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                                                                                                                  Department of the Treasury
                                                                                                                  Internal Revenue Service
Instructions for Form 8621-A

(Rev. November 2017)

(Use with the December 2013 revision of Form 8621-A.)
Return by a Shareholder Making Certain Late Elections To End Treatment as a 
Passive Foreign Investment Company

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code election is filed with the IRS. See the         Complete Part IV of the form along with 
unless otherwise noted.                             instructions for Part I, later, for details.    any required attachments requested on any 
                                                                                                    of the lines in Part IV.
Future Developments                                 How To Complete Form                            Sign and date the form in the spaces 
                                                                                                    provided at the bottom of page 2 of the form.
For the latest information about                    8621-A                                          If the election year is a closed taxable 
developments related to Form 8621-A and             The shareholder makes the applicable            year, file the closing agreement on page 3 of 
its instructions, such as legislation enacted       election in Part I of the form. The shareholder the form in duplicate. Both copies must 
after they were published, go to IRS.gov/           then provides basic information about the       contain original signatures. See Closing 
Form8621A.                                          election in Part II or Part III of the form and Agreement, later, for details.
                                                    computes the tax and interest due in Part IV    Complete the balance sheet on page 4 of 
General Instructions                                of the form.                                    the form, if applicable (that is, if required by 
                                                                                                    line 4 or line 8 of the form).
                                                    If the election year (defined below) is a       Keep a copy of the form for your records.
Purpose of Form                                     closed taxable year, the taxpayer must enter    Make your check or money order payable 
A U.S. person that is a direct or indirect          into a closing agreement (page 3 of the form)   to “United States Treasury.” Include your 
shareholder of a former Passive Foreign             to agree to eliminate any prejudice to the      identifying number and “Form 8621-A” on 
Investment Company (PFIC) or a Section              interests of the U.S. government as a           your payment.
1297(e) PFIC is treated for tax purposes as         consequence of the taxpayer's inability to file 
holding stock in a PFIC and therefore               an amended return for the election year.                 If Form 8621-A doesn't include full 
                                                                                                             payment of the amount shown on 
continues to be subject to taxation under                   The closing agreement must be filed     CAUTION! line 21 of the form, the form won’t be 
section 1291 unless the shareholder makes           !       in duplicate and both copies must       processed.
a purging election under section 1298(b)(1).        CAUTION contain original signatures. See 
A purging election under section 1298(b)            Closing Agreement, later, for additional 
(1) is:                                             information.                                    Definitions
A deemed dividend election or a deemed 
sale election made with respect to a former         A separate Form 8621-A must be filed            Controlled Foreign Corporation 
PFIC under the rules of Regulations sections        for each PFIC for which a late purging          (CFC)
1.1298-3(b) or 1.1298-3(c), or                      election is being made. See Chain of 
A deemed dividend election or a deemed              ownership below for specific filing             See section 957(a) for definition.
sale election made with respect to a Section        requirements.
1297(e) PFIC under the rules of Regulations         Chain of ownership.   If the shareholder        CFC Overlap Rules
sections 1.1297-3(b) or 1.1297-3(c).                owns one PFIC and through that PFIC owns        A 10% U.S. shareholder (defined in section 
A timely filed purging election is made on          one or more other PFICs, the shareholder        951(b)) of a CFC that is also a PFIC that 
Form 8621.                                          must file a separate Form 8621-A for each       includes in income its pro rata share of 
                                                    Section 1297(e) PFIC or former PFIC in the      subpart F income of the CFC generally won’t 
Form 8621-A is used only to make a late             chain for which a late purging election is      be subject to the PFIC provisions for the 
purging election under section 1298(b)(1). A        made. The shareholder files these Forms         same stock during the qualified portion of the 
late purging election is a purging election         8621-A together.                                shareholder's holding period of the stock in 
under section 1298(b)(1) that is made:                                                              the PFIC. This exception doesn’t apply to 
In the case of a shareholder of a former            Where To File                                   option holders. For more information, see 
PFIC, after 3 years from the due date, as                                                           section 1297(d).
extended, of the tax return for the taxable         File Form 8621-A with:
                                                                                                    Qualified portion of holding period.     For 
year that includes the termination date, or         Internal Revenue Service                        purposes of section 1297(d), the qualified 
In the case of a shareholder of a section           Deposit Team, M/S 6059                          portion of the shareholder's holding period in 
1297(e) PFIC, after 3 years from the due            Attn: Specials Desk                             a corporation is the portion of the 
date, as extended, of the tax return for the        Ogden, UT 84201                                 shareholder's holding period:
taxable year that includes the CFC                                                                  That is after December 31, 1997, and
qualification date.                                                                                 During which the shareholder is a U.S. 
See Regulations sections 1.1298-3(e) or             Filing Checksheet                               shareholder under section 951(b) and the 
1.1297-3(e) for more details.                       Be sure to:                                     corporation is a CFC.
                                                    Check the applicable box in Part I of the 
Generally, the amount due with respect to           form that corresponds to the election you are   CFC qualification date. The CFC 
a late purging election is computed in the          making.                                         qualification date is the first day on which the 
same manner as if the purging election had          Complete the applicable lines in Part II or     qualified portion of the shareholder's holding 
been timely filed. However, the taxpayer            III of the form (along with any required        period in the Section 1297(e) PFIC begins, 
must also pay interest on the amount due            attachments requested on any of those lines)    as determined under section 1297(d).
determined for the period beginning on the          as requested at the end of the election         Section 1297(e) PFIC.   A foreign 
due date (without extensions) for the               description in Part I of the form.              corporation is a Section 1297(e) PFIC with 
taxpayer's income tax return for the election                                                       respect to a shareholder if:
year and ending on the date the late purging 

