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SCHEDULE P                                          Transfer Price or Commission
(Form 1120-FSC)               For amount reported on line                       , Schedule           , Form 1120-FSC.              OMB No. 1545-0123
(Rev. September 2017)                                   ▶ Attach Schedule P to Form 1120-FSC. 
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service                        ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form1120FSC for the latest information.
Name as shown on Form 1120-FSC                                                     Employer identification number

A  Product or product line (see instructions)                                      B Basis of reporting (see instructions):
                                                                                     1.    Transaction-by-transaction:
C  Principal business activity code (if applicable) (see instructions)                 a.  Aggregate on Schedule P    .    . . . .  . . . .  
                                                                                       b.  Aggregate on tabular schedule  .  . . .  . . . .  
                                                                                       c.  Tabular schedule of transactions  . . .  . . . .
                                                                                     2.    Group of transactions  .   .    . . . .  . . . .  
Part I   FSC Profit
Section A—Combined Taxable Income (see instructions)
Full Costing                                                                                                                                  
   1 Foreign trading gross receipts from transaction between FSC or related supplier and third party  .                      .   1
   2 Costs and expenses allocable to foreign trading gross receipts from transaction:
   a Cost of goods sold attributable to property if sold, or depreciation attributable                                        
     to property if leased  .     .           . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .    2a
   b Related  supplier’s  expenses  allocable  to  foreign  trading  gross  receipts  (see                                    
     instructions)  .       . . . .           . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .    2b
   c FSC’s expenses allocable to foreign trading gross receipts                  . . .  .  . .    2c                                          
   d Add lines 2a through 2c  .               . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   2d
   3 Combined taxable income. Subtract line 2d from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0-  .            .     .     .    .    . .   3
Marginal Costing                                                                                                                              
   4 Foreign trading gross receipts from resale by FSC, or sale by related supplier, to third party                   .    . .   4
   5 Costs and expenses allocable to foreign trading gross receipts from sale:
   a Cost of direct material attributable to property sold  .                . . . . .  .  . .    5a
   b Cost of direct labor attributable to property sold  .                 . . . . . .  .  . .    5b                                          
   c Add lines 5a and 5b  .       .           . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   5c
   6 Subtract line 5c from line 4. If zero or less, skip lines 7 through 11 and enter -0- on line 12  .               .    . .   6
   7 Gross receipts of related supplier and FSC or controlled group from foreign and domestic sales of the                                    
     product or product line  .               . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   7
   8 Costs and expenses of related supplier and FSC or controlled group allocable
     to gross income from sales:
   a Cost of goods sold attributable to property sold  .                   . . . . . .  .  . .    8a
   b Expenses allocable to gross income  .              . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .    8b
   c Add lines 8a and 8b  .       .           . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   8c
   9 Subtract line 8c from line 7. If zero or less, skip lines 10 and 11 and enter -0- on line 12  .             .    .    . .   9
10   Overall profit percentage. Divide line 9 by line 7. Check if the controlled group optional method is used ▶                 10          % 
11   Overall profit percentage limitation. Multiply line 4 by line 10 .            . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   11
12   Combined taxable income. Enter the smaller of line 6 or line 11                 .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   12
Section B—23% of Combined Taxable Income Method (see instructions)
13   Multiply line 3 or line 12 (as elected by related supplier) by 23% (0.23)  .          . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   13
14   FSC profit. Enter amount from line 13. If marginal costing is used, enter the smaller of line 3 or line 13                  14
Section C—1.83% of Foreign Trading Gross Receipts Method (see instructions)
15   Multiply line 1 by 1.83% (0.0183)  .           .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   15
16   Multiply line 3 or line 12 (as elected by related supplier) by 46% (0.46)  .          . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   16
17   FSC profit. Enter the smallest of line 3, line 15, or line 16  .            . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   17
Part II  Transfer Price From Related Supplier to FSC
