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                                                                                                        Department of the Treasury
Instructions for Form 8804-C                                                                            Internal Revenue Service

(Rev. November 2012)

(Use with the March 2009 revision of Form 8804-C)
Certificate of Partner-Level Items to Reduce Section 1446 Withholding

Section references are to the Internal Revenue investment in the partnership is its only     receives written notification from the IRS 
Code unless otherwise noted.                   activity giving rise to effectively connected revoking or modifying the original 
                                               income, gain, loss, or deduction, if the      notification.
Future Developments                            partnership estimates that the annualized 
For the latest information about               (or, in the case of a partnership             When To File
developments related to Form 8804-C,           completing its Form 8804, the actual) 
and its instructions, such as legislation      1446 tax otherwise due for that partner is    Foreign partner. A foreign partner may 
enacted after they were published, go to       less than $1,000, without taking into         submit a Form 8804-C to a partnership at 
www.irs.gov/form8804.                          account any deductions or losses certified    any time during the partnership's year and 
                                               by the partner to the partnership or any      prior to the partnership's filing of its Form 
                                               state and local taxes paid by the             8804.
General Instructions                           partnership on behalf of the partner.
                                                                                             Partnership. A partnership must make 
                                                                                             installment payments of 1446 tax with 
Purpose of Form                                Who Must File                                 respect to a foreign partner using Form 
Form 8804-C is used by a foreign partner                                                     8813. For the first installment period in 
who chooses to provide to a partnership a      Foreign partner. A foreign partner must 
                                                                                             which the partnership considers a Form 
certification under Regulations section        use Form 8804-C to provide a certification 
                                                                                             8804-C in calculating an installment 
1.1446-6 to reduce or eliminate the            to a partnership under Regulations section 
                                                                                             payment of 1446 tax, the partnership must 
partnership's withholding tax obligation       1.1446-6 to reduce or eliminate the 1446 
                                                                                             attach a copy of the Form 8804-C to the 
under section 1446 (1446 tax) on the           tax the partnership must withhold and pay 
                                                                                             Form 8813. For all subsequent installment 
partner's allocable share of effectively       on ECTI allocable to the foreign partner. 
                                                                                             periods for which the partnership 
connected taxable income (ECTI) from the       The foreign partner uses Form 8804-C to 
                                                                                             considers the same Form 8804-C, the 
partnership. The foreign partner uses          certify to the partnership that it meets all 
                                                                                             partnership may, instead of attaching a 
Form 8804-C to certify to the partnership      the requirements of the regulations, and 
                                                                                             copy of the Form 8804-C, attach to the 
that it has certain partner-level deductions   represents that the information provided, 
                                                                                             Form 8813 a statement listing the 
and losses that can reduce or eliminate        including filing requirements, is true, 
                                                                                             following information for each foreign 
the 1446 tax on its allocable share of ECTI    correct, and complete.
                                                                                             partner whose certificate was relied upon 
from the partnership or that its investment                                                  during that installment period:
in the partnership is its only activity giving         Failure to accurately supply all 
rise to effectively connected income, gain,    !       the information requested by the 
loss, or deduction. The foreign partner        CAUTION form (including attachments) may      Taxpayer identification number, and
also uses Form 8804-C to update                result in the IRS rejecting the form and      The amount of certified deductions and 
information previously certified to the        prevent the partnership from considering      losses, and the amount of state and local 
partnership for the same tax year (updated     the certifications in the form in calculating taxes (if any) the partnership may consider 
certificate).                                  its 1446 tax on the partner's allocable       under Regulations section 1.1446-6(c)(1)
                                               share of ECTI.                                (iii).
Each foreign partner who chooses to                                                          If the partnership is relying on a de 
submit a certificate to a partnership must             A foreign partner should not file     minimis certification submitted by a foreign 
submit a separate Form 8804-C. Also, a         !       Form 8804-C with the IRS. Only        partner, the statement attached to the 
foreign partner must submit a new Form         CAUTION the partnership files Form 8804-C 
                                                                                             Form 8813 should instead indicate that no 
8804-C for each tax year in which it           with the IRS.                                 1446 tax is due with respect to that partner 
chooses to utilize the provisions of                                                         based on the de minimis certification.
Regulations section 1.1446-6.                  Partnership.  A partnership that receives 
                                               a Form 8804-C from a foreign partner is       In all events, the partnership must 
A partnership that receives a Form             not obligated to consider the Form 8804-C     attach the foreign partner's most recently 
8804-C from a foreign partner may              in computing the 1446 tax due with            submitted Form 8804-C to the Form 8805 
consider the form in calculating, paying,      respect to that foreign partner. However, if  filed for the partnership's tax year in which 
and reporting the 1446 tax due with            the partnership considers the Form            the Form 8804-C was considered.
respect to the ECTI allocable to the           8804-C in computing the 1446 tax due          Also, in all events, the partnership must 
foreign partner. A partnership may             with respect to a foreign partner, the        attach a copy of the computation of 1446 
consider, in whole or in part, a Form          partnership must submit a copy of the         tax due with respect to such foreign 
8804-C received from a foreign partner to      Form 8804-C to the IRS as explained in        partner to all Forms 8813, Partnership 
reduce or eliminate the 1446 tax withheld      When To File below.                           Withholding Tax Payment Voucher 
and paid with respect to that partner          If the partnership receives written           (Section 1446), and Forms 8805, Foreign 
based on the deductions and losses             notification from the IRS that a foreign      Partner's Information Statement of Section 
certified by the foreign partner on the Form   partner's certificate is defective, the       1446 Withholding Tax, filed with the IRS 
8804-C.                                        partnership may not use that certificate or   for any installment period or year for which 
                                               any other certificate submitted by the        such Form 8804-C is considered in 
A partnership may also eliminate the           foreign partner for the year submitted or     computing the partnership's 1446 tax. The 
1446 tax due with respect to a partner that    any subsequent year until the partnership     computation of 1446 tax due attached to 
certifies, using Form 8804-C, that its 

