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                                                                                                                                    OMB No. 1545-0123
                                   Foreign Partner's Information Statement 
Form   8805                                 of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
Department of the Treasury         ▶  Go to www.irs.gov/Form8805 for instructions and the latest information.                       2018
                                                                                                                                  Copy A  for Internal Revenue Service 
Internal Revenue Service    For partnership’s calendar year 2018, or tax year beginning   , 2018, and ending          , 20          Attach to Form 8804.
1a     Foreign partner’s name         b   U.S. identifying number         5a    Name of partnership                        b   U.S. Employer 
                                                                                                                           Identification Number (EIN)

 c     Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)                   c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

2       Account number assigned by partnership (if any)                   6      Withholding agent’s name. If partnership is also the withholdingagent, 
                                                                                        enter “SAME” and do not complete line 7.
3       Type of partner (specify—see instructions)  ▶
4       Country code of partner (enter two-letter code; see instructions) 7     Withholding agent’s U.S. EIN

8a     Check if the partnership identified on line 5a owns an interest in one or more partnerships .   .     .    . . .    .    . . .     . .  . .
 b     Check if any of the partnership’s effectively connected taxable income (ECTI) is exempt from U.S. tax for the partner identified on line 1a 
9      Partnership’s ECTI allocable to partner for the tax year (see instructions) .    . . . . .  .   .     .    . .   9
10     Total tax credit allowed to partner under section 1446 (see instructions). Individual and corporate partners: 
       Claim this amount as a credit against your U.S. income tax on Form 1040NR, 1120-F, etc.     .   .     .    . . 10
Schedule T—Beneficiary Information (see instructions)
11a     Name of beneficiary                                               c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

b     U.S. identifying number of beneficiary

12     Amount of ECTI on line 9 to be included in the beneficiary’s gross income (see instructions)  . .     .    . . 12
13     Amount of tax credit on line 10 that the beneficiary is entitled to claim on its return (see instructions) . . 13
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate Instructions for Forms 8804, 8805, and 8813.                Cat. No. 10078E              Form 8805 (2018)

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                                                                                                                                    OMB No. 1545-0123
                                   Foreign Partner's Information Statement 
Form   8805                                 of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
Department of the Treasury         ▶  Go to www.irs.gov/Form8805 for instructions and the latest information.                       2018
                                                                                                                                    Copy B for partner 
Internal Revenue Service    For partnership’s calendar year 2018, or tax year beginning   , 2018, and ending          , 20          Keep for your records.
1a     Foreign partner’s name         b   U.S. identifying number         5a    Name of partnership                        b   U.S. Employer 
                                                                                                                           Identification Number (EIN)

 c     Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)                   c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

2       Account number assigned by partnership (if any)                   6      Withholding agent’s name. If partnership is also the withholdingagent, 
                                                                                        enter “SAME” and do not complete line 7.
3       Type of partner (specify—see instructions)  ▶
4       Country code of partner (enter two-letter code; see instructions) 7     Withholding agent’s U.S. EIN

8a     Check if the partnership identified on line 5a owns an interest in one or more partnerships .   .     .    . . .    .    . . . . .    . .
 b     Check if any of the partnership’s effectively connected taxable income (ECTI) is exempt from U.S. tax for the partner identified on line 1a 
9      Partnership’s ECTI allocable to partner for the tax year (see instructions) .    . . . . .  .   .     .    . .   9
10     Total tax credit allowed to partner under section 1446 (see instructions). Individual and corporate partners: 
       Claim this amount as a credit against your U.S. income tax on Form 1040NR, 1120-F, etc.     .   .     .    . . 10
Schedule T—Beneficiary Information (see instructions)
11a     Name of beneficiary                                               c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

b     U.S. identifying number of beneficiary

12     Amount of ECTI on line 9 to be included in the beneficiary’s gross income (see instructions)  . .     .    . . 12
13     Amount of tax credit on line 10 that the beneficiary is entitled to claim on its return (see instructions) . . 13
                                                                                                                                      Form 8805 (2018)

