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                                    Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit                                                                   OMB No. 1545-1035 
Form  8611                                                 ▶ Attach to your return. 
(Rev. December 2021)             ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form8611 for instructions and the latest information.                                   Attachment   
Department of the Treasury                                                                                                                   Sequence No. 90
Internal Revenue Service     Note: Complete a separate Form 8611 for each building to which recapture applies.
A    Name(s) shown on return                                                                                                           B   Identifying number

C    Address of building (as shown on Form 8609)                                                       D   Building identification     E   Date placed in service (from 
                                                                                                         number (BIN)                      Form 8609)

F    If building is financed in whole or part with tax-exempt bonds, see instructions and furnish:                                     (2)   Date of issue
(1)  Issuer’s name

(3)  Name of issue                                                                                                                     (4)   CUSIP number

Note:  Skip lines 1–7 and go to line 8 if recapture is passed through from a flow-through entity (partnership, S corporation, estate, or 
       trust). However, section 42(j)(5) partnerships must complete lines 1 through 7.

1      Enter total credits reported on Form 8586 in prior years for this building  .                       . . .   .  . .          . .     1 

2      Credits included on line 1 attributable to additions to qualified basis (see instructions)                     . .          . .     2 

3      Credits subject to recapture. Subtract line 2 from line 1 .    . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . .     3 

4      Credit recapture percentage (see instructions) .    . .  .     . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . .     4                 . 

5      Accelerated portion of credit. Multiply line 3 by line 4 .     . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . .     5 
6      Percentage  decrease  in  qualified  basis.  Express  as  a  decimal  amount  carried  out  to  at  least  3
       places (see instructions)  . .   .        . . . . . . .  .     . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . .     6                 . 
7      Amount of accelerated portion recaptured (see instructions if prior recapture on building). Multiply
       line 5 by line 6. Section 42(j)(5) partnerships, go to line 16. All other flow-through entities enter the
       result here and enter each recipient’s share in the appropriate box of Schedule K-1. Generally, 
       flow-through  entities  will  stop  here.  (Note: An  estate  or  trust  enters  on  line  8  only  its  share  of
       recapture amount attributable to the credit amount reported on its Form 8586.) .                        .   .  . .          . .     7 

8      Enter recapture amount from flow-through entity (see Note above)  .                           . .   . . .   .  . .          . .     8 

9      Enter the unused portion of the accelerated amount from line 7 (see instructions)  .                        .  . .          . .     9 

10     Net recapture. Subtract line 9 from line 7 or line 8. If less than zero, enter -0-                    . .   .  . .          . . 10 

11     Enter interest on the line 10 recapture amount (see instructions)  .                        . . .   . . .   .  . .          . . 11 

12     Total amount subject to recapture. Add lines 10 and 11         . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . . 12 
13     Unused credits attributable to this building reduced by the accelerated portion included on line 9
       (see instructions)  .   . .  .   .        . . . . . . .  .     . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . . 13 
14     Recapture tax. Subtract line 13 from line 12. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter the result here and on
       the appropriate line of your tax return (see instructions). If more than one Form                     8611 is filed, add 
       the line 14 amounts from all forms and enter the total on the appropriate line of your return  .                            . . 14 
15     Carryforward of the low-income housing credit attributable to this building.                            Subtract line 12 
       from line 13. If zero or less, enter -0- (see instructions)  . . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . . 15 
Only Section 42(j)(5) partnerships need to complete lines 16 and 17.

16     Enter interest on the line 7 recapture amount (see instructions)  .                         . . .   . . .   .  . .          . . 16 

17     Total recapture. Add lines 7 and 16 (see instructions)   .     . .  .                       . . .   . . .   .  . .          . . 17 
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                                              Cat. No. 63983Q                           Form 8611 (Rev. 12-2021)

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Form 8611 (Rev. 12-2021)                                                                                                               Page 2 

