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                                                                                                     Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Form 5307                                                                           Internal Revenue Service

(Rev. June 2014)
Application for Determination for Adopters of
Modified Volume Submitter (VS) Plans

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Public Inspection                          of other participants that may be 
Code unless otherwise noted.                                                              allocated to the participant’s account.
                                               Form 5307 is open to public inspection if 
What's New                                     there are more than 25 plan                A DB plan is any plan that is not a DC 
                                               participants. The total number of          plan.
The form and the instructions have             participants must be shown on line 4e. 
undergone revisions in the format and          See the instructions for line 4e for a     Termination of Plan
information required. Review these             definition of participant.                 If the plan is terminated, file Form 5310, 
documents before completing the                                                           Application for Determination Upon 
application. Some of the revisions were                                                   Terminating Plan.
                                               General Instructions
made in accordance with                                                                   If benefit accruals or contributions 
Announcement 2011-82, 2011-52 I.R.B.                                                      have ceased, the plan and trust will not 
1052, available at www.irs.gov/irb/            Purpose of Form
2011-52_IRB/ar20.html, which                   An adopter of a Volume Submitter (VS)      be considered terminated until an 
eliminated demonstrations regarding            plan files Form 5307 to request a DL       official action to terminate has occurred.
coverage and nondiscrimination                 from the IRS for the qualification of a    Note. A DB plan cannot be amended 
requirements and limited Form 5307             modified defined benefit (DB) or a         to become a DC plan. If a sponsor of a 
applications.                                  defined contribution (DC) plan and the     DB plan attempts to amend the plan to 
                                               exempt status of any related trust.        become a DC plan, or if the merger of a 
Note. Rev. Proc. 2014-6, 2014-1 I.R.B.                                                    DB plan with a DC plan results solely in 
198, available at http://www.irs.gov/pub/      Who May File                               a DC plan the DB plan is considered 
irs-irbs/irb14-01.pdf, contains the            File Form 5307, Application for            terminated.
guidance under which the                       Determination for Adopters of Modified 
Determination Letter (DL) program is           Volume Submitter (VS) Plans, if this is a  Where To File
administered. It is updated annually and       VS plan that has made limited              File Form 5307 at the address indicated 
can be found in the Internal Revenue           modifications to an approved specimen      below:
Bulletin (I.R.B.). The application should      plan (that does not create an individually 
be filed in accordance with Rev. Proc.         designed plan).                            Internal Revenue Service
2007-44, 2007-28 I.R.B. 54, available at                                                  P.O. Box 12192
www.irs.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb07-28.pdf          Note. Adopters of Master and               Covington, KY 41012-0192.
(as revised by Ann. 2011-82), and Rev.         Prototype (M&P) plans may not use 
Proc. 2014-6, as updated, available at         Form 5307 and must file Form 5300 if a     Requests shipped by express mail or 
http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-irbs/               DL is requested. Adopters of VS plans      a delivery service should be sent to:
irb14-01.pdf. Review these documents           that do not meet the above conditions 
before completing the application.             must also file on Form 5300.               Internal Revenue Service
                                                                                          201 West Rivercenter Blvd.
Future Developments                            In certain circumstances, an               Attn: Extracting Stop 312
For the latest information related to          application for a DL for a VS plan must    Covington, KY 41011
Form 5307 and its instructions, such as        be filed on Form 5300:
legislation enacted after they were            requests regarding 414(m),                 Private Delivery Services. In addition 
published, go to www.irs.gov/form5307.         requests regarding 414(n),                 to the United States mail, you can use 
                                               partial termination requests,              certain private delivery services 
Disclosure Request by                          multiple employer plans,                   designated by the IRS to meet the 
Taxpayer                                       money purchase, target benefit and         “timely mailing as timely filing/paying” 
A taxpayer can authorize the IRS to            defined benefit pension plans with a       rule for tax returns and payments. 
disclose and discuss the taxpayer’s            normal retirement age earlier than age     These private delivery services include 
return and/or return information with any      62, or                                     only the following:
person(s) the taxpayer designates in a         a procedure requested by the IRS.          DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day 
written request. Use Form 2848, Power                                                     Service, DHL Next Day 10:30 am, DHL 
                                               See Form 5300 and instructions.
of Attorney and Declaration of                                                            Next Day 12:00 pm, DHL Next Day 3:00 
Representative, if the representative is       Type of Plan                               pm, and DHL 2nd Day Service.