Oct 31, 2017                                                     Cat. No. 39731G

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1. The foreign corporation qualifies as a        under section 1297(e)) held by the foreign 
PFIC under section 1297(a) on the first day      corporation during the taxable year are          Part I. Elections
on which the qualified portion of the            assets that produce passive income or that 
shareholder's holding period in the foreign      are held for the production of passive           Election A. Late Deemed 
corporation begins, as determined under          income.                                          Dividend Election With Respect 
section 1297(d) (CFC overlap rule), and
2. The stock of the foreign corporation          Basis for measuring assets.   When               to a Former PFIC
held by the shareholder is treated as stock of   determining PFIC status using the asset test,    This is a deemed dividend election under 
a PFIC, under section 1298(b)(1), because,       a foreign corporation can use adjusted basis     section 1298(b)(1) that is made with respect 
at any time during the shareholder's holding     if:                                              to a former PFIC after the time prescribed in 
period of the stock, other than the qualified        1. The corporation isn’t publicly traded     Regulations section 1.1298-3(c)(4) has 
portion, the corporation was a PFIC that         for the taxable year and                         elapsed.
wasn’t a QEF.                                        2. The corporation (a) is a CFC or (b) 
                                                 makes an election to use adjusted basis.         Who Can Make the Election
Election Year                                                                                     This election can be made by a U.S. person 
                                                     Publicly traded corporations must use fair 
In the case of a former PFIC, the election       market value when determining PFIC status        that is a shareholder of a foreign corporation 
year is the taxable year of the electing         using the asset test.                            that is a former PFIC with respect to such 
shareholder that includes the termination                                                         shareholder provided the foreign corporation 
date.                                            Look-thru rule.  When determining if a           was a CFC during the last taxable year as a 
In the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC, the       foreign corporation that owns at least 25%       PFIC.
election year is the taxable year of the         (by value) of another corporation is a PFIC, 
electing shareholder that includes the CFC       the foreign corporation is treated as if it held Effect of Election
qualification date.                              a proportionate share of the assets and 
Former PFIC                                      received directly its proportionate share of     A shareholder making this election is treated 
                                                 the income of the 25%-or-more owned              as receiving a dividend of its pro rata share 
A foreign corporation is a former PFIC with      corporation.                                     of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the 
respect to the shareholder if the corporation                                                     former PFIC on the termination date. The 
satisfies neither the income test nor the asset  Qualified Electing Fund (QEF)                    deemed dividend is taxed under section 
test (described under the definition of PFIC     A PFIC is a QEF if the U.S. person who is a      1291 as an excess distribution, allocated 
below), but whose stock, held by that            direct or indirect shareholder of the PFIC       only to the days in the shareholder's holding 
shareholder, is treated as stock of a PFIC,      elects (under section 1295) to treat the PFIC    period during which the foreign corporation 
under section 1297(b)(1), because at any         as a QEF. See the instructions for Form 8621     qualified as a PFIC. For this purpose, the 
time during the shareholder's holding period     for more information.                            shareholder's holding period ends on the 
of the stock the corporation was a PFIC                                                           termination date. After the deemed dividend 
(under the income or asset test of section       Shareholder                                      election, the shareholder's stock isn’t treated 
1297(a) described below) that wasn’t a QEF,      A shareholder is a U.S. person that is a         as stock in a PFIC unless the foreign 
