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                                                                                                        Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                        Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for

Form 5310-A

(Rev. December 2020)

Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation, Spinoff, or Transfer of Plan Assets or 
Liabilities; Notice of Qualified Separate Lines of Business

Section references are to the Internal Revenue the plan merger and plans that cease to      treated as the only notice filed for the 
Code unless otherwise noted.                   exist after the plan merger. In the case     2019 testing year (see Part III).
                                               of a plan spinoff, file Form 5310-A only 
Future Developments                            for the plan in existence before the         Example Three - Revocation
For the latest information about               spinoff.
developments related to Form 5310–A            Qualified separate lines of                The facts are the same as in Example 
and it’s instructions, such as legislation     business. The employer must file             Two. Assume that Employer A timely 
enacted after they were published, go to       notice that it elects to be treated as       filed a new notice for the 2019 testing 
www.IRS.gov/forms5310.                         operating QSLOBs or that it either           year. During 2020, Employer A elects 
                                               modifies or revokes a previously filed       not to treat itself as operating QSLOBs 
                                               notice. Only one notice per employer,        for the 2020 testing year. Employer A 
General Instructions                           within the meaning of sections 414(b),       must revoke the last notice it filed (that 
                                               (c), and (m) is required.                    is, the notice for the 2019 testing year). 
Purpose of Form                                                                             Employer A must revoke the notice filed 
Form 5310-A is used by employers to            Examples                                     for the 2019 testing year by filing Form 
give notice of:                                Example One - Initial Notice                 5310-A for the 2020 testing year and 
A plan merger or consolidation that is                                                    indicating on line 9 of the Form 5310-A 
the combining of two or more plans into        Employer A is composed of four               that it is revoking a previously filed 
a single plan.                                 separate corporations that are treated       notice and is no longer testing on a 
A plan spinoff that is the splitting of a    as one employer within the meaning of        QSLOB basis. If such notice is not filed 
single plan into two or more spinoff           section 414(b). Employer A treats each       on or before the notification date for the 
plans.                                         corporation as a separate line of            2020 testing year, the notice filed for the 
A plan transfer of plan assets or            business. The 2018 testing year is the       2019 testing year will be treated as the 
liabilities to another plan that is the        first year for which Employer A elects to    only notice filed for the 2020 testing 
splitting off of a portion of the assets or    be treated as operating QSLOBs for the       year (see Part III).
liabilities of the transferor plan and the     purpose of section 410(b) (see When 
concurrent acquisition or assumption of        To File for a definition of “testing year”). Exceptions From Filing 
these split-off assets or liabilities by the   Employer A must file Form 5310-A and 
transferee plan.                               provide information on each of the four      Notice of Plan Merger or 
Qualified separate lines of business         QSLOBs on or before the notification         Consolidation, Spinoff, or 
(QSLOBs).                                      date for the 2018 testing year (see          Transfer of Plan Assets or 
                                               When To File for a definition of 
Note.  An IRS determination letter will        “notification date”). If the notice is not   Liabilities
not be issued when a Form 5310-A is            timely filed, Employer A is not treated as   Direct rollover.  Do not file Form 
filed.                                         operating QSLOBs for purposes of the         5310-A for an eligible rollover 
                                               coverage rules for the 2018 testing year     distribution that is paid directly to an 
Who Must File                                  (see Part III ).                             eligible retirement plan in a direct 
Pension plan, profit-sharing plan,                                                        rollover as described in section 401(a)
or other deferred compensation                 Example Two - Modification                   (31).
plan. Any sponsor or plan administrator        The facts are the same as in Example         Plan merger or consolidation or 
of a pension, profit-sharing, or other         One. During the 2019 testing year,           spinoff.    Do not file Form 5310-A if the 
deferred compensation plan (except a           Employer A sold QSLOB four. Also,            plan merger or consolidation or the 
multi-employer plan covered by Public          assume that Employer A timely filed          spinoff complies with Regulations 
Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)            Form 5310-A for the 2018 testing year.       section 1.414(l)-1(d), (h), (m), or (n)(2).
insurance) should file this form for a         For the 2019 testing year, Employer A        Generally, these requirements will be 
plan merger or consolidation, a spinoff,       intends to treat QSLOBs one and two as       satisfied in the following four situations:
or a transfer of plan assets or liabilities    a single QSLOB. Employer A must              1. Two or more defined contribution 
to another plan. See section 6058(b).          modify its initial notice by filing Form     plans are merged and all of the 
                                               5310-A on or before the notification date    following conditions are met:
Note.  This form must be filed for each        for the 2019 testing year, including a 
plan with a separate employer                  revised list of QSLOBs for line 11 of the    a. The sum of the account balances 
identification and plan number if that         form. If Employer A does not timely          in each plan prior to the merger 
plan is involved in a merger or transfer       provide a new notice, the initial notice     (including unallocated forfeitures, an 
of plan assets or liabilities. This includes   filed for the 2018 testing year will be      unallocated suspense account for 
plans that were not in existence before                                                     excess annual additions, and an 