Nov 16, 2012                                                 Cat. No. 51633R

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each form must include the amount, if any,     1.1446-1 to determine the status of these     to Form 8813 for any installment period 
of state and local taxes described in          partners and determine their indirect share   such Form 8804-C is considered in 
Regulations section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(iii) that   of the lower-tier partnership's ECTI. See     computing the partnership's 1446 tax. 
is taken into account with respect to that     Regulations sections 1.1446-5(c) and (e).     Also attach the required computation of 
partner.                                       2.   An upper-tier partnership that           1446 tax due to Form 8805 when filing 
A partnership that considers a Form            submits a Form 8804-C of a direct or          Form 8804.
8804-C received from a foreign partner         indirect foreign partner to a lower-tier 
(including an updated Form 8804-C) when        partnership may not submit that Form 
computing its 1446 tax due with respect to     8804-C to another lower-tier partnership.     Specific Instructions
such partner must file Form 8813 for each      3.   An upper-tier partnership that relies    Partnership tax year.   Enter in the space 
installment period for which the Form          on a Form 8804-C submitted to it by a         below the title of Form 8804-C the tax year 
8804-C is considered, even if, as a result     direct or indirect foreign partner to         of the partnership to whom you are 
of relying on the certificate, no 1446 tax (or compute its 1446 tax due on ECTI              furnishing this certificate. If you are 
an installment of such tax) is due with        allocable to that partner (other than ECTI    uncertain, contact the partnership and 
respect to such foreign partner. The same      allocated to it from a lower-tier             request its tax year.
rule applies with respect to the filing of     partnership) may not submit that Form 
Forms 8804 and 8805 at the end of the          8804-C to any lower-tier partnership.         Part I – General 
partnership's tax year.
                                               4.   A lower-tier partnership that relies     Information
A partnership that fails to timely file a      on a Form 8804-C of a foreign partner in 
valid certificate and computation of 1446      an upper-tier partnership to reduce the       Item A. First certificate
tax due is considered to have satisfied the    1446 tax due with respect to such foreign     Check the box only if the partner is 
above filing requirements if the partnership   partner must submit sufficient information    submitting a Form 8804-C to any 
demonstrates to the IRS that the failure       with each Form 8813, and Form 8805, so        partnership for the first time, and has 
was due to reasonable cause and not            that the IRS may reliably associate the       never submitted a certificate to any 
willful neglect. See Regulations section       ECTI and the Form 8804-C with the             partnership under the section 1446 
1.1446-6(d)(3)(ii) for more information,       foreign partner in the upper-tier             regulations for any tax year.
including the requirements and                 partnership. The information submitted 
documents necessary to be submitted to         must include the foreign partner's name       Item B. Previously submitted 
satisfy this requirement. All required         and taxpayer identification number, as        certificate
documentation should be mailed to:             well as the allocations of effectively        If applicable, enter the foreign partner's 
                                               connected items at each partnership level.
Department of the Treasury                                                                   first tax year for which it submitted a 
Internal Revenue Service Center                                                              certificate under the section 1446 
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0549                    Avoid Common Errors                           regulations to any partnership. For 
                                               Foreign partner.  To ensure that your         example, if the foreign partner is a 
