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                                                  Interest Charge on DISC-Related                                                             OMB No. 1545-0939
Form 8404                                                 Deferred Tax Liability
Department of the Treasury       File Form 8404 separately from your income tax return. See Where to file below.                                   23
Internal Revenue Service                          Go to www.irs.gov/Form8404 for the latest information.                                       20
A Check applicable box to    Name of shareholder                                                                                       B Shareholder’s identifying    
    show type of taxpayer.                                                                                                                 number
    Corporation              Address (number, street, room, suite, or P.O. box number)
    Individual                                                                                                                         C IC-DISC’s identifying  
    Trust or                 City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code                                      number
    Decedent’s estate
D Shareholder’s tax year for which interest charge is required to be paid (see instructions) E Name of IC-DISC

    Note: See Line-by-Line Instructions  , later.
    1   Taxable income or loss on tax return (actual or estimated)  .                        . . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       1
    2   Deferred DISC income from line 10, Part III, Schedule K (Form 1120-IC-DISC)  .                          . .  .   .       2
    3   Section 995(f)(2) adjustments to line 1 income or loss  .            .               . . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       3
    4   Combine lines 1, 2, and 3. If zero or less, don’t file this form  .                    . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       4
    5   Tax liability on line 4 amount       .    . .  .   .    .   .  .  .  .               . . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       5
    6   Tax liability per return (actual or estimated)  .       .   .  .  .  .               . . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       6
    7   DISC-related deferred tax liability. Subtract line 6 from line 5  .                    . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       7
    8   Base period T-bill rate factor       .    . .  .   .    .   .  .  .  .               . . . .  . .     . . .  .   .       8
    9   Interest charge due. Multiply line 7 by line 8. (See Paying the interest charge below.)                      .   .       9
          Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and 
          belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
             Signature and title (if any)                                                                            Date
             Print/Type preparer’s name                    Preparer’s signature                                 Date          Check        if  PTIN
Paid                                                                                                                          self-employed
             Firm’s name                                                                                                      Firm’s EIN  
Use Only
             Firm’s address                                                                                                   Phone no.
Section references are to the Internal Revenue         Where to file. File Form 8404 at the following             Amended Form 8404. You are required to file 
Code unless otherwise noted.                           address.                                                   an amended Form 8404 only if the amount of 
Future Developments                                    Department of the Treasury                                 the DISC-related deferred tax liability (line 7) 
                                                       Internal Revenue Service                                   changes as a result of audit adjustments, 
For the latest information about developments          Kansas City, MO 64999                                      changes you make by the filing of an 
                                                                                                                  amended return, or if estimates were used on 
related to Form 8404 and its instructions,             Paying the interest charge. You must pay                   your original Form 8404 and changes were 
such as legislation enacted after they were            the interest charge shown on line 9 by the                 made to these estimates when you filed your 
published, go to www.irs.gov/Form8404.                 date your federal income tax for the tax year              tax return. See Proposed Regulations section 
                                                       is required to be paid. For individuals and                1.995(f)-1(j)(4) for details.
General Instructions                                   corporations, the interest is generally due on 
Purpose of form. Shareholders of Interest              the 15th day of the 4th month following the 
Charge Domestic International Sales                    close of the tax year. For corporations with a             Specific Instructions
Corporations (IC-DISCs) use Form 8404 to               tax year ending on June 30, see section                    Name and address. Enter the name and 
figure and report their interest owed on               2006(a)(3)(B) of P.L. 114-41.                              address as shown on your tax return from 
DISC-related deferred tax liability.                   Attach a check or money order made                         which the income or loss on line 1 of Form 
Who must file.You must file Form 8404 if (a)           payable to “United States Treasury” for the                8404 is obtained. If the return is a joint return, 
you are a shareholder of an IC-DISC (or                full amount of the interest charge. Don’t                  also enter your spouse’s name as shown on 
former IC-DISC); (b) the IC-DISC reports               combine the interest charge with any other                 Form 1040 or 1040-SR.
deferred DISC income to you on line 10, Part           tax or interest due. Write your identification             Item A—Type of taxpayer. Check the 
III of Schedule K (Form 1120-IC-DISC); and (c)         number and “Form 8404—Interest Due” on                     applicable box to indicate your status as a 
the addition of this income would result in            your payment.                                              taxpayer.
increased taxable income if it were included           If the interest charge isn’t paid by the due                  Partnerships and S corporations attribute 
on your tax return for the tax year.                   date, interest, compounded daily, at the rate              their share of deferred DISC income to 
When to file. File Form 8404 by the due date           specified under section 6621, will be imposed              partners and shareholders, and the partners 
of your federal income tax return (excluding           on the amount of unpaid interest from the due              and shareholders complete Form 8404.
extensions) for your tax year that ends with or        date until the date the interest is paid.                  Item B—Shareholder’s identifying number. 
includes the IC-DISC’s tax year end.                   Payment of estimated tax isn’t required for                Individuals must enter their social security 
  For example, you are a fiscal year                   the interest charge. See Proposed                          number. Other filers must enter their employer 
corporation with an August 1, 2023, to July            Regulations section 1.995(f)-1(j)(3) for other             identification number.