Oct 19, 2020                                                Cat. No. 12899J

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unallocated suspense account for an         on Form 5310-A. Enter the date of the       spinoff occurring during the current plan 
ESOP) equals the fair market value of       second merger on line 6g.                   year.
the entire plan assets.                     Also, mergers occurring in previous           Aggregating spinoffs may cause a 
Example. Neither plan has an                plan years are taken into account in        spinoff, for which a Form 5310-A was 
outstanding section 412(d) waiver           determining the percentage of assets        not initially required to be filed, to 
balance.                                    above if the series of mergers is, in       become reportable as a result of a 
b. The assets of each plan are              substance, one transaction with the         subsequent spinoff. In this case, report 
combined to form the assets of the plan     merger occurring during the current plan    the spinoff(s) on the Form 5310-A filed 
as merged.                                  year.                                       for the subsequent spinoff. Enter the 
c. Immediately after the merger,            Aggregating mergers may cause a             date of the subsequent spinoff on 
each participant in the plan has an         merger, for which a Form 5310-A was         line 6g.
account balance equal to the sum of the     not initially required to be filed, to 
                                                                                        Transfer of Plan Assets or Liabilities. 
account balances the participant had in     become reportable as a result of a 
                                                                                        A transfer of plan assets or liabilities is 
the plans immediately prior to the          subsequent merger. In this case, the 
                                                                                        considered a combination of separate 
merger.                                     merger(s) must be reported on the Form 
                                                                                        plan spinoffs and mergers.
2. There is a spinoff of a defined          5310-A filed for the subsequent merger.
contribution plan and all of the following  b. The provisions of the larger plan          Do not file Form 5310-A for:
conditions are met:                         that allocate assets at the time of         The transferor plan in a transfer 
a. The sum of the account balances          termination must provide that, in the       transaction if the assets transferred 
in the plan prior to the spinoff equals the event of a spinoff or termination of the    satisfy the spinoff conditions in 2 or 4 
fair market value of the entire plan        plan within 5 years following the merger,   above.
assets.                                     plan assets will be allocated first for the The transferee plan in a transfer 
Example. The plan does not have an          benefit of the participants in the other    transaction if the plan liabilities 
outstanding section 412(d) waiver           plan(s) to the extent of their benefits on  transferred satisfy the merger conditions 
balance.                                    a termination basis just prior to the       in 1 or 3 above.
b. The sum of the account balances 
for each of the participants in the         4. There is a spinoff of a defined          Note. In some situations, the transferor 
resulting plan(s) equals the account        benefit plan into two or more defined       plan may have to file Form 5310-A but 
balances of the participants in the plan    benefit plans and both of the following     not the transferee plan, or the transferee 
before the spinoff.                         conditions are met:                         plan may have to file but not the 
c. The assets in each of the plans          a. For each plan that results from          transferor plan.
immediately after the spinoff equal the     the spinoff, other than the spunoff plan 
sum of the account balances for all         with the greatest value of plan assets      Examples
participants in that plan.                  after the spinoff, the value of the assets  Transfer of Plan Assets or 
Example. The plan does not have             spun off is not less than the present       Liabilities
unallocated accounts.                       value of the benefits spun off (whether 
                                            or not vested).                             Plans A, B, and C are separate plans 
3. Two or more defined benefit                                                          within the meaning of section 414(l). A 
plans are merged into one defined           b. The value of the assets spun off 
                                                                                        portion of the assets and liabilities of 
benefit plan and both of the following      to all the resulting spunoff plans (other 
                                                                                        both Plan B and Plan C will be 
conditions are met:                         than the spunoff plan with the greatest 
                                                                                        transferred to Plan A. None of the plans 
                                            value of plan assets after the spinoff) 
                                                                                        are excluded from filing under the 
a. The total liabilities (the present       plus other assets previously spun off 
                                                                                        exceptions from filing listed above. In 
value of benefits whether or not vested)    (including transfers to another plan) 
                                                                                        this situation all 3 plans must:
that are merged into the larger plan        during the plan year in which the spinoff 
involved in the merger are less than 3%     occurs is less than 3% of the assets of     File a completed Form 5310-A.
of the assets of the larger plan. This      the plan before the spinoff as of at least  Enter code 4 (notice of a transfer of 
                                                                                        plan assets or liabilities) as the reason 
condition must be satisfied on at least 1   1 day in that plan's plan year.
                                                                                        for filing.
day in the larger plan's plan year during   Example. Assume that a spinoff 
which the merger occurs. All previous       involving almost 3% of the assets of the    Complete all parts of Part I and II of 
                                                                                        the form.
mergers (including transfers from           plan occurs in the first month of the plan 
                                                                                        For Plan A, line 6 of the form will show 
another plan) occurring in the same plan    year. In the fourth month of the plan 
                                                                                        information regarding Plan B and an 
year are taken into account in              year a second spinoff occurs involving 
                                                                                        attached statement with the line 6 
determining the percentage of assets        liabilities equal to 2% of the assets of 
                                                                                        information for Plan C. Plan B and Plan 
described above.                            the plan. The total of both spinoffs 
                                                                                        C will each enter the information 
Example. Assume that a merger               exceeds 3% of the plan assets. As a 
                                                                                        regarding Plan A on line 6.
involving almost 3% of the assets of the    result of the second spinoff, Form 
larger plan occurs in the first month of    5310-A must be filed to report both 
the larger plan's plan year. In the fourth  spinoffs. Enter the date of the second      Plan Merger
month of the larger plan's plan year, a     spinoff on line 6g.                         Plans A, B, and C are separate plans 
second merger occurs involving 
liabilities equal to 2% of the assets of    Spinoffs occurring in previous or           within the meaning of section 414(l). 
the larger plan. The total of both          subsequent plan years are taken into        Plans A, B, and C are being merged. 
mergers exceeds 3% of the assets of         account in determining the percentage       Assets and liabilities from each plan will 
the larger plan. As a result of the second  of assets spun off if such spinoffs are, in be merged into Plan D, a new plan that 
merger, both mergers must be reported       substance, one transaction with the         was established for the purpose of 
                                                                                        effecting the merger. None of the plans 


