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                                                                                          Department of the Treasury
                                                                                          Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8283

(Rev. December 2023)
Noncash Charitable Contributions

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code            value (FMV) before you determine if you must file Form 
unless otherwise noted.                                        8283. See Fair Market Value (FMV), later.
                                                                 Form 8283 is filed by individuals, partnerships, and 
Future Developments                                            corporations.
Information about any future developments affecting Form 
8283 (such as legislation enacted after we release it) will    Business Entities
be posted at IRS.gov/Form8283
                                                               C corporations. C corporations, other than personal 
What’s New                                                     service corporations and closely held corporations, must 
Disallowance of deduction for certain conservation             file Form 8283 only if the amount claimed as a deduction 
contributions by pass-through entities.    Subject to          is more than $5,000 per item or group of similar items. A 
some exceptions, if the amount of the pass-through             personal service corporation or closely held corporation 
entity’s qualified conservation contribution exceeds 2.5       that claims a deduction for noncash gifts of more than 
times the sum of each member’s relevant basis, the             $500 must file Form 8283 with Form 1120 or applicable 
contribution is not treated as a qualified conservation        special return.
contribution and no one may claim a deduction for the          Partnerships and S corporations (pass-through enti-
contribution. See Disallowance of deductions for certain       ties). A partnership or S corporation that claims a 
conservation contributions by pass-through entities, later.    charitable contribution for noncash gifts of more than $500 
Additional line for entity identification. There is a new      must file Form 8283 (Section A or Section B) with it’s Form 
line for a member of a pass-through entity who receives        1065 or 1120-S.
an allocation of a charitable contribution to fill in the name   If the total contribution for any item or group of similar 
and identifying number of the donating pass-through entity     items is more than $5,000, the partnership or S 
that originally reported the noncash charitable                corporation must complete Section B of Form 8283 even if 
contribution.                                                  the amount allocated to each member (that is, each 
                                                               partner or shareholder) is $5,000 or less.
Checkboxes have been added to Section B, Part I, In-
formation on Donated Property. Under Section B, Part             The partnership or S corporation must give a 
I, line 2, two new checkboxes have been added; one for         completed copy of Form 8283 (Section A or Section B) to 
qualified conservation contributions on certified historic     each member receiving an allocation of the contribution 
structures and the other for digital assets. The order of the  shown in Section A or Section B of the partnership’s or S 
checkboxes has also been changed.                              corporation’s Form 8283.
                                                               Members of pass-through entities. If you are a 
General Instructions                                           member of a pass-through entity (such as a partner in a 
                                                               partnership or a shareholder in an S corporation), that 
Purpose of Form                                                made a noncash charitable contribution in excess of $500, 
Use Form 8283 to report information about noncash              you must attach multiple Forms 8283 to your return. 
charitable contributions.                                      Specifically, you must attach the following:
                                                               A copy of the Form 8283 from the donating entity where 
Do not use Form 8283 to report out-of-pocket expenses          the contribution was originally reported,
for volunteer work or amounts you gave by check or credit      A copy (or copies) of the Form 8283 from any other 
card. Treat these items as cash contributions. Also, do not    pass-through entities between you and the donating entity 
use Form 8283 to figure your charitable contribution           (such as an upper-tier partnership), and
deduction. For details on how to figure the amount of the      Your own separate Form 8283 with respect to the 
deduction, see your tax return instructions and Pub. 526,      contribution made by the donating pass-through entity.
Charitable Contributions.                                        For your own Form 8283, the entity in which you hold a 
                                                               direct interest will provide information about your share of 
Who Must File                                                  the contribution on your Schedule K-1 (Form 1065 or 
You must file one or more Forms 8283 if the amount of          1120-S). Use the amounts shown on your Schedule K-1 
your deduction for each noncash contribution is more than      and other supplemental information you have been 
$500. You must also file Form 8283 if you have a group of      provided by the entity—not the amounts shown on the 
similar items for which a total deduction of over $500 is      entity’s Form 8283 (except for Section B, Part I, line 3, 
claimed. See Similar Items of Property, later. For this        Column(c))—to figure the amount of your contribution. If 
purpose, “amount of your deduction” means your                 you are a member in multiple entities that made noncash 
deduction before applying any income limits that could         charitable contributions, submit separate Forms 8283 for 
result in a carryover. The carryover rules are explained in    each entity’s contribution. These rules apply to any 
Pub. 526. Make any required reductions to fair market          member of a pass-through entity, including members that 