         A partnership that fails to comply    Form 8804-C is accepted, be sure that         calendar year taxpayer and previously 
!        with the above requirements will      you:                                          submitted a certificate for its 2010 tax 
CAUTION  not qualify to consider a foreign     Answer all applicable questions               year, enter “January 1, 2010 – December 
partner's Form 8804-C in calculating its       completely.                                   31, 2010.”
1446 tax. Therefore, a partnership that        Complete the date of certification in the     Item C. Updated certificate
considers a foreign partner's Form 8804-C      space provided in Part I.
                                                                                             See Form 8804-C, line 5, for the 
under these circumstances will have            Enter your complete name, address,            circumstances when an updated 
underpaid its 1446 tax and may be subject      and identifying number in Part I, Section A.  certificate is required.
to an underpayment penalty. See                Enter the complete name, address, and 
Regulations sections 1.1446-3(b)(2) and        EIN of the partnership in Part I, Section B.  Addresses
1.1446-6(d)(3).                                Attach any statement required by              When providing a U.S. street address on 
                                               line 5f, 8b, 8d, 8e, or 8f, if the line(s) is Form 8804-C, include the suite, room, or 
Tiered Partnership Rules                       applicable.                                   other unit number after the street address. 
The following special rules apply to a         If making the certification in Part II,       If the Post Office does not deliver mail to 
partnership (upper-tier partnership), with     complete lines 8a through 8f accurately to    the street address and the foreign partner 
one or more foreign partners, that is also a   allow the IRS to determine the benefit you    (or partnership) has a P.O. box, enter the 
partner in another partnership (lower-tier     are claiming.                                 box number instead of the street address. 
partnership).                                  List on line 4a all returns that have not     If the foreign partner (or partnership) 
                                               been filed.                                   receives its mail in care of a third party 
1. An upper-tier partnership may               Sign and date Part IV. If signed by an        (such as an accountant or attorney), enter 
submit Forms 8804-C for its direct or          authorized representative, be sure to         on the street address line “c/o” followed by 
indirect foreign partners to a lower-tier      attach a copy of the power of attorney.       the third party's name and street address 
partnership only to the extent that                                                          or P.O. box. When providing a foreign 
Regulations section 1.1446-5 applies to        Partnership.  To qualify to consider a 
allow the lower-tier partnership to look       Form 8804-C to reduce the amount of           address on Form 8804-C, enter the 
through the upper-tier partnership (and        1446 tax withheld and paid, be sure to:       number and street, city, province or state, 
any partnership owning an interest in the      Attach Form 8804-C to Form 8813 for           and the name of the country. Follow the 
upper-tier partnership for which the           the first installment the Form 8804-C is      foreign country's practice in placing the 
upper-tier partnership is submitting Forms     considered. For subsequent installments,      postal code in the address. Do not 
8804-C for that partnership) to its partners.  see When To File, earlier. Also attach        abbreviate the country name.
Included in this requirement is that the       Form 8804-C to Form 8805 when filing 
upper-tier partnership provide the             Form 8804.
lower-tier partnership sufficient              Attach the required computation of 
documentation under Regulations section        1446 tax due (see When To File, earlier) 

                                                                 -2-                         Instructions for Form 8804-C (Rev. 11-2012)

