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                            Annual Certification of a Residential Rental Project
Form   8703                                           (Complete a separate Form 8703 for each project.)                    OMB No. 1545-1038
(Rev. December 2021)                                         For calendar year 
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service                            ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form8703 for the latest information.
Part I  General Information                                                                                       Check if Amended Return  ▶

Operator of project                                                                                         Taxpayer identification number of operator 

Street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code

Owner of project                                                                                            Taxpayer identification number of owner

Street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code

Address of building/project (Do not use P.O. box.)                                                          Report number (For IRS Use Only) 

1      Check the box for the test elected for the project: 

a           20-50 test                                         b     40-60 test                                   c        25-60 test (NYC only) 

d           20-60 test                                         e     40-70 test   
            (GO Zone, Midwestern disaster areas,                     (GO Zone, Midwestern disaster areas,  
            and Hurricane Ike disaster areas only)                   and Hurricane Ike disaster areas only) 
2      Date (MM/DD/YYYY) the qualified project period began .                       . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . . . ▶        /     / 

3a     Was a low-income housing credit allocation issued by a housing credit agency for this project?  .              ▶    Yes       ▶                 No 
b      If “Yes,” enter the building identification number (BIN) assigned to the building by the housing credit 
       agency (see instructions) . . .              . .    . . . . . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . . . ▶

4      Check “Yes” if during the year reported on this form, there were no residential units in the project that were 
       occupied by a new resident whose income exceeds the applicable income limit. If otherwise, check “No.”  ▶           Yes       ▶                 No 
       If “Yes,” complete lines 5, 11, 12, and 13 in Part II, and skip lines 6 through 10.
Part II Annual Determinations 
5      Total number of residential rental units in project  .      . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   5
6      Number of units actually occupied by individuals whose income does not exceed the applicable 
       income limit (see instructions)  .           . .    . . . . . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   6
7      Number of units occupied by continuing residents whose income is treated as not exceeding 
       the applicable income limit (see instructions)  .         . . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   7
8      Total number of low-income units in project (add lines 6 and 7)  .                 . . . . . .   .   .   . .   8
9      Divide  line  8  by  line  5  and  enter  the  percentage  (If  the  line  9  percentage  is  less  than  the 
       percentage for the test elected in Part I, item 1 (i.e., 20%, 40%, or 25%), see instructions.)  .          .   9                                % 
10     Deep-rent skewed project election (see instructions): 
a      Number of 40%-and-under low-income units  .               . . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   10a 
b      Divide line 10a by line 8 and enter the percentage          . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   10b                              % 
11     Number of low-income units vacated during the calendar year  .                     . . . . . .   .   .   . .   11
12     Number of low-income units vacated during the calendar year and occupied by new residents 
       who were low-income residents at the time of occupancy  .                      . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   12
13     Number of low-income units that were vacated but were held available for low-income residents 
       as of the end of the calendar year  .          .    . . . . . .              . . . . . . . . .   .   .   . .   13
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.                           Cat. No. 64650C            Form 8703 (Rev. 12-2021) 

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Form 8703 (Rev. 12-2021)                                                                                                              Page 2 
Part III Issuer and Description of Bonds (see instructions)

14   Name of issuer

15   Issuer’s EIN

16   Name of bond issue

17   Date of bond issue                / / 

18   CUSIP number

19   Issue price

20   Final maturity date               / / 

Part IV  Certification (see instructions) 
      Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the above project (check one) continues to meet   ▶ does not meet   ▶            the requirements of 
      subsection  142(d)  of  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  and  that  I  have  examined  this  form,  and  to  the  best  of  my  knowledge  and  belief,  the 
Sign  information▲ is true, correct, and complete.                                                 ▲
         Signature of Project Operator                                  Date                         Type or print name and title 
         Print/Type preparer’s name                Preparer’s signature        Date                                               PTIN
Paid                                                                                                 Check         if 
Preparer                    ▶                                                                        Firm’s EIN  ▶
         Firm’s name      
Use Only                    ▶                                                                        Phone no.
         Firm’s address  
                                                                                                                     Form 8703 (Rev. 12-2021) 