Jan 17, 2024                                          Cat. No. 62730R

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are Individuals, C corporations, S corporations,              Which Sections To Complete
partnerships, or trusts. See instructions for Section B, Part Form 8283 has two sections. If you must file Form 8283, 
I, line 3, Column (i). If the pass-through entity donated a   you must complete either Section A or Section B 
qualified conservation contribution, see instructions for     depending on the type of property donated and the 
Section B, Part I, line 3, Column (h).                        amount claimed as a deduction.
 Example.   Partnership A has two partners, Partnership 
                                                              Members in a pass-through entity completing their own 
B and Individual C. Partnership B has two partners—
                                                              Form 8283 should complete the same section of the Form 
individuals D and E. Partnership A makes a non-cash 
                                                              (Section A or B) completed on the pass-through entity's 
charitable contribution in excess of $500 and attaches a 
                                                              Form 8283.
Form 8283 to its Form 1065. Partnership A allocates the 
charitable contribution to Partnership B and Individual C.    Use Section A to report donations of property for which 
Partnership B must complete its own Form 8283, and            you claimed a deduction of $5,000 or less per item or 
attach it, along with Partnership A's Form 8283, to           group of similar items (defined later). Also use Section A 
Partnership B's Form 1065. C must complete their own          to report donations of publicly traded securities; certain 
Form 8283, and attach it, along with a copy of Partnership    intellectual property described in section 170(e)(1)(B)(iii); 
A's Form 8283, to C's Form 1040. D and E must complete        a qualified vehicle described in section 170(f)(12)(A)(ii) for 
their own Forms 8283, and attach them, along with copies      which an acknowledgement under section 170(f)(12)(B)
of the Forms 8283 for both Partnership A and Partnership      (iii) is provided; and inventory and other similar property 
B, to their Form 1040.                                        described in section 1221(a)(1). Use Section B to report 
                                                              donations of property for which you claimed a deduction 
When To File                                                  of more than $5,000 per item or group of similar items.
File Form 8283 with your tax return for the year you 
contribute the property and first claim a deduction. Also     In figuring whether your deduction for a group of similar 
file Form 8283 for any carryover year described in section    items was more than $5,000, consider all items in the 
170(d).                                                       group, even if items in the group were donated to more 
                                                              than one donee organization. However, you must file a 
How To Complete                                               separate Form 8283, Section B, for each donee 
Provide all information required by the Form 8283 and its 
instructions. Enter all information required to be included   Example.     You claimed a deduction of $2,000 for 
on a line of the Form 8283 on the relevant line. If all       books you gave to College A, $2,500 for books you gave 
required information does not fit on the relevant line,       to College B, and $900 for books you gave to College C. 
include an attachment with the information that did not fit.  You must report these donations in Section B because the 
Where a number can be entered into any box on Form            total deduction was more than $5,000. You must file a 
8283 (Sections A or B), the number must be entered in the     separate Form 8283, Section B, for the donation to each 
box. If a line is provided for entry of a number, the Form    of the three colleges.
8283 will not be considered complete unless the number        Identifying number.   Individuals must enter their social 
is included directly on the line. You may attach a statement  security number or individual tax identification number 
to the Form 8283 explaining why a number cannot be            (ITIN), as applicable. All other filers should enter their 
inserted or you may insert the number in the appropriate      employer identification number (EIN).
box and include an attached statement explaining any 
additional information regarding the number. You may not      If you are a member of a pass-through entity that made 
indicate that the information is “available upon request.”    a charitable contribution, also enter the name and EIN of 
Such a statement may cause the filing of your Form 8283       the donating pass-through entity that originally reported 
to be treated as incomplete. For consequences of failure      the noncash charitable contribution on the line below 
to complete the Form 8283 as instructed, see Failure To       where you entered your name and identifying number.
File Form 8283, later.                                        Example.     You are an individual partner in Partnership 
                                                              1, and Partnership 1 is a partner in Partnership 2. 
 If you are electronically filing your tax return, you must   Partnership 2 donates a noncash charitable contribution, 
include the Form 8283 data in the electronic submission.      and you are eligible to claim your share of such 
Enter all information requested by a line of the Form 8283    contribution. Enter your name and your social security 
on the electronic Form 8283, except for the required          number on the “name(s) shown on your income tax return” 
signatures.                                                   and “identifying number” line, then enter the name and 
        You must attach the completed Form 8283 with all      EIN of Partnership 2 on the “name” and “identifying 
                                                              number” line for the tax return where the noncash 
 !      the required signatures to your tax return, either as charitable contribution was originally reported.
CAUTION a PDF attachment when electronically filed, or 
mailed to the IRS with Form 8453.                             Family pass-through entity. If a family pass-through 
                                                              entity made the noncash charitable contribution that is 
 If you are a member of a pass-through entity and are         being reported, check the box underneath the space for 
filing your tax return electronically, you must file your own the identifying number of the donating pass-through entity. 
Form 8283 electronically while attaching the                  Family pass-through entities are pass-through entities in 
pass-through’s Form 8283 as a PDF attachment to your          which substantially all of the interests are held, directly or 
return. A member’s Form 8283 is not required to have          indirectly, by an individual and members of the family of 
signatures.                                                   such individual. For these purposes, members of the 


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family are defined as the spouse of such individual and         books, clothing, jewelry, nonpublicly traded stock, land, or 
any individual described in section 152(d)(2)(A)–(G).           buildings.

Section A. Include in Section A only the following items.         If you contributed similar items of property to the same 
1. Items (or groups of similar items as defined later) for      donee, you may attach a single Form 8283 with respect to 
which you claimed a deduction of more than $500 but not         all similar items of property contributed to the same 
more than $5,000 per item (or group of similar items).          donee. You are required to provide all the information 
2. The following items even if the claimed value was            required under Section B for each item of property, except 
more than $5,000 per item (or group of similar items):          for any items whose aggregate value is appraised at $100 
                                                                or less and the appraiser provided a group description for 
a. Securities listed on an exchange in which 
                                                                such items.
quotations are published daily,
b. Securities regularly traded in national or regional            Example.  You claimed a deduction of $6,000 for a 
over-the-counter markets for which published quotations         collection of 6 rare books ($1,000 each). Report each of 
are available,                                                  the six books separately in Section B because each book 
                                                                is valued more than $100.
c. Securities that are shares of a mutual fund for which 
quotations are published on a daily basis in a newspaper        Fair Market Value (FMV)
of general circulation throughout the United States,            Although the amount of your deduction determines if you 
d. Certain other securities even though the securities          have to file Form 8283, you also need to have information 
do not meet any of the criteria described in paragraphs         about the FMV of your contribution to complete the form.
2.a through 2.c above (for more information, see Treasury 
                                                                  FMV is the price a willing, knowledgeable buyer would 
Regulations section 1.170A-13(c)(7)(xi)(B)),
                                                                pay a willing, knowledgeable seller when neither has to 
e. A vehicle (including a car, boat, or airplane) if your       buy or sell.
deduction for the vehicle is limited to the gross proceeds 
from its sale and you obtained a contemporaneous written          You may not always be able to deduct the FMV of your 
acknowledgment,                                                 contribution. Depending on the type of property donated, 
                                                                you may have to reduce the FMV to figure the deductible 
f. Intellectual property (as defined later), or                 amount, as explained next.
g. Inventory or property held primarily for sale to 
                                                                Reductions to FMV. The amount of the reduction (if any) 
customers in the ordinary course of your trade or 
                                                                depends on whether the property is ordinary income 
                                                                property or capital gain property. Attach a statement to 
Section B. Include in Section B only items (or groups of        your tax return showing how you figured the reduction.
similar items) for which you claimed a deduction of more          Ordinary income property.    Ordinary income property 
than $5,000. Do not include items reportable in Section A.      is property that would result in ordinary income or 
Items reportable in Section B require a written qualified       short-term capital gain if it were sold at its FMV on the 
appraisal by a qualified appraiser. You must file a separate    date it was contributed. Examples of ordinary income 
Form 8283, Section B, for each donee organization and           property are inventory, works of art created by the donor 
each item of property (or group of similar items).              or gifted by the artist to the donor, and capital assets held 
You must file Form 8283, Section B, if you are                  for 1 year or less. The deduction for a gift of ordinary 
contributing a single article of clothing or household item     income property is limited to the FMV minus the amount 
that is not in good used condition or better and for which      that would be ordinary income or short-term capital gain if 
you are claiming a deduction of over $500.                      the property were sold.
                                                                  Capital gain property. Capital gain property is 
You must also file Form 8283, Section B, if conditions          property that would result in long-term capital gain if it 
were placed on the use of the property or you gave less         were sold at its FMV on the date it was contributed. For 
than an entire interest in a property and the contribution      purposes of figuring your charitable contribution, capital 
was for more than $5,000. Examples of such contributions        gain property also includes certain real property and 
are a qualified conservation contribution, a contribution of    depreciable property used in your trade or business and, 
a remainder interest in a personal residence or farm, a         generally, held more than 1 year. However, to the extent of 
contribution of an undivided portion of your entire interest    any gain from the property that must be recaptured as 
in property, or a contribution of a fractional gift in tangible ordinary income under section 1245, section 1250, or any 
personal property. See Pub. 526, Partial Interest in            other code provision, the property is treated as ordinary 
Property, for additional information on what is a deductible    income property.
partial interest in a property and the requirements for each 
partial interest. Use Section B even if the entire property       You usually may deduct gifts of capital gain property at 
on which a partial interest was granted was held primarily      their FMV. However, you must reduce your deduction 
for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business.       amount by the amount of any appreciation if any of the 
                                                                following apply.
Similar Items of Property                                       The capital gain property is contributed to certain 
                                                                private nonoperating foundations. This rule does not apply 
Similar items of property are items of the same general         to qualified appreciated stock;
category or type, such as coin collections, paintings,          You choose the 50% limit instead of the special 30% 
                                                                limit for capital gain property given to 50% limit 