                                                                                          Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx 
qualified to sign, or Form 8821, Tax           A DC plan is a plan that provides an 
                                                                                          Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard 
Information Authorization, for this            individual account for each participant 
                                                                                          Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx 
purpose. See Pub. 947, Practice Before         and for benefits based only on:
the IRS and Power of Attorney, for more                                                   International Priority, and FedEx 
information.                                   1. The amount contributed to the           International First.
                                               participant’s account, and                 United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS 
                                               2. Any income, expenses, gains and         Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, 
                                               losses, and any forfeitures of accounts    UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air 

Jun 10, 2014                                          Cat. No. 11833J

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A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus,         Note. Payments for sanction fees,          IRS will require the applicant to file Form 
and UPS Worldwide Express.                compliance fees, etc. should be            5300 and pay the higher user fee.
The private delivery service can tell     submitted on separate checks.              10. A copy of any compliance 
you how to get written proof of the       3. Form 8905, Certification of Intent      statement(s) or closing agreement(s) 
mailing date.                             to Adopt a Pre-approved Plan, if           regarding this plan completed during the 
                                          applicable as determined under Part III    current RAC.
How To Complete the                       of Rev. Proc. 2007-44.                     See Rev. Proc. 2007-44 for a 
Application                               4. A copy of the plan’s latest             description of the RACs.
The application must be signed by the     favorable DL letter, if applicable.        Note. Do not use staples (except to 
employer, plan administrator, or          5. A copy of the most recent               attach the check to the Form 8717), 
authorized representative.                advisory letter issued to the VS           paper clips, binders, or sticky notes. Do 
                                          specimen plan practitioner.                not punch holes in the documents.
Note. Stamped signatures are not 
acceptable.                               6. A complete copy of the plan and 
                                          trust instrument and a copy of the         Specific Instructions
Incomplete applications may be            completed adoption agreement, if 
returned to the applicant. For this       applicable.                                Line 1. Enter the name, address, and 
                                                                                     telephone number of the plan sponsor/
reason, it is important that an           7. A written representation 
                                                                                     employer. A “plan sponsor” means:
appropriate response be entered for       (signature optional) made by the VS 
each line item (unless instructed         sponsor under penalty of perjury, that     1. In the case of a plan that covers 
otherwise). In completing the             explains that the plan and trust           the employees of one employer, the 
application:                              instrument are not word-for-word           employer;
N/A (not applicable) is accepted as a     identical to the approved specimen plan    2. In the case of a plan sponsored 
response only if an N/A block is          and describes the location, nature and     by two or more entities required to be 
provided.                                 effect of each deviation from the          combined under sections 414(b), (c), or 
If a number is requested, a number        language of the approved specimen          (m), one of the members participating in 
must be entered.                          plan.                                      the plan; or
If an item provides a choice of boxes 
to mark, mark only one box unless         8. Form 2848 or other written              3. In the case of a plan that covers 
instructed otherwise.                     authorization allowing the VS              the employees and/or partner(s) of a 
                                          practitioner to act as a representative of 
If an item provides a box to mark,                                                   partnership, the partnership.
                                          the employer with respect to the request 
written responses are not acceptable.                                                Note.   The name of the plan sponsor/ 
                                          for a determination letter.
The IRS may, at its discretion, require                                              employer should be the same name that 
a plan restatement or additional          9. Any interim amendments that 
information any time it is deemed         were adopted for qualification changes     is used when the Form 5500 series, 
necessary.                                on the applicable cumulative list (CL)     Annual Return/Report is filed for this 
The application has formatted fields      used in reviewing and approving the        plan. Line 1a is limited to 70 characters.
that will limit the number of characters  underlying VS specimen plan, where the     Line 1f. Enter the nine-digit employer 
entered per field.                        VS plan does not authorize the             identification number (EIN) assigned to 
All data input will need to be entered    practitioner to amend on behalf of the     the plan sponsor/employer. This should 
in Courier 10 point font.                 adopting employer, and any other           be the same EIN that is used when the 
Alpha characters should be entered        discretionary amendments adopted           Form 5500 series Annual Return/Report 
in all capital letters.                   during the current six-year remedial       is filed for this plan.
Enter spaces between any words.           amendment cycle (RAC). The changes 
Spaces do count as characters.            to the pre-approved VS plan may be                  Do not use a social security 
                                          either incorporated into the                        number or the EIN of the trust.
