PDF document
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Note: The form, instructions, or publication you are looking 
                    for begins after this coversheet.

                    Please review the information below.

This July 2024 revision is for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2024, and ending on June 
30, 2025. Don’t use this revision if you need to file a return for a tax period that began on or 
before June 30, 2024. To obtain a prior revision of Form 2290 and its separate instructions, 
visit                               www.irs.gov/Form2290. 

    Nota: El formulario, las instrucciones o la publicación que 
          busca se encuentra luego de esta portada.

                 Por favor lea la información a continuación.

Esta revisión de julio de 2024 es para el período tributario que comienza el 1 de julio de 
2024 y termina el 30 de junio de 2025. No use esta revisión si necesita presentar una 
declaración para un período tributario que haya comenzado en o antes del 30 de junio de 
2024. Para obtener una revisión anterior del Formulario 2290 (sp) y sus instrucciones por 
separado, visite www.irs.gov/Form2290SP. 

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                                           Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return                                                                                         Keep a copy of this 
                                                                                                                                                                        return for your records.
Form 2290                                    For the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025
(Rev. July 2024)
Department of the Treasury                          Attach both copies of Schedule 1 to this return.                                                                    OMB No. 1545-0143
Internal Revenue Service        Go to www.irs.gov/Form2290 for instructions and the latest information.
                Name                                                                                                                          Employer identification number (EIN)

                Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)
or Print
                City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code

Check if applicable:
     Address Change                                                                                                          VIN Correction  
                                                                                                                             Check this box if you are correcting a vehicle 
                                                                                                                             identification number (VIN) listed on a previously filed 
     Amended Return                                                                                                          Schedule 1 (Form 2290). Attach an explanation to the 
     Check this box if reporting (a) additional tax from an                                                                  return. Don’t check this box for any other reason.
     increase in taxable gross vehicle weight or (b) suspended 
     vehicles exceeding the mileage use limit. Don’t check                                                                   Final Return  
     this box for any other reason.                                                                                          Check this box if you no longer have taxable vehicles to 
Part I          Figuring the Tax
Caution: If you purchased a used vehicle from a private seller, see instructions.                                                                         Y   Y   Y   Y   M   M
1    Was the vehicle(s) reported on this return used on public highways duringJuly                                                  2024? If “YES, ”
     enter 202407 in the boxes to the right. If “NO, ”see the table on page 3 of the instructions .                                             .       1
2    Tax. Enter the Total from Form 2290, page 2, column (4) .               .          .                                  . . .    . . .   . . .       2                         .
3    Additional tax from increase in taxable gross weight (see instructions) .                                                 .    . . .   . . .       3                         .
4    Total tax. Add lines 2 and 3 .        . .      . . .      . . . .  .    .          .                                  . . .    . . .   . . .       4                         .
5    Credits (Attach supporting documentation. See instructions.)                       .                                  . . .    . . .   . . .       5                         .
6    Balance due. Subtract line 5 from line 4. This is the amount you owe. Check the applicable
     box if payment is through:                                                                 EFTPS Credit or debit card . . .    . . .   . . .       6                         .
Part II         Statement in Support of Suspension (Complete the statements that apply. Attach additional sheets if needed.)
7    I declare that the vehicles reported on Schedule 1 as suspended (category W) are expected to be used on public highways
     (check the boxes that apply):           5,000 miles or less                        7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles
     during the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, and are suspended from the tax. Complete and attach Schedule 1.

8 a  I declare that the vehicles listed as suspended on the Form 2290 filed for the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, were 
     not subject to the tax for that period except for any vehicles listed on line 8b. Check this box if applicable. 
b    Vehicle identification numbers

9    I declare that vehicle identification numbers
     were listed as suspended on the Form 2290 filed for the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. These vehicles were sold or 
     transferred to                                                                                                                        on                            ,                  .
     At the time of the transfer, the vehicles were still eligible for the suspension of the tax. Attach a separate list if needed.
Third           Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS? See instructions.                                      Yes. Complete the following.       No
Party           Designee’s                                           Phone                                                                      Personal identification 
Designee        name                                                 no.                                                                        number (PIN)            
                Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge 
                and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
                Signature                                                                                                               Date
                Type or print name below signature.                                                                                     Telephone number
                Print/Type preparer’s name              Preparer’s signature                                                            Date
Paid                                                                                                                                                Check         if    PTIN
                Firm’s name                                                                                                                         Firm’s EIN  
Use Only        Firm’s address                                                                                                                      Phone no.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.                                                      Cat. No. 11250O              Form 2290 (Rev. 7-2024) 

