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Form 8508-I                            Request for Waiver From Filing 
(November 2015)                                                                                                          OMB No. 1545-2246
                                       Information Returns Electronically
Department of the Treasury                                      (For Form 8966)
Internal Revenue Service      ▶  Information about Form 8508-I and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8508I
Note: Only the person required to file electronically can file Form 8508-I. A transmitter cannot file Form 8508-I for the payer, unless he or she has a 
power of attorney. If you have a power of attorney, attach a letter to the Form 8508-I stating this fact.
1   Type of submission        Original Reconsideration
2   Name of Filer

3   Number, street, and room or suite no. (if P.O. box, see instructions)

4a City or town                                           4b State/Province/Region                       4c Country (including postal code)

5   Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN)                               6 Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
                            .          .                  .

6a Filer Point of Contact (POC) Name                                               6b Filer POC Email

6c Filer POC Phone Number

7   Name of Sponsored Entity or Intermediary, if applicable 

8   Number, street, and room or suite no. (if P.O. box, see instructions)

9a City or town                                           9b State/Province/Region                       9c Country (including postal code)

10   GIIN                                                                  11 TIN
                            .          .                  .

12   Is the entity identified on line 2 a participating FFI or a registered deemed-compliant FFI reporting a U.S. account for which it has reporting 
obligations as a condition of its applicable registered deemed-compliant FFI status?
13   Is this waiver requested for corrections only?       Yes            No
14   Check the appropriate reason for requesting this waiver, and provide the indicated documentation as attachments (see instructions).
          a) Undue hardship - Attach all of the following documentation: 
          c A description of the steps you have taken to meet the requirement to timely file the forms electronically and why the steps were 
          c An estimate of the incremental cost of filing electronically;
          c A detailed computation supporting the above estimate, setting forth the cost of filing on paper and the cost of filing electronically;
          c The value of the entity's total assets at the end of the taxable year, as set forth on the applicable financial statements; and
          c The steps you will take to assure the ability to file future returns electronically.
          b) Chapter 7 bankruptcy - Attach a copy of the bankruptcy petition and an explanation of how bankruptcy will create an undue hardship on 
          filing Form 8966.
          c) Catastrophic event (e.g., natural disaster) - Attach supporting documentation including a statement describing the event, the date of the 
          event, and its effect on your ability to e-file.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this document, including any accompanying statements, and, to the best of my 
knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
15   Signature                                            Title                                          Date

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 3 of this form.                                    Cat. No. 67333S          Form 8508-I (11-2015)

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Form 8508-I (11-2015)                                                                                              Page 3

General Instructions                                         2 IGA. Waiver requests will be processed beginning 
                                                             January 1st of the calendar year the return is due.
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the 
information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue   How to file
laws of the United  States. You are not required to          Mail to:  Internal Revenue Service 
provide the information requested on a form that is                   FATCA, Stop 6052 AUSC 
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form                3651 South IH 35 
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records                 Austin, Texas 78741
relating to a form must be retained as long as their 
contents may become material in the administration of        For further information concerning the filing of information 
any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and         returns to the IRS electronically, contact the IRS 
return information are confidential, as required by Code     Enterprise Computing Center at the address above or by 
section 6103.                                                telephone at 866-455-7438. 
The time needed to provide this information would vary       Penalty. If you are required to file electronically but fail to 
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated         do so and you do not have an approved waiver on record, 
average time is:                                             penalties under Code sections 6721 through 6724 may 
Learning about the law and the form          . . 12  min.    apply.