All date fields are entered as an                                                    CAUTION!
                                          pre-approved document or separately 
eight-digit field (MM/DD/YYYY).                                                      The plan sponsor/employer must 
                                          attached as amendments to the plan. If 
                                          the changes are incorporated into the      have an EIN. A plan sponsor/employer 
What To File                              document, include a list describing the    without an EIN can apply for one.
All applications must contain an original changes. Do not submit any interim or      Online—Generally, a plan sponsor/ 
signature and be accompanied by the       other amendments to the plan that were     employer can receive an EIN over the 
following:                                adopted by the VS practitioner on behalf   Internet and use it immediately to file a 
1. A completed Form 5307.                 of the employer and considered by the      return. Go to the IRS website at 
2. Form 8717, User Fee for                IRS in issuing the advisory letter for the www.irs.gov/businesses/small and click 
Employee Plan Determination Letter        plan.                                      on Employer ID Numbers (EINs).
Request. If applicable, include the       Note. The IRS may, in any event,           By telephone - Call 1-800-829-4933.
check for the appropriate user fee.       request evidence of adoption of interim    By mail or fax - Send in a completed 
Submit a separate check for each          amendments during the course of its        Form SS-4, Application for Employer 
application. Make checks payable to the   review of a particular plan.               Identification Number, to apply for an 
“United States Treasury.”                 Note. Deviations from the language         EIN.
If the user fee is paid through           of the approved specimen plan will be      The plan of a group of entities 
IRS.gov, submit a copy of the payment     evaluated based on the extent and          required to be combined under section 
confirmation in lieu of Form 8717.        complexity of the changes. If the          414(b), (c), (m), or (o) whose sponsor is 
                                          changes are determined not to be           more than one of the entities required to 
                                          compatible with the VS program, the 


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be combined, should only enter the EIN     the adoption of an employer                 example Amendment 1, or PPA 
of one of the sponsoring members.          amendment to the plan to incorporate a      Amendment). An amendment may 
This EIN must be used in all               type of plan not allowable in the VS        consist of modifications made to several 
subsequent filings of DL requests, and     program or as of the date the IRS           plan provisions that are adopted on the 
annual returns/reports unless there is a   notifies the practitioner that the plan is  same date. Two or more amendments 
change of sponsor.                         an individually designed plan. See          with the same adoption date may be 
                                           section 15.03 of Rev. Proc. 2011-49.        grouped and listed on a single line of the 
Line 1i. Enter the two digits                                                          table. In this case, enter in column (ii) 
representing the month the plan            Line 3e. An identical adopter of a 
                                                                                       the effective date of the amendment 
sponsor/employer’s tax year ends.          pre-approved M&P or VS plan is an 
                                                                                       with the earliest effective date of any of 
                                           employer that made no changes to the 
                                                                                       the grouped amendments.
Note.  If you have a foreign address, do   pre-approved plan document other than 
not enter information in lines 1c - 1e.    to select among options provided under      Column (ii).   Enter the date the 
                                           the plan or certain changes described in    amendment is actually effective under 
Line 1j-m. If applicable, complete         section 19.03 of Rev. Proc. 2011-49,        the plan. For example, if an amendment 
these lines and follow the country’s       2011-44 I.R.B. 608 available at             is effective on the first day of the first 
practice for entering the name of the      www.irs.gov/irb/2011-44_IRB/ar08.html.      plan year beginning on or after January 
province, county, or state and the postal 
code.                                      Line 3f. If this answer is “No,” stop. You  1, 2014, and the plan year of the plan 
                                           cannot use Form 5307. If you are            ends on June 30, the date to be entered 
Line 2. The contact person will receive    seeking a determination letter, use Form    in column (ii) is 07/01/2014.
copies of all correspondence as            5300.                                       Column (iii).  If the amendment is in 
authorized on a Form 2848 or Form 
8821. Either complete the contact’s        Line 3g. Use the table in line 3g to list   proposed form enter “09/09/9999.”
information on this line, or check the box all the amendments to the plan that         Column (iv).   If the answer to 
and attach a completed Form 2848 or        have been adopted during the RAC of         question 3f is "yes", and the amendment 
Form 8821.                                 the plan in which the application is        contains both interim and discretionary 
                                           submitted (the “current cycle”), other      provisions, mark an "X" in subcolumn 
Note. If your person to contact has a      than amendments described in the            (a) and (b) of column (iv) in the table.