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Section A – Partner                             Line 1b                                        paid (or will pay) all amounts due with 
Information                                     The only type of trust that may submit a       respect to the returns (including interest, 
                                                certificate to a partnership is a grantor      penalties, and additions to tax, if any) by 
Foreign partner's name                          trust. A grantor trust is any trust over which the date they are filed. NRA's 2009 
Enter the foreign partner's name. If the        the grantor or other owner retains the         through 2011 U.S. federal income tax 
partner is an individual, enter the partner's   power to control or direct the trust's         returns report income or gain effectively 
last name (surname), then first name. For       income or assets. See sections 671             connected with a U.S. trade or business or 
business entities, enter the complete and       through 679. A grantor trust may submit a      deductions or losses properly allocated 
official business name (as set forth in the     certificate if the grantor or other owner of   and apportioned to such activities.
charter or other legal document creating        the trust has submitted the certificate and    Because 2012 is NRA's first tax year 
it). If a “c/o” or another person's name is     has met the documentation requirements         for which he is submitting a certificate to 
necessary, insert that information in the       of Regulations section 1.1446-1.               any partnership (regardless of whether he 
                                                                                               was a partner in PRS or any other 
address line.                                   Line 2a                                        partnership during each of these years), 
Foreign partner's taxpayer                      A partner may make estimated payments          he must meet the following requirements:
identifying number (TIN)                        for both income tax and self-employment 
                                                                                               1. His U.S. federal income tax return 
If the partner is an individual, the TIN is the tax, as well as other taxes and amounts 
                                                                                               for the 2011 tax year must be timely filed, 
individual's social security number or          reported on its tax return. If the partner 
                                                                                               including any extensions he obtained;
individual taxpayer identification number,      does not pay enough tax through 
and must be entered using a                     withholding or estimated tax payments, it      2. His U.S. federal income tax return 
NNN-NN-NNNN format (for example,                may be charged a penalty. If the partner       for the 2009 and 2010 tax years must 
123-45-6789). The TIN of any other              does not pay enough tax by the due date        have been filed by the earlier of:
foreign partner is its U.S. employer            of each payment period, it may be              The date that is one year after the due 
identification number (EIN), and must be        charged a penalty even if it is due a refund   date set forth in section 6072(c) for filing 
entered using a NN-NNNNNNN format               when it files its tax return. For more         such return, not including any extensions 
(for example, 12-3456789).                      information see Forms 2210 and 2220.           of time to file; or
                                                                                               July 23, 2012, the date on which this 
Date of certification                           Line 2b                                        certificate is submitted to the partnership;
Enter the date when the foreign partner         The character of a loss includes whether       3. All amounts due with each return 
submits the certificate (Form 8804-C) to        the loss is ordinary or capital and whether    (including interest, penalties, and 
the partnership. Use a MM/DD/YYYY               or not it is passive.                          additions to tax, if any) must have been (or 
format (for example, 09/24/2012).               Line 2c                                        will be) paid on or before these dates for 
                                                                                               filing such returns.