and the shareholder hasn’t made a                direct or indirect shareholder of the foreign    corporation thereafter qualifies as a PFIC.
mark-to-market election with respect to the      corporation. See Indirect shareholder, 
PFIC.                                            earlier, for definition.                         Special Rules
Indirect Shareholder                             Termination Date                                 For purposes of this election, the following 
Generally, a U.S. person is an indirect          The termination date is the last day of the      apply.
shareholder of a Section 1297(e) PFIC or a       last taxable year of the foreign corporation     The basis of the shareholder's stock is 
former PFIC if it is:                            during which it qualified as a PFIC under        increased by the amount of the deemed 
1. A direct or indirect owner of a               section 1297(a).                                 dividend. The manner in which the basis 
pass-through entity that is a direct or indirect                                                  adjustment is made depends on whether the 
shareholder of a Section 1297(e) PFIC or a                                                        shareholder is a direct or indirect 
former PFIC,                                     Specific Instructions                            shareholder. See Regulations section 
2. A shareholder of a PFIC that is a                                                              For purposes of the PFIC rules only, the 
shareholder of a Section 1297(e) PFIC, or a      Address and Identifying                          shareholder's new holding period begins on 
former PFIC,                                     Number                                           the day following the termination date.
3. A 50%-or-more shareholder of a                                                                 The term “post-1986 earnings and profits” 
foreign corporation that isn’t a PFIC and that   Address. Include the suite, room, or other 
directly or indirectly owns stock of a Section   unit number after the street address. If the     means the undistributed earnings and profits 
1297(e) PFIC or a former PFIC, or                Post Office doesn’t deliver mail to the street   of the PFIC (as of the close of the taxable 
                                                 address and the shareholder has a P.O. box,      year that includes the termination date 
4. A 50%-or-more shareholder of a                enter the box number instead.                    without reduction for dividends distributed 
domestic corporation that owns a section                                                          during the taxable year) accumulated in tax 
1291 fund.                                       Identifying number.      Individuals should      years beginning after 1986 during which the 
                                                 enter a social security number or taxpayer       CFC was a PFIC and while the shareholder 
Passive Foreign Investment                       identification number issued by the IRS.         held the stock.
Company (PFIC)                                   Entities must enter an employer identification 
A foreign corporation is a PFIC if it meets                                                       Line 3 Attachment
either the income or asset test described        Shareholder Contact Information.       If the    The shareholder must attach a statement to 
below.                                           person to contact with respect to Form           Form 8621-A that shows the calculation of its 
1.    Income test. 75% or more of the            8621-A is the taxpayer, enter “Same” in the      pro rata share of the post-1986 earnings and 
corporation's gross income for its taxable       entry space for the name. If the person to       profits of the former PFIC that is treated as 
year is passive income (as defined in section    contact with respect to Form 8621-A is a         distributed to the shareholder on the 
1297(b)).                                        person other than the taxpayer, enter the        termination date. The post-1986 earnings 
                                                 information requested and attach Form            and profits can be reduced (but not below 
2.    Asset test. At least 50% of the            2848.                                            zero) by the amount that the shareholder 
average percentage of assets (determined 
                                                                                                  satisfactorily shows was previously included 

