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Form   8288-B               Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions  
(Rev. February 2016)         by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests                                                               OMB No. 1545-1060 
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service                                ▶  Please type or print. 
1       Name of transferor (attach additional sheets if more than one transferor)                                                Identification number 

        Street address, apt. or suite no., or rural route. Do not use a P.O. box. 

        City, state or province, and country (if not U.S.). Include ZIP code or postal code where appropriate. 

2       Name of transferee (attach additional sheets if more than one transferee)                                                Identification number 

        Street address, apt. or suite no., or rural route. Do not use a P.O. box. 

        City, state or province, and country (if not U.S.). Include ZIP code or postal code where appropriate. 

3       Applicant is:    Transferor    Transferee 
4a     Name of withholding agent (see instructions)                                                                              b    Identification number 

c     Name of estate, trust, or entity (if applicable)                                                                           d    Identification number 

5       Address where you want withholding certificate sent (street address, apt. or suite no., P.O. box, or rural route number) Phone number (optional) 

        City, state or province, and country (if not U.S.). Include ZIP code or postal code where appropriate. 

6       Description of U.S. real property transaction: 
a       Date of transfer (month, day, year) (see inst.)                           b          Contract price $ 
c       Type of interest transferred:                  Real property                         Associated personal property 
                                                       Domestic U.S. real property holding corporation 
d       Use of property at time of sale:               Rental or commercial                  Personal                            Other (attach explanation) 
e       Adjusted basis $
f       Location and general description of property (for a real property interest), description (for associated personal property), or 
        the class or type and amount of the interest (for an interest in a U.S. real property holding corporation). See instructions. 

g       For the 3 preceding tax years: 
        (1) Were U.S. income tax returns filed relating to the U.S. real property interest? .                      . .    .      . . . . .             Yes    No 
            If “Yes,” when and where were those returns filed?  ▶

        (2) Were U.S. income taxes paid relating to the U.S. real property interest?                           . . . .    .      . . . . .             Yes    No 
            If “Yes,” enter the amount of tax paid for each year  ▶

7       Check the box to indicate the reason a withholding certificate should be issued. See the instructions for information that must 
        be attached to Form 8288-B. 
a           The transferor is exempt from U.S. tax or nonrecognition treatment applies. 
b           The transferor’s maximum tax liability is less than the tax required to be withheld. 
c           The special installment sales rules described in section 7 of Rev. Proc. 2000-35 allow reduced withholding. 
8       Does the transferor have any unsatisfied withholding liability under section 1445?  .                      . .    .      . . . . .             Yes    No 
        See the instructions for information required to be attached. 
9       Is this application for a withholding certificate made under section 1445(e)?  .                       . . . .    .      . . . . .             Yes    No 
        If “Yes,” check the applicable box in aand the applicable box in  below.b 
a       Type of transaction:          1445(e)(1)       1445(e)(2)                 1445(e)(3)                   1445(e)(5)          1445(e)(6) 
b       Applicant is:                 Taxpayer         Other person required to withhold.  Specify your title (e.g., trustee)  ▶

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application and accompanying attachments, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true,
correct, and complete. 

                            Signature                                             Title (if applicable)                                                  Date 
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions.                    Cat. No. 10128Z                           Form 8288-B (Rev. 2-2016) 