Foreign partner's address                       See Form of certification in the 
See Addresses, earlier.                         Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and         While NRA's 2009 and 2010 U.S. 
                                                8813 for a listing of documentation a          federal income tax returns were filed after 
                                                foreign partner can provide to a               their due dates, they were filed within one 
Section B – Partnership                         partnership under Regulations section          year of the due date and before NRA 
Information                                     1.1446-1 to establish its foreign status.      submitted his certificate to PRS. In 
                                                                                               addition, if NRA files his 2011 U.S. federal 
Partnership's name                              Lines 3a and 3b                                income tax return on April 13, 2012, and 
Enter the partnership's name. If a “c/o” or     The following examples illustrate the          his 2012 U.S. federal income tax return on 
another person's name is necessary,             required representations.                      May 14, 2013, then such returns will be 
insert that information in the address line.                                                   timely filed. Finally, all amounts due with 
                                                Example 1. A foreign individual (NRA)          each return (including interest, penalties, 
Employer identification number                  and a U.S. individual (B) form a               and additions to tax, if any) were (or will 
(EIN)                                           partnership (PRS) in 2012 to conduct a         be) paid on or before these dates. 
                                                trade or business in the United States.        Therefore, NRA is eligible to submit a 
Enter the partnership's EIN using a             NRA and B provide PRS appropriate              certificate to PRS in 2012.
NN-NNNNNNN format (for example,                 documentation under Regulations section 
12-3456789).                                    1.1446-1 to establish their status for         Example 2.         Assume the same facts as 
Partnership's address                           purposes of section 1446. NRA, B, and          Example 1 except NRA had submitted a 
                                                PRS are calendar year taxpayers. NRA           certificate to another partnership in 2009. 
See Addresses, earlier.                         submits a Form 8804-C to PRS on July           Under these circumstances NRA was 
                                                23, 2012, to be considered by PRS in           required to have timely filed his U.S. 
Section C – Partner                             determining its 1446 tax due with respect      federal income tax return for 2009 and all 
Representations                                 to NRA for the third installment period in     subsequent tax years. Because NRA did 
                                                2012. The Form 8804-C indicates that           not timely file his 2009 U.S. federal 
Line 1a                                         NRA reasonably expects to have an              income tax return, NRA is not eligible to 
A foreign partner must represent that the       effectively connected net operating loss of    submit a certificate to any partnership, 
Form 8804-C is not being submitted to a         $5,000 available to offset his allocable       including PRS, for any subsequent tax 
publicly traded partnership. A publicly         share of ECTI from PRS in 2012. Prior to       year, including 2012.
traded partnership is any partnership (a)       2012, NRA had not submitted a certificate 
whose interests are regularly traded on an      to a partnership. NRA filed his 2009 U.S.      Line 4a
established securities market or is readily     federal income tax return on March 14,         A foreign partner submitting a Form 
tradable on a secondary market (or the          2011; his 2010 U.S. federal income tax         8804-C to the partnership must list all 
substantial equivalent thereof), and (b)        return on February 13, 2012; and his 2011      returns required under line 3a or 3b that 
that is not treated as a corporation. See       U.S. federal income tax return on April 13,    have not been filed at the time of the Form 
section 7704.                                   2012. NRA will file his 2012 U.S. federal      8804-C submission.
                                                income tax return on May 14, 2013. NRA 