General Instructions                             Note: If the decrease in qualified basis is       • The qualified basis is reduced because 
                                                 because of a change in the amount for             of a casualty loss, provided the property 
Section references are to the Internal           which you are financially at risk on the          is restored or replaced within a 
Revenue Code.                                    building, then you must first recalculate         reasonable period.
                                                 the amount of credit taken in prior years 
Future Developments                              under section 42(k) before you calculate          Recordkeeping
For the latest information about                 the recapture amount on this form.                In order to verify changes in qualified 
developments related to Form 8611 and              To complete this form you will need             basis from year to year, keep a copy of 
its instructions, such as legislation            copies of the following forms that you            all Forms 8586, 8609, 8609-A (or 
enacted after they were published, go to         have filed.                                       predecessor, Schedule A (Form 8609)), 
                                                                                                   8611, and 8693 for 3 years after the    
www.irs.gov/Form8611.                            • Form 8586, Low-Income Housing                   15-year compliance period ends.
Purpose of Form                                  Credit (and Form 3800, General 
                                                 Business Credit, if applicable);
Use this form if you must recapture part                                                           Specific Instructions
of the low-income housing credit you             • Form 8609, Low-Income Housing 
claimed in previous years because the            Credit Allocation and Certification (or           Note: If recapture is passed through 
qualified basis decreased from one year          predecessor, Form 8609, Low-Income                from a flow-through entity (partnership,  
to the next or you disposed of a building,       Housing Credit Allocation Certification);         S corporation, estate, or trust), skip lines 
                                                                                                   1–7 and go to line 8. However, section 
or your interest therein, and you did not        • Form 8609-A, Annual Statement for               42(j)(5) partnerships must complete lines 
follow the procedures that would have            Low-Income Housing Credit (or                     1 through 7.
prevented recapture of the credit.               predecessor, Schedule A (Form 8609), 
Decrease in qualified basis. The                 Annual Statement); and                            Item F. If the building is financed with 
                                                                                                   tax-exempt bonds, furnish the following 
decrease may result from a change in             • Form 8611.                                      information: (1) name of the entity that 
the eligible basis or the applicable             Note: Flow-through entities must give             issued the bond (not the name of the 
fraction. For example, a decrease in             partners, shareholders, and beneficiaries         entity receiving the benefit of the 
qualified basis may exist when units are         the information that is reported in items         financing); (2) date of issue, generally the 
not occupied by income-qualified                 C, D, E, and F of Form 8611.                      first date there is a physical exchange of 
tenants under section 42(i)(3)(A)(ii), units                                                       the bonds for the purchase price;         
are not rent restricted under section              Recapture does not apply if:                    (3) name of the issue, or if not named, 
42(g)(2), units are not suitable for             • You disposed of the building or an              other identification of the issue; and     
occupancy as described in section 42(i)          ownership interest in it and you satisfy the      (4) CUSIP number of the bond with the 
(3)(B)(ii), or the project no longer meets       requirements for avoiding recapture as            latest maturity date. If the issue does not 
the minimum set-aside requirements of            outlined earlier under Building dispositions;     have a CUSIP number, enter “None.”
section 42(g)(1).
                                                 • You disposed of an ownership interest           Line 1. Enter the total credits claimed on 
Building dispositions. Disposing of a            in a building you held through a                  the building for all prior years from all 
building or an interest therein will             partnership to which section 42(j)(5)             Forms 8586 (before reduction due to the 
generate a credit recapture, unless it is        applies;                                          tax liability limit) you have filed. Prior to 
reasonably expected that the building will                                                         the December 2006 revision of Form 
continue to be operated as a qualified           • The decrease in qualified basis does 
low-income building for the remainder of         not exceed the additions to qualified             8586, the credits (before reduction due 
the building’s compliance period.                basis for which credits were allowable in         to the tax liability limit) were reported in 
                                                 years after the first year of the credit          Part I. Do not include credits taken by a 
  See section 42(j) for more information.        period; or                                        previous owner.

Line 2 Worksheet  (*Line             reference is to Form 8609-A (or predecessor, Schedule A (Form 8609)).)
a Enter the amount from line 10*  .     .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   a
b Multiply aby 2  .        . . . .    . .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   b
c Enter the amount from line 11*  .     .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   c
d Subtract cfrom   b       . . . .    . .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   d
e Enter decimal amount figured in step  of1    the instructions for line 14*. If line 14* does not apply to you, 
  enter -0-  .   .       . . . . .    . .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   e
f Multiply dby   e       . . . . .    . .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   f
g Subtract ffrom   d       . . . .    . .    . . . .   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   g
h Divide line 16* by line 15*. Enter the result here   .  .  .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   h
i Multiply gby  .hEnter this amount on line 2. (If more than one worksheet is completed, add the amounts 
  on ifrom all worksheets and enter the total on line 2.)    .  .   .    . .     . .  .   . .  .   . .   .  . .  .   i

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Form 8611 (Rev. 12-2021)                                                                                                                   Page 3 