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Form 8703 (Rev. 12-2021)                                                                                                                             Page 3 
Future Developments                                 (b) 40-60 test. 40% or more of the residential           Line 7. Enter the number of residential rental  
                                                    units must be occupied by individuals whose 
The IRS has created a page on IRS.gov for                                                                    units occupied by continuing residents whose 
                                                    income is 60% or less of the AMGI.                       income exceeds the applicable income limit 
information about Form 8703 and its                                                                                                                           
instructions, at www.irs.gov/form8703.              (c) 25-60 test (NYC only). 25% or more of                but whose income is treated as not exceeding 
Information about any future developments           the  residential units must be occupied by               the applicable income limit. Do not include 
affecting Form 8703 (such as legislation            individuals whose income is 60% or less of               any units included on line 6. See sections  
enacted after we release it) will be posted on      the AMGI.                                                142(d)(3)(B) and 142(d)(4)(A). Generally, a 
                                                                                                             continuing resident's income may increase 
that page.                                          (d) 20-60 test (Gulf Opportunity (GO) Zone,              but not exceed 140% of the applicable 
                                                    Midwestern disaster areas, and Hurricane                 income limit (i.e., 50% or less or 60% or less 
General Instructions                                Ike disaster areas only). 20% or more of the             of the AMGI under the line 1a or 1b test). 
                                                    residential units must be occupied by 
Section references are to the Internal Revenue                                                               When the deep-rent skewed election is made 
                                                    individuals whose income is 60% or less of               and the requirements of section 142(d)(4)(B) 
Code unless otherwise noted.                        the AMGI.                                                are met, the income of a continuing resident 
Purpose of form. Form 8703 is used by an            (e) 40-70 test (GO Zone, Midwestern                      may increase up to 170% of the applicable 
operator of a residential rental project to         disaster areas, and Hurricane Ike disaster               income limit.  
provide annual information the IRS will use to      areas only). 40% or more of the residential              Line 9. If line 9 is less than the percentage for  
determine whether a project continues to be a       units must be occupied by individuals whose              the test elected in item 1, Part I (i.e., 20%,  
qualified residential rental project under          income is 70% or less of the AMGI.                       40%, or 25%), the project is considered in  
section 142(d). If so, and certain other  
requirements are met, bonds issued in               See Rev. Rul. 94-57, 1994-2 C.B. 5, for                  post-issuance noncompliance. In this case, 
connection with the project are considered          guidance on computing the income limits                  check the box in Part IV to certify that the  
“exempt facility bonds” and the interest paid       applicable to these tests. See Pub. 4492,                project “does not meet” the requirements of  
on them is not taxable to the recipient.            Information for Taxpayers Affected by                    section 142(d). 
                                                    Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, for                    In general, unless the noncompliance is  
Who must file. The operator of a residential        details about the GO Zone. See Pub. 4492-B,              corrected within a reasonable period, the  
rental project for which an election was made       Information for Affected Taxpayers in the                noncompliance will cause the exempt facility  
under section 142(d) must file Form 8703            Midwestern Disaster Areas, for details about             bonds for the project to not be qualified 
annually. A separate Form 8703 must be filed        the Midwestern Disaster areas.                           bonds under section 141. When the bonds 
for each project. 
                                                    Line 2. The qualified project period is the              are no longer qualified, the interest paid or to 
When to file. File Form 8703 by March 31            period beginning on the first day that 10% of            be paid on the bonds is taxable, and the 
after the close of the calendar year for which      the residential units are occupied and ending on         issuers or brokers of the bonds must report 
the certification is made. Form 8703 must be        the latest of(a) the date that is 15 years after         the taxable interest to bond holders as 
filed annually during the qualified project         the date that 50% of the residential units are           required by section 6049. See Regulations 
period. See the instructions for line 2 for the     occupied, (b) the first day that no tax-exempt           sections 1.103-8(b)(1)-(9) and sections 141, 
definition of “qualified project period.”           private activity bond issued for the project is          142, and 103 for additional information. 
