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                                             Taxable REIT Subsidiary Election 
Form   8875                                                                                                                                   OMB No. 1545-0123
(Rev. September 2014)                      (Under section 856(I)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code) 
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service            ▶  Information about Form 8875 and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8875. 
Part I   Taxable REIT Subsidiary Making the Election
1    Name of taxable REIT subsidiary                                                                          2    Employer identification number (EIN)

    Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see instructions.)                                  3    Date incorporated or organized

    City or town, state, and ZIP code                                                                         4    State or country of incorporation or organization

Part II  Electing REIT That Owns Stock in the Taxable REIT Subsidiary
5    Name of electing REIT                                                                                    6    Employer identification number (EIN)

    Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see instructions.)                                  7    Date incorporated or organized

    City or town, state, and ZIP code                                                                         8    State of incorporation or organization

9    Name of officer of electing REIT or legal representative whom the IRS may contact for more information   10    Telephone number of officer or legal representative

Part III Information on the Election

11  Date election is to take effect (month, day, year) (see instructions)  ▶

12  Did the subsidiary previously file a federal income tax return? If “Yes,” complete lines 13a and 13b  . . . .  .  .  . .    . . .          ▶     Yes    No
                                                                                                              13b  Check type of return filed:
13a Tax year ending date of last return (month, day, year)  . . .     ▶                                               Form 1120               Other ▶

14  Was the subsidiary’s last return filed as part of a consolidated return (for which the subsidiary was not the common parent)? If “Yes,” complete 
    lines 15a and 15b  .      .   . .  . . . .         . .    . . .         . . . . .  . . .  .             . . .  .  .  . .    . . .            ▶   Yes    No
15a Name of subsidiary’s common parent                                                                        15b  EIN of subsidiary’s common parent

16  Does this taxable REIT subsidiary own 35% of the total voting power or value of securities of another lower tier corporation (other than a 
    REIT)?  . .          .  . .   . .  . . . .         . .    . . .         . . . . .  . . .  .             . . .  .  .  . .    . . .          ▶     Yes    No
    If “Yes,” see instructions for required attachment.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this election, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is 
true, correct, and complete.
Signature of officer  
of taxable REIT subsidiary ▶ 
                                                                                                              (Title)                          (Date signed)
Signature of officer  
of electing REIT         .  . .  ▶
                                                                                                              (Title)                          (Date signed)

General Instructions                                        A corporation is ineligible to be treated              1. The rights are provided to an 
                                                         as a taxable REIT subsidiary if it directly            eligible independent contractor (as 
Section references are to the Internal                   or indirectly:                                         defined in section 856(d)(9)) to operate or 
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.                     • Operates or manages a lodging facility               manage a lodging facility or a health care 
Purpose of Form                                          or a health care facility, or                          facility,
A corporation (other than a REIT or an                   • Provides to any other person (under a                   2. The rights are held by the 
ineligible corporation) and a REIT use                   franchise, license, or otherwise) rights to            corporation as a franchisee, licensee, or 
Form 8875 to jointly elect to have the                   any brand name under which any                         in a similar capacity, and
corporation treated as a taxable REIT                    lodging facility or health care facility is               3. The lodging facility or health care 
subsidiary (TRS) under section 856(l).                   operated.                                              facility is either owned by the 
The corporation and the REIT can                            Exception. A corporation is eligible to             corporation or leased by the electing 
make this election if the REIT directly or               be treated as a taxable REIT subsidiary                REIT to the corporation.
indirectly owns stock in the corporation.                if:
The election does not require IRS 
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 2.                                       Cat. No. 31145M                               Form 8875 (Rev. 9-2014) 