foreign address, do not enter              following paragraph.
information in lines 2c - 2e.                                                          Column (v).    For each individual 
                                           Do not list:                                amendment listed, did the pre-approved 
Lines 2h-k.  If a foreign contact, follow  1. Any amendment that was                   plan sponsor have the power to amend 
the country's practice for entering the    adopted during the current cycle as a       the plan on behalf of the adopting 
name of the province, country or state,    condition of a DL for the preceding cycle   employer? If yes, enter "X" in 
and the postal code.                       (but include a copy of the amendment        sub-column (a), if no, enter “X” in 
Line 3a. Enter the number that             with the application);                      sub-column (b).
corresponds to the request being made:     2. Any amendment to a                       Column (vi).   Note the due date of 
Enter 1 for Initial Qualification –        pre-approved plan that was adopted by       the employer's federal income tax 
New Plan.  For this purpose, a new         the sponsor or practitioner on behalf of    return, including extensions, if 
individually designed plan is a new plan   the employer and considered by the IRS      applicable, for the year in which the 
with an initial remedial amendment         in issuing an opinion or advisory letter    amendments were adopted. If the 
period within the meaning of               for the plan;                               relevant amendment is discretionary 
Regulations section 1.401(b)-1(d)(1).      3. Any amendment to a                       only, this field should be blank.
                                           pre-approved plan that is effective after 
Enter 2 for Initial Qualification –        the year of the CL that was considered      Line 3h.  Enter the number of 
Existing Plan.   If the IRS has not        by the IRS in issuing an opinion or         amendments listed in the table in 
issued a DL for the plan or the plan       advisory letter for the plan, regardless of line 3g.
sponsor previously did not rely on an      whether the amendment was adopted           Line 3i. Designate the specific tax 
opinion/advisory letter.                   by the sponsor or practitioner of the       return that the employer uses to file its 
Enter 3 for Request after Initial          pre-approved document or the                federal income tax return, for example, 
Qualification.   If the IRS has previously employer;                                   Form 1120, 1040, 1065 or Form 990 
issued a DL for this plan or the plan      4. Any interim amendment                    series (in the case of a tax-exempt 
sponsor previously relied on an opinion/   regarding a change not included on the      employer). If no federal income tax 
advisory letter.                           CL for which this determination is being    return is filed by the entity (such as a 
Line 3b. If the initial plan is a proposed requested.                                  governmental employer) enter type of 
                                                                                       entity (e.g. Govt). See section 5.06(2) of 
plan document, enter “09/09/9999.”         Note. If the plan does not have a DL for    Rev. Proc. 2007-44 for details.
Line 3c. A VS plan may, but is not         the preceding remedial amendment            Line 4a. This field is limited to 70 
required to, contain a provision that      cycle, the plan sponsor must include        characters, including spaces. Fill in the 
authorizes the VS practitioner to amend    with this application filing, copies of     plan name as it should appear on the 
the plan on behalf of employers who        interim and discretionary amendments        determination letter to the extent 
have previously adopted the plan. For      adopted for the preceding cycle. See        permitted. Keep in mind that 
purposes of reliance on the advisory       What to File. However, do not list these    “Employees” and “Trust” are not 
letter, the practitioner will no longer    amendments in the table in Line 3g.         necessary in the plan name and will be 
have the authority to amend the plan on                                                left off if space does not permit.
                                           Column (i).   Note each amendment 
behalf of the employer as of the date of 
                                           using an identifying number or name (for 


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Line 4b.  Enter the three-digit number,   a foreign entity;                           Line 13. Attach a statement that 
beginning with ‘‘001’’ and continuing in  a nonresident alien individual;             provides the following for the plans 
numerical order for each plan the         foreign corporation;                        involved:
employer adopts (001-499). This           foreign partnership;                        1. Name of plans,
numbering will differentiate the plans.   foreign trust;
                                                                                      2. Type of plan,
The number assigned to a plan must not    foreign estate; or
be changed or used for any other plan.    any other person that is not a United       3. Date of merger, consolidation, 
This should be the same number that is    States person.                              spinoff, or a transfer of plan assets or 
used when the Form 5500 series Annual     See Section 1473(5) and 7701(a)(30).        liabilities, and
Return/Report is filed.                                                               4. Verification that each plan 
                                          Line 6b.  If “Yes,” complete only 
Line 4c. Plan month means the month       applicable sections of this form.           involved was qualified at the time of the 
in which the plans year ends. Enter the   Governmental plans under section            merger, consolidation, spinoff, or a 
two-digit month (MM).                     414(d) are exempt from certain              transfer of plan assets or liabilities.
