   the corporation's gross income from 
made.                                      activities in operating qualifying        secondary activities that exceeds 
                                           vessels in U.S. foreign trade.
Election by a member of a control-                                                   20% of line G(1).
led group. An election under section       Line G(2). Qualifying                     Attach a schedule showing 
1354(a) by a member of a controlled        Secondary Activities                      computations for lines G(2)(a) and (b).
group applies to all qualifying vessel     For purposes of this election, the term   Example 1.       The corporation has 
operators that are members of such         "qualifying secondary activities"         gross income from core qualifying 
group.                                     means secondary activities (defined       activities of $20 million and gross 
Item C                                     below) but only to the extent that the    income from secondary activities of 
                                           gross income derived by the               $5 million. The corporation enters $20 
Generally, a revocation of an election                                               million on line G(1), $4 million (20% of 
                                           corporation from such activities does 
under section 1354(a) made:                                                          $20 million) on line G(2)(a), and $1 
                                           not exceed 20% of the gross income 
On or before the 15th day of the 3rd                                                 million (gross income from secondary 
                                           derived by the corporation from its 
month of the tax year will be effective                                              activities of $5 million less the $4 
                                           core qualifying activities.
on the 1st day of that tax year; or                                                  million limit) on line G(2)(b).
After the 15th day of the 3rd month        Secondary activities.      The term 
of the tax year will be effective the 1st  "secondary activities" means:             Example 2.       The facts are the 
day of the following tax year.             The active management or                  same as in Example 1 above, except 
However, if the revocation specifies       operation of vessels other than           the corporation has gross income 
a date for revocation that is on or after  qualifying vessels in the U.S. foreign    from secondary activities of $3 million. 
the day on which the revocation is         trade;                                    The corporation would enter $3 million 
made, the revocation will be effective     The provision of vessel, barge,           on line G(2)(a) and zero on line G(2)
for tax years beginning on and after       container, or cargo-related facilities or (b). Gross income from secondary 
the date of revocation specified.          services to any person; and               activities of $3 million is less than the 
                                           Other activities of the electing          $4 million limit.
Item D                                     corporation and other members of its      Line G(3). Qualifying Incidental 
An election under section 1354(a) will     electing group that are an integral part 
be terminated effective on and after       of its business of operating qualifying 
the date the corporation ceases to be      vessels in U.S. foreign trade,            For purposes of this election, the term 
a qualifying vessel operator.              including:                                “qualifying incidental activities” means 
                                                                                     shipping-related activities if:
Election after termination.    If a        1. Ownership or operation of 
qualifying vessel operator made the        barges, containers, chassis, and other    1. They are incidental to the 
election under section 1354(a) and         equipment that are the complement         corporation's core qualifying activities,
subsequently revoked the election          of, or used in connection with, a         2. They are not qualifying 
(Item C) or ceased to be a qualifying      qualifying vessel in U.S. foreign trade;  secondary activities, and
vessel operator (Item D), that operator    2. The inland haulage of cargo            3. The gross income derived by 
(and any successor operator) is not        shipped, or to be shipped, on             the corporation from such activities 
eligible to make another section           qualifying vessels in U.S. foreign        does not exceed 0.1% of the 
1354(a) election for any tax year          trade; and                                corporation's gross income from its 
before the fifth tax year that begins      3. The provision of terminal,             core qualifying activities.
after the first tax year for which the     maintenance, repair, logistical, or 
                                                                                     Line G(3)(a). Amount included in 
termination is effective, unless the IRS   other vessel, barge, container, or 
                                                                                     the 0.1% limit.  Enter on line G(3)(a) 
consents to the election.                  cargo-related services that are an 
                                                                                     the corporation's gross income from 
                                           integral part of operating qualifying 
                                                                                     incidental activities that does not 
Part II. Other Information                 vessels in U.S. foreign trade.
                                                                                     exceed 0.1% of line G(1).
Question E                                 The term “secondary activities” 
The term “electing group” means a          does not include any core qualifying      Electing groups. In the case of an 
controlled group of which one or more      activities.                               electing group, the above rules are 
                                                                                     applied as if the group were one 
members is an electing corporation.        Line G(2)(a). Amount included in          entity, and the 0.1% limitation is 
The term “controlled group” means          20% limit.  Enter on line G(2)(a) the 
any group which would be treated as        corporation's gross income from 

