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Copy A of this form is provided for informational purposes only. Copy A appears in red, 
similar to the official IRS form. The official printed version of Copy A of this IRS form is 
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To order official IRS information returns, which include a scannable Copy A for filing with 
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             7474                        VOID            CORRECTED 
ISSUER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP   ISSUER’S TIN              OMB No. 1545-2234
or foreign postal code, and telephone no.
                                                                         PARTICIPANT’S TIN
                                                                                                                          Longevity Annuity 
                                                                                                          2019                        Contract 
                                                                         1a Annuity amount on start date                              Information
                                                                         $                                Form  1098-Q
                                                                         1b Annuity start date           2 Check if start date may be Copy A 
                                                                         3 Total premiums                4   FMV of QLAC              Internal Revenue 
                                                                                                                                      Service Center 
                                                                         $                               $                             
PARTICIPANT’S name                                                       5a January            dd        5b February      dd          File with Form 1096. 
                                                                         $                               $
                                                                         5c March              dd        5d April         dd          For Privacy Act 
                                                                                                                                      and Paperwork 
Street address (including apt. no.)                                      $                               $                            Reduction Act Notice, 
                                                                         5e May                dd        5f  June         dd          see the 
                                                                         $                               $                            2019 General 
                                                                                                                                      Instructions for 
                                                                         5g July               dd        5h August        dd          CertainInformation 
City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $                               $                            Returns. 
                                                                         5i  September         dd        5j  October      dd
Account number (see instructions)             Plan no.                   $                               $ 
                                                                         5k November           dd        5l  December     dd
                                                                         $                               $ 
Name of plan                                  Plan sponsor's EIN

Form 1098-Q                              Cat. No. 67073Z                     www.irs.gov/Form1098Q        Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Do  Not  Cut  or  Separate  Forms  on  This  Page    —    Do  Not  Cut  or  Separate  Forms  on  This  Page

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                                                            CORRECTED (if checked)
ISSUER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP   ISSUER’S TIN              OMB No. 1545-2234
or foreign postal code, and telephone no.
                                                                         PARTICIPANT’S TIN
                                                                                                                          Longevity Annuity 
                                                                                                          2019                        Contract 
                                                                         1a Annuity amount on start date                              Information
                                                                         $                                Form  1098-Q
                                                                         1b Annuity start date           2 If checked, start date may Copy B 
                                                                                                         be accelerated
                                                                                                                                       For Participant 
                                                                         3 Total premiums                4   FMV of QLAC                                        
                                                                         $                               $
PARTICIPANT’S name                                                       5a January            dd        5b February      dd          This information is 
                                                                         $                               $                            being furnished 
                                                                         5c March              dd        5d April         dd          to the IRS. 
Street address (including apt. no.)                                      $                               $
                                                                         5e May                dd        5f  June         dd
                                                                         $                               $
                                                                         5g July               dd        5h August        dd
City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $                               $ 
                                                                         5i  September         dd        5j  October      dd
Account number (see instructions)        Plan no.                        $                               $ 
                                                                         5k November           dd        5l  December     dd
                                                                         $                               $ 
Name of plan                             Plan sponsor's EIN

Form 1098-Q                         (Keep for your records)                  www.irs.gov/Form1098Q        Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