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are excluded from filing under the             Internal Revenue Service                 How To Complete the 
exceptions from filing above.                  7940 Kentucky Drive
                                               Florence, KY 41042                       Notice
  In this situation, four separate Forms                                                Form 5310-A is screened for 
5310-A must be filed. Because Plan D is                                                 completeness. Incomplete notices will 
receiving assets from Plans A, B, and C,     Private delivery services. In addition     be returned. Here are some tips to help 
Plan D must file a complete Form             to the United States mail, you can use     you complete the form correctly.
5310-A, enter code 2 (notice of a plan       certain private delivery services 
merger) as the reason for filing, and        designated by the IRS to meet the          1. The notice has formatted fields 
complete all of Parts I and II of the form.  “timely mailing as timely filing/paying”   that will limit the number of characters 
Line 6 of the form will show information     rule for tax returns and payments.         entered per field.
regarding Plan A and an attached             These private delivery services include    2. All data input will need to be 
statement with the line 6 information for    only the following.                        entered in Courier size 10 font.
Plans B and C. Plans A, B, and C are         DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day          3. Alpha characters should be 
merging with Plan D. Plans A, B, and C       Service.                                   entered in all capital letters.
will each file a separate Form 5310-A        Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx           4. Enter spaces between any 
completed as follows: Enter code 2 as        Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard         words. Spaces will count as a character.
the reason for filing, complete all of       Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx 
Parts I and II, and enter the information    International Priority, and FedEx          5. All data fields are entered as an 8 
regarding Plan D on line 6.                  International First.                       digit field in MMDDYYYY format.
                                             United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS         6. If a number is requested, a 
                                             Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver,      number must be entered.
When To File                                 UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air           7. For questions regarding this form, 
File Form 5310-A at least 30 days          A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus,          call the Employee Plans Customer 
prior to a plan merger or consolidation,     and UPS Worldwide Express.                 Service at 1-877-829-5500.
spinoff, or transfer of plan assets or 
liabilities to another plan.                   The private delivery service can tell 
If you are filing Form 5310-A to notify    you how to get written proof of the        The IRS may, at its discretion, 
the IRS that the employer treats itself as   mailing date.                              require additional information or the 
                                                                                        submission of a Form 5300, Application 
operating QSLOBs or the employer is                                                     for Determination for Employee Benefit 
modifying or revoking a previously filed     Signature                                  Plan, when it is deemed necessary.
notice, file Form 5310-A on or before the            Stamped signatures are not 
notification date for the testing year. The    !     acceptable; see Rev. Proc.         Specific Instructions
“notification date” for a testing year is    CAUTION 2020-4, which is on page 251 of 
the later of: (a) October 15 of the year     Internal Revenue Bulletin 2020-1 at        Line 1 — Reason for filing.      Enter the 
following the testing year, or (b) the 15th  www.irs.gov/pub/irs-irbs/irb20-01.pdf.     appropriate code that describes the 
day of the 10th month after the close of                                                reason you are filing Form 5310-A.
the plan year of the plan of the employer      In general, the employer or plan 
that begins earliest in the testing year.    administrator must sign the form. For      Enter   for a notice of qualified 1
“Testing year” means the calendar year.      single employer plans the plan             separate lines of business.
                                             administrator and the employer are         Enter   for a notice of a plan merger 2
Penalties                                    generally the same person. When the        or consolidation.
                                             plan administrator is a joint employer —
There is a penalty for the late filing of a                                             Enter   for a notice of a plan spinoff.3
                                             union board or committee — at least 
Form 5310-A to report a plan merger or                                                  Enter   for a notice of a transfer of 4
                                             one employer representative and one 
consolidation, spinoff, or transfer of plan                                             plan assets or liabilities to another plan.
                                             union representative must sign. A Form 
assets or liabilities. The penalty is $250 
                                             5310-A filed with the IRS by a 
a day for each day the Form 5310-A is                                                   Part I — All Filers Must 
                                             representative on behalf of an employer 
late (up to a maximum of $150,000). 
                                             or plan administrator must be 
The form is late if it is not filed at least                                            Complete Part I
                                             accompanied by:
30 days before the plan merger or                                                       Lines 2a and 2b.  Enter the name and 
consolidation, spinoff, or transfer of plan    1. A power of attorney specifically      address of the employer or plan 
assets or liabilities.                       authorizing such representation in this    sponsor. A plan sponsor means:
                                             matter (you may use Form 2848, Power 
                                                                                        1. In the case of a plan that covers 
Where To File                                of Attorney and Declaration of 
                                                                                        the employees of one employer, the 
File Form 5310-A at the address              Representative), or
indicated below:                               2. A written declaration that the 
                                                                                        2. In the case of a plan sponsored 
                                             representative is a currently qualified 
                                                                                        by two or more entities required to be 
  Internal Revenue Service                   attorney, certified public accountant, 
                                                                                        aggregated under sections 414(b), (c), 
  TE/GE Stop 31A Team 105                    enrolled actuary, or is currently enrolled 
                                                                                        or (m), one of the members participating 
  P.O. Box 12192                             to practice before the IRS (include either 
                                                                                        in the plan; or
  Covington, KY 41012-0192                   the enrollment number or the expiration 
                                             date of the enrollment card) and is        3. In the case of a plan that covers 
  Requests shipped by Express Mail or        authorized to represent the employer or    the employees and/or partners of a 
a delivery service should be sent to:        plan administrator.                        partnership, the partnership.
                                                                                        The name of the plan sponsor/
                                                                                        employer should be the same name that 
                                                                                        was or will be used when the Form 


