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SCHEDULE OI                                             Other Information                                                                        OMB No. 1545-0074
(Form 1040-NR)                                            Attach to Form 1040-NR.                                                              
Department of the Treasury        Go to www.irs.gov/Form1040NR for instructions and the latest information.                                      2024
Internal Revenue Service                                  Answer all questions.                                                                  Sequence No. 7C
Name shown on Form 1040-NR                                                                                         Your identifying number

A    Of what country or countries were you a citizen or national during the tax year?
B    In what country did you claim residence for tax purposes during the tax year?
C    Have you ever applied to be a green card holder (lawful permanent resident) of the United States?  .               . . .                  .   Yes         No
D    Were you ever:
  1. A U.S. citizen?        . . .   . . .   . .    . .  . .   .  .   . .   . .  .      . . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
  2. A green card holder (lawful permanent resident) of the United States?  .   .      . . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
     If you answer “Yes” to (1) or (2), see Pub. 519, chapter 4, for expatriation rules that apply to you.
E    If you had a visa on the last day of the tax year, enter your visa type. If you didn’t have a visa, enter your U.S. 
     immigration status on the last day of the tax year.
F    Have you ever changed your visa type (nonimmigrant status) or U.S. immigration status?  .              . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
     If you answered “Yes,” indicate the date and nature of the change:
G    List all dates you entered and left the United States during 2024. See instructions.
     Note: If you’re a resident of Canada or Mexico AND commute to work in the United States at frequent intervals, 
     check the box for Canada or Mexico and skip to item H  .        . .   . .  .      . . .              Canada          Mexico
     Date entered United States         Date departed United States               Date entered United States              Date departed United States  
                mm/dd/yy                      mm/dd/yy                                     mm/dd/yy                                              mm/dd/yy

H    Give number of days (including vacation, nonworkdays, and partial days) you were present in the United States during:
     2022                                   , 2023                           , and 2024                                     .
I    Did you file a U.S. income tax return for any prior year? . .   . .   . .  .      . . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
     If “Yes,” give the latest year and form number you filed:
J    Are you filing a return for a trust? . . .    . .  . .   .  .   . .   . .  .      . . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
     If “Yes,” did the trust have a U.S. or foreign owner under the grantor trust rules, make a distribution or loan to a 
     U.S. person, or receive a contribution from a U.S. person? .    . .   . .  .      . . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
K    Did you receive total compensation of $250,000 or more during the tax year? .       . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
     If “Yes,” did you use an alternative method to determine the source of this compensation?              . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
L    Income Exempt From Tax—If you are claiming exemption from income tax under a U.S. income tax treaty with a foreign country, 
     complete (1) through (3) below. See Pub. 901 for more information on tax treaties.
  1. Enter the name of the country, the applicable tax treaty article, the number of months in prior years you claimed the treaty                    benefit, and the 
     amount of exempt income in the columns below. Attach Form 8833 if required. See instructions.
                                (a) Country                      (b) Tax treaty article  (c) Number of months               (d) Amount of exempt         
                                                                                         claimed in prior tax years       income in current tax year

     (e)  Total. Enter this amount on Form 1040-NR, line 1k. Do not enter it anywhere else on line 1  .          .
  2. Were you subject to tax in a foreign country on any of the income shown in 1(d) above?               . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
  3. Are you claiming treaty benefits pursuant to a Competent Authority determination?  .               . . . .  .      . . .                  .   Yes         No
     If “Yes,” attach a copy of the Competent Authority determination letter to your return.
M    Check the applicable box if:
  1. This is the first year you are making an election to treat income from real property located in the United States as effectively connected
     with a U.S. trade or business under section 871(d). See instructions  . .  .      . . .            . . . .  .      . . .                  . . . .   .    .
  2. You have made an election in a previous year that has not been revoked, to treat income from real property located in the United 
     States as effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business under section 871(d). See instructions .             . . .                  . . . .   .    .
For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1040-NR. Cat. No. 72756T   Schedule OI (Form 1040-NR) 2024

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