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The contributed property is intellectual property (as        easement is the sales price of a comparable easement. If 
defined later);                                                there are no comparable sales, the before and after 
The contributed property is certain taxidermy property;      method may be used.
The contributed property is tangible personal property         For any qualified conservation contribution, you must 
that is put to an unrelated use (as defined in Pub. 526) by    attach a statement that:
the charity; or                                                Identifies the conservation purposes furthered by your 
The contributed property is certain tangible personal        donation;
property with a claimed value of more than $5,000 and is       Shows, if before and after valuation is used, the FMV of 
sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of by the charity       the underlying property before and after the gift;
during the year in which you made the contribution, and        States whether you made the donation in order to get a 
the charity has not made the required certification of         permit or other approval from a local or other governing 
exempt use (such as on Form 8282, Donee Information            authority and whether the donation was required by a 
Return, Part IV).                                              contract;
Special rule for certain C corporations.  Special rules        If you or a related person has any interest in other 
apply, under section 170(e)(3), for certain donations made     property nearby, describes that interest;
by C corporations to certain charitable organizations for      Provides the cost or adjusted basis of the qualified 
the care of the ill, the needy, or infants. An enhanced        conservation contribution, which is the allocable portion of 
deduction (resulting from a reduced reduction to the FMV       the cost or adjusted basis of the entire property;
of the property) may be available if the taxpayer receives     Provides whether the property on which the qualified 
from the donee a written statement representing that the       conservation contribution was granted was held primarily 
donee’s use and disposition of the property will be for the    for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business; 
care of the ill, the needy, or infants.                        and
  Special rules also apply, under section 170(e)(4), for       If you are a pass-through entity who donated the 
                                                               qualified conservation contribution and are claiming to 
certain donations made by C corporations of certain 
                                                               have met the exception for contributions outside the 3–
scientific property to be used for research by an 
                                                               year holding period described in section 170(h)(7)(C), 
educational or scientific research organization. An 
                                                               include in the statement (1) the last date that you acquired 
enhanced deduction (resulting from a reduced reduction 
                                                               any portion of the real property with respect to which you 
to the FMV of the property) may be available if the 
                                                               made the contribution, (2) the last date any of your 
taxpayer receives from the donee a written statement 
                                                               members acquired any interest in you, and (3) if the 
representing that the donee’s use and disposition of the 
                                                               interest in you is held through one or more pass-through 
property will be for research or experimentation, or for 
                                                               entities, state (i) the last date any such pass-through entity 
research training, in the United States in physical or 
                                                               acquired any interest in any other pass-through entity, and 
biological sciences.
                                                               (ii) the last date on which any member in any such 
Qualified conservation contribution.    A qualified            pass-through entity acquired any interest in such 
conservation contribution is defined in section 170(h)(1)      pass-through entity. This statement is not required if you 
as a donation of a qualified real property interest, to a      are a family pass-through entity, or if the subject of your 
qualified organization exclusively for certain conservation    qualified conservation contribution is for the preservation 
purposes. Qualified real property interests include 1) your    of a certified historic structure.
entire interest in real estate other than a mineral interest,    If an appraisal is required, it must be made by a 
2) a remainder interest, and 3) a restriction on the use that  qualified appraiser. See Appraisal Requirements, later.
may be made of the real property, such as a conservation 
                                                                 Disallowance of deduction for certain qualified 
easement. The donee must be a qualified organization as 
                                                               conservation contributions by pass-through entities. 
defined in section 170(h)(3) and must have the resources 
                                                               Subject to three exceptions, if the amount of a 
to monitor and enforce the conservation easement or 
                                                               pass-through entity’s qualified conservation contribution 
other conservation restrictions. To enable the organization 
                                                               exceeds 2.5 times the sum of each member’s relevant 
to do this, you must give it documents, such as maps and 
                                                               basis, the contribution is not treated as a qualified 
photographs, that establish the condition of the property at 
                                                               conservation contribution and no one may claim a 
the time of the gift. In Section B, Part I, line 2, you should 
                                                               deduction for the contribution. Relevant basis is, with 
check box “b” for qualified conservation contributions. For 
                                                               respect to any member, the portion of the member’s 
donations of qualified conservation contributions for the 
                                                               modified basis in its interest in the pass-through entity 
preservation of a certified historic structure, see 
                                                               which is allocable to the portion of the real property with 
Easements on certified historic structures, later.
                                                               respect to which the qualified conservation contribution is 
  If the donation has no material effect on the real           made. Modified basis is, with respect to any member, the 
property's FMV, or enhances rather than reduces its FMV,       adjusted basis in the member’s interest in the 
no deduction is allowable. For example, no deduction may       pass-through entity as determined:
be allowed if the property's use is already restricted, such 
                                                                 1. Immediately before the qualified conservation 
as by zoning or other law or contract, and the donation 
does not further restrict how the property can be used.
                                                                 2. Without regard to the member’s share of any 
  The FMV of a conservation easement or other 
                                                               liabilities of the pass-through entity, and
conservation restrictions cannot be determined by 
applying a standard percentage to the FMV of the                 3. By the pass-through entity after taking into account 
underlying property. The best evidence of the FMV of an        the adjustments described in items (1) and (2).