31, 2024, tax year and you are a shareholder           details.                                                   Item C—IC-DISC’s identifying number. 
in an IC-DISC with an August 1, 2023, to July          For corporations (other than S                             Enter the identifying number of the IC-DISC 
31, 2024, tax year that reports deferred DISC          corporations), the annual interest charge is               from the Schedule K (Form 1120-IC-DISC) on 
income to you for its tax year ending July 31,         deductible as an interest expense for the tax              which the deferred DISC income was reported 
2024. Because your tax year ends with the              year it is paid or accrued. See Proposed                   to you. If income is reported to you from more 
IC-DISC’s tax year, you are required to file           Regulations section 1.995(f)-1(j)(2) for details           than one IC-DISC, enter each IC-DISC’s  
Form 8404 on or before November 15, 2024               on the tax year of deductibility. For other                identifying number in item C, each IC-DISC’s 
(31/ 2months after your tax year ends).                filers, this interest isn’t deductible.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                                         Cat. No. 62423Z                    Form 8404 (2023) 

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Form 8404 (2023)                                                                                                                                       Page 2 
name in item E (or, enter “See attached” for      Lines 5 and 6. “Tax liability” on lines 5 and 6          Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act 
items C and E, and attach a statement of the      (with and without the deferred DISC income)              Notice. We ask for the information on this 
IC-DISCs’ names and respective numbers),          means the amount of tax imposed on the                   form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
and report the combined income on line 2.         IC-DISC shareholder for the tax year by                  the United States. We need it to figure and 
Item D—Tax year. Enter in item D the              chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code (other            collect the right amount of tax. Section 995(f) 
calendar year or the beginning and ending         than taxes listed below) reduced by credits              requires taxpayers to pay over to the IRS 
dates of the tax year shown on your tax return    allowable against such tax (other than credits           interest on DISC-Related Deferred Tax 
for which the interest charge is figured.         listed below).                                           Liability. This form is used to determine the 
                                                    See Special Computation Rules, earlier, for            amount of tax that you owe. Sections 6001 
Special Computation Rules                         rules for carrybacks and carryovers. These               and 6011 require you to provide the 
Carrybacks. The determination of the              rules may affect the line 5 computation.                 requested information if the tax applies to 
                                                                                                           you. Section 6109 requires you to provide 
shareholder’s DISC-related deferred tax             The following taxes aren’t taken into                  your identifying number. Routine uses of this 
liability on lines 1 through 7 shall be made      account.                                                 information include disclosing it to the 
without taking into account any capital loss      • Alternative minimum tax (individuals only).            Department of Justice for civil and criminal 
carryback or credit carryback to the tax year.                                                             litigation and to other federal agencies, as 
                                                  • Any other provisions described in section 
Carryovers. The determination of the              26(b)(2) (relating to certain other taxes treated        provided by law. We may disclose the 
shareholder’s tax liability (line 5) for the tax  as not imposed by chapter 1).                            information to cities, states, the District of 
year is made by disregarding any loss,                                                                     Columbia, and U.S. commonwealths or 
deduction, or credit to the extent that such        The following credits aren’t taken into                territories to administer their tax laws. We 
loss, deduction, or credit may be carried         account.                                                 may also disclose this information to other 
forward by the shareholder to any other tax       • Section 31 (taxes withheld on wages).                  countries under a tax treaty, to federal and 
year.                                             • Section 32 (earned income credit).                     state agencies to enforce federal nontax 
                                                                                                           criminal laws, or to federal law enforcement 
Note: If the tax year is the last tax year to     • Section 34 (fuels credit).                             and intelligence agencies to combat terrorism. 
which the amount of carryforward (of loss, 
deduction, or credit) may be carried, the line 3    For 2023, a Form 1040 or 1040-SR filer or a            If you don’t provide this information or provide 
adjustments and line 5 tax shall be figured       Form 1120 filer using the above rules will               incomplete or fraudulent information, you may 
with regard to the full amount of such            generally figure their line 6 tax liability using        be subject to penalties.
carryforward.                                     the following items shown on the following                  You aren’t required to provide the 
                                                  lines of those forms. All other filers should use        information requested on a form that is 
  For example, a shareholder had an NOL           the corresponding lines of other income tax              subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
carryover (originating before 2018) to 2023 of    returns. If you haven’t yet filed your return,           unless the form displays a valid OMB control 
$12,000; $10,000 income to which $10,000 of       estimate the line 6 tax liability based on all           number. Books or records relating to a form 
the NOL can be applied; $2,000 allowable          information available to you.                            or its instructions must be retained as long as 
NOL carryover to 2024; and $5,000 deferred 
DISC income for 2023. In this case, for                                            2023        2023        their contents may become material in the 
purposes of figuring line 5, the allowed NOL is                                    Form 1040  Form 1120    administration of any Internal Revenue law. 
