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                                                                                             Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Schedule PH                                                                 Internal Revenue Service

(Form 1120)
(Rev. November 2015)
U.S. Personal Holding Company (PHC) Tax

Section references are to the Internal   For purposes of this requirement,           below to complete Schedule PH and 
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.     the following organizations are             the Worksheet, later.
                                         considered individuals.                     1. Complete Part I. Then, 
Future Developments                      A qualified pension, profit-sharing,        complete lines 1 through 5 of the 
For the latest information about         or stock bonus plan described in            Worksheet.
developments related to Schedule PH      section 401(a).
                                                                                     2. Complete Part II and then line 6 
(Form 1120) and its instructions, such   A trust described in section 501(c)         of the Worksheet.
as legislation enacted after they were   (17) that provides for the payment of 
published, go to www.irs.gov/            supplemental unemployment                   3. Generally, if line 6 of the 
form1120.                                compensation under certain                  Worksheet is 60% or more and the 
                                         conditions.                                 stock ownership requirement (Part IV) 
                                         A private foundation described in           is met, the corporation must file 
What's New                               section 509(a).                             Schedule PH and pay the PHC tax. 
For tax years ending after December      A part of a trust permanently set           However, see Exceptions above.
18, 2014, dividends received by a        aside or exclusively used for the           4. If the corporation determines 
U.S. shareholder from a controlled       purpose described in section 642(c).        that it must file Schedule PH and pay 
                                                                                     the PHC tax, it must complete Part III, 
foreign corporation are excluded from    Exceptions. The term “personal              line 26, to figure the amount of the 
the definition personal holding          holding company” does not include           PHC tax.
company income. See the instructions     the following corporations, even if the 
for line 14b.                            two requirements above are met.             Part I. Undistributed 
                                         Tax-exempt corporations.                    Personal Holding 
General Instructions                     Banks, domestic building and loan 
                                                                                     Company Income
                                         associations, and certain lending or 
Purpose of Schedule                      finance companies.                          Additions
Use Schedule PH to figure the            Life insurance and surety 
                                                                                     Line 1. Taxable income before net 
personal holding company (PHC) tax.      companies.
                                                                                     operating loss deduction and spe-
                                         Certain small business investment 
                                                                                     cial deductions. Enter the amount 
Who Must File                            companies operating under the Small 
                                                                                     from Form 1120, line 28. If the income 
A corporation that is a PHC must file    Business Investment Act of 1958.
                                                                                     on line 28 was figured using section 
Schedule PH by attaching it to its       Corporations under the jurisdiction         443(b) (placing the income on an 
income tax return.                       of the court in a title 11 or similar case. annual basis), refigure it without using 
                                         Foreign corporations.                       that section.
Personal Holding 
                                         At-risk, passive activities, and            Line 3. Excess expenses and de-
Company                                  earnings stripping rules. A                 preciation.  If the corporation earned 
Generally, a corporation is a PHC if it  corporation that has an activity            rent or other compensation for the use 
meets both of the following              subject to the at-risk or passive           of, or right to use, property and that 
requirements.                            activity rules or interest expense          rent or compensation was less than 
1.  PHC income test. At least 60%        subject to the earnings stripping rules     the total allowable expenses and 
of the corporation's adjusted ordinary   (or both) may have deductions and           depreciation, complete Part V in most 
gross income for the tax year is PHC     losses suspended or limited under           cases and enter the excess on line 3. 
income. See the instructions for Part II these rules. As a result, do not use        However, if the corporation can 
and the Worksheet for Figuring           deductions and losses limited or            establish that it meets all three of the 
Ordinary Gross Income, Adjusted          suspended in any of the PHC                 requirements listed below, it can 
Ordinary Gross Income, and the PHC       computations. Treat any prior year          attach a statement instead of 
Income Test (Worksheet), later. Also,    deductions and losses allowed under         completing Part V. The statement 
see Specific Instructions below.         the at-risk, passive activity, and          must include:
2.  Stock ownership                      earnings stripping rules as current         A list of the deductions, with the 
requirement. At any time during the      year deductions and losses.                 complete facts, circumstances, and 
last half of the tax year, more than                                                 arguments supporting them, and
50% in value of the corporation's        Specific Instructions                       The information required by 
outstanding stock is directly or                                                     Regulations section 1.545-2(h)(2).
indirectly owned by five or fewer        Important: To determine if a 
individuals.                             corporation is a PHC, follow the steps 