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Form 8288-B (Rev. 2-2016)                                                                                                                Page  2 
Section references are to the Internal           Identification number. The U.S.                 2. Withhold 15% or lower amount  
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.             taxpayer identification number (TIN) of all     determined by the IRS (or the amount the  
                                                 parties to the transaction must be on the       IRS determines to be appropriate under  
Future Developments                              application for a withholding certificate. For  section 1445(e)) of each subsequent  
For the latest information about                 U.S. individuals, the TIN is a social security  payment and the interest on the deferred  
developments related to Form 8288 and its        number (SSN). For all other entities, it is an  tax liability. 
instructions, such as legislation enacted        employer identification number (EIN). If you    3. Use Forms 8288 and 8288-A (relating to 
after they were published, go to                 do not have an EIN, you can apply for one       withholding on dispositions by foreign  
www.irs.gov/form8288.                            online at www.irs.gov/smallbiz or by            persons of U.S. real property interests) to pay 
                                                 telephone at 1-800-829-4933. Also, you can      over all amounts withheld. The identification 
General Instructions                             file Form SS-4, Application for Employer        number of the transferor (or interest holder 
                                                 Identification Number, by fax or mail. 
Purpose of form. Use Form 8288-B to                                                              subject to withholding under section 1445(e)) 
apply for a withholding certificate to reduce    If you are a nonresident alien individual       must be included on Forms 8288 and 8288-A. 
or eliminate withholding on dispositions of      who is required to have a TIN, but is not       4. Notify the IRS before the disposition or 
U.S. real property interests by foreign          eligible to obtain an SSN, you must apply       encumbrance of the U.S. real property  
persons, but only if the application is based    for an IRS individual taxpayer identification   interest (of the installment obligation under  
on:                                              number (ITIN). If you do not have a TIN and     section 1445(e)), and when it occurs, pay  
                                                 are eligible for an ITIN, you can apply for an  over the remaining amount to be withheld. 
  1. A claim that the transferor is entitled to  ITIN by attaching the completed Form            5. Continue to withhold under a reduced  
nonrecognition treatment or is exempt from       8288-B to a completed Form W-7 and              withholding certificate until an amended  
tax,                                             forwarding the package to the IRS at the        certificate is issued, even if the transferor  
  2. A claim solely on a calculation that        address given in the Form W-7 instructions.     pledges the installment obligation in  
shows the transferor’s maximum tax liability     Get Form W-7, Application for IRS               exchange for all or part of the proceeds due 
is less than the tax otherwise required to be    Individual Taxpayer Identification Number,      on the obligation and includes in gross  
withheld, or                                     for more information.                           income under section 453A(d) the net  
  3. A claim that the special installment        Any withholding certificate issued by the       proceeds of the secured indebtedness. 
sales rules described in section 7 of Rev.       IRS applies only for the limited purpose of     Where to send applications for a  
Proc. 2000-35 allowed reduced                    determining the withholding obligation          withholding certificate. Form 8288-B and  
withholding.                                     under section 1445 and does not apply to        other applications for a withholding  
  Do not use this form for applications:         any substantive issue that may arise in         certificate must be sent to Internal Revenue 
• Based on an agreement for the payment          connection with the transfer. The               Service, P.O. Box 409101, Ogden, UT 
of tax with conforming security,                 acceptance by the IRS of any evidence           84409. 
• For blanket withholding certificates under     submitted in connection with this  
Rev. Proc. 2000-35, or                           application is not binding on the IRS for any   Specific Instructions 
                                                 purpose other than issuing the withholding  
• Other than the three types described           certificate. The information submitted in       Complete all information for each line. An  
above.                                           support of the application may be subject       application that is not substantially  
  See Regulations sections 1.1445-3 and          to verification by the IRS prior to issuance    complete when submitted will be rejected.  
1.1445-6 and Rev. Proc. 2000-35 for              of a withholding certificate.                   For example, an application without a  
information and procedures for applying for      If you receive a withholding certificate        specific or estimated date of transfer will  
a withholding certificate.                       from the IRS and withholding is still           not be considered to be substantially  
Who can apply for a withholding                  required, a copy of the withholding             complete. 
certificate. Either the transferee or the        certificate must be attached to Form 8288,      Line 1. Enter the name, street address, and  
transferor (or other authorized person) can      U.S. Withholding Tax Return for                 identification number of the transferor. If  
file this application.                           Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S.         there are multiple transferors, attach  
Withholding certificate. The IRS can issue       Real Property Interests.                        additional sheets giving the required  
a withholding certificate to reduce or           Installment sales. A transferee is required     information about each one. For a  
eliminate withholding under section 1445. A      to withhold on the full sales price regardless  transaction under section 1445(e), enter the  
certificate issued before the transfer notifies  of the amount of the payment. However, if       required information for each foreign person 
the transferee that reduced withholding or       the transferor is not a dealer and will report  for whom you are requesting reduced  
no withholding is required. A certificate        gain using the installment method under         withholding. 
issued after the transfer may authorize an       section 453, a withholding certificate          Line 2. Enter the name, street address, and 
early or a normal refund. If, on the date of     allowing reduced withholding may be             identification number of the transferee. If  
transfer, an application for a withholding       obtained. Any withholding certificate based     there are multiple transferees, attach  
certificate is or has been submitted to the      on the installment sale method will provide     additional sheets giving the required  
IRS, the applicable withholding is not           for payment of interest on the deferred tax     information about each one. 
required to be paid over to the IRS until the    liability under section 453A(c) when            Line 4a. The withholding agent will normally 
20th day after the day that the IRS mails the    applicable.                                     be the buyer or other transferee as  
withholding certificate or notice of denial. A   For installment sales subject to                described in section 1445(d)(4). For  
transferor that applies for a withholding        withholding under section 1445(a) or (e), the   distributions under section 1445(e), the  
certificate must notify the transferee in        IRS will consider applications for a            withholding agent also includes a trustee,  
writing that the certificate has been applied    withholding certificate based on the            executor, or other authorized person. 
for on the day of or prior to the transfer.      transferee’s (or entity’s or fiduciary’s)       Line 4b. If you are not applying for this  
  The IRS will normally act on an                agreement to all of the following:              withholding certificate in your personal  
application within 90 days of receipt of all     1. Withhold and pay over 15% or lower           capacity, enter your SSN or ITIN (see  
information necessary to make a proper           amount determined by the IRS (or the            Identification number on this page for more  
determination. The IRS will determine            amount the IRS determines to be                 information). 
whether withholding should be reduced or         appropriate under section 1445(e)) of the  
eliminated or whether a withholding              down payment. The amount of the down  
certificate should not be issued.                payment includes any liabilities of the  
                                                 transferor (entity in the case of section  
                                                 1445(e)) assumed by the transferee, or  
                                                 liabilities to which the U.S. real property  
                                                 interest was subject immediately before and 
                                                 after the transfer. 

