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                                   Department of the Treasury — Internal Revenue Service 
Form 13976                                                                                               OMB No. 1545-1686 
(April  2008)         Itemized Statement Component of Advisee List 

Section I: Material Advisor Information 
Name (Last/Entity)                                First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

Street Address                                    City                              State                Zip 

Telephone Number                                  Person to Contact 

Section II: Reportable Transaction Information 
Name of Reportable Transaction                    Type(s) of Reportable Transaction 

Reportable Transaction #                          Published Guidance # (TOI or Listed Transactions) 

Section III: Other Material Advisors to the Reportable Transaction 
1)   Name (Last/Entity)                                     First Name                    Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

     Street Address                                         City                    State                Zip 

     Signed Designation Agreement:            Yes       No 
2)   Name (Last/Entity)                                     First Name                    Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

     Street Address                                         City                    State                Zip 

     Signed Designation Agreement:            Yes       No 
3)   Name (Last/Entity)                                     First Name                    Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

     Street Address                                         City                    State                Zip 

     Signed Designation Agreement:            Yes        No 

Section IV: Advisee Information and Summary or Schedule of Tax Treatment 
1)   Name (Last/Entity)                                     First Name                    Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

     Street Address                                         City                          State                Zip 

     Date Entered into Transaction                          Amount Invested  

     Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or    Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
     Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction         and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

Catalog Number 51488Y                                       www.irs.gov                             Form 13976 (Rev. 04-2008) 

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Section IV: Advisee Information and Summary or Schedule of Tax Treatment (Continued) 
2) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                            Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction      and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

3) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                            Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction      and/or Bates Numbers  (Optional) 

4) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                            Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction      and/or Bates Numbers  (Optional) 

5) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                            Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction      and/or Bates Numbers  (Optional) 

Catalog Number 51488Y            www.irs.gov                                         Form 13976 (Rev. 04-2008) 

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Section IV: Advisee Information and Summary or Schedule of Tax Treatment (Continued) 
6) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                             Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested  

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or  Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction       and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

7) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                             Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or  Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction       and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

8) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                             Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or  Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction       and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

9) Name (Last/Entity)            First Name                              Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

   Street Address                City                                    State                             Zip 

   Date Entered into Transaction Amount Invested 

   Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or  Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
   Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction       and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

Catalog Number 51488Y            www.irs.gov                                         Form 13976 (Rev. 04-2008) 

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Section IV: Advisee Information and Summary or Schedule of Tax Treatment (Continued) 
10) Name (Last/Entity)                                First Name          Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

    Street Address                                    City                State                                    Zip 

    Date Entered into Transaction                     Amount Invested  

    Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or  Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
    Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction       and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

11) Name (Last/Entity)                                First Name          Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 

    Street Address                                    City                State                                    Zip 

    Date Entered into Transaction                     Amount Invested 

    Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee is Expected or  Associated Documents, such as Exhibit 
    Intended to Derive from Participation in Reportable Transaction       and/or Bates Numbers   (Optional) 

                       Privacy Act Notice and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice 

We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. We need it to ensure 
that you are complying with these laws. Our authority to ask for this information is Internal Revenue Code sections 6112 
and 6708 and their regulations, which require you to furnish this information to us within 20 business days after we 
request it from you in writing. Section 6109 requires that you provide your identifying number on what you file; this is so 
that we can properly process your filed documents. Use of this form is optional, but providing the information requested on 
this form is mandatory. We may disclose this information to the Department of Justice for civil and criminal litigation, and 
to other federal agencies as provided by law. We may give it to cities, states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. 
commonwealths or possessions to carry out their tax laws. We may also disclose this information to other countries under 
a tax treaty, to federal and state agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal law, or to federal law enforcement and 
intelligence agencies to combat terrorism. Failure to maintain and furnish this information as required, or providing false or 
incomplete information, may subject you to penalties. 

The collection of information referenced in this form have been previously reviewed and approved by the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB) as part of the promulgation of § 6112 in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act 
(44 U.S.C. 3507) under control number 1545-1686. Material Advisors are required to maintain this information. If 
requested, Material Advisors are required to provide this information to the Internal Revenue Service. The revenue 
procedure merely provides a format for material advisors to use in complying with the requirements of § 6112. This form is 
not required. 

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the 
collection of information displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a collection of information must 
be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, 
tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by § 6103.  The estimated annual burden per recordkeeper 
for this collection of information is 100 hours and the estimated number of recordkeepers is 500. 

Catalog Number 51488Y                                 www.irs.gov                                 Form 13976 (Rev. 04-2008) 