Instructions for Form 8804-C (Rev. 11-2012)                           -3-

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Example 3.   A foreign partner submits         The foreign partner is also required to           Line 7
a Form 8804-C to its U.S. partnership on       submit to the partnership another updated         A foreign partner may not certify a loss or 
June 1, 2012, but has not yet filed its 2011   Form 8804-C when it files the prior year          deduction for a tax year that ends on the 
U.S. federal income tax return. The foreign    income tax return. On that updated Form           same date as or after the partnership's tax 
partner discloses the required information     8804-C, the foreign partner will check the        year ends. See the instructions for lines 3a 
on line 4a as follows.                         box on line 5a to inform the partnership of       and 3b, earlier, for the filing dates required 
                                               the occurrence of the event.
Return Form: 1040NR                                                                              for U.S. federal income tax returns on 
Tax Year Ended: December 31, 2011                      The foreign partner must inform           which the deductions and losses must be 
Filing Due Date: June 15, 2012                 !       the partnership if it fails to file the 
                                               CAUTION prior year return by its due date 
                                                                                                 Example 5.   Both the foreign partner 
                                               including any extensions obtained. In this        and the partnership have calendar tax 
Section D – Updated                            case, the partnership must disregard the          years. The foreign partner may certify a 
Certificates                                   partner's certificate when computing the          net operating loss (NOL) for its 2011 tax 
A foreign partner must submit any updated      1446 tax due with respect to that partner         year to the partnership for the 
certificate(s) required by line 5a, 5c, 5d, or for all remaining installment periods and         partnership's 2012 tax year. However, the 
5e within 10 days of the occurrence of the     when completing its Form 8804 for the tax         foreign partner may not certify an NOL for 
event described on the applicable line(s).     year.                                             its 2012 tax year for the partnership's 2012 
Like the first Form 8804-C, a partner must                                                       tax year.
submit any updated Forms 8804-C to the         Line 5d
partnership, not the IRS.                      The character of a loss includes whether          Example 6.   The foreign partner has a 
Example 4.   When the foreign partner          the loss is ordinary or capital and whether       fiscal tax year ending on June 30, and the 
submitted its first certificate to the         or not it is passive.                             partnership has a calendar tax year. The 
                                                                                                 foreign partner may not certify an NOL for 
partnership, it had not yet filed a prior year Line 5e                                           its tax year ending June 30, 2012, to the 
U.S. federal income tax return. When the                                                         partnership until after June 30, 2012. If the 
foreign partner files the tax return, it       Examples of when another activity would 
determines that it had overstated the          give rise to effectively connected income,        foreign partner certifies the NOL on July 
amount of the loss certified on its first      gain, loss, or deduction include if the           16, 2012, the partnership is not permitted 
certificate. The partner would check boxes     foreign partner began a U.S. trade or             to consider that NOL until its September 
5a and 5d when it submits its updated          business or invested in a partnership that        15, 2012, installment due date.
certificate.                                   is engaged in a U.S. trade or business.
                                                                                                 Line 8
Lines 5b and 5c                                Line 5f                                           The following instructions explain the 
A foreign partner checks the box on            Examples of other information that would          responsibilities of the partner and the 
line 5b or line 5c to provide the status       require an updated certificate include a          partnership with respect to this line.
update required by Regulations section         partner correcting an incorrect taxpayer          Partnership. A partnership must take into 
1.1446-6(c)(2)(ii)(B)(1), if applicable. This  identification number or address listed on        account any limitations on the use of any 
update informs the partnership that an         the first Form 8804-C.                            deduction or loss certified by the foreign 
un-filed prior year U.S. federal income tax                                                      partners on Form 8804-C in determining 
return listed on a previous certificate        Part II – Certifications of                       the 1446 tax due with respect to the 
remains un-filed. This updated certificate     Deductions and Losses                             partner. For example, a partner certifies 
must be provided to the partnership before                                                       passive activity losses on line 8d and 
the partnership's final installment due date   Under Regulations Section                         identifies the activities the partnership 
of 1446 tax. The partnership's installment     1.1446-6(c)(1)(i)                                 conducts that the partner expects will be 
due dates of 1446 tax are the 15th day of      In Part II, the foreign partner makes             passive activities. The partnership must 
the 4th, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of its tax  representations about the character and           limit the amount of certified loss it 
year. For calendar year partnerships,          amounts of its deductions and losses that         considers relating to each activity to the 
these correspond to the 15th day of April,     are available to offset its allocable share of    amount of income the partnership 
June, September, and December.                 ECTI. The foreign partner also lists the          generates from that activity.
                                               amounts and character of the eligible             Foreign partner. Enter on the 
If the first certificate submitted can         deductions and losses. Deductions and             appropriate line the amount of the eligible 
continue to be considered by the               losses certified to a partnership for a tax       deductions and losses that are being 
partnership, check the box on line 5b. If      year of the partnership may not be                represented to the partnership. The 
the first certificate submitted can no longer  certified to another partnership whose tax        character of the deductions and losses will 
be considered by the partnership, check        year begins or ends with or within the tax        determine where the entry is made. Any 
the box on line 5c.                            year of the partnership to which the              deductions and losses certified to the 
        If the partnership does not            deductions and losses were certified.             partnership from another partnership must 
                                                                                                 be reported on a Form 1065 
CAUTION from the partner prior to the 
!       receive an updated certificate         Note. If Part III is applicable, it is not        (Schedule K-1) issued (or to be issued) to 
                                               necessary to complete Part II. However, 
partnership's final installment due date (or                                                     the foreign partner by such other 
                                               under some circumstances, it may be               partnership.
if the statement described in the previous     advisable to complete both Part II and Part 
paragraph is not attached to the 
                                               III. See the instructions for line 11, later, for          A foreign partner may not certify 
certificate), the partnership must disregard   more information.                                 !        current year deductions and 
the partner's certificate when computing                                                         CAUTION
                                                                                                          losses to a partnership.
the 1446 tax due with respect to that          Line 6
partner for the final installment period and   A partner may not certify charitable 
when completing its Form 8804 for the tax      contribution deductions to the partnership.
year. See Regulations section 1.1446-6(c)
(2)(ii)(B)(1) for additional information.