                                                                       -2-                    Instructions for Form 8621-A (Rev. 11-2017)

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in its income or in the income of another U.S.  that loss cannot be recognized. In addition,    Line 7 Attachment
person. The shareholder shows this by           there is no basis adjustment for a loss.
including in the statement mentioned above                                                      The shareholder must attach a statement to 
                                                                                                Form 8621-A that shows the calculation of its 
the following information:                      How To Make the Election                        pro rata share of the post-1986 earnings and 
The name, address, and identifying 
number of the U.S. person and the amount        To make this election, check box B in Part I    profits of the Section 1297(e) PFIC that is 
that was previously included in income;         and complete Part II, lines 1, 2, and 4, and    treated as distributed to the shareholder on 
The tax year in which the amount was            Part IV.                                        the CFC qualification date. The post-1986 
previously included in income;                                                                  earnings and profits can be reduced (but not 
The provision of law under which the            For more information regarding making           below zero) by the amount that the 
amount was previously included in income;       Election B, see Regulations section             shareholder satisfactorily shows was 
A description of the transaction in which       1.1298-3(b) and Regulations section             previously included in its income or in the 
the shareholder acquired the stock of the       1.1298-3(e).                                    income of another U.S. person. The 
former PFIC from the other U.S. person; and                                                     shareholder shows this by including in the 
The provision of law under which the            Election C. Late Deemed                         statement mentioned above the following 
shareholder's holding period includes the       Dividend Election With Respect                  information:
                                                                                                The name, address, and identifying 
holding period of the other U.S. person.        to a Section 1297(e) PFIC                       number of the U.S. person and the amount 
                                                This is a deemed dividend election under        that was previously included in income;
How To Make the Election                        section 1298(b)(1) that is made by a            The tax year in which the amount was 
To make this election, check box A in Part I    shareholder (defined earlier) with respect to   previously included in income;
and complete Part II, lines 1, 2, and 3, and    a Section 1297(e) PFIC that is also a CFC       A description of the transaction in which 
Part IV.                                        after the time prescribed in Regulations        the shareholder acquired the stock of the 
                                                section 1.1297-3(c)(4) has elapsed.             Section 1297(e) PFIC from the other U.S. 
For more information on making Election                                                         person; and
A, see Regulations section 1.1298-3(c) and      Who Can Make the Election                       The provision of law under which the 
Regulations section 1.1298-3(e).                                                                shareholder's holding period includes the 
                                                The election can be made by a shareholder       holding period of the other U.S. person.
Election B. Late Deemed Sale                    of a foreign corporation that is a Section 
                                                1297(e) PFIC with respect to that 
Election With Respect to a                      shareholder.                                    How To Make the Election
Former PFIC                                                                                     To make this election, check box C in Part I 
This is a deemed sale election under section    Effect of Election                              and complete Part III, lines 5, 6, and 7, and 
1298(b)(1) that is made with respect to a                                                       Part IV.
former PFIC after the time prescribed in        A shareholder making this election is treated 
Regulations section 1.1298-3(b)(3) has          as receiving a dividend of its pro rata share   For more information on making Election 
elapsed.                                        of the post-1986 earnings and profits of the    C, see Regulations sections 1.1297-3(c) and 
                                                Section 1297(e) PFIC on the CFC                 (e).
                                                qualification date. The deemed dividend is 
Who Can Make the Election                       taxed under section 1291 as an excess           Election D. Late Deemed Sale 
This election can be made by a U.S. person      distribution, allocated only to the days in the Election With Respect to a 
that is a shareholder of a former PFIC.         shareholder's holding period during which 
                                                the foreign corporation qualified as a PFIC.    Section 1297(e) PFIC
                                                For this purpose, the shareholder's holding     This is a deemed sale election under section 
Effect of Election                              period ends on the day before the CFC           1298(b)(1) that is made with respect to a 
A shareholder making this election is           qualification date. After the deemed dividend   Section 1297(e) PFIC after the time 
deemed to have sold the former PFIC stock       election, the shareholder's stock isn’t treated prescribed in Regulations section 
on the termination date for its fair market     as stock in a PFIC unless the qualified         1.1297-3(b)(3) has elapsed.
value. The gain from the deemed sale is         portion of the shareholder's holding period 
taxed under section 1291 as an excess           ends, and the foreign corporation thereafter    Who Can Make the Election
distribution received on the termination date.  qualifies as a PFIC.
After the deemed sale election, the                                                             This election can be made by a U.S. person 
                                                                                                that is a shareholder of a foreign corporation 
shareholder's stock isn’t treated as stock in a Special Rules                                   that is a section 1297(e) PFIC with respect to 
PFIC unless the foreign corporation 
thereafter qualifies as a PFIC.                 For the purpose of this election, the following such shareholder.
                                                The basis of the shareholder's stock is         Effect of Election
Special Rules                                   increased by the amount of the deemed 
For purposes of this election, the following    dividend. The manner in which the basis         A shareholder making this election is 
apply.                                          adjustment is made depends on whether the       deemed to have sold the Section 1297(e) 
The basis of the shareholder's stock is         shareholder is a direct or indirect             PFIC stock on the CFC qualification date for 
increased by the gain recognized on the         shareholder. See Regulations section            its fair market value. The gain from the 
deemed sale. The manner in which the basis      1.1297-3(c)(6).                                 deemed sale is taxed under section 1291 as 
adjustment is made depends on whether the       For purposes of the PFIC rules only, the        an excess distribution received on the CFC 
shareholder is a direct or indirect             shareholder's new holding period begins on      qualification date. After the deemed sale 
shareholder. See Regulations section            the CFC qualification date.                     election, the shareholder's stock isn’t treated 
1.1298-3(b)(5).                                 The term “post-1986 earnings and profits”       as stock in a PFIC unless the qualified 
For purposes of the PFIC rules only, the        means the undistributed earnings and profits    portion of the shareholder's holding period 
shareholder's new holding period of the         of the PFIC (as of the day before the CFC       ends, and the foreign corporation thereafter 
stock begins on the day following the           qualification date) accumulated in taxable      qualifies as a PFIC.
termination date.                               years beginning after 1986 during which the 
The election can be made for stock on           CFC was a PFIC and while the shareholder 
which the shareholder will realize a loss, but  held the stock.