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General Instructions 
Purpose of the Form                                                  Section II - Reportable Transaction Information 
Note. The use of this Form (or a similar form) is voluntary.         Name of Reportable Transaction.  Enter the name, if any, by 
The use of this Form is not required in order to comply with         which the transaction is known or commonly referred to by 
section 6112.                                                        either the material advisor or published guidance.  If no name 
                                                                     exists, leave blank.  Do not report more than one type of 
As per Regulations section 301.6112-1(b)(1) and Rev.                 reportable transaction on this Form unless the transactions are 
Proc. 2008-20, this Form provides material advisors a                the same or substantially similar. 
format for preparing and maintaining the itemized 
statement component of the list with respect to a                    Type of Reportable Transaction.  Enter the type of 
reportable transaction.  This Form contains space for all            reportable transaction that is being reported.  The types of 
of the elements required by Regulations section                      reportable transactions are: listed transactions, confidential 
301.6112-1(b)(3)(i), as revised on August 3, 2007.                   transactions, transactions with contractual protection, loss 
                                                                     transactions, and transactions of interest.  See Regulations 
Material advisors may use this Form as a template for                sections 1.6011-4(b)(2)-(6) for the descriptions of the 
creating a similar form, including a spreadsheet, on a               reportable transactions.  Prior reportable transactions include 
software program used by the material advisor.                       transactions with a significant book-tax difference and 
                                                                     transactions with a brief asset holding period. 
If a material advisor is required to maintain a list under a 
prior version of the regulations, this Form may be                   Reportable Transaction Number.  If you disclosed the 
modified or a similar form containing all the information            transaction as a reportable transaction under section 6111, 
required under the prior version of the regulations may              enter the reportable transaction number issued to you. 
be created and used. 
                                                                     Published Guidance Number.  If the transaction is a listed 
                                                                     transaction or transaction of interest, enter the notice, revenue 
Use of the Form                                                      ruling, regulation, announcement, or other published guidance 
Material advisors may use this Form (or a similar form)              that identified the transaction as a listed transaction or 
and provide this Form (or a similar form), along with a              transaction of interest (For example, Notice 2003-81, 2003-51 
description of the transaction and copies of documents               I.R.B. 1 modified and supplemented by Notice 2007-71, 
required under Regulations section 301.6112-1(b)(3)(ii)              2007-35 I.R.B. 472.).  For listed transactions, identify the 
and (iii), respectively, when timely furnishing the list in          guidance as shown in Notice 2004-67, 2004-50 I.R.B. 967 or 
response to a written request for the list.                          later IRS guidance. 

Specific Instructions                                                Section III - Other Material Advisors to the 
                                                                     Reportable Transaction 
How to Complete the Form 
In order to be considered complete, this Form (or a similar          Enter the names of other material advisors to the transaction, if 
form) must be completed in its entirety.  To be considered           known.  Use more than one page if necessary. 
complete, the information provided on this Form (or similar 
form) must include a summary or schedule of the tax treatment        Individuals.  If any other material advisor is an individual, 
that the advisee is intended or expected to derive from              enter the last name and first name, the complete address, and 
participation in the reportable transaction.  A statement that       the social security number (if known) of the material advisor. 
information will be provided upon request is not considered a        Indicate with a "yes" or "no" whether the other material advisor 
complete Form.  If the list is being maintained under a prior        is a party to a designation agreement with respect to the 
version of Regulations section 301.6112-1, the Form must             transaction. 
contain all of the information required under the prior version in 
order to be complete.                                                Entities.  If any other material advisor is an entity, enter the 
                                                                     full name of the entity as shown on its income tax return, the 
If the information required exceeds the space provided,              employer identification number (if known), and the complete 
complete as much information as possible in the available            address.  Indicate with a "yes" or "no" whether the other 
space and attach the remaining information on additional             material advisor is a party to a designation agreement with 
sheets.  The additional sheets must be in the same order as          respect to the transaction. 
the lines to which they correspond and should be clearly 
labeled to identify the Section of the Form to which they            Caution: The designation of one material advisor to disclose 
correspond.  You must include your name and identifying              the transaction does not relieve you from the requirements of 
number at the top of each additional sheet.                          Regulations section 301.6112-1 if the IRS is unable to obtain 
                                                                     the list from the designated material advisor, the designated 
Section I - Material Advisor Information                             material advisor did not maintain a list, or the list maintained by 
                                                                     the designated material advisor is incomplete. 
Individuals.  If the material advisor is an individual, enter the 
last name and first name, the complete address, the phone 
number, and the social security number of the material advisor. 
Entities.  If the material advisor is an entity, enter the full name 
of the entity as shown on its income tax return, the complete 
address, the employer identification number, and the name of 
a contact person along with a contact telephone number. 

Catalog Number 51488Y                                             www.irs.gov                           Form 13976 (Rev. 04-2008) 

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Section IV - Advisee Information and Summary or                    Summary or Schedule of the Tax Treatment that Advisee 
Schedule of Tax Treatment                                          is Expected or Intended to Derive From Participation in 
                                                                   Reportable Transaction. Enter a summary or a schedule of 
Provide the following information for each person or entity for    the tax treatment that each advisee is expected or intended to 
which you acted in your capacity as a material advisor with        derive from participation in each reportable transaction. 
respect to the reportable transaction described on this Form 
(or similar form). Use more than one page if necessary.            The tax treatment that an advisee is intended to derive is the 
                                                                   purported or claimed Federal tax treatment of the transaction. 
Individuals.  If the advisee is an individual, enter the last 
name and first name, the complete address, the social security     If the information required exceeds the space provided, follow 
number, the date the person entered into the transaction (if       the procedures under How to Complete the Form. 
known), and the amount of money the person invested in the 
reportable transaction (if known).                                 Associated Documents.  This column is optional.  If there are 
                                                                   any documents or exhibits associated with the advisee for the 
Entities.  If the advisee is an entity, enter the full name of the reportable transaction described on this Form (or similar form) 
entity as shown on its income tax return, the complete             that are labeled, the Bates numbers or other information 
address, the employer identification number, the date the          identifying the associated documents may be entered in this 
entity entered into the transaction (if known), and the amount     column. 
of money the entity invested in the reportable transaction (if 

Catalog Number 51488Y                                              www.irs.gov             Form 13976 (Rev. 04-2008) 

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