                                                                     -4-                  Instructions for Form 8804-C (Rev. 11-2012)

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Column (a)                                     capital losses from long-term capital         (in which the partner is or was a partner) 
                                               losses in the attachment.                     that affects the foreign partner's original 
A partner submitting its first certificate for                                               distributive share of deductions and 
the current tax year should complete           Line 8c                                       losses from a prior year.
column (a) only. A partner submitting an       Enter only those losses suspended under 
updated certificate should complete            section 704(d) that are attributable to the   Part III – Certification 
columns (a), (b), and (c).                     partnership to which this certificate is 
                                               being submitted. Section 704(d) limits the    Under Regulations Section 
A partner submitting an updated                amount of losses (that flow through a         1.1446-6
certificate should enter in column (a) the     partnership to a partner) to the partner's 
amounts from its first certificate submitted   basis in the partnership. Any excess          Line 11
to the partnership for the current tax year.   losses are suspended and may not be           When applicable under Regulations 
If the first certificate has been superseded,  used by the partner until the partner's       section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(ii)(B), a foreign 
enter in column (a) the amounts from the       basis increases. A partner may certify its    partner may certify that its investment in 
most recent certificate submitted to the       losses suspended under section 704(d)         the partnership is (and will be) the sole 
partnership.                                   only to the partnership to whom those         activity that will give rise to effectively 
                                               losses are attributable.                      connected income, gain, deduction, or 
Column (b)                                                                                   loss during the partner's tax year in which 
                                               Line 8d
Enter the net increase or net decrease for                                                   Form 8804-C is submitted to the 
each line being changed.                       Enter only those suspended activity losses    partnership. The foreign partner must 
                                               that meet the requirements of Regulations     make this determination based on the 
                                               section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(i)(D). Attach a        partnership's tax year that ends with or 
Column (c)                                     statement identifying the partnership         within the partner's tax year. A qualifying 
Add the increase in column (b) to the          activity to which each loss relates. For      foreign partner makes this certification by 
amount in column (a), or subtract the          more information regarding passive            checking the box on line 11.
column (b) decrease from column (a).           activity losses, see Form 8582 and Pub. 
Enter the result in column (c). For an item    925.                                          A foreign partner may make the 
that did not change, enter the amount from                                                   certification on line 11 without making the 
column (a) in column (c).                      Line 8e                                       certifications in Part II. However, see the 
                                               Enter only those suspended at-risk losses     next paragraph for the only circumstance 
Note. Show any negative numbers                that meet the requirements of Regulations     under which a partnership may consider a 
(losses or decreases) in columns (a), (b),     section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(i)(D). Attach a        certification on line 11. A foreign partner 
or (c) in parentheses.                         statement identifying the partnership         making the certifications in Part II need not 
                                               activity to which each loss relates. For      make the certification on line 11.
Line 8a. Net Operating Loss                    more information regarding at-risk loss       A partnership that receives this 
Carryover                                      limitations, see Form 6198 and Pub. 925.      certification from a foreign partner, and 
Foreign partner. The NOL must be               Line 8f                                       that may reasonably rely on such 
                                                                                             certification, is not required to pay 1446 
connected with gross income which is           Enter other ordinary deductions and 
                                                                                             tax (or any installment of such tax) with 
effectively connected (or treated as           losses described in Regulations section 
                                                                                             respect to such partner if the partnership 
effectively connected) with conduct of the     1.1446-6(c)(1)(i) that are subject to 
                                                                                             estimates that the annualized (or, in the 
partner's trade or business in the United      partner level limitation or warrant special 
                                                                                             case of a partnership completing its Form 
States.                                        consideration. A foreign partner must 
                                                                                             8804, the actual) 1446 tax otherwise due 
Partnership. Regulations section               identify in an attachment any other 
                                                                                             with respect to such partner is less than 
1.1446-6(c)(1)(i)(C) provides that a           certified losses or deductions that are 
                                                                                             $1,000, without taking into account any 
partnership may not consider a partner's       subject to special limitations at the partner 
                                                                                             deductions or losses the foreign partner 
certified NOL deduction in an amount           level.
                                                                                             certified to the partnership or any state 
greater than 90% of the partner's allocable                                                  and local taxes the partnership withholds 
share of ECTI reduced by all other             Line 9
certified deductions whether or not            If a foreign partner is a partner in more     on behalf of the partner.
otherwise taken into account, as well as       than one partnership, the partner may 
state and local income taxes the               certify some of its deductions and losses     Part IV – Disclosure 
partnership withholds on behalf of the         to one partnership and some to another.       Consent and Signature
partner that are taken into account under      However, the total of any one type of         Foreign partners should note the 
Regulations section 1.1446-6(c)(1)(iii).       deduction or loss certified to all            importance of the two statements on the 
The 90% limitation should be applied on a      partnerships may not exceed the amount        form to which they are consenting and 
cumulative basis for each installment          of that deduction or loss carried forward     certifying under penalties of perjury. The 
period. Note that if the partnership's         from a prior year that the partner may        first statement reads as follows:
annualized income changes during the           claim on its current year U.S. federal tax 
year, the limitation on the amount of the      return.                                       “Consent is hereby given to disclosures 
                                                                                             of return and return information by the 
certified NOL deduction that the               Line 10                                       Internal Revenue Service pertaining to the 
partnership may take into account can 
increase or decrease accordingly. See          The foreign partner may not utilize           validity of this certificate to the partnership 
Regulations section 1.1446-3(b)(2)(i)(B).      deductions and losses that have been          or other withholding agent to which this 
                                               disallowed or proposed to be adjusted by      certificate is submitted for the purpose of 
Line 8b                                        the IRS. This refers not only to loss         administering section 1446.”
Attach a statement that indicates the type     disallowances or proposed adjustments 
and amount of each capital loss. The           resulting from an IRS audit of the foreign    The foreign partner's consent gives the 
foreign partner must distinguish short-term    partner, but also to those resulting from an  IRS authority to contact the partnership or 
                                               administrative proceeding of a partnership    withholding agent directly with questions 
                                                                                             to ensure processing of the certificate. 