Instructions for Form 8621-A (Rev. 11-2017)                         -3-

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Special Rules                                   a PFIC (pre-PFIC years) and amounts             the due date (without regard to extensions) 
                                                allocated to the election year. Enter the sum   of your income tax return for the election 
For purposes of this election, the following    on line 10.                                     year.
apply.                                          With respect to the amounts allocated to 
The basis of the shareholder's stock is         each tax year in your holding period other      Lines 18 and 19
increased by the gain recognized on the         than the election year and the pre-PFIC         The line 18 subtotal represents all amounts 
deemed sale. The manner in which the basis      years, see the instructions for line 14.        due as of the due date (without regard to 
adjustment is made depends on whether the                                                       extensions) of the shareholder's income tax 
shareholder is a direct or indirect                                                             return for the election year. The shareholder 
shareholder. See Regulations section            Lines 11 and 12
                                                                                                making the late deemed dividend or late 
1.1297-3(b)(5).                                 The shareholder's income tax liability is       deemed sale election must pay additional 
For purposes of the PFIC rules only, the        generally the amount shown on the “total tax”   interest on the amount on line 18 from the 
shareholder's new holding period begins on      line of the return.                             due date (without regard to extensions) of its 
the CFC qualification date.                                                                     income tax return for the election year up to 
The election can be made for stock on           Line 14
                                                                                                and including the date the Form 8621-A and 
which the shareholder will realize a loss, but  Determine the increase in tax for each tax      payment are filed with the IRS. Include this 
that loss cannot be recognized. In addition,    year in your holding period other than the      interest amount on line 19.
there is no basis adjustment for a loss.        election year and pre-PFIC years (that is, for 
                                                each PFIC year). An increase in tax is 
How To Make the Election                        determined for each PFIC year by multiplying    Closing Agreement
                                                the part of the distribution or disposition     If the election year is a closed taxable year, 
To make this election, check box D in Part I    allocated to each year (see Lines 9b and 10,    file the closing agreement on page 3 of the 
and complete Part III, lines 5, 6, and 8, and   earlier) by the highest rate of tax under       form in duplicate. Both copies must contain 
Part IV.                                        section 1 or section 11, whichever applies, in  original signatures. Photocopies of 
                                                effect for that tax year. Add the increases in  signatures aren’t acceptable. The closing 
For more information on making Election         tax computed for all PFIC years. Enter the      agreement on page 3 of the actual form you 
D, see Regulations sections 1.1297-3(b) and     aggregate increases in tax (before credits)     file is the IRS copy. The photocopy of the 
(e).                                            on line 14.                                     closing agreement that you attach to the 
                                                                                                4-page form is the taxpayer copy. Write 
                                                Line 15                                         “Taxpayer Copy” in the upper margin of this 
Part IV. Computation of                         To figure the foreign tax credit, figure the    copy. File the taxpayer copy as the first 
Tax and Interest Due                            total creditable foreign taxes attributable to  attachment after the 4-page form. The 
                                                the excess distribution (line 9a) amount. This  taxpayer copy will be returned to you after an 
Line 9a                                         amount includes, for 10% or greater             authorized IRS official has signed it.
Enter the amount treated as an excess           corporate shareholders, any taxes deemed        Identifying number.    Individuals should 
distribution under the deemed dividend or       paid under section 902. Both the direct and     enter a social security number or taxpayer 
