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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Schedule C
(Form 1116)
(December 2021)
Foreign Tax Redeterminations
Section references are to the Internal Revenue income tax return for the tax year in which assessed an additional $1 million of taxes
Code unless otherwise noted. the foreign tax redetermination occurs. with respect to the foreign tax year that
This schedule must be submitted ended within U.S. tax year 1. The relation
Future Developments irrespective of whether the foreign tax back year is U.S. tax year 1.
redetermination changed your U.S. tax
Affected tax year. Affected tax year
For the latest information about liability.
developments related to Schedule C means any tax year for which the U.S. tax
(Form 1116) and its instructions, such as Note. If your U.S. tax liability for any year liability is changed as a result of a foreign
legislation enacted after they were changes by reason of the foreign tax tax redetermination. This includes tax
published, go to IRS.gov/Form1116. redetermination, you must file an years in which the U.S. tax liability is
amended return for the tax year with changed as a result of a change in a
respect to which the U.S. tax liability is carryover of a tax attribute, such as a
General Instructions adjusted, in addition to filing Schedule C foreign tax credit carryover or a net
for the year in which the foreign tax operating loss carryover, from a relation
Purpose of Schedule redetermination occurs. See Foreign Tax back year.
Schedule C (Form 1116) is used to Redeterminations in the Instructions for
Functional currency. Functional
identify current year foreign tax Form 1116 for additional information
currency means the dollar, or in the case
redeterminations in each separate regarding foreign tax redeterminations that
of a qualified business unit (QBU), the
category, the years to which they relate, result in a change in U.S. tax liability and
currency of the economic environment in
and other information that satisfies your the related reporting requirements.
which a significant part of such unit’s
obligation to notify the IRS of foreign tax If a foreign tax redetermination doesn’t activities are conducted and which is used
redeterminations that occurred in the change the amount of U.S. tax due for any by such unit in keeping its books and
current year that relate to prior years. tax year, you don’t need to file an records. See section 985(b).
Use Part I to report foreign tax amended return. You satisfy your
redeterminations that resulted in an reporting requirements under Regulations
increase in the amount of foreign taxes section 1.905-4(b)(1)(v) with respect to Specific Instructions
accrued and paid by the taxpayer. the foreign tax redetermination by filing a Important: All information reported on
Schedule C with the return for the tax year Schedule C must be in English. All
Note. If you claim credit for foreign taxes in which the foreign tax redetermination amounts must be stated in U.S. dollars,
on the cash basis method of accounting occurs. unless otherwise specified on the
(you checked the box for “Paid” on Form
1116, Part II), and you pay additional schedule.
foreign income taxes that relate to a prior Definitions
If there are more than three payor entities
tax year, that isn’t a foreign tax Foreign tax redetermination. A foreign for a relation back year, attach a statement
redetermination. You don’t report those tax redetermination means a change in that lists all information requested on
additional foreign taxes paid in Part I of the liability for foreign income taxes Schedule C for those payor entities
Schedule C. You report those as foreign including if: following the format of Schedule C. If there
taxes paid on Form 1116, Part II, filed for • Accrued foreign taxes when paid or are more than 2 relation back years, or
the tax year in which you paid the later adjusted differ from the amounts there are other affected years in addition
additional foreign taxes. claimed as credits (including corrections to the relation back years (Part IV), attach
Use Part II to report foreign tax to accrued amounts to reflect final foreign a statement that lists all information
redeterminations that resulted in a tax liability and additional payments of tax requested on Schedule C for those years
decrease in the amount of foreign taxes that accrue after the close of the tax year following the format of Schedule C.
paid or accrued by the taxpayer. to which the tax relates); Checkboxes at top of page 1. Use a
Use Part III to report foreign tax • Accrued foreign taxes aren’t paid separate Schedule C for each applicable
redeterminations that resulted in a change within 24 months after the close of the tax category of income and check the
in the amount of foreign taxes paid or year to which they relate; or corresponding box. Check only one box
accrued in any relation back year. • Any foreign tax paid is fully or partially for each completed Schedule C.
Use Part IV to report foreign tax refunded. See Categories of Income in the
redeterminations that resulted in a change Relation back year. Relation back year Instructions for Form 1116 for additional
in the U.S. tax liability for any relation back means the U.S. tax year in which the information regarding separate categories.
year or other affected tax year (for foreign taxes being redetermined were For country codes on lines (h) and (i), see
example, by reason of a change in originally taken into account. IRS.gov/CountryCodes for the code to
allowable foreign tax credit carryovers). use.
Example. In U.S. tax year 1, you took
Who Must File into account $2 million of Country X Parts I, II, III, and IV, column 1. In this
Any taxpayer that has a foreign tax foreign income taxes accrued with respect column, enter the ending date of the
redetermination under section 905(c) must to the foreign tax year that ended within relation back year or affected year (Part
complete this schedule and attach it to the U.S. tax year 1. In year 3, Country X IV).
Jan 18, 2022 Cat. No. 37575M