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                                                                                                                                    OMB No. 1545-0123
                                   Foreign Partner's Information Statement 
Form   8805                                 of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
Department of the Treasury         ▶  Go to www.irs.gov/Form8805 for instructions and the latest information.                       2018
                                                                                                                                    Copy C  for partner 
Internal Revenue Service    For partnership’s calendar year 2018, or tax year beginning   , 2018, and ending          , 20        Attach to your federal tax return.
1a     Foreign partner’s name         b   U.S. identifying number         5a    Name of partnership                        b   U.S. Employer 
                                                                                                                           Identification Number (EIN)

 c     Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)                   c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

2       Account number assigned by partnership (if any)                   6      Withholding agent’s name. If partnership is also the withholdingagent, 
                                                                                        enter “SAME” and do not complete line 7.
3       Type of partner (specify—see instructions)  ▶
4       Country code of partner (enter two-letter code; see instructions) 7     Withholding agent’s U.S. EIN

8a     Check if the partnership identified on line 5a owns an interest in one or more partnerships .   .     .    . . .    .    . . . . .    .    .
 b     Check if any of the partnership’s effectively connected taxable income (ECTI) is exempt from U.S. tax for the partner identified on line 1a
9      Partnership’s ECTI allocable to partner for the tax year (see instructions) .    . . . . .  .   .     .    . .   9
10     Total tax credit allowed to partner under section 1446 (see instructions). Individual and corporate partners: 
       Claim this amount as a credit against your U.S. income tax on Form 1040NR, 1120-F, etc.     .   .     .    . . 10
Schedule T—Beneficiary Information (see instructions)
11a     Name of beneficiary                                               c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

b     U.S. identifying number of beneficiary

12     Amount of ECTI on line 9 to be included in the beneficiary’s gross income (see instructions)  . .     .    . . 12
13     Amount of tax credit on line 10 that the beneficiary is entitled to claim on its return (see instructions) . . 13
                                                                                                                                      Form 8805 (2018)

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                                                                                                                                    OMB No. 1545-0123
                                   Foreign Partner's Information Statement 
Form   8805                                 of Section 1446 Withholding Tax
Department of the Treasury         ▶  Go to www.irs.gov/Form8805 for instructions and the latest information.                       2018
                                                                                                                                      Copy D for 
Internal Revenue Service    For partnership’s calendar year 2018, or tax year beginning   , 2018, and ending          , 20          Withholding Agent.
1a     Foreign partner’s name         b   U.S. identifying number         5a    Name of partnership                        b   U.S. Employer 
                                                                                                                           Identification Number (EIN)

 c     Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)                   c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

2       Account number assigned by partnership (if any)                   6      Withholding agent’s name. If partnership is also the withholdingagent, 
                                                                                        enter “SAME” and do not complete line 7.
3       Type of partner (specify—see instructions)  ▶
4       Country code of partner (enter two-letter code; see instructions) 7     Withholding agent’s U.S. EIN

8a     Check if the partnership identified on line 5a owns an interest in one or more partnerships .   .     .    . . .    .    . . . . .    .   .
 b     Check if any of the partnership’s effectively connected taxable income (ECTI) is exempt from U.S. tax for the partner identified on line 1a 
9      Partnership’s ECTI allocable to partner for the tax year (see instructions) .    . . . . .  .   .     .    . .   9
10     Total tax credit allowed to partner under section 1446 (see instructions). Individual and corporate partners: 
       Claim this amount as a credit against your U.S. income tax on Form 1040NR, 1120-F, etc.     .   .     .    . . 10
Schedule T—Beneficiary Information (see instructions)
11a     Name of beneficiary                                               c    Address (if a foreign address, see instructions)

b     U.S. identifying number of beneficiary

12     Amount of ECTI on line 9 to be included in the beneficiary’s gross income (see instructions)  . .     .    . . 12
13     Amount of tax credit on line 10 that the beneficiary is entitled to claim on its return (see instructions) . . 13
                                                                                                                                      Form 8805 (2018)

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