                                                       -2-                           Instructions for Form 8902 (Rev. 4-2018)

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allocated among the corporations in      the sum of all columns of Part IV,      Effective for tax years beginning after 
the group.                               line 28.                                December 31, 2017, a corporation' s 
                                                                                 alternative tax is figured by multiplying 
Line G(3)(b). Amount that exceeds        Line 9. Type of Ownership               taxable income by 21% (0.21). 
the 0.1% limit. Enter on line G(3)(b)    Indicate in each column the type of     However, under section 15, 
the corporation's gross income from      ownership for the vessel. Enter “O” for corporations with fiscal tax years 
incidental activities that exceeds 0.1%  an owned vessel, “L” for a leased       beginning before January 1, 2018, 
of line G(1).                            vessel, and “CL” for a capitalized      and ending after December 31, 2017, 
Attach a schedule showing                lease.                                  figure and apportion their tax by 
computations for lines G(3)(a) and (b).                                          blending the rates in effect before 
                                         Line 10. Type of Vessel Use
                                                                                 January 1, 2018, with the rate in effect 
Line H. Gross Income From                Indicate in each column the type of     after December 31, 2017. Figure the 
Qualifying Shipping Activities           vessel use. Enter “BB” for bareboat     corporation's alternative tax for the 
Excluded From Gross Income               charter out, “TC” for time charter out, 2017 fiscal tax year using the 
on the Corporation's Income              and “OI” for operating income.          worksheet below.
Tax Return
                                         Part IV. Notional Shipping 
Enter on line H the total of lines G(1),                                         1. Total annual notional shipping 
G(2)(a), and G(3)(a). Do not include     Income                                  income (Part V, line 29)       
this amount in gross income on the       Line 21. Ownership Percentage           2. Tax on line 29 figured using the 35% 
corporation's Form 1120 or Form                                                  tax rate                 
                                         Enter the corporation's percentage of 
1120-F. Furthermore, do not include                                              3. Tax on line 29 figured using the 21% 
                                         ownership in the vessel. If, for any 
on the corporation's Form 1120 or                                                rate                   
                                         period, two or more persons are 
Form 1120-F any item of loss,                                                    4. Multiply line 2 by the number of days 
                                         operators of a qualifying vessel, the 
deduction, or credit with respect to                                             in the corporation's tax year before 
                                         notional shipping income from the       January 1, 2018               
this line H excluded income.
                                         operation of such vessel for that       5. Multiply line 3 by the number of days 
Note. The amounts entered on lines       period must be allocated among the      in the corporation's tax year after 
G(2)(b) and G(3)(b) must be included     operators on the basis of their         December 31, 2017           
in gross income on the corporation's     respective ownership, charter, and      6. Divide line 4 by the total number of 
Form 1120 or Form 1120-F.                operating agreement interests in the    days in the corporation's tax 
                                                                                 7. Divide line 5 by the total number of 
Part III. Vessel Information                                                     days in the corporation's tax 
With respect to Parts III and IV,        Part V. Alternative Tax                 year                   
complete a separate column for each      Line 30. Alternative Tax on             8. Add lines 6 and 7. This is the 
                                                                                 corporation's total alternative tax for 
qualifying vessel. If the corporation    Qualifying Shipping Activities          the fiscal tax year           
has more than four qualifying vessels, 
attach separate sheets for Parts III     Enter the highest rate of tax 
and IV using the same size and format    applicable for the period of qualified 
as Form 8902. Also, on line 29, enter    shipping activities, under section 11. 

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.          We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the 
United States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws 
and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be 
retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax 
returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103.
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated burden 
for business taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB control number 1545-0123. See the instructions for the tax 
return with which this form is filed.
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of those time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, 
we would be happy to hear from you. You can send us comments from IRS.gov/FormComments.

Instructions for Form 8902 (Rev. 4-2018)                      -3-

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