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Form 8288-B (Rev. 2-2016)                                                                                                                 Page 3 
Line 4c. If you are acting on behalf of an      2. Evidence of the adjusted basis of the         6. Evidence that the person from whom the  
estate or trust, or are signing as an           property, such as closing statements, invoices   transferor acquired the subject or prior U.S. real 
authorized person for an entity other than      for improvements, and depreciation               property interest fully paid any tax imposed on  
an individual (for example, a corporation,      schedules, or if no depreciation schedules are   that transaction under section 897; 
qualified investment entity, or partnership),   submitted, a statement of the nature of the      7. A copy of a notice of nonrecognition  
enter the name of the estate, trust, or entity. use of the property and why depreciation was     treatment provided to the transferor under  
Line 4d. Enter the EIN of the estate, trust,    not allowed;                                     Regulations section 1.1445-2(d)(2) by the  
or entity.                                      3. Amounts to be recaptured for                  person from whom the transferor acquired  
Line 5. Enter the address you want the IRS      depreciation, investment credit, or other        the subject or prior U.S. real property  
to use for purposes of returning the            items subject to recapture;                      interest; or 
withholding certificate.                        4. The maximum capital gain and/or ordinary      8. A statement, signed by the transferor  
Line 6a. Enter the year as a four-digit         income tax rates applicable to the transfer;     under penalties of perjury, explaining why  
number (for example, “2013”).                   5. The tentative tax owed; and                   the transferor was not required to withhold  
Line 6c. “Associated personal property”         6. Evidence showing the amount of any            under section 1445(a) with regard to the  
means property (for example, furniture) sold    increase or reduction of tax to which the        transferor’s acquisition of the subject or  
with a building. See Regulations section        transferor is subject, including any             prior real property interest. 
1.897-1.                                        reduction to which the transferor is entitled    Line 9a. If the transaction is subject to  
Line 6d. Check “Other” if the property was      under a U.S. income tax treaty.                  withholding under section 1445(e), check  
used for both personal and rental use and       If you have a net operating loss, see Rev.       the box to indicate which provision of  
attach an explanation.                          Proc. 2000-35, section 4.06, for special         section 1445(e) applies. 
Line 6f. Enter the address and description      rules about the maximum tax calculation.         Line 9b. Indicate whether the applicant is  
of the property (for example, “10-story,        If the purchase price includes personal          the taxpayer or the person required to  
100-unit luxury apartment building”). For a     property not subject to tax under section        withhold, and in what capacity that person  
real estate holding corporation interest        897, for the calculation of maximum tax, the     is required to withhold. 
transferred, enter the class or type and        transferor must also include a statement         Signature. The application must be signed by  
amount of the interest (for example,            listing each such item of personal property      an individual, a responsible corporate officer, a 
“10,000  shares Class A Preferred Stock         transferred and the fair market value            general partner of a partnership, or a trustee, 
XYZ  Corporation”). You may attach              attributable to each item. The fair market       executor, or other fiduciary of a trust or estate. 
additional sheets. Be sure to include your      value claimed should be supported by an          The application may also be signed by an 
name and TIN on each sheet you attach.          independent appraisal or other similar           authorized agent with a power of attorney. 
Line 6g. A U.S. income tax return includes      documentation.                                   Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration  
Forms 1040NR, and 1120-F.                       Line 7c. If you checked 7c, see Installment      of Representative, can be used for this  
Line 7a. If you checked 7a, attach:             sales, earlier.                                  purpose.  
1. A brief description of the transfer,         Line 8. You must provide a calculation of  
2. A summary of the law,                        the transferor’s unsatisfied withholding         Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act 
                                                liability or evidence that it does not exist.    Notice. We ask for the information on this  
3. Facts supporting the claim of                This liability is the amount of any tax the      form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws  
exemption or nonrecognition,                    transferor was required to, but did not,         of the United States. Section 1445 generally  
4. Evidence that the transferor has no          withhold and pay over under section 1445         imposes a withholding obligation on the  
unsatisfied withholding liability, and          when the U.S. real property interest now         buyer or other transferee (withholding agent)  
5. The most recent assessed value for           being transferred was acquired, or upon a        when a U.S. real property interest is  
state or local property tax purposes of the     prior acquisition. The transferor’s              acquired from a foreign person. Section  