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5500, Annual Return/Report of               Part II—Plan Merger,                        addition, Plans A, B, and C must each 
Employee Benefit Plan, series returns/                                                  file a separate Form 5310-A (see the 
reports are filed for the plan.             Consolidation, Spinoff, or                  example of a plan merger).
Address. Include the suite, room, or                                                    Line 6h. Enter the code that describes 
other unit number after the street          Line 4a. Enter the name you                 the other plan.
address. If the Post Office does not        designated for your plan. Due to space      Enter   for a defined benefit plan.1
deliver mail to the street address and      restrictions, this field is limited to 70 
the plan has a P.O. box, show the box       characters, including spaces. Due to        Enter   for a profit-sharing plan.2
number instead of the street address.       this restriction, “Employee” and “Trust”    Enter   for a profit-sharing/401(k) 3
This address should be the address of       are not necessary in the plan name.         plan.
the sponsor/employer.                       Line 4b. Enter the 3-digit number,          Enter   for a stock bonus plan.4
Line 2g. Enter the 9-digit employer         beginning with “001” and continuing in      Enter   for an ESOP plan.5
identification number (EIN) assigned to     numerical order for each plan you adopt     Enter   for a money purchase plan.6
the plan sponsor/employer. This should      (001–499). The number assigned to a 
be the same EIN that was or will be         plan must not be changed or used for        Enter   for a target benefit plan.7
used when the Form 5500 series annual       any other plan. This should be the same 
returns/reports are filed for the plan. For number that was or will be used when        Part III—Qualified 
a multiple employer plan, the EIN           the Form 5500 series returns/reports        Separate Lines of 
should be the same EIN that was or will     are filed for the plan.                     Business
be used when Form 5500 is filed.            Lines 5a.  Attach an actuarial statement    Rev. Proc. 93-40, 1993-2 C.B. 535, 
        Do not use a social security        of valuation showing compliance with        contains procedures relating to the 
                                            section 414(l). The statement must (1)      notification requirements of section 
  !     number or the EIN of the trust.
CAUTION                                     identify the type of transaction involved   414(r)(2)(B).
  The plan sponsor/employer must            (for example, merger or consolidation, 
                                                                                        Notice given by an employer applies 
have an EIN. A plan sponsor/employer        spinoff, or transfer of plan assets or 
                                                                                        to all plans maintained by the employer 
without an EIN can apply for one.           liabilities), and (2) provide information 
                                                                                        for plan years beginning in the testing 
Online—Generally, a plan sponsor/         verifying compliance with the 
                                                                                        year. Once the notification date (see 
employer can receive an EIN by Internet     requirements of sections 401(a)(12) and 
                                                                                        When To File) for a testing year has 
and use it immediately to file a return.    414(l). This statement need not be 
                                                                                        passed, the employer is deemed to 
Go to the IRS website at www.irs.gov/       signed by an actuary.
                                                                                        have irrevocably elected to apply the 
businesses/small and click on Employer      Line 5b. Enter the code that describes      specified section(s) on the basis of 
ID Numbers.                                 your plan.                                  QSLOBs for all plan years beginning in 
By telephone—Call 1-800-829-4933.         Enter   for a profit-sharing plan.1         the testing year.
By mail or fax—Send in a completed 
Form SS-4, Application for Employer         Enter   for a stock bonus plan.2            In addition, after the notification date, 
Identification Number, to apply for an      Enter   for a money purchase plan.3         notice cannot be modified, withdrawn, 
                                                                                        or revoked, and will be treated as 
EIN.                                        Enter   for a target benefit plan.4
                                                                                        applying to subsequent testing years 
Note. Form SS-4 can be obtained at          Enter   for a profit-sharing/401(k) 5       unless the employer takes timely action 
Social Security Administration (SSA)        plan.                                       to provide new notice (see examples 
offices or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.       Enter   for an ESOP plan.6                  under Who Must File). Timely action will 
  For the plan of a group of entities       Enter   for other and specify the type 7    be deemed to have been taken any time 
required to be combined under sections      of plan.                                    prior to the notification date for any 
                                                                                        subsequent testing year.
414(b), (c), or (m), whose sponsor is       Line 6a. Enter the total number of 
more than one of the entities required to   plans, other than the plan named on         Line 7a. If you previously filed a notice 
be combined, enter the EIN of only one      line 4a, involved in this transaction.      of QSLOB for a testing year, enter the 
of the sponsoring members. This EIN                                                     first testing year for which such notice 
must be used in all subsequent filings of   Lines 6c through 6h.    Complete lines      applied on line 7b. Enter the date the 
determination letter requests, and for      6c through 6h for the other plan(s)         notice was filed on line 7c.
filing annual returns/reports unless there  involved in the merger or consolidation, 
is a change of sponsor.                     spinoff, or transfer of plan assets or      Line 8. Enter the first testing year for 
                                            liabilities with the plan named on line 4a. which this notice applies. See When To 
Line 3. The contact person will receive     If there is more than one other plan,       File for the definition of “testing year.”
copies of all correspondence as             attach a separate statement showing         Line 9. Indicate whether you are filing 
authorized in a Form 2848, or Tax           the information requested for lines 6c      this form to give notice that you are no 
Information Authorization, Form 8821.       through 6h.                                 longer testing on a QSLOB basis. If your 
Either complete the contact's 
information on this line, or check the box  Example:   Plans A, B, and C are            answer to line 9 is “Yes,” complete 
and attach a completed Form 2848 or         merging with Plan D. Plan D would           line 10 and skip lines 11 and 12. Answer 
Form 8821.                                  complete a Form 5310-A, reporting           line 10 based on the previously filed 
                                            information about itself on line 4. Plan D  notice that you are now revoking. If your 
                                            would then complete the line 6              answer to line 9 is “No,” complete lines 
                                            information for Plan A and attach two       10 through 12. See Who Must File for 
                                            statements showing the line 6               an example of a revocation.
                                            information for Plans B and C. In 