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  The first exception is that this disallowance does not        claim a deduction of more than $10,000, your deduction 
apply if the qualified conservation contribution is made at     will not be allowed unless you pay a $500 filing fee. See 
least 3 years after the latest of (i) the last date on which    Form 8283-V and its instructions.
the pass-through entity acquired any portion of the real          For more information about qualified conservation 
property; (ii) the last date any member of the pass-through     contributions, see Pub. 526 and Pub. 561, Determining 
entity acquired any interest in the pass-through entity; and    the Value of Donated Property. Also see section 170(h), 
(iii) if the interest in the donating pass-through entity is    Regulations section 1.170A-14, and Notice 2004-41. 
held through 1 or more pass-through entities, (I) the last      Notice 2004-41, 2004-28 I.R.B. 31, is available at
date any such pass-through entity acquired any interest in      IRS.gov/irb/2004-28_IRB/ar09.html.
any other such pass-through entity, and (II) the last date 
on which any member in any such pass-through entity             Intellectual property. The FMV of intellectual property 
acquired any interest in such pass-through entity.              must be reduced to figure the amount of your deduction, 
                                                                as explained earlier. Intellectual property means a patent, 
  Second, this disallowance does not apply to a qualified 
                                                                copyright (other than a copyright described in section 
conservation contribution made by a family pass-through 
                                                                1221(a)(3) or 1231(b)(1)(C)), trademark, trade name, 
entity, defined earlier.
                                                                trade secret, know-how, software (other than software 
  Third, this disallowance does not apply if the purpose of     described in section 197(e)(3)(A)(i)), or similar property, or 
the qualified conservation contribution is preservation of a    applications or registrations of such property.
certified historic structure.
                                                                  However, you may be able to claim additional charitable 
  Easements on certified historic structures.      If the       contribution deductions in the year of the contribution and 
subject of your qualified conservation contribution is a        later years based on a percentage of the donee's net 
certified historic structure, check box “b” of Section B, Part  income, if any, from the property. The amount of the 
I, line 2, and the “Certified historic structure” sub-box       donee's net income from the property will be reported to 
“b(1),” and provide the National Park Service (NPS)             you on Form 8899, Notice of Income From Donated 
project number (NPS #), which the NPS assigned to its           Intellectual Property. See Pub. 526 for details.
certified historic structure determination. NPS will have 
assigned an NPS # and made this certification in                Clothing and household items.      The FMV of used 
response to your submission of Part 1 of the Historic           household items and clothing is usually much lower than 
Preservation Certification Application for this structure.      when new. A good measure of value might be the price 
  Exception. The only exception in which NPS would not          that buyers of these used items actually pay in 
have assigned a NPS # is a building on a property               consignment or thrift shops. You can also review classified 
individually listed in the National Register of Historic        ads in the newspaper or on the Internet to see what similar 
Places (for example, only a house located on a single           products sell for.
National Register listing), that building is already a            Generally, you cannot claim a deduction for clothing or 
certified historic structure. In this case, instead of an NPS   household items you donate unless the clothing or 
#, enter five zeros (“00000”) in the NPS # field for this       household items are in good used condition or better. 
single building individually listed in the National Register    However, you can claim a deduction for a contribution of 
of Historic Places.                                             an item of clothing or a household item that is not in good 
  Historic district building. You cannot claim a                used condition or better if your claimed value is more than 
deduction for an exterior restriction on a historic district    $500 and you substantiate that value with a qualified 
building unless the restriction preserves the entire exterior   appraisal and Form 8283, Section B. Both must be 
of the building (including front, sides, rear, and height). In  included with your return.
addition to other requirements for noncash contributions, 
you must include with your return:                              Qualified Vehicle Donations
A signed copy of a qualified appraisal,
Photographs of the entire exterior of the building, and       A qualified vehicle is any motor vehicle manufactured 
A description of all restrictions on the development of       primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways; a 
the building (the description of the restrictions can be        boat; or an airplane. However, property held by the donor 
made by attaching a copy of the easement deed).                 primarily for sale to customers, such as inventory of a car 
  National Register building. You can claim a                   dealer, is not a qualified vehicle.
deduction for the restriction of some or all of the exterior of 
a National Register building. You can claim a deduction for       If you donate a qualified vehicle with a claimed value of 
the restriction of some or all of the interior of a National    more than $500, you cannot claim a deduction unless you 
Register building or historic district building. For these      attach to Form 8283 a copy of the contemporaneous 
donations, in addition to other requirements for noncash        written acknowledgment you received from the donee 
contributions, you must obtain a contemporaneous written        organization. The donee organization may use Copy B of 
acknowledgment from the donee. For donations valued at          Form 1098-C as the acknowledgment. An 
more than $5,000, you must obtain a qualified appraisal.        acknowledgment is considered contemporaneous if the 
For donations valued at more than $500,000, you must            donee organization furnishes it to you no later than 30 
attach a qualified appraisal to your return. See Deduction      days after the:
of more than $500,000, later.                                   Date of the sale, if the donee organization sold the 
                                                                vehicle in an arm's length transaction to an unrelated 
  In addition, if you donate an exterior restriction on a       party; or
National Register building or historic district building and 