18   Enter amount from line 1 or line 4, whichever is applicable .               . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   18
19a  FSC profit. Enter amount from line 14 or line 17, whichever is applicable  .            .    19a
   b FSC expenses allocable to foreign trading gross receipts from transaction  .                 19b                                         
   c Add lines 19a and 19b        .           . . . .   . .            . . . . . . . .  .  . .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   19c
20   Transfer price from related supplier to FSC. Subtract line 19c from line 18 (see instructions) .                      . .   20
Part III FSC Commission From Related Supplier
21   FSC profit. Enter amount from line 14 or line 17, whichever is applicable  .            .  . .  .     .     .    .    . .   21
22   FSC expenses allocable to foreign trading gross receipts from transaction  .               . .  .     .     .    .    . .   22
23   FSC commission from related supplier. Add lines 21 and 22 (see instructions)  .                 .     .     .    .    . .   23
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1120-FSC.                Cat. No. 11537Y       Schedule P (Form 1120-FSC) (Rev. 9-2017)

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Schedule P (Form 1120-FSC) (Rev. 9-2017)                                                                                  Page 2 
General Instructions                        Specific Instructions                     b. Aggregate on tabular schedule. The 
                                                                                      FSC may choose to aggregate its 
Purpose of Schedule                         Item A—Product or Product Line.           transactions on a tabular schedule rather 
                                            Enter the product or product line that    than on Schedule P. To do so, file one 
Use Schedule P to figure an allowable       meets one of the two standards below.     Schedule P, entering only the taxpayer’s 
transfer price to charge the FSC or an      1. The principal product based on the     name and employer identification 
allowable commission to pay to the FSC      North American Industry Classification    number (EIN) at the top of Schedule P. 
under the administrative pricing rules      System (NAICS) (see the last page of the  Also, check box 1b. Attach a tabular 
discussed below. The transfer price or      Instructions for Form 1120-FSC).          schedule to the partially completed 
commission is used to allocate foreign                                                Schedule P, reporting all information as if 
trading gross receipts from the sale of     2. A recognized industry or trade use.    a separate Schedule P were filed for 
export property or from certain services    Note: If the FSC used the Standard        each aggregate of transactions 
between the FSC and its related             Industrial Classification (SIC) codes for described in 1a above. Also see Format 
supplier.                                   Schedule P in prior tax years, it may     of tabular schedules on page 3.
Related supplier. Under Regulations         complete item A based on the SIC codes    Note: To be eligible for either of the 
section 1.482-1(a), a related supplier is   for the current tax year.                 aggregate reporting formats described 
an entity that is owned or controlled       Item B—Basis of Reporting. The FSC        above in 1a or 1b, the FSC and its 
directly or indirectly by the same          must indicate the basis on which the      related supplier must maintain a 
interests as the FSC.                       amounts on Schedule P were                supporting schedule that contains all 
                                            determined using either the transaction-  information that would be reported if a 
Filing the Schedule                         by-transaction basis or an election to    separate Schedule P were filed for each 
File the schedule for an FSC that has       group transactions.                       transaction. The supporting schedule 
                                                                                      should not be filed with the Schedule P.
foreign trading gross receipts during the     Except for certain small FSCs electing 
tax year from:                              to group transactions (discussed below),  c. Tabular schedule of transactions. 
• The resale of export property or from     FSCs should not file a separate           Instead of aggregate reporting, the FSC 
certain services, or                        Schedule P for each transaction or each   may choose to report transactions on a 
• The disposition of export property or     group of transactions.                    tabular schedule. File one Schedule P, 
                                                                                      entering only the taxpayer’s name and 
from services in which the FSC served       1. Transaction-by-transaction. If the     EIN at the top of Schedule P. Also, 
as commission agent for a related           FSC makes pricing determinations          check box 1c. Attach a tabular schedule 
supplier.                                   based on each transaction rather than an  to the partially completed Schedule P, 
                                            election to group transactions, check     reporting all information as if a separate 
When Not To File                            box 1a, box 1b, or box 1c depending on    Schedule P were filed for each 
Do not complete Schedule P (or an           the FSC’s preferred reporting format.     transaction. Also see Format of tabular 
alternate format) in the following three    a. Aggregate on Schedule P. If the        schedules on page 3.