Where to file. File Form 8703 with the:             outstanding, or(c) the date that any assistance          Lines 10a and 10b. Complete these lines only 
Internal Revenue Service                            provided for the project under section 8 of the          if an election was made to treat the project as 
Service Center                                      United States Housing Act of   1937 terminates.          a deep-rent skewed project under section  
Ogden, UT 84201                                     Lines 3a and 3b. If a low-income housing                 142(d)(4). The 15-40 test that applies to the  
Penalty. Section 6652(j) provides for a penalty     credit allocation was issued for more than one           deep-rent skewed project election is not an  
of $100 for each failure to comply with the         building in the project, attach a schedule               additional test for satisfying the requirements  
section 142(d)(7) certification requirements        listing the building identification number (BIN)         of section 142(d)(1). The 15-40 deep-rent  
unless it can be shown that failure to file is      for each building.                                       skewed project test relates to the  
due to reasonable cause and not to willful          Line 4. The determination of whether the                 determination of a low-income tenant’s  
neglect.                                            income of a resident of a unit in a project              income. If this election is made, at least 15% 
                                                    exceeds the applicable income limit shall be             of  all low-income units in the project must be  
Specific Instructions                               made at least annually on the basis of the               occupied by tenants whose income is 40% or 
                                                    current income of the resident, except for               less of the AMGI. 
Part I—General Information                          respect to any project for any year if during               On line 10a, enter the number of            
Enter the name, address (including ZIP or           such year no residential unit in the project is          low-income units occupied by individuals 
foreign postal code), and taxpayer                  occupied by a new resident whose income                  whose income is 40% or less of the AMGI. 
identification number of both the operator and      exceeds the applicable income limit. See                 Also include the number of units occupied by 
the owner of the project.  Enter the address of     section 142(d)(3)(A). Check "Yes” if there are           continuing residents whose income is treated 
the project. Do not use  P.O. boxes.                no new residents in the project whose income             as not exceeding the applicable income limit. 
                                                    exceeds the applicable income limits.                    If the percentage on line 10b is less than 
Amended return. An issuer may file an               Therefore, if “Yes” is checked, complete Part            15%, the project is not a deep-rent skewed 
amended return to change or add to the              II, skipping lines 6 through 10.                         project, and a continuing resident’s income 
information reported on a previously filed                                                                   may not increase above 140% of the 
return for the same date of issue. If you are       Part II—Annual Determinations                            applicable income limit for purposes of 
filing to correct errors or change a previously     Line 5. Enter the total number of residential            section 142(d). 
filed return, check the “Amended Return” box        rental units in the project.                             Line 11. Enter the number of low-income 
in the heading of the form. 
The amended return must provide all the             Line 6. Enter the number of residential rental           units vacated during the calendar year.
                                                    units occupied by individuals whose income               Line 12. Enter the number of vacated        
information reported on the original return, in     is:                                                      low-income units that were occupied by new 
addition to the new or corrected information. 
Attach an explanation of the reason for the         (a) 50% or less of the AMGI (if box 1a was               residents who were low-income residents at 
amended return.                                     checked),                                                the time of occupancy. The instructions for 
                                                                                                             lines 6 and 7 describe low-income residents.
Report number. This line is for IRS use only.       (b) 60% or less of the AMGI (if box 1b, 1c, 
Do not make an entry.                               or 1d was checked), or                                   Line 13. Enter the number of vacant          
                                                                                                             low-income units that were held available for 
Line 1. To be a qualified residential rental        (c) 70% or less of the AMGI (if box 1e was               low-income residents as of the end of the 
project, one of the following tests must have       checked).                                                calendar year.
been elected for the project:                       Do not include any units included on line 7. 
(a) 20-50 test. 20% or more of the residential  
units must be occupied by individuals whose  
income is 50% or less of the area median  
gross income (AMGI). 