Nov 02, 2015                                       Cat. No. 10826K

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To qualify, the corporation must         special dividends-received                a. Any securities or money market 
establish that:                          deductions for corporations.              instruments held as property 
                                                                                   described in section 1221(a)(1),
The rent or other compensation it        Line 10. Total.  Include in the total for 
received was the highest obtainable      line 10 any deduction for amounts         b. Margin accounts, or
(if none was received, it must show      used or irrevocably set aside to pay or   c. Any financing for a customer 
that none was obtainable),               retire qualified indebtedness under       secured by securities or money 
The property was held in the course      section 545(c) (as in effect before       market instruments.
of a business carried on for profit, and November 5, 1990). See Regulations        4. Interest from line 4d of the 
There was a reasonable                   section 1.545-3. Enter the amount and     Worksheet.
expectation that the property's          “Section 545(c)” on the dotted line 
operation would result in a profit, or   next to line 10.                          See sections 543(a)(1) and 543(b)
that the property was necessary to                                                 (2)(C) for more information.
conduct the business.                    Line 12. Dividends paid after the 
                                         end of the tax year. The corporation      Line 18. Rents. Rents can be 
Deductions                               can elect to treat dividends (other than  excluded from PHC income if both of 
Line 5. Federal and foreign in-          deficiency dividends) paid after the      the following tests are met.
come, war profits, and excess            end of the year and before the 16th       Test 1. The adjusted income from 
profits taxes not deducted in figur-     day of the 3rd month following the end    rents (line 18c) is at least 50% of 
ing line 1. The corporation can          of the tax year as paid during the tax    adjusted ordinary gross income.
deduct:                                  year. Enter these dividends on line 12 
Federal income taxes accrued             but not in Part VI.                       Test 2. The sum of taxable 
during the tax year, and                                                           distributions (Part VI, line 3) and the 
Income, war profits, and excess          Part II. Personal Holding                 deduction for dividends paid after the 
profits taxes accrued (or deemed         Company Income                            end of the tax year (Part I, line 12) is at 
                                                                                   least equal to:
paid) during the tax year to foreign 
countries and U.S. possessions.*         Note. The term “ordinary gross            1. The excess, if any, of PHC 
                                         income” (used below) means line 3 of      income, over
The corporation cannot deduct:           the Worksheet. The term “adjusted         2. 10% of ordinary gross income.
The accumulated earnings tax             ordinary gross income” means line 5 
under section 531, or                    of the Worksheet.                         For this purpose, PHC income 
The PHC tax under section 541.                                                     includes copyright royalties and 
*The foreign tax credit is not           A corporation may be subject to the       adjusted income from mineral, oil, and 
allowed against PHC tax. But, as         PHC tax if at least 60% of its adjusted   gas royalties, but does not include the 
described above, the corporation can     ordinary gross income for the tax year    amounts from lines 18c and 22.
take a deduction for taxes paid to       is PHC income. Use Part II to figure 
foreign countries and U.S.               the amount of the corporation's PHC       If both of the above tests are met, 
possessions even if a credit was         income. Then, complete line 6 of the      rents can be excluded from PHC 
claimed when figuring the                Worksheet to determine if the             income. Do not complete lines 18a 
corporation's income tax.                corporation is a PHC.                     through 18c.
                                                                                   If the rents cannot be excluded, 
Attach a schedule showing the type       Line 14b. Dividends excluded. 
                                                                                   enter rents (as defined in section 
of tax, the tax year, and the amount.    Dividends received by a U.S. 
                                                                                   543(b)(3)) on line 18a. Enter the 
For more information, see section        shareholder (as defined in section 
                                                                                   amount from line 4a of the Worksheet 
545(b)(1).                               951(b)) from a controlled foreign 
                                                                                   on line 18b and complete line 18c.
                                         corporation (as defined in section 
Line 6. Contributions.   Figure the      957(a)) are excluded from personal        See section 543(a)(2) for more 
deduction using the limitations under    holding company income under              information.
sections 170(b)(1)(A), (B), (D), and     section 543(a)(1)(C). Enter the total     Line 19. Mineral, oil, and gas royal-
(E), but without sections 170(b)(2)      amount of dividends excluded on           ties. Mineral, oil, and gas royalties 
and (d)(1). When figuring the            line 14b.                                 can be excluded from PHC income if 
limitations under section 170(b)(1), 
use taxable income figured with the      Line 15b. Amounts excluded.       Enter   all three of the tests below are met.
adjustments (other than the 10%          the total of interest excluded on         Test 1. The adjusted income from 
limitation) provided in sections 170(b)  line 15b. The following interest can be   mineral, oil, and gas royalties 
(2) and (d)(1) and without any           excluded from PHC income.                 (line 19c) is at least 50% of adjusted 
expenses and depreciation                1. Interest constituting rent.            ordinary gross income.
disallowed under section 545(b)(6).      2. Interest on amounts set aside in       Test 2. PHC income is not more 
Line 7. Net operating loss.   Instead    a reserve fund under chapter 533 or       than 10% of ordinary gross income.
of the net operating loss deduction      535 of Title 46, United States Code.
                                                                                   For this purpose, PHC income 
provided in section 172, a deduction     3. Interest received by a broker or       includes copyright royalties and the 
is allowed for the net operating loss    dealer (within the meaning of section     adjusted income from rents, but does 
(as defined in section 172(c)) for the   3(a)(4) or (5) of the Securities          not include line 19c.
preceding tax year figured without the   Exchange Act of 1934) in connection 