Line 2. Determine the amount to enter               Step 3. Multiplying the result of step 2           For purposes of determining the credit 
on this line by completing a separate            by the decimal amount on line 4.                      recapture amount, a section 42(j)(5) 
Line 2 Worksheet for each prior year for            Step 4. Multiplying the result of step 3           partnership is treated as the taxpayer to 
which line 7 of Form 8609-A (or                  by the decimal amount on line 6.                      which the low-income housing credit 
predecessor, Schedule A (Form 8609))                                                                   was allowed and as if the amount of 
was completed.                                      Step 5. Enter the result of step 4 on              credit allowed was the entire amount 
                                                 line 9.
Line 4. Enter the credit recapture                                                                     allowable under section 42(a).
percentage, expressed as a decimal               *Generally, this is the amount of credit reported on  See the instructions for line 11 to 
                                                 line 1 of this Form 8611 reduced by the total low-
carried to at least 3 places, from the           income housing credits allowed on Form 8586 or        figure the interest on line 16. The 
table below.                                     Form 3800 for each year.                              partnership must attach Form 8611 to its 
                                                                                                       Form 1065 and allocate this amount to 
IF the recapture                  THEN           Line 11.  Figure the interest separately              each partner on Schedule K-1 (Form 
event occurs                      enter on       for each prior tax year for which a credit            1065) in the same manner as the 
in . . .                          line 4 . . .   is being recaptured. Interest must be                 partnership’s taxable income is allocated 
                                                 figured at the overpayment rate                       to each partner.
Years 2 through 11 .       .   .  .   .  .333    determined under section 6621(a)(1) and 
                                                 compounded on a daily basis from the 
Year 12 .     .   . .    . .   .  .   .  .267    due date (not including extensions) of            the Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We 
Year 13 .     .   . .    . .   .  .   .     .200 return for the prior year until the      earlier of   ask for the information on this form to 
                                                 (a) the due date (not including                       carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
Year 14 .     .   . .    . .   .  .   .     .133 extensions) of the return for the        recapture    the United States. You are required to 
Year 15 .     .   . .    . .   .  .   .     .067 year, or (b) the date the return         for the      give us the information. We need it to 
                                                 recapture year is filed and any          income       ensure that you are complying with these 
Line 6. Enter the percentage decrease in         tax due for that year has been           fully paid.  laws and to allow us to figure and collect 
                                                                                                       the right amount of tax.
qualified basis during the current year.            Tables of interest factors to figure daily         You are not required to provide the 
For this purpose, figure qualified basis         compound interest were published in                   information requested on a form that is 
without regard to any additions to               Rev. Proc. 95-17, 1995-1 C.B. 556. The                subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
qualified basis after the first year of the      interest rate in effect through December              unless the form displays a valid OMB 
credit period. Compare any decrease in           31, 2019, is shown in Rev. Rul. 2019-21,              control number. Books or records 
qualified basis first to additions to            2019-38 I.R.B. 708. For periods after                 relating to a form or its instructions must 
qualified basis. Recapture applies only if       December 31, 2019, use the overpayment                be retained as long as their contents 
the decrease in qualified basis exceeds          rate under section 6621(a)(1) in the                  may become material in the 
additions to qualified basis after the first     revenue rulings published quarterly in the            administration of any Internal Revenue 
year of the credit period.                       Internal Revenue Bulletin.                            law. Generally, tax returns and return 
If you disposed of the building or an            Note: If the line 8 recapture amount is               information are confidential, as required 
ownership interest in it and did not             from a section 42(j)(5) partnership, the              by section 6103.
satisfy the requirements for avoiding            partnership will figure the interest and              The time needed to complete and file 
recapture as outlined earlier under              include it in the recapture amount                    this form will vary depending on 
Building dispositions, you must                  reported to you. Enter “-0-” on line 11               individual circumstances. The estimated 
recapture all of the accelerated portion         and write “Section 42(j)(5)” to the left of           burden for individual taxpayers filing this 
shown on line 5. Enter 1.000 on line 6.          the entry space for line 11.                          form is approved under OMB control 
Note: If the decrease causes the      qualified  Line 13. Subtract the amount on line 9                number 1545-0074 and is included in the 
basis to fall below the minimum     set-aside    from the total of all prior year unused               estimates shown in the instructions for 
requirements of section    42(g)(1) (the         credits attributable to the building (Step            their individual income tax return. The 
20-50 test, the 40-60    test, or the average    1 of the line 9 instruction above). Enter             estimated burden for all other taxpayers 
income test), then 100% of the amount            the result on line 13.                                who file this form is shown below.
shown on line 5 must be recaptured.              Line 14. Form 1040, 1040-SR, and                      Recordkeeping     . .   .  . 8 hr., 21 min.
Enter 1.000 on line 6. If you elected the        1040-NR filers report the recapture tax               Learning about the                            
40-60    test for this building and the          on Schedule 2 (Form 1040), line 16.                   law or the form   . .   .  .  . .   . 1 hr.
decrease  causes you to fall below 40%,          Form 1120 filers report the recapture tax 
you cannot switch to the 20-50 test or           on Form 1120, Schedule J, line 9b.                    Preparing and sending                      
the average income test to meet       the set-   Line 15.Carry forward the low-income                  the form to the IRS     .  . 1 hr., 10 min.
aside requirements. You must      recapture      housing credit attributable to this      building     If you have comments concerning the 
the entire amount shown on       line 5.         to the next tax year. See the Instructions            accuracy of these time estimates or 
Line 7. If there was a prior recapture of        for Form 3800 for details on how to                   suggestions for making this form 
accelerated credits on the building, do     not  report the carryforward of unused credits.            simpler, we would be happy to hear from 
recapture that amount again as the      result   Lines 16 and 17. Only section 42(j)(5)                you. You can write to the IRS at the 
of the current reduction in  qualified basis.    partnerships complete these lines. This               address listed in the instructions for the 
Line 9. Figure the unused portion of the         is a partnership that has at least 35                 tax return with which this form is filed.
accelerated amount on line 7 by:                 partners, unless the partnership elects 
Step 1. Totaling the credits                     (or has previously elected) not to be 
attributable to the building that you            treated as a section 42(j)(5) partnership. 
could not use in prior years.*                   For purposes of this definition, an 
                                                 individual and his or her spouse (and 
Step 2. Reducing the result of step 1            their estates) are treated as one partner.
by any unused credits attributable to 
additions to qualified basis.

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