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Form 2290 (Rev. 7-2024)                                                                                                                             Page 2 
                                                                    Tax Computation
                                                      (1)                             (2)                                 (3)              (4) 
                                         Annual tax                      Partial-period tax                      Number of              Amount of tax 
                                         (vehicles used                  (vehicles first used after July)           vehicles               (col. (1) or (2) 
                                         during July)                    See the tables at the end of                                      multiplied by      
                                                                         the separate instructions.                                        col. (3))
                                         (a)              (b)            (a)              (b)                (a)              (b) 
 Category Taxable gross weight           Vehicles         Logging        Vehicles         Logging            Vehicles         Logging                          Category
                 (in pounds)             except           vehicles*      except           vehicles*          except           vehicles*
                                         logging*                        logging*                            logging*                                              
A                55,000                  $100.00          $75.00 $                    $                                                $                      A
B         55,001 – 56,000                122.00           91.50                                                                                               B
C         56,001 – 57,000                144.00           108.00                                                                                              C
D         57,001 – 58,000                166.00           124.50                                                                                              D
 E        58,001 – 59,000                188.00           141.00                                                                                              E
 F        59,001 – 60,000                210.00           157.50                                                                                              F
G         60,001 – 61,000                232.00           174.00                                                                                              G
H         61,001 – 62,000                254.00           190.50                                                                                              H
 I        62,001 – 63,000                276.00           207.00                                                                                              I
 J        63,001 – 64,000                298.00           223.50                                                                                              J
K         64,001 – 65,000                320.00           240.00                                                                                              K
 L        65,001 – 66,000                342.00           256.50                                                                                              L
M         66,001 – 67,000                364.00           273.00                                                                                              M
N         67,001 – 68,000                386.00           289.50                                                                                              N
O         68,001 – 69,000                408.00           306.00                                                                                              O
 P        69,001 – 70,000                430.00           322.50                                                                                              P
Q         70,001 – 71,000                452.00           339.00                                                                                              Q
R         71,001 – 72,000                474.00           355.50                                                                                              R
 S        72,001 – 73,000                496.00           372.00                                                                                              S
 T        73,001 – 74,000                518.00           388.50                                                                                              T
U         74,001 – 75,000                540.00           405.00                                                                                              U
 V             over 75,000               550.00           412.50                                                                                              V
Totals.   Add the number of vehicles in columns (3)(a) and (3)(b). Enter the total here.  
(This should be the same total of taxable vehicles shown on Schedule 1, Part II, line 
c.) Add the amounts in column (4). Enter the total here and on Form 2290, line 2               .                                       $
          Tax-Suspended Vehicles  
W         (See Part II on page 7 of  
          the instructions.)                                                                                 
                        Complete both copies of Schedule 1 (Form 2290) and attach them to Form 2290.
*See      page 2 of the instructions for information on logging vehicles.
                                                                                                                                       Form 2290 (Rev. 7-2024)

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SCHEDULE 1                  Schedule of Heavy Highway Vehicles
(Form 2290)                 For the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025                                                OMB No. 1545-0143
(Rev. July 2024)
Department of the Treasury  Complete and file both copies of Schedule 1. One copy will be stamped and returned to 
Internal Revenue Service    you for use as proof of payment when registering your vehicle(s) with a state.
                Name                                                                                     Employer identification number (EIN)

                Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)
 or Print
                City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code                                    Month of first use 
                                                                                                                            (see instructions) 
                                                                                                                         Y     Y Y Y M M

                                                                                                                              Category A through W 
Part I          Vehicles You Are Reporting  (enter VIN and category)                                                          (category W for 
                                                                                                                              suspended vehicles)
Part II         Summary of Reported Vehicles
a Total number of reported vehicles  . .   . . .               . . . . . .               . . . . . . . . . .       . . .  . .   a 
b Enter the total number of taxable vehicles on which the tax is suspended (category W)                . . .       . . .  . .   b 
c Total number of taxable vehicles. Subtract line b from line a  .       .               . . . . . . . . . .       . . .  . .   c
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.                 Cat. No. 11250O   Schedule 1 (Form 2290) (Rev. 7-2024)

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SCHEDULE 1                  Schedule of Heavy Highway Vehicles
(Form 2290)                 For the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025                                                OMB No. 1545-0143
(Rev. July 2024)
Department of the Treasury  Complete and file both copies of Schedule 1. One copy will be stamped and returned to 
Internal Revenue Service    you for use as proof of payment when registering your vehicle(s) with a state.
                Name                                                                                     Employer identification number (EIN)

                Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)
 or Print
                City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code                                    Month of first use 
                                                                                                                            (see instructions) 
                                                                                                                         Y     Y Y Y M M