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Test 3.     The deductions allowable     and in which the corporation owns at    Line 21. Produced film rents. 
under section 162 (other than            least 50% (by vote and value) of the    Produced film rents can be excluded 
compensation for personal services       stock.                                  from PHC income if the rents 
rendered by a shareholder and                                                    constitute at least 50% of ordinary 
                                         Test 3. Total allocable deductions 
deductions specifically allowable                                                gross income. See section 543(a)(5) 
                                         allowable under section 162 (other 
under other sections) are at least 15%                                           for the definition of produced film 
                                         than compensation for personal 
of adjusted ordinary gross income.                                               rents.
                                         services rendered by a shareholder, 
If all of the above tests are met,       deductions for royalties paid or        Line 22. Compensation received 
mineral, oil, and gas royalties can be   accrued, and deductions specifically    for the use of corporation property 
excluded from PHC income. Do not         allowable under other sections) are at  by a 25% or more shareholder. 
complete lines 19a through 19c.          least 25% of the excess of:             This line applies only to a corporation 
If mineral, oil, and gas royalties are   1. Ordinary gross income, over          with other PHC income in excess of 
not excluded, enter the total mineral,                                           10% of ordinary gross income. For 
                                         2. The sum of royalties paid or 
oil, and gas royalties (including                                                purposes of this limitation, other PHC 
                                         accrued and depreciation for 
production payments and overriding                                               income is defined in section 543(a)(6)
                                         copyright royalties.
royalties) on line 19a. Enter the                                                (C).
amount from line 4b of the Worksheet     Royalties received in                   Enter on line 22 amounts received 
on line 19b and complete line 19c.       connection with the licensing of        as compensation for the use of, or 
Line 20. Copyright royalties.            computer software.  Royalties           right to use, tangible property of the 
Note. For royalties received in          received in connection with the         corporation by or for an individual, 
connection with the licensing of         licensing of computer software can be   who at any time during the tax year 
computer software, see below.            excluded from PHC income if all four    directly or indirectly owned at least 
                                         of the tests below are met.
Copyright royalties can be                                                       25% in value of the corporation's 
excluded from PHC income if all three    Test 1. The corporation is              outstanding stock.
of the tests below are met.              engaged in the active business of       Line 23. Amounts received under 
                                         developing, manufacturing, or           personal service contracts and 
Test 1.     Income from copyright        producing computer software.            from their sale. This line applies 
royalties is at least 50% of ordinary 
gross income. For this purpose,          Test 2. The royalties are at least      only if the individual who has 
copyright royalties do not include       50% of ordinary gross income.           performed, is to perform, or may be 
                                                                                 designated to perform such services 
royalties received for the use of, or    Test 3. Total allowable deductions      owned at any time during the tax year 
right to use, copyrights or interests in under sections 162, 174, and 195 that   25% or more in value of the 
copyrights on works created in whole     are allocable to the computer software  corporation's outstanding stock.
or in part by any shareholder.           business are at least 25% of ordinary 
                                                                                 Enter amounts received under a 
Test 2.     PHC income is not more       gross income (or, the average of the 
                                                                                 contract that requires the corporation 
than 10% of ordinary gross income.       deductions for the 5 tax years ending 
                                                                                 to furnish personal services if any 
For this purpose, PHC income             with the current tax year is at least 
                                                                                 person other than the corporation has 
includes:                                25% of the average ordinary gross 
                                                                                 the right to designate the individual 
The adjusted income from rents           income for that period).
                                                                                 who is to perform the services (or if 
(line 18c);                              Test 4. The sum of taxable              the individual who is to perform the 
The adjusted income from mineral,        distributions (Part VI, line 3) and the services is designated in the 
oil, and gas royalties (line 19c); and   deduction for dividends paid after the  contract). Also include amounts 
Copyright royalties received for the     end of the tax year (Part I, line 12) is at  received from the sale or other 
use of, or right to use, copyrights on   least equal to the excess, if any, of:  disposition of such a contract.
works created in whole or in part by     1. PHC income (as defined in            Line 26. PHC tax. The tax rate on 
any shareholder owning more than         section 543(d)(5)(B)), over             undistributed personal holding 
10% of the corporation's stock.                                                  company income is 20%.
                                         2. 10% of ordinary gross income.
PHC income does not include:                                                     Multiply the amount on Part I, 
Copyright royalties (other than as       See section 543(d) for more 
stated above), or                        information.                            line 13, by 20%. Enter the result here 
                                                                                 and on Schedule J (Form 1120), 
Dividends from any corporation that                                              line 8, or on the proper line of the 
meets Test 1 above and Test 3 below,                                             appropriate tax return.


