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How to prepare a 

Collection Information Statement (Form 433-B)

Who should use Form 433-B?                                        Section 4 Business Asset and Liability 
Form 433-B is used to obtain current financial information         
necessary for determining how a business can satisfy an           Item 16 – Cash on Hand 
outstanding tax liability.                                        Enter the amount of cash on hand which includes cash in a 
                                                                  safe, cash register and petty cash. 
The following business entities need to complete                   
Form 433-B:                                                       If the business has a safe, list the contents. 
•  Partnerships                                                    
•  Corporations                                                   Items 17 –Business Bank Accounts 
•  Exempt Organizations                                           Enter all accounts, even if there is currently no balance. 
•  S Corporations                                                 Include online bank accounts, money market accounts, 
•  Limited Liability Companies (LLC) classified as a corporation  savings accounts, checking accounts, mobile payment 
•  Other LLCs                                                     accounts and stored value cards such as a payroll cards and 
                                                                  government benefit cards. Also, list all safety deposit boxes 
                                                                  including location, box number and value. Attach a list of 
Section 1                                                         contents. Do not enter bank loans. 
Business Information                                                                                   
                                                                  Item 18 – Accounts/Notes Receivable
                                                                  Enter the name, address and phone number of the receivable. 
Complete items 1 through 6. For items 4 and 5, include            Include e-payment accounts and factoring companies, as well 
information for mobile commerce and mobile accounts such as       as any bartering or online auction accounts. Include Federal 
PayPal Mobile or Paymate. Answer all questions in this section    Government Contracts. List all contracts separately, including 
or write N/A if a question is not applicable. Include attachments contracts awarded, but not started. Include attachments if 
if additional space is needed to respond completely to any        additional space is needed. 
                                                                  Item 19 – Investments 
                                                                  Include any investments including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 
                                                                  stock options, certificates of deposit, and commodities such as 
                                                                  gold, silver, copper, etc.   
Section 2                                                          
Business Personnel and Contacts                                   Item 20 – Available Credit 
                                                                  Include all lines of credit and credit cards issued by a bank, 
Enter information about all persons responsible for collecting,   credit union, or savings and loan (MasterCard, Visa, overdraft 
paying and depositing withheld income and employment taxes,       protection, etc.). 
or for paying collected excise taxes. These persons could be       
officers, employees, partners, major shareholders, etc. Include   Items 21, 22 and 23 – Real Property, Vehicles and 
attachments if additional space is needed to respond              Business Equipment and Intangible Assets 
completely to the question.                                        
                                                                  Current Fair Market Value – Indicate the amount you could 
                                                                  sell the asset for today. 
Section 3                                                         Date of Final Payment – Enter the date the loan or lease will 
                                                                  be fully paid. 
Other Financial Information                                        
                                                                  Item 21 – Real Property 
Complete items 8 through 15 and attach copies of all              List locations of all property that is leased, owned or is being 
applicable documentation. Answer all questions in this section    purchased by the business. If the business is leasing or 
or write N/A if a question is not applicable. Include attachments renting, list lessor or landlord.  If the business is purchasing, 
if additional space is needed to respond completely to any        list lender. Include attachments if additional space is needed. 
                                                                  Item 22 – Vehicles, Leased and Purchased 
                                                                  List all vehicles owned and leased (cars, boats, RVs, 
                                                                  motorcycles, all-terrain and off-road vehicles, trailers, mobile 
                                                                  homes, etc.). If the business is leasing, list the lessor.  If the 
                                                                  business is purchasing, list the lender. Include attachments if 
                                                                  additional space is needed.

  Publication 5059 (12-2012)  Catalog Number 60901W  Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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Item 23 – Business Equipment and Intangible Assets                Items 30 through 34 – Other Income 
List all machinery, equipment, merchandise inventory, and         Other income represents items that do not fit into one of the 
other assets in 23a through 23d.  List intangible assets in 23e   specific categories on Form 433-B or listed in other income on 
through 23g. Intangible assets include licenses, patents, logos,  the business tax return. 
domain names, trademarks, copyrights, software, mining            For example: 
claims, goodwill and trade secrets.  Include attachments if        •  A construction company may have income from scrap 
additional space is needed.                                        construction materials. 
                                                                   •  A legal firm may have referral fees. 
Item 24 - Business Liabilities                                     •  A Medical Professional Corporation may have expert 
Include notes and judgments not listed previously on this form     witness fees associated with a trial. 
(e.g., if equipment is secured by a note and the note was listed   
in Item 23, it would not be included in Item 24).                 Total Monthly Business Expenses 
                                                                  Enter total monthly expenses for the business.  Allowable 
                                                                  business expenses are the cost of carrying on a business or 
                                                                  trade. Generally, they must be necessary for the operation of 
Section 5                                                         the business. Do not include "non-cash" expenses, such as 
                                                                  depreciation, bad debts or depletion. Interest cannot be 
Monthly Income/Expense Statement for                              deducted as a separate expense if it is already included in any 
Business                                                          other allowable installment payments. 
Identify a time period that reflects your typical business income Attachments Required 
and expenses (e.g., 3, 6, 9 or 12 months). Complete the           Include attachments if additional space is needed to respond 
average monthly income/expense statement for the stated time      completely to any question. You may be asked to provide 
period.  The business information should reconcile with your      additional verification after we review the completed Form  
business profit and loss statement.                               433-B. 
Do not complete lines 47, 48 and 49 (For IRS use only).           Certification for Signature Line 
                                                                  The partner, corporate officer, or LLC member must sign Form 
Total Monthly Business Income                                     433-B, Collection Information Statement for Businesses, under 
                                                                  penalties of perjury. The signature certifies that the information 
Item 25 – Gross Receipts from Sales/Services                      is accurate and complete. Any changes made after signing the 
Enter the amount of money received by the business from all       form should be initialed and dated. 
sources for the goods sold or services rendered. This figure is    
the total before any costs or expenses are subtracted.            Distributions from Businesses 
                                                                  Distributions from partnerships and subchapter S corporations 
Item 26 – Gross Rental Income                                     reported on Schedule K-1 and from limited liability companies 
Enter the amount of gross rents which represent payments          reported on Form 1040, Schedule C, D, or E, should be 
received for the use of business assets and may be in the form    included in the total distributions on Line 25, page 4 of the 
of monies, services, assets, bartering or any combination of      Form 433-A, Collection Information Statement for Wage 
these.                                                            Earners and Self-Employed Individuals.  
Item 27 - Interest Income 
Enter the amount of interest received by the business from 
loans, notes, mortgages, bonds, bank deposits, tax refunds, 
Item 28 - Dividends 
Enter the amount of dividends received by the business from 
U.S. and foreign sources. 
Item 29 – Cash Receipts 
Include cash received from customers that is not included in 
income items 25 through 28.

     Publication 5059 (12-2012)  Catalog Number 60901W  Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service  www.irs.gov

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