interest to be transferred, or other estimate   unsatisfied withholding liability is included    1445 also imposes a withholding obligation  
of its fair market value. You need not submit   in the calculation of maximum tax liability      on certain foreign and domestic  
supporting evidence of the value of the         so that it can be satisfied by the               corporations, qualified investment entities,  
property.                                       withholding on the current transfer.             and the fiduciary of certain trusts and  
                                                                                                 estates. This form is used to apply for a  
A nonresident alien or foreign                  Evidence that there is no unsatisfied            withholding certificate to reduce or eliminate 
corporation must also attach a statement        withholding liability includes any of the        withholding on dispositions of U.S. real  
of the adjusted basis of the property           following:                                       property interests by foreign persons if  
immediately before the distribution or          1. Evidence that the transferor acquired         certain conditions apply. 
transfer.                                       the subject or prior real property interest      You are required to provide this  
Line 7b. If you checked 7b, attach a            before 1985;                                     information. Section 6109 requires you to  
calculation of the maximum tax that can be      2. A copy of Form 8288 filed and proof of        provide your identification number.  We 
imposed on the disposition. You must also       payment;                                         need this information to ensure that you  are 
include a statement signed by the transferor    3. A copy of a withholding certificate           complying with the Internal Revenue laws 
under penalties of perjury that the             issued by the IRS plus a copy of Form            and to allow us to figure and collect the 
calculation and all supporting evidence is      8288 and proof of payment of any amount          right amount of tax. Failure to provide this 
true and correct to the best knowledge of       required by that certificate;                    information in a timely manner, or providing 
the transferor.                                 4. A copy of the nonforeign certificate          false information, may subject you to 
The calculation of the maximum tax that         furnished by the person from whom the            penalties. Routine uses of this information 
can be imposed must include:                    U.S. real property interest was acquired         include giving it to the Department of 
1. Evidence of the amount to be realized        (the certificate must be executed at the         Justice for civil and criminal  litigation, and 
by the transferor, such as a copy of the        time of acquisition);                            to cities, states, the District of Columbia, 
signed contract of transfer;                    5. Evidence that the transferor purchased        and to U.S. commonwealths and 
                                                the subject or prior real property interest for  possessions for use in the administration of 
                                                $300,000 or less and a statement, signed         their tax laws. We may  also disclose this 
                                                by the transferor under penalties of perjury,    information to other countries under a tax 
                                                that the transferor purchased the property       treaty, to federal and state agencies to 
                                                for use as a residence within the meaning of     enforce federal nontax criminal laws, or to 
                                                Regulations section 1.1445-2(d)(1);              federal law enforcement and intelligence 
                                                                                                 agencies to combat terrorism. 

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Form 8288-B (Rev. 2-2016)                                                                                                     Page 4 
You are not required to provide the        The time needed to complete and file this     If you have comments concerning the  
information requested on a form that is    form will vary depending on individual        accuracy of these time estimates or  
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act     circumstances. The estimated average time is: suggestions for making this form simpler,  
unless the form displays a valid OMB       Recordkeeping   . .  . . . 2 hr., 4 min.      we would be happy to hear from you. You  
control number. Books or records relating  Learning about the                            can send your comments to the Internal 
to a form or its instructions must be      law or the form . .  . . . 2 hr., 7 min.      Revenue Service, Tax Forms and 
retained as long as their contents may                                                   Publications,  SE:W:CAR:MP:TFP, 1111 
become material in the administration of   Preparing the form   . . . 1 hr., 7 min.      Constitution  Ave. NW, IR-6526, 
any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax   Copying, assembling,                          Washington, DC 20224.  Do not send this 
returns and return information are         and sending the form                          form to this office. Instead, see Where to 
confidential, as required by section 6103. to the IRS .    . .  . . .   .  20 min.       send applications for a withholding 
                                                                                         certificate, earlier. 

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