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Worksheet for Figuring Ordinary Gross Income, Adjusted Ordinary Gross 
Income, and the PHC Income Test                                                                                                                         Keep for Your Records
Before you begin:       (see instructions below)
1. Gross income. Insurance companies, other than life insurance companies, see section 543(c) . . . . . . . .                                                                  1  
2. Less: Gains from the sale or disposition of capital assets and section 1231(b) property . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                         2 (   )
3. Ordinary gross income. Combine lines 1 and 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                 3  
4. Adjustments:
   a Deductions allocable to rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  4a  
   b Deductions allocable to certain royalties and working interests in oil and gas                                                               4b    
     wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
   c Deductions allocable to compensation described in section 543(b)(3)(D) . . . . . . . . .                                                     4c  
   d Certain excluded interest income under section 543(b)(2)(C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                            4d    
   e Total adjustments. Add lines 4a through 4d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             4e  
5. Adjusted ordinary gross income. Subtract line 4e from line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                          5  
6. Complete Part II of Schedule PH. Divide Part II, line 25, by line 5 above. Enter the result as a                                                                            6      %
   percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Important: If line 6 is less than 60%, the corporation is not a PHC. Do not file Schedule PH.
Generally, if line 6 is 60% or more and the stock ownership requirement of section 542(a) is met, the corporation is a PHC. 
Complete Parts III and IV. For details and exceptions, see Who Must File and Personal Holding Company, earlier.

Worksheet Instructions                  below) allocable to rents (as defined                                                                     Line 4c. Deductions allocable to 
                                        in section 543(b)(3)).                      compensation.                                                          Compensation for 
Line 1. Gross income.    Enter gross    Depreciation and amortization of            the use of, or right to use, tangible 
income as defined in section 61 and     property (other than certain tangible       personal property manufactured or 
the related regulations.                personal property not customarily           produced by the corporation does not 
Line 4. Adjustments.    Ordinary        retained by any lessee for more than 3  count as rents if the corporation is 
gross income on line 3 must be          years).                                     engaged in substantial manufacturing 
adjusted as described below. Each       Property taxes.                             or production of the same type of 
type of income (rents, royalties,       Interest.                                   property during the tax year. Enter 
income from working interests in oil    Rent.                                       deductions (listed below) allocable to 
and gas wells, and certain excluded                                                 this type of compensation.
rents) is separately adjusted by the    Line 4b. Deductions allocable to                                                                          Depreciation and amortization of 
deductions allocable to it. Enter the   certain royalties and working               property (other than certain tangible 
allocable deductions on lines 4a, 4b,   interests in oil and gas wells. Enter       personal property).
and 4c to the extent of the gross       deductions (listed below) allocable to                                                                    Property taxes.
income (for example, enter              mineral, oil, and gas royalties                                                                           Interest.
deductions allocable to royalties on    (including production payments and 
line 4b, but do not enter more than the overriding royalties) and to gross 
gross income from royalties).           income from a working interest in an                                                                      Line 4d. Certain excluded 
                                        oil or gas well.                            interest income.                                                             Include:
Also, in figuring adjusted ordinary     Depreciation and amortization.                                                                            Interest on a direct obligation of the 
gross income, certain interest income   Depletion.                                  United States held for sale by a dealer 
is excluded (see the instructions for                                               who is making a primary market for 
                                        Property and severance taxes.
line 4d below).                                                                     these obligations, and
Line 4a. Deductions allocable to        Rent.                                                                                                     Interest on condemnation awards, 
rents. Enter deductions (listed                                                     judgments, and tax refunds.


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