                                                                                   or 1040-SR 
$10,000. Note: If 2023 was the last tax year to                                    Line        Line        Generally, tax returns and return information 
                                                                                                           are confidential, as required by section 6103.
which the $12,000 NOL (originating before         Tax less nonrefundable  
2018) could be carried, the full $12,000 NOL      credits  .  .        . . .     . 22          7, Sch. J      The time needed to complete and file this 
                                                                                                           form will vary depending on individual 
5 tax liability. The additional $2,000 loss 
would be allowed for purposes of figuring line    Plus:  (1) Recapture taxes        *          *           circumstances. The estimated burden for 
would be entered on line 3.                           (2) Prior year minimum                               business taxpayers filing this form is 
Other adjustments. In figuring line 3                      tax credit .    .     . 6b, Sch. 3  5d, Sch. J  approved under OMB control number 
adjustments, take into account any income         Less: (1) Alternative minimum                            1545-0123 and is included in the estimates 
and expense adjustments that don’t result in                     tax . . . .     . 1, Sch. 2               shown in the instructions for their business 
amounts that may be carried back or forward            (2) Additional child tax                            income tax return. The estimated burden for 
to other tax years. For example, in the case of            credit .      . .     . 28                      individual taxpayers filing this form is 
an IC-DISC shareholder who is an individual,           (3) American                                        approved under OMB control number 
the amount of medical expenses allowable as                opportunity credit      29                      1545-0074 and is included in the estimates 
a deduction under section 213 must be                  (4) Premium tax credit                              shown in the instructions for their individual 
redetermined for purposes of line 3                        (Form 8962)     .     . 9, Sch. 3               income tax return. The estimated burden for 
adjustments.                                           (5) Credit for tax paid                             all other taxpayers who file this form is shown 
  See Proposed Regulations section                         on undistributed                                below.
1.995(f)-1(d) for other details regarding these            capital gains (Form                             Recordkeeping        .  .   .   .   . 4 hr., 4 min.
and other special computation rules.                       2439) .       . .     . 13a, Sch. 3 20a, Sch. J Learning about the law                                
                                                  *Caution: Only use the portion of Form 1040              or the form    .  .  .  .   .   .    1 hr., 47 min.
Line-by-Line Instructions                         or 1040-SR, line 24, or Form 1120, Schedule              Preparing, copying, and sending 
                                                  J, line 10, attributable to recapture of credits         the form to the IRS     .   .   .    1 hr., 55 min.
Line 1. Enter on line 1 the taxable income or     allowable against taxes treated as imposed 
loss from your federal income tax return for      under chapter 1 (for example, recapture of                  If you have comments concerning the 
your tax year that ends with or includes the      investment tax and low-income housing                    accuracy of these time estimates or 
IC-DISC’s tax year end. If you haven’t yet filed  credits). See section 26(b)(2) for a list of             suggestions for making this form simpler, we 
your tax return, estimate your income or loss     recapture taxes to exclude.                              would be happy to hear from you. You can 
based on all information available to you. See                                                             send us comments from               
Amended Form 8404, earlier.                       Line 8. The base period T-bill rate is defined           www.irs.gov/FormComments. Or you can 
                                                  in section 995(f)(4). The base period T-bill rate        write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax 
Line 2. Enter the deferred DISC income from       is compounded daily based on the number of               Forms and Publications, 1111 Constitution 
line 10, Part III of Schedule K (Form             days in the shareholder’s tax year to                    Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224.
1120-IC-DISC), for the IC-DISC tax year that      determine the base period T-bill rate factor.
ends with or within your tax year.                                                                            Don’t send the form to this office. Instead, 
                                                    The base period T-bill rate factor for 2023 is         see Where to file, earlier.
Line 3. Enter the net amount of all section       0.050531967 for a 365-day tax year. Enter the 
995(f)(2) adjustments to taxable income. See      appropriate factor on line 8 of Form 8404. See 
Special Computation Rules  , earlier, for details Rev. Rul. 2023-23, 2023-51 I.R.B. 1472, for a 
on the income (loss) and expense                  short tax year or a 52-53-week tax year.
adjustments to be made. If more than one 
adjustment is involved, attach a statement 
listing each item and show the computation of 
the net amount.  

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