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Date of the contribution, if the donee organization will   a Form 1098-C showing $7,000 as gross proceeds from 
not sell the vehicle before completion of a material         the donee’s sale of Ash’s car. The Form 1098-C provided 
improvement or significant intervening use, or the donee     by the donee does not include certifications from the 
organization will give or sell the vehicle to a needy        donee that it made material improvements or significant 
individual for a price significantly below FMV to directly   intervening use of Ash’s car or transferred the car to a 
further the organization's charitable purpose of relieving   needy individual for significantly below FMV in furtherance 
the poor and distressed or underprivileged who need a        of the donee’s charitable purpose.
means of transportation.                                       If all the requirements under section 170 are met, 
                                                             including completing Section A of Form 8283 and 
  For a donated vehicle with a claimed value of more         attaching to their return either Form 1098-C, or other 
than $500, you can deduct the smaller of the vehicle's       contemporaneous written acknowledgment that meets the 
FMV on the date of the contribution or the gross proceeds    requirements of section 170(f)(12)(B), Ash may be entitled 
received from the sale of the vehicle, unless an exception   to a charitable contribution deduction of $7,000.
applies as explained below. Form 1098-C (or other 
acknowledgment) will show the gross proceeds from the        More information.  For details, see Pub. 526 or Notice 
sale if no exception applies. If the FMV of the vehicle was  2005-44. Notice 2005-44, 2005-25 I.R.B. 1287, is 
more than your cost or other basis, you may have to          available at IRS.gov/irb/2005-25_IRB/ar09.html.
reduce the FMV to figure the deductible amount, as 
described under Reductions to FMV, earlier.                  Additional Information

  If any of the following exceptions apply, your deduction   You may want to see Pub. 526 and Pub. 561. If you 
is not limited to the gross proceeds received from the sale. contributed depreciable property, see Pub. 544, Sales and 
Instead, you generally can deduct the vehicle's FMV on       Other Disposition of Assets.
the date of the contribution if the donee organization:
Makes a significant intervening use of the vehicle before 
transferring it,                                             Specific Instructions
Makes a material improvement to the vehicle before 
                                                             Section A
transferring it, or
Gives or sells the vehicle to a needy individual for a     Line 1
price significantly below FMV to directly further the 
organization's charitable purpose of relieving the poor and  Column (b).  Check the box if the donated property is a 
distressed or underprivileged who need a means of            qualified vehicle (defined earlier). If you are not attaching 
transportation.                                              Form 1098-C (or other acknowledgment) to your return, 
                                                             enter the vehicle identification number (VIN) in the spaces 
  Form 1098-C (or other acknowledgment) will show if         provided below the checkbox.
any of these exceptions apply. If the FMV of the vehicle       You can find the VIN on the vehicle registration, the title, 
was more than your cost or other basis, you may have to      the proof of insurance, or the vehicle itself. Generally, the 
reduce the FMV to figure the deductible amount, as           VIN is 17 characters made up of numbers and letters.
described under Reductions to FMV, earlier.
                                                               If the VIN has fewer than 17 characters, enter a zero in 
Determining FMV.   A used car guide may be a good            each of the remaining entry spaces to the left of the VIN. 
starting point for finding the FMV of your vehicle. These    For example, if the VIN is “555555X555555,” enter 
guides, published by commercial firms and trade              “0000555555X555555.”
organizations, contain vehicle sale prices for recent model 
                                                             Column (c).  Describe the property in sufficient detail. 
years. The guides are sometimes available from public 
                                                             The greater the value of the property, the more detail you 
libraries or from a loan officer at a bank, credit union, or 
                                                             must provide. For example, a personal computer should 
finance company. You can also find used car pricing 
                                                             be described in more detail than pots and pans.
information on the Internet.
                                                               If the donated property is a vehicle, give the year, make, 
  An acceptable measure of the FMV of a donated 
                                                             model, condition, and mileage at the time of the donation 
vehicle is an amount not in excess of the price listed in a 
                                                             (for example, “2022 Hyundai, Model M, fair condition, 
used vehicle pricing guide for a private party sale of a 
                                                             60,000 miles”) regardless of whether you must attach 
similar vehicle. However, the FMV may be less than that 
                                                             either a Form 1098-C or other contemporaneous written 
amount if the vehicle has engine trouble, body damage, 
                                                             acknowledgment. If you do not know the actual mileage, 
high mileage, or any type of excessive wear. The FMV of a 
                                                             use a good faith estimate based on car repair records or 
donated vehicle is the same as the price listed in a used 
                                                             similar evidence.
vehicle pricing guide for a private party sale only if the 
guide lists a sales price for a vehicle that is the same       For securities, include the following.
make, model, and year, sold in the same area, in the same    Company name,
condition, with the same or similar options or accessories,  Number of shares,
and with the same or similar warranties as the donated       Kind of security,
vehicle.                                                     Whether a share of a mutual fund, and
                                                             Whether regularly traded on a stock exchange or in an 
  Example. Ash donates their car, which they bought          over-the-counter market.
new in 2015 for $30,000. A used vehicle pricing guide 
shows the FMV for the car in 2023 is $9,000. Ash receives 