deemed sale election. This amount is:           indirect foreign taxes must be creditable       identification number issued by the IRS. 
In the case of a former PFIC making a           under general foreign tax credit principles,    Entities must enter an employer identification 
deemed dividend election, the amount on         and the shareholder must choose to claim        number.
line 3 of Part II.                              the foreign tax credit.
In the case of a former PFIC making a           The excess distribution taxes (the              Balance Sheet
deemed sale election, the amount on line 4      creditable foreign taxes attributable to an     If the shareholder is making a late deemed 
of Part II.                                     excess distribution) are allocated in the       sale election with respect to a former PFIC or 
In the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC           same manner as the excess distribution is       a Section 1297(e) PFIC (Election B or D), the 
making a deemed dividend, the amount on         allocated. See the instructions for Lines 9b    shareholder is required to complete the 
line 7 of Part III.                             and 10 and Line 14, earlier. Those taxes        balance sheet on page 4 of Form 8621-A.
In the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC           allocated to pre-PFIC tax years and the 
making a deemed sale election, the amount       election year are taken into account for the    Note. If the PFIC uses the U.S. dollar 
on line 8 of Part III.                          election year under the general rules of the    approximate separate transactions method 
Lines 9b and 10                                 foreign tax credit.                             of accounting (DASTM), the balance sheet 
Determine the allocation of the excess          The excess distribution taxes allocated to      should be prepared and translated into U.S. 
distribution to all applicable taxable years on a PFIC year only reduce the increase in tax     dollars according to Regulations section 
a separate sheet and attach it to Form          figured for that tax year (but not below zero). 1.985-3(d), rather than U.S. GAAP.
8621-A. Divide the amount on line 9a by the     No carryover of any unused excess 
number of days in your holding period. The      distribution taxes is allowed.                  Line 11
holding period of the stock is treated as                                                       You must attach to Form 8621-A a written 
ending on:                                      When you dispose of PFIC stock, the 
The termination date, in the case of a          above foreign tax credit rules apply only to    narrative for each intangible asset describing 
former PFIC making a deemed sale or             the part of the gain that, without regard to    how the asset valuation was determined. 
deemed dividend election;                       section 1291, would be treated under section    This narrative must include all pertinent 
The CFC qualification date, in the case of      1248 as a dividend.                             valuation information including whether the 
                                                                                                valuation was done by a third party. If the 
a Section 1297(e) PFIC making a deemed          Line 16                                         valuation was done by a third party, include 
sale election; and                                                                              the name and business address of that third 
The day before the CFC qualification            This amount is the aggregate increases in 
date, in the case of a Section 1297(e) PFIC     taxes on the excess distribution within the     party in the narrative.
making a deemed dividend election.              meaning of section 1291(c)(2).
                                                                                                Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork 
Determine the amount allocable to each          Line 17                                         Reduction Act Notice.  We ask for the 
tax year in your holding period by adding the   Compute the interest on each net increase in    information on this form to carry out the 
amounts allocated to the days in each such      tax for the period beginning on the due date    Internal Revenue laws of the United States. 
tax year. Then:                                 (without regard to extensions) of your          Sections 6001, 6011, 6012(a), 6103, and 
Add the amounts allocated to the tax            income tax return for the tax year to which an  6109, and their regulations, require you to 
years before the foreign corporation became     increase in tax is attributable and ending with provide this information. We need this 

