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SCHEDULE G                         Information on Certain Persons Owning the  
(Form 1120)                                                                                                         OMB No. 1545-0123
(Rev. December 2011)                  Corporation’s Voting Stock
Department of the Treasury                                      ▶ Attach to Form 1120. 
Internal Revenue Service                                    ▶ See instructions on page 2.
Name                                                                                            Employer identification number (EIN)

Part I  Certain Entities Owning the Corporation’s Voting Stock. (Form 1120, Schedule K, Question 4a). Complete 
        columns (i) through (v) below for any foreign or domestic corporation, partnership (including any entity treated 
        as a partnership), trust, or tax-exempt organization that owns directly 20% or more, or owns, directly or 
        indirectly, 50% or more of the total voting power of all classes of the corporation’s stock entitled to vote (see 
        (i) Name of Entity         (ii) Employer Identification   (iii) Type of Entity (iv) Country of Organization (v) Percentage Owned in Voting Stock
                                    Number (if any)

Part II Certain Individuals and Estates Owning the Corporation’s Voting Stock. (Form 1120, Schedule K, 
        Question 4b). Complete columns (i) through (iv) below for any individual or estate that owns directly 20% or 
        more, or owns, directly or indirectly, 50% or more of the total voting power of all classes of the corporation’s 
        stock entitled to vote (see instructions).
                           (i) Name of Individual or Estate       (ii) Identifying Number       (iii) Country of    (iv) Percentage Owned  
                                                                                       (if any) Citizenship (see    in Voting Stock

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice,                               Cat. No. 52684S                                   Schedule G (Form 1120) (Rev. 12-2011)
see the Instructions for Form 1120.

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Schedule G (Form 1120) (Rev. 12-2011)                                                                                                 Page 2 
                                                Example 1. Corporation A owns, 
General Instructions                            directly, a 50% interest in the profit, loss,  Specific Instructions
                                                or capital of Partnership B. Corporation A 
Purpose of Form                                 also owns, directly, a 15% interest in the     Part I
Use Schedule G (Form 1120) to provide           profit, loss, or capital of Partnership C and  Complete Part I if the corporation 
information applicable to certain entities,     owns, directly, 15% of the voting stock of     answered “Yes” to Form 1120, Schedule K, 
individuals, and estates that own, directly,    Corporation D. Partnership B owns,             Question 4a. List each foreign or domestic 
20% or more, or own, directly or indirectly,    directly, a 70% interest in the profit, loss,  corporation, partnership, trust, or tax-
50% or more of the total voting power of all    or capital of Partnership C and owns,          exempt organization that owns, at the end 
classes of the corporation’s stock entitled     directly, 70% of the voting stock of           of the tax year, directly 20% or more, or 
to vote.                                        Corporation D. Corporation A owns,             owns, directly or indirectly, 50% or more of 
                                                indirectly, through Partnership B, a 35%       the total voting power of all classes of the 
Who Must File                                   interest (50% of 70%) in the profit, loss, or  corporation’s stock entitled to vote. 
                                                capital of Partnership C and owns,             Indicate the name of the entity, employer 
Every corporation that answers “Yes” to         indirectly, 35% of the voting stock of         identification number (if any), type of entity 
Form 1120, Schedule K, Questions 4a or          Corporation D. Corporation A owns,             (corporation, partnership, trust, or tax-
4b, must file Schedule G to provide the         directly or indirectly, a 50% interest in the  exempt organization), country of 
additional information requested for certain    profit, loss, or capital of Partnership C      organization, and the percentage owned, 
entities, individuals, and estates owning the   (15% directly and 35% indirectly), and         directly or indirectly, of the voting stock of 
corporation’s voting stock.                     owns, directly or indirectly, 50% of the       the corporation.
                                                voting stock of Corporation D (15% directly 
Constructive Ownership of                       and 35% indirectly).                           For an affiliated group filing a 
                                                                                               consolidated tax return, list the parent 
the Corporation                                 Corporation D reports in Part I that its       corporation rather than the subsidiary 
For purposes of Schedule G (Form 1120),         voting stock is owned, directly or indirectly, members. List the entity owner of a 
the constructive ownership rules of section     50% by Corporation A and is owned,             disregarded entity rather than the 
267(c) (excluding section 267(c)(3)) apply to   directly, 70% by Partnership B.                disregarded entity. If the owner of a 
ownership of interests in corporate stock       Example 2. A owns, directly, 50% of the        disregarded entity is an individual rather 
and ownership of interests in the profit,       voting stock of Corporation X. B, the          than an entity, list the individual in Part II.
loss, or capital of a partnership. An interest  daughter of A, does not own, directly, any 
in the corporation owned directly or            interest in Corporation X and does not         Part II
indirectly by or for another entity             own, indirectly, any interest in Corporation   Complete Part II if the corporation 
(corporation, partnership, estate, or trust) is X through any entity (corporation,             answered “Yes” to Form 1120, Schedule K, 
considered to be owned proportionately by       partnership, trust, or estate). Therefore, the Question 4b. List each individual or estate 
the owners (shareholders, partners, or          family attribution rules do not apply and,     that owns, at the end of the tax year, 
beneficiaries) of the owning entity. Also,      for the purposes of Part II, the 50% interest  directly 20% or more, or owns, directly or 
under section 267(c), an individual is          of A in Corporation X is not attributed to B.  indirectly, 50% or more, of the total voting 
considered to own an interest owned 
directly or indirectly by or for his or her     Example 3. A owns, directly, 50% of the        power of all classes of the corporation’s 
family. The family of an individual includes    voting stock of Corporation X. B, the          stock entitled to vote. Indicate the name of 
only that individual’s spouse, brothers,        daughter of A, does not own, directly, any     the individual or estate, taxpayer 
sisters, ancestors, and lineal descendants.     interest in X but does own, indirectly, 10%    identification number (if any), country of 
                                                of the voting stock of Corporation X           citizenship (for an estate, the citizenship of 
An interest will be attributed from an          through Trust T of which she is the sole       the decedent), and the percentage owned, 
individual under the family attribution rules   beneficiary. No other family member of A or    directly or indirectly, of the voting stock of 
only if the person to whom the interest is      B owns, directly, any interest in              the corporation.
attributed owns a direct or an indirect         Corporation X nor does any own, indirectly, 
interest in the corporation under section       any interest in Corporation X through any 
267(c)(1) or (5). However, for purposes of      entity. Neither A nor B owns any other 
these instructions, an individual will not be   interest in Corporation X through any entity.
considered to own, under section 267(c)(2), 
an interest in the corporation owned,           For the purposes of Part II, the 50% 
directly or indirectly, by a family member      interest of A in the voting stock of 
unless the individual also owns an interest     Corporation X is attributed to B and the 
in the corporation either directly or           10% interest of B in the voting stock of 
indirectly through a corporation,               Corporation X is attributed to A. A owns, 
partnership or trust.                           directly or indirectly, 60% of the voting 
                                                stock of Corporation X, 50% directly and 
                                                10% indirectly through B. B owns, directly 
                                                or indirectly, 60% of the voting stock of 
                                                Corporation X (50% indirectly through A 
                                                and 10% indirectly through Trust T).

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