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For real or tangible personal property, include the          “Thrift shop value” (for clothing or household items), 
condition of the property and whether the donee has          “Catalog” (for stamp or coin collections), or “Comparable 
certified the tangible personal property for its own use as  sales” (for real estate and other kinds of assets). See Pub. 
an exempt organization. The condition of tangible            561.
personal property should be stated using industry 
standard terms or grading scales for the specific type of    Section B
object, when applicable to the type of tangible personal     If you received a copy of Form 8283 from a pass-through 
property and when an appraisal for this property is          entity with Section B completed, complete your own Form 
required. For example, when an appraisal is required,        8283 Section B as instructed below in addition to 
general condition terms for artworks could include poor,     attaching the pass-through entity's Form 8283.
fair, good, very good, and excellent, while grading terms 
for collectibles could be a numerical scale of 1 to 10. For   Include in Section B items (or groups of similar items) 
gemstones, the GIA universal grading standards for color,    for which you are claiming a deduction of more than 
clarity, cut, and carat are preferred.                       $5,000. You must also file Form 8283, Section B, if you are 
                                                             contributing a single article of clothing or household item 
Column (d). Enter the date you contributed the property.     that is not in good used condition and for which you are 
If you made contributions on various dates, enter each       claiming a deduction of more than $500. Do not include 
contribution and its date on a separate row.                 property reported in Section A. File a separate Form 8283, 
                                                             Section B, for:
Note. If the amount you claimed as a deduction for the        Each donee; and
item is $500 or less, you do not have to complete columns     Each item of property, except for an item that is part of a 
(e), (f), and (g).                                           group of similar items given to the same donee.
Column (e). Enter the approximate date you acquired 
the property. If it was created, produced, or manufactured    If you contributed similar items of property to the same 
by or for you, enter the date it was substantially           donee and claimed a deduction of more than $5,000, see 
completed.                                                   Similar Items of Property earlier, for how to report each 
                                                             item of property.
If you are donating a group of similar items and you 
acquired the items on various dates (but have held all the   Part I, Information on Donated Property
items for at least 12 months), you can enter “Various.”      You must get a written qualified appraisal from a qualified 
For publicly traded securities, enter only if you held the   appraiser before completing Part I.
securities for more than 12 months.
If the property was created, produced, or manufactured        Generally, you do not need to attach the appraisals to 
by or for the donor, enter the date the property was         your return but you should keep them for your records. But 
substantially completed.                                     see Art valued at $20,000 or more Clothing and , 
                                                             household items not in good used condition Easements , 
If you received a copy of Form 8283 from a                   on buildings in historic districts, and Deduction of more 
pass-through entity with Section A completed, complete       than $500,000, later.
your own Form 8283 Section A as instructed below in 
addition to attaching the pass-through entity's Form 8283.   Art valued at $20,000 or more.    If your deduction for art 
                                                             is $20,000 or more, you must attach a complete copy of 
Column (f). State how you acquired the property. This        the signed appraisal to your return. For individual objects 
could be by purchase, gift, inheritance, or exchange.        valued at $20,000 or more, a photograph must be 
Column (g). For items over $500, enter your cost or          provided upon request. The photograph must be of 
adjusted basis. Do not complete this column for publicly     sufficient quality and size (preferably an 8 x 10 inch color 
traded securities held more than 12 months, unless you       photograph) or a high-resolution digital image to fully 
elect to limit your deduction cost basis. See section 170(b) show the object.
(1)(C)(iii). Keep records on cost or other basis.            Clothing and household items not in good used con-
                                                             dition. You must include with your return a qualified 
Note. If you must complete columns (e), (f), and (g) but 
                                                             appraisal of any single item of clothing or any household 
have reasonable cause for not providing the information 
                                                             item that is not in good used condition or better for which 
required, attach an explanation.
                                                             you are claiming a deduction of more than $500. Attach 
Column (h). Enter the FMV of the property on the date        the appraisal and Section B to your return. See Clothing 
you donated it. You must attach a statement if you were      and household items, earlier.
required to reduce the FMV to figure the amount of your 
                                                             Easements on certified historic structures.                 If you are 
deduction. See Fair Market Value (FMV), earlier, for the 
                                                             claiming a deduction for a qualified conservation 
type of statement to attach.
                                                             contribution of an easement on the exterior of a historic 
If you are a member of a pass-through entity                 district building, you must include the qualified appraisal, 
completing your own Form 8283, enter the amount shown        photographs, and certain other information with your 
on your K-1 to figure the deduction.                         return. See Easements on certified historic structures, 
Column (i). Enter the method(s) you used to determine        under Fair Market Value (FMV), earlier.
the FMV.                                                     Deduction of more than $500,000.        If you are claiming a 
Examples of entries to make include “Appraisal,”             deduction of more than $500,000 for an item (or group of 
                                                             similar items) donated to one or more donees, you must 


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attach the qualified appraisal of the property to your return Art. Art includes paintings, sculptures, watercolors, 
unless an exception applies.                                  prints, drawings, ceramics, antiques, decorative arts, 
                                                              textiles, carpets, silver, rare manuscripts, historical 
Appraisal Requirements                                        memorabilia, and other similar objects.
                                                              Collectibles. Collectibles include coins, stamps, books, 
The appraisal must be prepared by a qualified appraiser       gems, jewelry, sports memorabilia, dolls, etc., but not art 
(defined later) in accordance with the substance and          as defined above.
principles of the Uniform Standards of Professional 
Appraisal Practice, as developed by the Appraisal             Digital assets. A digital asset is a digital representation 
Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation. It also must     of value which is recorded on a cryptographically secured, 
meet the relevant requirements of Regulations section         distributed ledger. Common digital assets include 
1.170A-17(a) and (b).                                         convertible virtual currency and cryptocurrency, stable 
                                                              coins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
 An appraisal is not a qualified appraisal if you fail to     Other real estate.  Other real estate does not include 
disclose or misrepresent facts to your appraiser and a        qualified conservation contributions.
reasonable person would expect this failure or 
misrepresentation to cause the appraiser to misstate the      Securities. For donations of publicly traded securities in 
value of the property you contributed.                        any amount, you should only use Section A. A security is 
                                                              generally considered to be publicly traded if the security is 
 The appraisal must be signed and dated by a qualified        (a) listed on a recognized stock exchange whose 
appraiser not earlier than 60 days before the date you        quotations are published daily; (b) regularly traded on a 
contribute the property. You must receive the appraisal       national or regional over-the-counter market; or (c) quoted 
before the due date (including extensions) of the return on   daily in a national newspaper of general circulation in the 
which you first claim a deduction for the property. For a     case of mutual fund shares. Section B, Part I, line 2, box 
deduction you first claim on an amended return, you must      “f” should only be checked for donations of nonpublicly 
obtain the appraisal before the date you file the amended     traded securities over $5,000. Nonpublicly traded 
return. See Regulations section 1.170A-17(a)(4), (a)(8).      securities may include, but are not limited to, privately held 
                                                              stock or shares in an entity such as an S corporation or a 
                                                              C corporation, privately held LLC membership, or privately 
 A separate qualified appraisal and a separate Form 
                                                              held partnership interest.
8283 are required for each item of property except for an 
item that is part of a group of similar items. Only one       Vehicles. If you check box “i” to indicate the donated 
appraisal is required for a group of similar items            property is a vehicle and the claimed value for your 
contributed in the same tax year if it includes all the       donated vehicle (a) is more than $5,000, and (b) not 
required information for each item. However, for a group of   limited to the gross proceeds from its sale, you must also 
similar items with aggregate value appraised at $100 or       attach to your return a copy of Form 1098-C (or other 
less, the appraiser may select such items and provide a       contemporaneous written acknowledgment) you received 
group description of such items.                              from the donee organization. See Which Sections To 
 Example.  You claimed a deduction of $11,000 for a           Complete for instructions on whether to include your 
collection of four rare coins valued at $5,500, $5,400, $50,  donated vehicle in Section A or Section B. Do not include 
and $50 each. Only one appraisal is required for a            donated vehicles reportable in Section A in Section B. 
collection of coins, but it must include all the required     Members of a pass-through entity should check the same 
information for two rare coins valued at $5,000 and $5,400    box as indicated on the Form 8283 received from the 
respectively. However, the appraiser may provide a group      contributing entity.
description for the other two coins whose aggregate value 
is appraised at $100.                                         Line 3