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Form 8875 (Rev. 9-2014)                                                                                                     Page 2 
When To Make the Election                   If the TRS has not received its EIN by      the outstanding voting securities of 
                                            the time the return is due, enter “Applied  Corporation Y. On March 15, 2014, 
The corporation and the REIT can make       for” in the space for the EIN. For more     Corporation X acquired an additional 
this election at any time during the tax    details, see Pub. 583.                      10% of the outstanding voting securities 
year. However, the effective date of the                                                of Corporation Y. Under section 856(l)(2), 
election depends upon when Form 8875        If the securities of a corporation are 
is filed. See the instructions for line 11. owned directly or indirectly by more than   Corporation Y will be treated as a TRS of 
                                            one electing REIT, each electing REIT       the REIT effective March 15, 2014. The 
Where To File                               seeking to treat the corporation as a       REIT and Corporation X must jointly file a 
File Form 8875 with the:                    taxable REIT subsidiary must file a         copy of their previously filed Form 8875 
                                            separate Form 8875.                         marked “Automatic Taxable REIT 
   Department of the Treasury                                                           Subsidiary” at the top and attach a 
   Internal Revenue Service                 Line 11                                     statement including the name and EIN of 
   Ogden, UT 84201                          The effective date of the TRS election      Corporation Y within 30 days of the end 
   Do not attach it to the corporation’s or entered on line 11 cannot be more than:     of the quarter of the REIT’s tax year in 
                                                                                        which Corporation Y became a TRS.
REIT’s tax returns.                         1. Two months and 15 days prior to 
Revocation of Election                      the date of filing the election or          Signature
Once the TRS election is made, it is        2. Twelve months after the date of          Form 8875 must be signed by persons 
irrevocable unless both the corporation     filing the election.                        authorized to sign the tax returns of the 
and the REIT consent to the revocation.      If the election specifies a date earlier   TRS and the electing REIT.
Notify the IRS of the revocation by jointly than the date in 1above, it will be 
filing a new Form 8875, and writing the     treated as being effective 2 months and     Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We 
word “REVOCATION” across the top of         15 days prior to the date of filing the     ask for the information on this form to 
the form. Complete Parts I and II and       election. If the election specifies a date  carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
provide both signatures. This revocation    later than the date in 2above, it will be   the United States. You are required to 
does not require IRS consent. The           treated as being effective 12 months        give us the information. We need it to 
revocation is effective on the date the     after the date of filing the election.      ensure that you are complying with these 
new Form 8875 is filed.                     If no date is specified, the election is    laws.
   If the employer identification number    effective on the date Form 8875 is filed.   You are not required to provide the 
(EIN) of the TRS changes as a result of a                                               information requested on a form that is 
change in status (for example, a merger),   Line 16                                     subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
the election is automatically terminated.   A TRS that directly or indirectly owns      unless the form displays a valid OMB 
A new election must be made using the       35% of the total voting power or value of   control number. Books or records 
new EIN.                                    the outstanding securities of a             relating to a form or its instructions must 
                                            corporation (other than a REIT) must        be retained as long as their contents 
Specific Instructions                       attach a statement to Form 8875 with        may become material in the 
                                            the name and EIN of that corporation.       administration of any Internal Revenue 
Address                                     Under section 856(l), this corporation      law. Generally, tax returns and return 
Include the suite, room, or other unit      also will be treated as a TRS of the REIT   information are confidential, as required 
number after the street address. If the     named in Part II.                           by section 6103.
Post Office does not deliver to the street  If at the time that an election is filed on The time needed to complete and file 
address and the corporation has a P.O.      Form 8875, the TRS named in Part I          this form will vary depending on 
box, show the box number instead of the     directly or indirectly owns less than 35%   individual circumstances. The estimated 
street address.                             of the total voting power or value of the   average time is:
   If the electing REIT has the same        outstanding securities of another           Recordkeeping   .   .  . .  6 hr., 56 min.
address as the TRS, enter “Same as          corporation and subsequently acquires 
corporation” in Part II.                    securities in that corporation that will    Learning about the  
                                            result in an ownership interest of 35% or   law or the form .   .  . .     . . 18 min.
   If either the TRS or the electing REIT   more, the TRS and REIT that filed Form      Preparing, copying, and 
changes its mailing address or              8875 must file a copy of Form 8875          sending the form to 
responsible party after the election is     marked “Automatic Taxable REIT              the IRS    .  . .   .  . .     . . 25 min.
filed, it should notify the IRS by filing   Subsidiary” at the top of the form and      If you have comments concerning the 
Form 8822-B, Change of Address or           attach a statement including the name       accuracy of these time estimates or 
Responsible Party—Business.                 and EIN of the new lower tier TRS. The      suggestions for making this form 
Employer Identification                     new Form 8875 must be filed in the          simpler, we would be happy to hear from 
                                            same manner as the original Form 8875       you. You can write to the Internal 
Number (EIN)                                within 30 days of the end of the quarter    Revenue Service, Tax Forms and 
Enter the TRS’s EIN. If the TRS does not    of the REIT’s tax year in which the lower   Publications Division, 1111 Constitution 
have an EIN, it must apply for one. An      tier corporation became a TRS.              Ave., NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 
EIN can be applied for:                      If the 35% interest is not the result of   20224.
• Online—Click on the Employer ID           an acquisition, no filing is necessary.     Do not send the form to this address. 
Numbers link at www.irs.gov/businesses.     Example. REIT and Corporation X             Instead, see Where To File above.
The EIN is issued immediately once the      jointly filed Form 8875 on January 15, 
application information is validated.       2014, with an effective date of January 
• By mailing or faxing Form SS-4,           1, 2014. On the date that Form 8875 
Application for Employer Identification     was filed, Corporation X owned 30% of 

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