                                                                                                                              Category A through W 
Part I          Vehicles You Are Reporting  (enter VIN and category)                                                          (category W for 
                                                                                                                              suspended vehicles)
Part II         Summary of Reported Vehicles
a Total number of reported vehicles  . .   . . .               . . . . . .               . . . . . . . . . .       . . .  . .   a 
b Enter the total number of taxable vehicles on which the tax is suspended (category W)                . . .       . . .  . .   b 
c Total number of taxable vehicles. Subtract line b from line a  .       .               . . . . . . . . . .       . . .  . .   c
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.                 Cat. No. 11250O   Schedule 1 (Form 2290) (Rev. 7-2024)

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Schedule 1 (Form 2290) (Rev. 7-2024)

                                    Consent to Disclosure of Tax Information
                                    For the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025

By signing, dating, and entering my employer identification number below, I hereby consent to the 
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) disclosing information about my payment of the heavy highway 
vehicle use tax (HVUT) for the tax period listed above to the federal Department of Transportation 
(DOT), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and to state Departments of Motor Vehicles 
(DMV). The information disclosed to the DOT, CBP, and state DMVs will be my vehicle identification 
number (VIN) and verification that I have paid the HVUT. The IRS may disclose the information to the 
DOT, CBP, and to the DMVs of the 50 states and the District of Columbia who have other taxing, 
registration, or information collecting authority. I agree that the American Association of Motor 
Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), a third-party nonprofit organization, may be used as an 
intermediary to transmit my VIN and payment information from the IRS to the state DMVs.
I understand that the information to be disclosed is generally confidential under the laws 
applicable to the IRS and that the agency receiving the HVUT information is not bound by these laws 
and may use the information for any purpose as permitted by other federal laws and/or state law. To 
be effective, this consent must be received by the IRS within 120 days of the date below.
If signed by a corporate officer or party other than the taxpayer, I certify that I have the authority to 
execute this consent to disclosure of tax information.

     Signature                                        Date
Here                                                      –
     Type or print name below signature.              Employer identification number (EIN)
                                                                                      Schedule 1 (Form 2290) (Rev. 7-2024)

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Form 2290-V, Payment Voucher

Purpose of Form                                                         Box 2. Enter the amount paid from Form 2290, line 6.
Complete Form 2290-V if you are making a payment by                     Box 3. Enter the date as shown on Form 2290, line 1. 
check or money order with Form 2290, Heavy Highway                      Box 4. Enter your name and address as shown on Form 
Vehicle Use Tax Return. We will use Form 2290-V to                      2290.
credit your payment more promptly and accurately, and 
to improve our service to you.                                          • Enclose your check or money order made payable to 
                                                                        “United States Treasury.” Be sure to enter your EIN, 
     If you have your return prepared by a third party and a            “Form 2290,” and the tax period (the date as shown on 
payment is required, provide Form 2290-V to the return                  line 1 of Form 2290) on your check or money order. Don’t 
preparer.                                                               send cash. Don’t staple Form 2290-V or your payment to 
     Don’t file Form 2290-V if you are paying the balance               Form 2290 (or to each other).
due on Form 2290, line 6, using the Electronic Federal                  • Detach Form 2290-V and send it with your payment and 
Tax Payment System (EFTPS), credit or debit card, or                    Form 2290 to the address shown in the bottom left corner 
electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit). See How To                  of Form 2290-V. 
Pay the Tax in the Instructions for Form 2290.
                                                                                  Private delivery services (PDSs) can’t deliver 
                                                                                  items to P.O. boxes. You must use the U.S. 
Specific Instructions                                                   !        Postal Service to mail any item to an IRS P.O.   
Box 1. If you don’t have an EIN, you may apply for one                  CAUTION
                                                                                  box address.
online. Go to the IRS website at www.irs.gov/EIN. Only 
persons with an address in a foreign country, for example                         If you are using a PDS or sending a payment 
                                                                                  that is drawn from an international financial 
Canada, may apply for an EIN by calling 267-941-1099                    !        institution, see the instructions for details on 
(not a toll-free call). You may also apply for an EIN by                CAUTION
faxing or mailing Form SS-4, Application for Employer                             where to send the voucher.
Identification Number, to the IRS. 

                                                         Detach here. 

Form                                                     Payment Voucher
     2290-V                                          For the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025                              OMB No. 1545-0143
(Rev. July 2024)
Department of the Treasury                       See How To Pay the Tax in the Instructions for Form 2290.  
Internal Revenue Service                  Don’t staple or attach this voucher or your payment to your return.
1    Employer identification number (EIN)         2  Enter the amount of your payment.                                       Dollars Cents
                                                     Make your check or money order payable 
          –                                          to “United States Treasury”  
3    Enter date as shown on line 1 of Form 2290.  4  Name
     Y  Y        Y          Y    M        M
                                                     Address (number, street, and room or suite no.)
     Send Form 2290, this voucher, and payment to:
       Internal Revenue Service                      City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code
       P.O. Box 932500  
       Louisville, KY 40293-2500

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