                                                                       -4-                   Instructions for Form 8621-A (Rev. 11-2017)

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information to ensure that you are complying     District of Columbia, and U.S.                  Recordkeeping. . . . . . . . .       22 hr., 43 min.
with the Internal Revenue laws and to allow      commonwealths and possessions for use in 
us to figure and determine the right amount      administering their tax laws, to federal and    Learning about the law or 
of tax.                                          state agencies to enforce federal nontax        the form. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10 hr., 43 min.
                                                 criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement    Preparing the form . . . . . .       27 hr., 24 min.
You must fill in all parts of the tax form       and intelligence agencies to combat 
that apply to you. If you don’t file a return    terrorism.                                      Sending the form to the 
under circumstances requiring its filing, don’t                                                  IRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4 hr., 33 min.
provide the information we ask for, or provide   You aren’t required to provide the 
fraudulent information, you may be charged       information requested on a form that is 
penalties and be subject to criminal             subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
prosecution. Section 6109 requires return        unless the form displays a valid OMB control    If you have comments concerning the 
preparers to provide their identifying           number. Books or records relating to a form     accuracy of these time estimates or 
numbers on the return.                           or its instructions must be retained as long as suggestions for making this form simpler, we 
Generally, tax returns and return                their contents may become material in the       would be happy to hear from you. You can 
information are confidential, as required by     administration of any Internal Revenue law.     send us comments from IRS.gov/
                                                                                                 FormsComments. You can write to the 
section 6103. However, section 6103 allows                                                       Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and 
or requires the Internal Revenue Service to      The time needed to complete and file this 
disclose or give the information shown on        form will vary depending on individual          Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, 
your tax return to others as described in the    circumstances. The estimated burden for         IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don’t send 
Code. For example, we may disclose your          individual and business taxpayers filing this   the tax form to this address. Instead, see 
tax information to the Department of Justice     form is approved under OMB control              Where To File, earlier.
for civil and criminal litigation. We may also   numbers 1545-0074 and 1545-0123. The 
disclose this information to cities, states, the estimated burden for all other taxpayers who 
                                                 file this form is shown below.

Instructions for Form 8621-A (Rev. 11-2017)                 -5-

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