Recordkeeping         . .     . .    . . . . 3 hrs., 49 min.
                                                             Specific Instructions
Preparing the form      .     . .    . . . . . . 16  min.
                                                             Tip: For definitions of terms used in these instructions, 
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of              see the Instructions for Form 8966. 
these time estimates or suggestions for making this form     Line 1. Indicate the type of submission by checking the 
simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can         appropriate box. An original submission is your first 
write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and         request for a waiver for the current year. A 
Publications Division, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW,            reconsideration indicates that you are submitting 
IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.                               additional information to the IRS that you feel may reverse 
Do not send the forms to this office. Instead, see the       a denial of an original request.
instructions, later, on how to file.                         Lines 2 through 4c. Enter the filer's name and complete 
When completing this form, type or print clearly in          mailing address, including the country and postal code. 
BLACK ink.                                                   Use the name and address where you want 
                                                             correspondence sent. If the filer's post office does not 
Purpose of form. Use this form to request a waiver from 
                                                             deliver mail to a street address and the filer has a post 
filing Form 8966 electronically for the current tax year. 
                                                             office box, enter the filer's post office box number instead 
After evaluating your request, the IRS will notify you as to 
                                                             of the filer's street address. A Direct Reporting NFFE, a 
whether your request is approved or denied.
                                                             Sponsoring Entity filing on behalf of a Sponsored FFI or a 
Who should file. Filers who are requesting a waiver from     Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE, or a trustee filing on 
filing Form 8966 electronically should file this form. See   behalf of a Trustee-Documented Trust must identify itself 
Treasury regulations section 301.1474-1(a). Submit a         as the filer and provide its identifying information on lines 
separate form for each filer that is requesting a waiver     2 through 4c. Sponsored FFIs, Sponsored Direct 
from electronic filing. For purposes of this request, if you Reporting NFFEs, and Trustee-Documented Trusts are 
are a Sponsoring Entity filing on behalf of your Sponsored   identified on line 7. 
Entities, you are the filer and should submit one request    Line 5. If the filer has been assigned a GIIN by the IRS, 
for all of your Sponsored Entities listed on line 7. If you  enter it on line 5. A Sponsoring Entity or trustee filing on 
are requesting a waiver from electronic filing of Form       behalf of a Sponsored FFI, Sponsored Direct Reporting 
8966 both on behalf of yourself and with respect to          NFFE, or Trustee-Documented Trust, as applicable, 
reporting on behalf of a Sponsored Entity, you must          should enter the GIIN it received when it registered as a 
submit separate requests.                                    Sponsoring Entity or trustee, not a separate GIIN (if any) it 
Note: Entities that are located in a Model 1 jurisdiction    received when it registered as a PFFI or RDC FFI. A 
and reporting on behalf of themselves (or any entities       Sponsoring Entity or trustee requesting a waiver from 
that are reporting on behalf of another entity that is       filing Form 8966 electronically on its own behalf should 
located in a Model 1 jurisdiction) may not request a         enter the GIIN it received when it registered as a PFFI or 
waiver from electronic filing of Form 8966 from the IRS      RDC FFI.
because they must report directly to the Model 1             Line 6. If the filer has been assigned a U.S. TIN by the 
jurisdiction's tax authority.                                IRS, enter it on line 6. A filer is not required to obtain a 
                                                             TIN in order to file Form 8508-I.
Filing Instructions                                          Lines 6a through 6c. Enter the name, email, and phone 
When to file. You should file Form 8508-I at least 45 days   number of someone who is familiar with this request 
before the due date of the Form 8966. Form 8966 is due       whom the IRS can contact if additional information is 
March 31 of the year following the reporting year, unless    required.
you are an FFI reporting under a Model 2 IGA with a 
different reporting date specified in the applicable Model

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Form 8508-I (11-2015)                                                                                                 Page 4

Lines 7 through 11.  Lines 7 through 11 only need to be        documents and it is approved, you will automatically 
completed if the filer is a Sponsoring Entity or a trustee     receive a waiver for corrections. However, if you can 
of a Trustee-Documented Trust. If there are multiple           submit your original returns electronically, but not your 
Sponsored Entities or Trustee-Documented Trusts, list          corrections, a waiver must be requested for corrections 
each entity's information in an attachment.                    only.
                                                               Line 14. Check the box to indicate the reason you are 
For lines 7 through 9c, enter the name and mailing 
                                                               requesting a waiver from filing Form 8966 electronically 
address, including country and postal code, of the             and attach the documentation listed for that reason.
Sponsored FFI, Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE, or 
Trustee-Documented Trust.                                      Note: Under Treasury regulations section 
                                                               301.6011-2(c)(2), "The principal factor in determining 
Line 10. If the entity reported on line 7 is a Sponsored       hardship will be the amount, if any, by which the cost of 
FFI, Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE, or a                     filing the information returns in accordance with this 
Trustee-Documented Trust, enter the Sponsored Entity's         section exceeds the cost of filing the returns on other 
or Trustee-Documented Trust's GIIN on line 10, if the          media."
entity has obtained a GIIN. 
                                                               Note: The cost estimate must reflect the total amount 
Line 11. If the entity shown on line 7 has been issued a       that the service provider will charge for software, software 
TIN, enter the TIN on line 11.                                 upgrades or programming for your current system, or 
Line 12. If the entity identified on line 2 is a participating costs to produce your electronic file only. Cost estimates 
FFI or a registered deemed-compliant FFI reporting a           from prior years will not be accepted.
U.S. account for which it has reporting obligations as a       Line 15. The waiver request must be signed by the filer or 
condition of its applicable registered deemed-compliant        a person duly authorized to sign a return or other 
FFI status, check "Yes." Otherwise, check "No."                document on its behalf.
Line 13. Indicate whether or not this waiver is requested 
for corrections only. If you request a waiver for original 

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