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Form 8703 (Rev. 12-2021)                                                                                                                    Page 4 

Note. Lines 11 through 13 ask questions          Line 18. Enter the CUSIP (Committee on             Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction  
about low-income units that were vacated         Uniform Securities Identification Procedures)      Act Notice 
during the calendar year. Regulations sections   number of the bond with the latest maturity. If 
1.103-8(b)(5)(i) and (ii) provide, that low-     the issue does not have a CUSIP number,            We ask for the information on this form to 
income units must be rented or available for     write “None.” The CUSIP number should be           carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the 
rent on a continuous basis by low-income         identical to the CUSIP number listed on Form       United States. Code section 142(d)(7) requires 
tenants during the longer of: (a) the remaining  8038, Part I, line 9, filed with respect to the    that an annual certification be filed with the 
term of the bond, or (b) the qualified project   bond issue.                                        IRS to determine whether the legal 
                                                                                                    requirements of that section are being met. 
period. If lines 12 and 13 do not add up to line Line 19. Enter the issue price of the bond         Routine uses of the information provided on 
11, then make a determination as to whether      issue listed on Form 8038, Part III, line 21(b),   this form include giving it to the Department 
the project is in compliance with the            filed with respect to the bond issue.              of Justice for civil and criminal litigation and to 
requirements of section 142(d). If it is 
determined that the project is not in            Line 20. The final maturity date is the last       other federal agencies, as provided by law. 
compliance, check the box in Part IV to certify  date the issuer must redeem the entire issue.      We may disclose the information to cities, 
that the project “does not meet” the             Enter the date in an MM/DD/YYYY format.            states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. 
requirements of section 142(d).                  The final maturity date should be identical to     commonwealths or possessions to administer 
                                                 the final maturity date listed on Form 8038,       their tax laws. We may also disclose the 
Part III—Issuer and Description of               Part III, line 21(a), filed with respect to the    information to foreign governments pursuant 
Bonds                                            bond issue.                                        to tax treaties or to federal and state agencies 
                                                                                                    to enforce federal nontax criminal laws and to 
If the project for which you are filing Form     Certification                                      combat terrorism. If you do not provide this 
8703 has been financed by more than one          Section 142(d)(7) requires the operator of the     form or all of the information requested on it, 
tax-exempt bond issue, attach a separate         project to submit this annual certification as to  you may be subject to penalties. 
statement containing the information required    whether the project continues to meet the          To ensure proper identification of the owner 
in Part III, lines 14 through 20, for each bond  requirements of section 142(d). This form          and operator of the project, Code section 
issue.                                           must be signed by the operator of the project.     6109 and its regulations require an identifying  
Line 14. The issuer’s name is the name of the                                                       number (social security number (SSN) or  
entity issuing the bonds, not the name of the    Paid Preparer                                      employer identification number (EIN)) on the  
entity receiving the benefits of the financing.  If an authorized officer of the operator filled in annual certification. 
The name of the issuer should be identical to    this return, the paid preparer’s space should      You are not required to provide the  
the name listed on Form 8038, Part I, line 1,    remain blank. Anyone who prepares the return       information requested on a form that is 
filed with respect to the bond issue.            but does not charge the organization should        subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
Line 15. Enter the issue’s employer              not sign the return. Certain others who            unless the form displays a valid OMB control 
identification number (EIN). The issuer’s EIN    prepare the return should not sign the return.     number. Books or records relating to a form 
should be identical to the EIN listed on Form    For example, a regular full-time employee of       or its instructions must be retained as long as 
8038, Part I, line 2, filed with respect to the  the operator, such as a clerk, secretary, etc.,    their contents may become material in the 
bond issue.                                      should not sign.                                   administration of any Internal Revenue law. 
Line 16. Enter the name of the bond issue. If    Generally, anyone who is paid to prepare a         Generally, return information is confidential, 
there is no name of the issue, please provide    return must sign it and fill in the other blanks   as required by Code section 6103. 
other identification of the issue. The name of   in the Paid Preparer Use Only area of the          The time needed to complete and file this  
the bond issue should be identical to the        return. The paid preparer must: Sign the           form will vary depending on individual  
name listed on Form 8038, Part I, line 8, filed  return in the space provided for the preparer's    circumstances. The estimated average time is:
with respect to the bond issue.                  signature, enter the preparer information, and     Recordkeeping   .     . .   .  7 hr., 39 min.
Line 17. Enter the date of the bond issue.       give a copy of the return to the operator.
Enter the date in an MM/DD/YYYY format.                                                             Learning  about the law                                   
The date of the bond issue is generally the                                                         or the form . . .     . .   .  1 hr., 51 min.
date on which the issuer exchanges the                                                              Preparing and sending the                          
bonds for the underwriter’s (or other                                                               form to the IRS .     . .   .  3 hr., 16 min.
purchaser’s) funds. The issue date should be                                                        If you have comments concerning the  
identical to the issue date listed on Form                                                          accuracy of these time estimates or  
8038, Part I, line 7, filed with respect to the                                                     suggestions for making this form simpler, we  
bond issue.                                                                                         would be happy to hear from you. You can 
                                                                                                    send your comments to:
                                                                                                    Internal Revenue Service                             
                                                                                                    Tax Forms and Publications Division 
                                                                                                    1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 
                                                                                                    Washington, DC 20224 
                                                                                                    Do not  send the form to this address. 
                                                                                                    Instead, see Where to file, earlier. 

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