situations.                                 FSC chooses to aggregate its              2. Group of transactions. The FSC’s 
1. The section 482 method of transfer       transactions on one or more Schedules     related supplier may elect to group 
pricing is used. If the 23% and 1.83%       P, check box 1a.                          transactions by product or product line 
methods (see the instructions for           • Aggregate on one Schedule P those       in making pricing determinations. The 
Sections B and C on page 3) do not          transactions for which the same           grouping of transactions applies to all 
apply to a sale or if the related supplier  administrative pricing method is applied, transactions completed during the tax 
does not choose to use them, the            provided all the transactions are         year for that product or product line. Do 
transfer price for a sale by the related    included in the same product or product   not group sale and lease transactions.
supplier to the FSC is figured on the       line indicated in item A.                 To make the election, complete one 
basis of the sales price actually charged   • Aggregate on separate Schedules P       Schedule P, entering only the taxpayer’s 
but is subject to section 482 and its       those transactions for which the same     name and EIN at the top of Schedule P. 
regulations and to Temporary                pricing method is applied in each         Also, check box 2 of item B and attach a 
Regulations section 1.925(a)-1T(a)(3)(ii).  separate product line.                    tabular schedule to the partially 
2. The arm’s-length pricing method is       If a different pricing method is applied  completed Schedule P, reporting all 
used. If the transaction is with an         to some of the transactions in one or     information as if a separate Schedule P 
unrelated supplier, the FSC bases its       more of the separate product lines,       were filed for each group of transactions 
profit on the arm’s-length price.           additional Schedules P must be filed.     (see Format of tabular schedules on 
                                                                                      page 3).
3. Transactions are incomplete at the       Example. If the 23% of combined 
end of the year. If export property         taxable income method applies to          Note: If a grouping basis is elected, 
bought by the FSC from the related          transactions in three separate product    aggregate reporting is not permitted.
supplier during the tax year is unsold by   lines (as indicated in item A), the FSC   Attach Schedule P to Form 1120-FSC. 
the end of the FSC’s tax year or the        would file three aggregate Schedules P.   Once the election is made, grouping 
related supplier’s tax year in which the    However, if the FSC uses the 1.83% of     redeterminations are permitted no later 
property was transferred, the 23% and       foreign trading gross receipts method for than 1 year after the due date of the 
1.83% methods cannot be used.               some of the transactions in one of the    FSC’s timely filed (including extensions) 
Instead, the transfer price of the property product lines, the FSC would file four    Form 1120-FSC. For details, see 
bought by the FSC is the supplier’s cost    aggregate Schedules P.                    Regulations section 1.925(a)-1(c)(8).
of goods sold for the property. See 
Temporary Regulations section                                                         Small FSC. If the FSC elected to be a 
1.925(a)-1T(c)(5)(i)(C) for rules regarding                                           small FSC under section 922(b) and has 
the transfer price of property resold                                                 foreign trading gross receipts of $5 
during the subsequent tax year.                                                       million or less for the tax year, the small 
                                                                                      FSC may file a separate Schedule P for 
                                                                                      each group of transactions instead of 
                                                                                      filing a tabular schedule.

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Schedule P (Form 1120-FSC) (Rev. 9-2017)                                                                                      Page 3 
Format of tabular schedules. If a           supplier’s cost of goods sold, and the        same controlled group and the related 
tabular schedule is attached to Schedule    supplier’s and the FSC’s                      supplier) for any other sale, or group of 
P, the schedule must:                       noninventoriable costs that relate to the     sales, during the tax year that falls within 
• Be in spreadsheet or similar format;      foreign trading gross receipts. See           the same NAICS code (or, if applicable, 
                                            Regulations section 1.471-11(c)(2)(ii).       SIC code) as the subject sale.
• List the taxpayer’s name and EIN on       Also see Temporary Regulations section 
each numbered page;                         1.925(a)-1T(c)(6)(iii) for special rules      Section B—23% of Combined 
• Be formatted in columns that              regarding gross receipts and total costs.     Taxable Income Method
correspond to items A, C, and each line     Line 2b. Include an apportionment of          Under this method, the related supplier 
item in Parts I, II, and III of Schedule P; deductions that are not definitely            figures an allowable transfer price to 
and                                         allocable, such as interest expense and       charge the FSC (or an allowable 
• Show totals in each column.               stewardship expenses. See Temporary           commission to pay to the FSC) so that 
                                            Regulations sections 1.861-11T(f) and         the FSC will profit on the sale.
