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Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
for Form 1125-E
(Rev. October 2018)
(Use with the October 2016 revision of Form 1125-E.)
Compensation of Officers
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code Golden Parachute Payments
unless otherwise noted. A portion of the payments made by a corporation to key
personnel that exceeds their usual compensation may not
Future Developments
be deductible. This occurs when the corporation has an
For the latest information about developments related to agreement (golden parachute) with these key employees
Form 1125-E and its instructions, such as legislation to pay them these excess amounts if control of the
enacted after they were published, visit IRS.gov/ corporation changes. See section 280G and Regulations
Form1125E. section 1.280G-1.
What’s New Disallowance of Deduction for Employee
Limitations on compensation. Compensation in Excess of $1 Million
For tax years beginning after 2017, for purposes of the Publicly held corporations cannot deduct compensation to
deduction for employee compensation in excess of $1 a “covered employee” to the extent that the compensation
million, the definition of "covered employee" has changed. exceeds $1 million. Generally, a covered employee is:
Other special rules also apply. See Disallowance of • The principal executive officer or principle financial
Deduction for Employee Compensation in Excess of $1 officer of the corporation (or an individual acting in that
Million, later. capacity) at any time during the tax year;
• An employee whose total compensation must be
reported to shareholders under the Securities Exchange
General Instructions Act of 1934 because the employee is among the three
highest compensated officers for that tax year (other than
Purpose of Form the principal executive officer or principal financial officer,
Certain entities with total receipts of $500,000 or more use or an individual acting in that capacity); or
Form 1125-E to provide a detailed report of the deduction • A covered employee of the corporation (or any
for compensation of officers. predecessor) for any preceding tax year beginning after
December 31, 2016.
Who Must File
Form 1125-E must be completed and attached to Form For this purpose, compensation does not include the
1120, 1120-C, 1120-F, 1120-RIC, 1120-REIT, or 1120S, if following.
the entity has total receipts (defined below) of $500,000 or • Income from certain employee trusts, annuity plans, or
more, and deducts compensation for officers. pensions.
• Any benefit paid to an employee that is excluded from
Definitions and Special Rules the employee's income.
The following also apply.
Total Receipts • The deduction limit does not apply to income payable
For purposes of Form 1125-E, total receipts are under a written, binding contract in effect on February 17,
determined as follows. 1993.
• Form 1120, page 1, line 1a, plus lines 4 through 10. • The $1 million limit is reduced by amounts disallowed
• Form 1120-C, page 1, line 1a, plus lines 4 through 9. as excess parachute payments under section 280G.
• Form 1120-F, Section II, line 1a, plus lines 4 through 10. • Special rules apply to binding written contracts in effect
• Form 1120-RIC, Part I, line 8, plus net capital gain from on November 2, 2017, and which were not materially
Part II, line 1, and Form 2438, line 9a. modified on or after that date.
• Form 1120-REIT, Part I, line 8, plus net capital gain
See section 162(m), as modified by P.L. 115-97.
from Part III, line 10, and Form 2438, line 9a.
• Form 1120S, page 1, line 1a, plus lines 4 and 5; income Limitations on tax benefits for executive compensa-
reported on Schedule K, lines 3a, 4, 5a, and 6; income or tion under the Treasury Troubled Asset Relief Pro-
net gain reported on Schedule K, lines 7, 8a, 9, and 10; gram (TARP). The $1 million compensation limit is
and income or net gain reported on Form 8825, lines 2, reduced to $500,000 for executive remuneration and
19, and 20a. deferred deduction executive remuneration paid to
covered executives by any entity that receives or has
For more information on total receipts, see the received financial assistance under TARP. The limit
instructions for the applicable entity’s return. applies for each period in which obligations arising from
Oct 29, 2018 Cat. No. 57670C