Instructions for Form 8804-C (Rev. 11-2012)            -5-

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The foreign partner will receive copies of Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.       We    circumstances. The estimated average 
all IRS correspondence with the            ask for the information on these forms to   times are:
partnership regarding the certificate.     carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the  Recordkeeping ......      10 hrs., 16 min.
The second statement on the form is a      United States. You are required to give us  Learning about the law or 
penalty of perjury statement required by   the information. We need it to ensure that  the form    .........     3 hr., 26 min.
the regulations. The statement requires    you are complying with these laws and to    Preparing the form ....   4 hrs., 41 min.
the signature of the partner, or its       allow us to figure and collect the right    Copying, assembling, and 
authorized representative, under penalties amount of tax.                              sending the form to the 
of perjury, and the date that the Form     You are not required to provide the         IRS    ............       16 min.
8804-C was signed.                         information requested on a form that is 
If a representative of the partner signs   subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act      If you have comments concerning the 
and dates the Form 8804-C, a power of      unless the form displays a valid OMB        accuracy of these time estimates or 
attorney specifically authorizing this     control number. Books or records relating   suggestions for making this form simpler, 
representation must be attached to the     to a form or its instructions must be       we would be happy to hear from you. You 
Form 8804-C.                               retained as long as their contents may      can write to the Internal Revenue Service, 
A partnership will not be able to          become material in the administration of    Tax Products Coordinating Committee, 
consider a Form 8804-C unless all the      any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax    SE:W:CAR:MP:T:M:S, 1111 Constitution 
above requirements are met.                returns and return information are          Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 
                                           confidential, as required by section 6103.  20224. Do not send Form 8804-C to this 
                                                                                       address. Instead, send it to the 
Date                                       The time needed to complete and file 
Enter the date when the foreign partner    this form will vary depending on individual 
signs Form 8804-C. Use the format 
MM/DD/YYYY (for example, 09/24/2012).

                                                          -6-                       Instructions for Form 8804-C (Rev. 11-2012)

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