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Instructions for Participant
The information on this Form 1098-Q is submitted to the IRS      Box 1a. Annuity amount on start date. If the payments have 
by the issuer of your qualifying longevity annuity contract      not started, shows the annuity amount payable on start date. 
(QLAC) to report the status of the contract. Prior to            Box 1b. Annuity start date. If the payments have not started, 
annuitization, the value of any QLAC held by your plan or IRA    shows the date on which the annuity is scheduled to start. The 
(section 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408 (other than a Roth IRA) or  date reported is shown in the format month, day, and year 
eligible governmental plan under section 457(b)), is not         (mmddyyyy).
included when calculating the required minimum distribution 
(RMD) from your plan or IRA.                                     Box 2. If checked, shows that the start date may be 
You will receive this statement annually beginning with the 
first year in which premiums are paid and ending with the        Box 3. Shows the cumulative total amount of premiums paid 
earlier of the year in which you attain age 85 or die. In the    for the contract. Your cumulative total premiums paid for all 
event of your death, if the sole beneficiary under the contract  QLACs cannot exceed $130,000. Also, QLACs purchased 
is your surviving spouse, this annual statement will be          under an IRA cannot exceed 25% of your total IRA account 
furnished to your surviving spouse until distributions           balances and QLACs purchased under an employer's plan 
commence, or if earlier, the year in which your surviving        cannot exceed 25% of your account balance in the plan.  If 
spouse dies.                                                     you have paid more than that, contact your contract issuer.
If you have questions about your QLAC, contact the issuer        Box 4. Shows the fair market value (FMV) of your QLAC as of 
at the address and phone number shown on the front of the        December 31, 2019.
form.                                                            Boxes 5a–5l. Shows the amount of each premium paid for the 
Account number. May show an account or other unique              contract and the date each premium payment was made in 
number the issuer assigned to distinguish your account.          2019. If there is more than one payment per month, the box 
                                                                 for that month will include the total payments for the month 
Participant's taxpayer identification number (TIN). For your     and the date of the last payment in the month. 
protection, this form may show only the last four digits of your 
TIN (social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer           Future developments. For the latest information about 
identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification   developments related to Form 1098-Q and its instructions, 
number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN)).         such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to 
However, the issuer has reported your complete TIN to the        www.irs.gov/Form1098Q. 
Plan number, name, and EIN. Shows, if the contract was 
purchased under a plan, the number of the plan, the name of 
the plan, and the EIN of the plan sponsor.

- 5 -
                                         VOID          CORRECTED 
ISSUER'S name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP   ISSUER’S TIN              OMB No. 1545-2234
or foreign postal code, and telephone no.
                                                                         PARTICIPANT’S TIN
                                                                                                                          Longevity Annuity 
                                                                                                          2019                        Contract 
                                                                         1a Annuity amount on start date                              Information
                                                                         $                                Form  1098-Q
                                                                         1b Annuity start date           2 Check if start date may be Copy C 
                                                                                                                                      For Issuer 
                                                                         3 Total premiums                4   FMV of QLAC                                        
                                                                         $                               $
PARTICIPANT’S name                                                       5a January            dd        5b February      dd          For Privacy Act 
                                                                         $                               $                            and Paperwork 
                                                                         5c March              dd        5d April         dd          Reduction Act 
                                                                                                                                      Notice, see the 
Street address (including apt. no.)                                      $                               $                            2019 General 
                                                                         5e May                dd        5f  June         dd          Instructions for 
                                                                         $                               $                            Certain Information 
                                                                         5g July               dd        5h August        dd
City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code $                               $ 
                                                                         5i  September         dd        5j  October      dd
Account number (see instructions)             Plan no.                   $                               $ 
                                                                         5k November           dd        5l  December     dd
                                                                         $                               $ 
Name of plan                                  Plan sponsor's EIN

Form 1098-Q                              www.irs.gov/Form1098Q                                            Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service

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Instructions for Issuer
To complete Form 1098-Q, use:                           Due dates. Furnish Copy B of this form to the 
• The 2019 General Instructions for Certain Information participant by January 31, 2020.
Returns, and                                            File Copy A of this form with the IRS by February 28, 
• The 2019 Instructions for Form 1098-Q.                2020. If you file electronically, the due date is March 31, 
                                                        2020. To file electronically, you must have software that 
To order these instructions and additional forms, go    generates a file according to the specifications in Pub. 
to www.irs.gov/Form1098Q.                               1220. The IRS does not provide a fill-in form option for 
Caution: Because paper forms are scanned during         Copy A.
processing, you cannot file Forms 1096, 1097, 1098,     Need help? If you have questions about reporting on 
1099, 3921, or 5498 that you print from the IRSwebsite. Form 1098-Q, call the information reporting customer 
                                                        service site toll free at 866-455-7438 or304-263-8700 
                                                        (not toll free). Persons with a hearing or speech 
                                                        disability with access to TTY/TDD equipment cancall 
                                                        304-579-4827 (not toll free). 

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