 If you gave similar items to more than one donee for         You must complete at least column (a) of line 3 (and 
which you claimed a total deduction of more than $5,000,      column (b) if applicable) before submitting Form 8283 to 
you must attach a separate form for each donee.               the donee. You may then complete the remaining 
 Example.  You claimed a deduction of $2,000 for 
books given to College A, $2,500 for books given to           Column (a). Provide a detailed description so a person 
College B, and $900 for books given to a public library.      unfamiliar with the property could be sure the property that 
You must attach a separate Form 8283 for each donee.          was appraised is the property that was contributed. The 
                                                              greater the value of the property, the more detail you must 
Line 2                                                        provide.
                                                              For a qualified conservation contribution, describe the 
Check only one box on Section B, Part I, line 2 of each       easement terms in detail, including the acreage of the 
Form 8283 unless your contribution was for a qualified        easement or land donated, or attach a copy of the 
conservation contribution of a certified historic structure.  easement deed.
Complete as many separate Forms 8283 as necessary so          A description of donated securities should include the 
that only one box has to be checked on line 2 of each         company name and number of shares donated. Do not 
Form 8283.                                                    include donated securities reportable in Section A.


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Column (b). If any tangible personal property or real         which is allocable to the portion of the real property with 
property was donated, give a brief summary of the overall     respect to which the qualified conservation contribution is 
physical condition of the property at the time of the gift.   made. Modified basis is, with respect to any member, the 
                                                              adjusted basis in the member’s interest in the 
Column (c). Include the FMV of the donated property           pass-through entity as determined:
from the appraisal. If you jointly owned the property with 
                                                              1. immediately before the qualified conservation 
one or more other taxpayers, enter the portion of the FMV 
that is allocable to your share of the property. Members in 
a pass-through entity completing your own Form 8283,          2. without regard to the member’s share of any 
enter the total appraised FMV.                                liabilities of the pass-through entity, and
Columns (d)–(f). For a contribution of a deductible           3. by the pass-through entity after taking into account 
partial interest in property, enter information about the     the adjustments described in items (1) and (2).
entire property in columns (d), (e), and (f). For a qualified 
                                                              Column (i).  Complete column (i), amount claimed as a 
conservation contribution, also include information about 
                                                              deduction, if you are a pass-through entity or a member of 
the cost or adjusted basis of the partial interest in the 
                                                              a pass-through entity. If you are a pass-through entity, 
statement attached to Form 8283.
                                                              enter your share of the noncash charitable contribution. If 
For all contributions, if you have reasonable cause for       you are a member, enter your share of the noncash 
not providing the information in column (d), (e), or (f),     charitable contribution allocated to you by the 
attach an explanation so your deduction will not              pass-through entity.
automatically be disallowed.
Columns (d) and (e).    If the property was contributed by    Part II, Partial Interests and Restricted Use 
a pass-through entity, both the entity and its members        Property (Other Than Qualified Conservation 
should enter information about the pass-through entity’s      Contributions)
acquisition of the property.                                  If Part II applies to more than one property, attach a 
Column (d). Enter the date you acquired the property          separate statement. Give the required information for each 
(regardless of whether there is a carryover basis). If you    property separately. Identify which property listed in 
are donating a group of similar items and you acquired the    Section B, Part I the information relates to.
items on various dates (but have held all the items for at 
least 12 months), you can enter “Various.” If the property    Lines 4a Through 4e
was created, produced, or manufactured by you, enter the 
date it was substantially completed.                          Complete lines 4a–4e only if you contributed less than the 
                                                              entire interest in property listed in Section B, Part I. On 
Column (e). State how you acquired the property. This         line 4b, enter the amount claimed as a deduction for this 
could include purchase, exchange, gift, inheritance, or       tax year and in any prior tax years for gifts of a partial 
capital contribution. If there is a carryover basis, also     interest in the same property. line 4c is completed if the 
include the date your predecessor acquired the property.      prior year donee organization is different from the 
Column (f) and (g). If you jointly owned the property with    organization in Section B, Part V.
one or more other taxpayers, enter information for your 
allocable share of the property. Pass-through entities        Lines 5a Through 5c
should enter the total amounts.
                                                              Complete lines 5a–5c only if you attached restrictions to 
Column (g). A bargain sale is a transfer of property that 
                                                              the right to the income, use, or disposition of the donated 
is in part a sale or exchange and in part a contribution. 
                                                              property. An example of a “restricted use” donation 
Enter the amount received for bargain sales.
                                                              includes a contribution of an item to a museum on the 
Column (h). Complete column (h), qualified conservation       condition that the latter does not sell the item for a 
contribution relevant basis, only if you are a pass-through   specified period following the donation. Attach a 
entity that made a qualified conservation contribution, or if statement explaining (1) the terms of any agreement or 
you are a member in such a pass-through entity. If the        understanding regarding the restriction, and (2) whether 
contribution meets the 3-year holding period exception        the property is designated for a particular use.
(previously described) and/or the family pass-through 
entity exception (previously described), then the             Part III, Taxpayer (Donor) Statement
pass-through and its members do not have to complete          Complete Section B, Part III, for each item included in 
column (h) unless the contribution is also for a certified    Section B, Part I, that has an appraised value of $500 or 
historic structure. See Family pass-through entity, earlier.  less. The donee does not have to file Form 8282 for the 
The pass-through entity will include the sum of the           items valued at $500 or less. See the Note, under Part V, 
relevant basis of all members of the pass-through entity. If  Donee Acknowledgment, for more details about filing 
a member is itself a pass-through entity, it should report    Form 8282.
the sum of relevant basis of its own ultimate members. If a 
member is not a pass-through entity, then they should         The amount of information you give in Section B, Part 
report only their own relevant basis. Relevant basis is, with III, depends on the description of the donated property 
respect to any member, the portion of the member’s            you enter in Section B, Part I. If you show a single item as 
modified basis in its interest in the pass-through entity     “Property A” in Part I and that item is appraised at $500 or 
                                                              less, then the entry “Property A” in Part III is enough.