Line 4e. Enter the total number of        qualification requirements and are          Note. Verification includes a copy of 
participants. A “participant” is:         deemed to satisfy certain other             a prior DL, if any, interim and 
                                          qualification requirements under certain    discretionary amendments effective for 
1. Any employee participating in the      conditions. For example, the                the applicable submission period and 
plan, including employees under section   nondiscrimination, minimum                  the appropriate opinion or advisory 
401(k) qualified cash or deferred         participation rules, top heavy rules, and   letter and/or adoption agreement and 
arrangement who are eligible but do not   minimum funding standards do not            plan document. Otherwise, provide a 
make elective deferrals,                  apply to governmental plans. In             signed and dated copy of the most 
2. Retirees and other former              addition, such plans meet the vesting       recent restatement and any subsequent 
employees who have a nonforfeitable       rules if they meet the pre-ERISA vesting    amendments.
right to benefits under the plan, and     requirements.                               The plan and amendments submitted 
3. The beneficiaries of a deceased        Line 6c(2). Church plans described in       to verify the plan was qualified prior to 
employee who is receiving or will in the  section 414(e) that have not made the       the merger, consolidation, spinoff, or a 
future receive benefits under the plan.   election provided by section 410(d) are     transfer of plan assets or liabilities, are 
Include one beneficiary for each          not eligible to have a VS plan.             for information purposes only and will 
deceased employee regardless of the                                                   not be ruled on.
number of individuals receiving benefits. Line 6e. Fully-insured section 412(e)
For example, payment of a deceased        (3) plans, other than plans that by their   If applicable, file Form 5310-A, 
employee’s benefit to three children is   terms satisfy the safe harbor in            Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation, 
considered a payment to one               Regulations section 1.401(a)(4)-3(b)(5),    Spinoff, or Transfer of Plan Assets or 
beneficiary.                              are not eligible to have a VS plan.         Liabilities; Notice of Qualified Separate 
                                                                                      Lines of Business, 30 days prior to the 
                                          Line 7. Section 3001 of the Employee        merger, consolidation, or transfer of 
Lines 4f and 4g. See Notice 2002-1,       Retirement Income Security Act of 1974      assets or liabilities.
2002-1 C.B. 283, (as amplified by         requires the applicants subject to 
Notice 2003-49, 2003-32 I.R.B. 294 and    section 410 to provide evidence that        Line 15a. Attach a statement for each 
Notice 2011-86, 2011-45 I.R.B. 698), for  each employee who qualifies as an           plan, which includes the following 
further details, including how to         interested party has been notified of the   information:
determine compensation.                   filing of the application. If “Yes” is      1. Name of plan,
Line 6a(1).  If the employer is a         marked, it means that each employee         2. Type of plan,
member of a controlled group of           has been notified as required by 
corporations, trades or businesses        Regulations section 1.7476-1. If this is a  3. Form of plan (standardized, 
under common control, or an affiliated    one-person plan or if this plan is not      non-standardized, VS, or individually 
service group (ASG), all employees of     subject to section 410, a copy of the       designed),
the group will be treated as employed     notice is not required to be attached to    4. Plan number,
by a single employer for purposes of      this application. If “No” is marked or this 5. Vesting schedule,
certain qualification requirements.       line is blank, the application will be      6. Whether the plan has received a 
Attach a statement that provides the      returned.                                   DL or an application for a letter is 
following in detail:                      Rules defining “interested parties”         pending with IRS.
1. All members of the group,              and the form of notification are in 
2. The relationship of each member        Regulations section 1.7476-1.               Lines 15b and 15c.    See M-8, M-12, 
                                                                                      and M-14 of Regulations section 
to the plan sponsor,                      Line 8b.  See Rev. Proc. 2007-44 for 
3. The type(s) of plan(s) maintained      explanation of on-cycle filing for 
by each member, and                       pre-approved plans.                         Line 16. Section 411(d)(6) protected 
                                                                                      benefits include:
4. Plans common to all members.           Line 12. If “Yes”, attach a separate 
                                          statement providing the name, EIN and       The accrued benefit of a participant 
Line 6a(2).  Mark “Yes” if the plan       plan type of the other plan and a copy of   as of the later of the amendment’s 
sponsor is a foreign entity, a member of  pertinent plan provisions from the          adoption date or effective date;
an ASG, a controlled group of             related plan regarding the offset.          Any early retirement benefit, 
corporations, or a group of trades or                                                 retirement-type subsidy, or optional 
businesses under common control that                                                  form of benefit for benefits from service 
includes:                                                                             before such amendment.