Item C—Principal Business Activity          1.861-14T(f) for details on the               The profit is limited to 23% of the 
Code. If applicable, use the list of        apportionment.                                FSC’s and the supplier’s combined 
Principal Business Activity codes on the 
last page of the Instructions for Form      Marginal Costing                              taxable income attributable to the foreign 
                                                                                          trading gross receipts from the sale. Also 
1120-FSC to group activities. Enter the     Under the marginal costing rules, the         see item 3 (regarding incomplete 
six-digit number that relates to the        combined taxable income of the FSC            transactions) under When Not To File on 
corresponding product or product line       and its related supplier is figured by        page 2.
reported in item A.                         subtracting from foreign trading gross 
Note:  If the FSC used the SIC codes for    receipts the direct material and direct       Section C—1.83% of Foreign 
Schedule P in prior tax years, it may       labor costs of producing a particular         Trading Gross Receipts Method
continue using the SIC codes for the        item, product, or product line. See 
current tax year.                           Regulations section 1.471-11(b)(2)(ii).       Under this method, the related supplier 
                                            The combined taxable income also may          figures an allowable transfer price to 
Part I                                      be limited to the overall profit percentage   charge the FSC (or an allowable 
                                            (line 10) multiplied by the line 4 foreign    commission to pay to the FSC) so that 
Section A—Combined Taxable                  trading gross receipts.                       the FSC will profit on the sale.
Income                                      See Temporary Regulations section             The profit is limited to 1.83% of the 
Under the administrative pricing rules,     1.925(b)-1T for more information on the       FSC’s foreign trading gross receipts. It is 
the methods discussed below may be          marginal costing rules. Also see section      further limited to twice the profit 
used in the same tax year of the FSC for    1.925(a)-1T for information on the            determined under either (a) the 23% of 
separate transactions (or separate          transfer pricing rules.                       combined taxable income method, or 
                                                                                          (b) the marginal costing rules (described 
groups of transactions).                    Limit on FSC Income (No-Loss Rules)           above). Also see item 3 (regarding 
Full Costing                                If there is a combined loss on a              incomplete transactions) under When 
Foreign trading gross receipts are the      transaction or group of transactions, the     Not To File on page 2.
gross receipts of an FSC (other than a      FSC may not earn a profit under either 
small FSC) that has met the foreign         the 23% method or the 1.83% method.           Part II
management and foreign economic             Under the 1.83% method, the FSC’s             Line 20. If the transfer price from the 
process rules. The receipts must be from    profit on line 17 may not exceed the full     related supplier to the FSC is entered on 
the sale, lease, or rental of export        costing combined taxable income               more than one line on Form 1120-FSC, 
property for use outside the United         reported on line 3. The related supplier      attach an explanation indicating the 
States or for engineering or architectural  may, however, set a transfer price or         portion of line 20 that applies to each 
services for a construction project         rental payment or pay a commission in         line.
located outside the United States. For      an amount that will enable the FSC to 
details, see section 924 and Foreign        recover its costs, if any, even if the result Part III
Trading Gross Receipts in the               is a loss for the related supplier.           Line 23. If the FSC commission from the 
Instructions for Form 1120-FSC.             If the FSC recognizes income while            related supplier is entered on more than 
If the FSC is the principal in the sale of  the related supplier recognizes a loss on     one line on Form 1120-FSC, attach an 
export property, the combined taxable       a sale under the section 482 method,          explanation indicating the portion of line 
income of the FSC and its related           neither the 23% method nor the 1.83%          23 that applies to each line.
supplier is the excess of the FSC’s         method may be used by the FSC and the 
foreign trading gross receipts from the     related supplier (or by an FSC in the
sale over the total costs of the FSC and 
related supplier. These costs include the

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