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   All shares of nonpublicly traded stock or items in a set   declaration. But a person who sold, exchanged, or gave 
are considered one item. For example, a book collection       the property to you may sign the declaration if the property 
by the same author, components of a stereo system, or six     was donated within 2 months of the date you acquired it 
place settings of a pattern of silverware are one item for    and the property's appraised value did not exceed its 
the $500 test.                                                acquisition price.
   Example.   You donated books valued at $6,000. The         Appraisal fees cannot be based on a percentage of the 
appraisal states that one of the items, a book by author      appraised value. See Regulations section 1.170A-17(a)
“X,” is worth $400. You do not include the remaining books    (9).
in Part III because each of them has an appraised value of 
over $500. If you included the book by author X as            Identifying number. Each appraiser's taxpayer 
Property A on Section B, Part I, line 3, and entered $400 in  identification number (social security number or employer 
column (c), the only required entry in Part III is “Property  identification number) must be entered in Part IV.
                                                              Part V, Donee Acknowledgment
Part IV, Declaration of Appraiser                             The donee organization that received the property 
If you are required to get an appraisal, you must get it from described in Part I of Section B must complete and sign 
a qualified appraiser. A qualified appraiser is an individual the Donee Acknowledgment in Part V. Before submitting 
who meets all the following requirements as of the date       Section B of Form 8283 to the donee for acknowledgment, 
the individual completes and signs the appraisal.             complete at least your name, identifying number, and 
                                                              description of the donated property (line 3, column (a)). If 
   1. The individual either:                                  real property or tangible personal property is donated, 
   a. Has earned a recognized appraiser designation           also describe its physical condition (line 3, column (b)) at 
from a generally recognized professional appraiser            the time of the gift. Complete Part III, if applicable, before 
organization for demonstrated competency in valuing the       submitting the form to the donee. See the instructions for 
type of property being appraised, or                          Part III.
   b. Has met certain minimum education requirements          The person acknowledging the gift must be an official 
and has 2 or more years of experience in valuing the type     authorized to sign the tax returns of the organization, or a 
of property being appraised. To meet the minimum              person specifically designated to sign Form 8283. When 
education requirements, the individual must have              you ask the donee to fill out Part V, you should also ask 
successfully completed professional or college-level          the donee to provide you with a contemporaneous written 
coursework in valuing the type of property and the            acknowledgment required by section 170(f)(8). You 
education must be from:                                       should clarify to the donee that the date for which the 
   i. A professional or college-level educational             donee received the donated property is the date of 
organization,                                                 documented delivery of the easement to the recorder.
   ii. A generally recognized professional trade or           After completing Part V, the organization must return 
appraiser organization that regularly offers educational      Form 8283 to you, the donor. You must give a copy of 
programs, or                                                  Section B of this form to the donee organization. You may 
   iii. An employer as part of an employee apprenticeship     then complete any remaining information required in Part 
or education program similar to professional or               I. Also, the qualified appraiser can complete Part IV at this 
college-level courses.                                        time.
   2. The individual regularly prepares appraisals for        In some cases, it may be impossible to get the donee's 
which they are paid.                                          signature on Form 8283. The deduction will not be 
   3. The appraiser makes a declaration in the appraisal      disallowed for that reason if you attach a detailed 
that, because of their experience and education, they are     explanation of why it was impossible.
qualified to make appraisals of the type of property being 
valued.                                                       Note. If it is reasonable to expect that donated tangible 
   4. The appraiser specifies in the appraisal the            personal property will be used for a purpose unrelated to 
appraiser’s education and experience in appraising the        the purpose or function of the donee, the donee should 
type of property being valued.                                check the “Yes” box in Part V. In this situation, your 
                                                              deduction will be limited. In addition, if the donee (or a 
   In addition, the appraiser must complete Part IV of        successor donee) organization disposes of the property 
Form 8283. See section 170(f)(11)(E) and Regulations          within 3 years after the date the original donee received it, 
section 1.170A-16(d)(4) for details.                          the organization must file Form 8282 with the IRS and 
                                                              send a copy to the donor. (As a result of the sale by the 
   If you use appraisals by more than one appraiser, or if    donee, the donor's contribution deduction may be limited 
two or more appraisers contribute to a single appraisal, all  or part of the prior year’s contribution deduction may have 
the appraisers must sign the appraisal and Part IV of Form    to be recaptured. See Pub. 526.) An exception applies to 
8283.                                                         items having a value of $500 or less if the donor identified 
   Persons who cannot be qualified appraisers are listed      the items and signed the statement in Section B, Part III, 
in Part IV of Section B–Declaration of Appraiser.             of Form 8283. See the instructions for Part III.
Generally, a party to the transaction in which you acquired 
the property being appraised will not qualify to sign the 


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Failure To File Form 8283                                     with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the 
                                                              right amount of tax.
Your deduction generally will be disallowed if you fail to:
Attach a required Form 8283, competed as required, to       You are not required to provide the information 
your return,                                                  requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork 
Get a required appraisal and complete Section B of          Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB 
Form 8283, or                                                 control number. Books or records relating to a form or its 
Attach to your return a required appraisal of clothing or   instructions must be retained as long as their contents 
household items not in good used condition, an easement       may become material in the administration of any Internal 
on a historically significant building, or property for which Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information 
you claimed a deduction of more than $500,000.                are confidential, as required by section 6103.
                                                              The time needed to complete and file this form will vary 
  Your deduction will not be disallowed if your failure was 
                                                              depending on individual circumstances. The estimated 
due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect or was 
                                                              burden for individual taxpayers filing this form is approved 
due to a good-faith omission.
                                                              under OMB control number 1545-0074 and is included in 
                                                              the estimates shown in the instructions for their individual 
Noncash Contributions Carried Over to Later Year              income tax return. The estimated burden for all other 
                                                              taxpayers who file this form is shown below.
If your noncash contribution was subject to one or more 
limits based on your adjusted gross income, and your 
unused charitable deduction from a previous year may be       Recordkeeping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      19 min. 
claimed in the current year, you must attach to your          Learning about the law or the form . . . . . . . . . . . . .            29 min. 
current return a completed copy of the Form 8283 from the     Preparing the form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      1 hr. 4 
previous year. Also, if an appraisal was required to be 
                                                              Copying, assembling, and sending the form
attached to the previous return, you must attach a copy of     to the IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 min.
the appraisal to your current return. Separate Forms 8283 
need to be submitted for each contribution that is carried 
over from the previous year to the current year.
                                                              If you have comments concerning the accuracy of 
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the                these time estimates or suggestions for making this form 
information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue    simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. See the 
laws of the United States. You are required to give us the    instructions for the tax return with which this form is filed.
information. We need it to ensure that you are complying 


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