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If the answer is “Yes,” explain on an     on “subscriptions” above the search box     to enforce Federal nontax criminal laws, 
attachment how the amendments             on IRS.gov and choose from a variety of     or to Federal law enforcement and 
satisfiy one of the exceptions to the     options.                                    intelligence agencies to combat 
prohibition on reductions or elimination                                              terrorism. You are not required to 
of section 411(d)(6) protected benefits.  By Phone and in Person                      provide the information requested on a 
                                          Call 1-800-TAX-FORM                         form that is subject to the Paperwork 
How To Get Forms and                      (1-800-829-3676) to order current-year      Reduction Act unless the form displays 
                                          forms, instructions and publications,       a valid OMB control number. Books or 
Publications                              and prior-year forms and instructions       records relating to a form or its 
Internet                                  (limited to 5 years). You should receive    instructions must be retained as long as 
You can access the IRS website 24         your order within 10 business days.         their contents may become material in 
hours a day, 7 days a week at             For questions regarding this form,          the administration of any Internal 
www.irs.gov to:                           call the Employee Plans Customer            Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and 
Download forms, instructions, and         Service, toll-free, at 1-877-829-5500.      return information are confidential, as 
publications, including accessible                                                    required by section 6103.
versions for people with disabilities.    Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduc-            The time needed to complete and file 
Order IRS products.                       tion Act Notice. We ask for the             this form will vary depending on 
Use the Interactive Tax Assistant         information on this form to carry out the   individual circumstances. The estimated 
(ITA) to research your tax questions. No  Internal Revenue laws of the United         average time is:
need to wait on the phone or stand in     States. Our legal right to ask for the 
line. The ITA is available 24 hours a     information on this form is Internal                                           Form 5307
day, 7 days a week, and provides you      Revenue Code sections 401(a), 501(a), 
with a variety of tax information related and 6109, and their regulations. You are    Recordkeeping            28 hr., 27 min.
to general filing topics, deductions,     not required to obtain approval of the      Learning about the       7 hr., 28 min.
credits, and income. When you reach       plan; however, if you apply for approval    law or the form
the response screen, you can print the    you are required to provide the             Preparing the form       13 hr., 51 min.
entire interview and the final response   information requested on this form. We      Copying,                 1 hr., 36 min.
for your records. New subject areas are   need it to determine whether you meet       assembling, and 
added on a regular basis.                 the legal requirements for plan approval.   sending the form 
Answers not provided through ITA          Failure to provide the requested            to the IRS
may be found in Tax Trails, one of the    information may delay or prevent 
Tax Topics on IRS.gov which contain       processing of your request. Providing       If you have comments concerning the 
general individual and business tax       false or fraudulent information may         accuracy of these time estimates or 
information or by searching the IRS Tax   subject you to penalties.                   suggestions for making this form 
Map, which includes an international      We may disclose this information to         simpler, we would be happy to hear 
subject index. You can use the IRS Tax    the Department of Justice for civil or      from you. You can send us comments 
Map, to search publications and           criminal litigation, and to cities, states, from www.irs.gov/formspubs. Click on 
instructions by topic or keyword. The     the District of Columbia, and U.S.          “More Information” and then on “Give us 
IRS Tax Map integrates forms and          commonwealths and possessions for           feedback.” Or you can also send your 
publications into one research tool and   use in administering their tax laws. We     comments to the Internal Revenue 
provides single-point access to tax law   may disclose this information to the        Service, Tax Forms and Publications 
information by subject. When the user     Department of Labor or the Pension          Division, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, 
searches the IRS Tax Map, they will be    Benefit Guarantee Agency for                IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.
provided with links to related content in administration of ERISA. This               Do not send any of these forms or 
existing IRS publications, forms and      information may be open to public           schedules to this address. Instead, see 
instructions, questions and answers,      inspection if the plan has over 25 plan     Where To File above.
and Tax Topics.                           participants. We may also disclose this 
Sign up to receive local and national     information to other countries under a 
tax news and more by email. Just click    tax treaty, to Federal and state agencies 


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