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Line 10.  Section 414(r) provides rules      business or industry in which the           Line 12d. Enter the appropriate date of 
for determining whether an employer          QSLOB is involved, the business unit        any pending letter request. If this 
operates QSLOBs for purposes of              (such as corporation, partnership, or       question is not applicable, leave blank.
applying sections 410(b) (relating to        division) the qualified line of business 
minimum coverage), 401(a)(26)                comprises, and the name (formal or          Line 12e. List on this line the QSLOBs 
(relating to minimum participation rules),   informal) of the QSLOB.                     identified on line 11 that have 
                                                                                         employees benefiting under the plan. If 
and 129(d)(8) (relating to dependent         Line 12. Enter the information              you need additional space to list the 
care assistance programs). If you are        requested on lines 12a through 12e. If      QSLOBs, use the area below line 12e.
treated as operating QSLOBs under            there is more than one plan, attach a 
section 414(r), you will be permitted to     separate statement showing the              How To Get Forms
apply the aforementioned Code                information requested on lines 12a 
provisions separately for the employees      through 12e for each plan.                  and Publications
in each QSLOB. Check the appropriate                                                     Getting tax forms, instructions, and 
box(es) for the section(s) you are testing   Line 12b. Enter the date of the 
on a QSLOB basis. See instructions for       determination letter, if any. Otherwise,    publications. Visit IRS.gov/Forms to 
line 9 to determine how to answer this       leave blank.                                download current and prior-year forms, 
                                                                                         instructions, and publications. Ordering 
question if you answered "Yes" to line 9.    Line 12c. If the plan is a master or        tax forms, Instructions, and 
Line 11.  Attach a list identifying the part prototype or volume submitter plan,         publications. Go to IRS.gov/Forms to 
or parts of the employer that make up        enter the date of the letter and the serial order forms, instructions, and 
each QSLOB of the employer. The list         number or the advisory letter number,       publications.
should include, for example, the type of     as applicable.

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.            We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue 
laws of the United States. Our legal right to ask for this information is in sections 401, 403, 410, 411, 412, and 414 and their 
regulations. Section 6109 requires you to provide your identifying number. This form must be filed for any plan with a separate 
employer identification and plan number if that plan is involved in a merger or transfer of plan assets or liabilities. Failure to 
provide all of the information requested may prevent processing of this form. In addition, failing to file this form timely and in 
accordance with its instructions, or providing false information, may subject you to penalties. Routine uses of this information 
include giving it to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, states, the District of Columbia, and 
U.S. commonwealths and possessions for administering their tax laws. We may also disclose this information to federal and 
state agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies to combat 
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless 
the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long 
as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return 
information are confidential, as required by section 6103.
The time needed to complete and file the form is listed below and will vary depending on individual circumstances. The 
estimated average time is:

                                         Recordkeeping               Learning about the               Preparing, copying, 
                                                                        law or the form  assembling, and sending the 
                                                                                                       form to the IRS
Part I                                       2 hr., 9 min.              1 hr., 3 min.                  2 hr., 20 min.
Part II                                      3 hr., 21 min.                  35 min.                    40 min.
Part III                                     4 hr., 32 min.                  35 min.                    42 min.

If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we 
would be happy to hear from you. You can write to Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, 
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.
Do not send the form to this address. Instead, please see Where To File.


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