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                                    Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a   
Form  8825                                   Partnership or an S Corporation                                      OMB No. 1545-0123 
(Rev. September 2017)                        ▶ 
Department of the Treasury                     Attach to Form 1065, Form 1065-B, or Form 1120S.  
Internal Revenue Service                   ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form8825 for the latest information.
Name                                                                                                       Employer identification number 

1     Show the type and address of each property. For each rental real estate property listed, report the number of days rented at fair 
      rental value and days with personal use. See instructions. See page 2 to list additional properties. 
      Physical address of each property—street, city, state,         Type—Enter code 1–8;      Fair Rental Days   Personal Use Days
      ZIP code                                                         see page 2 for list



      Rental Real Estate Income                          A                   B                       C                 D      
2     Gross rents .         . . . . . .      2 

      Rental Real Estate Expenses 
3     Advertising  .        . . . . . .      3 
4     Auto and travel         . . . . .      4 
5     Cleaning and maintenance .      .      5 
6     Commissions  .          . . . . .      6 
7     Insurance  .          . . . . . .      7 
8     Legal and other professional fees      8 
9     Interest  .        .  . . . . . .      9 
10    Repairs  .         .  . . . . . .      10 
11    Taxes .            .  . . . . . .      11 
12    Utilities  .       .  . . . . . .      12 
13    Wages and salaries  .       . . .      13 
14    Depreciation (see instructions)        14 
15    Other (list) ▶                            
16    Total expenses for each property.  
      Add lines 3 through 15  .     . .      16 
17    Income or (loss) from each property. 
      Subtract line 16 from line 2  . .      17 
18 a Total gross rents. Add gross rents from line 2, columns A through H  .  . . .        . .  .   . . .   18a 
b Total expenses. Add total expenses from line 16, columns A through H  .      . .        . .  .   . . .   18b  (                         )
19    Net gain (loss) from Form 4797, Part II, line 17, from the disposition of property from rental real 
      estate activities       . . . . .    . .     . . . . .    .  . . . . . . . .        . .  .   . . .   19 
20 a Net income (loss) from rental real estate activities from partnerships, estates, and trusts in which 
      this partnership or S corporation is a partner or beneficiary (from Schedule K-1)   . .  .   . . .   20a 
b Identify below the partnerships, estates, or trusts from which net income (loss) is shown on line 
      20a. Attach a schedule if more space is needed.    

      (1)  Name                                            (2)  Employer identification number 

21    Net rental estate income (loss). Combine lines 18a through 20a. Enter the result here and on:        21 
      • Form 1065 or 1120S: Schedule K, line 2; or
      • Form 1065-B: Part I, line 4
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                      Cat. No. 10136Z                        Form 8825 (Rev. 9-2017) 

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Form 8825 (Rev. 9-2017)                                                                                         Page  2 
1   Show the type and address of each property. For each rental real estate property listed, report the number of days rented at fair 
    rental value and days with personal use. See instructions. 
    Physical address of each property—street, city, state,     Type—Enter code 1–8; Fair Rental Days Personal Use Days
    ZIP code                                                   see below for list



   Rental Real Estate Income               E                   F                    G                      H       
2  Gross rents .        . . . . . .     2 
   Rental Real Estate Expenses 
3  Advertising  .       . . . . . .     3 
4  Auto and travel        . . . . .     4 
5  Cleaning and maintenance .     .     5 
6  Commissions  .         . . . . .     6 
7  Insurance  .         . . . . . .     7 
8  Legal and other professional fees    8 
9  Interest  .  .       . . . . . .     9 
10 Repairs  .   .       . . . . . .     10 
11 Taxes     .  .       . . . . . .     11 
12 Utilities  . .       . . . . . .     12 
13 Wages and salaries  .      . . .     13 
14 Depreciation (see instructions)      14 
15 Other (list) ▶                          
16 Total expenses for each property.  
   Add lines 3 through 15  .    . .     16 
17 Income or (loss) from each property. 
   Subtract line 16 from line 2 . .     17
Allowable Codes for Type of Property
1—Single Family Residence
2—Multi-Family Residence
3—Vacation or Short-Term Rental
8—Other (include description with the code on Form 8825 or on a separate statement)
                                                                                                     Form  8825  (Rev. 9-2017) 

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Form 8825 (Rev. 9-2017)                                                                                                       Page  3 
General Instructions                           However, if the partnership or               For each property, enter the number of 
                                             S corporation  has more than one rental      days rented at fair rental value and days 
Section references are to the Internal       real estate activity for  purposes of the    with personal use. For details, see 
Revenue Code.                                passive activity limitations, attach a       section 280A.
                                             statement to Schedule K that reports         Line 14. The partnership or                     
Future Developments                          the net income (loss) for each separate      S corporation may claim a depreciation 
For the latest information about             activity. Also, attach a statement to each   deduction each year for rental property 
developments related to Form 8825 and        Schedule K-1 that reports each partner’s     (except for land, which is not  
its instructions, such as legislation        or shareholder’s share of the net income     depreciable). If the partnership or           
enacted after they were published, go to     (loss) by separate activity (except for      S corporation placed property in service 
www.irs.gov/Form8825.                        limited partners in an electing large        during the current tax year or claimed 
                                             partnership). See Passive Activity           depreciation on any vehicle or other 
Purpose of Form                              Reporting Requirements in the                listed property, complete and attach 
                                             instructions for Form 1065, Form             Form 4562, Depreciation and 
Partnerships and S corporations use          1065-B, or Form 1120S for additional         Amortization. See Form 4562 and its 
Form 8825 to report income and               information that must be provided for        instructions to figure the depreciation 
deductible expenses from rental real         each activity.                               deduction. 
estate activities, including net income 
(loss) from rental real estate activities      Complete lines 1 through 17 for each 
that flow through from partnerships,         property. But complete lines 18a through     Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We 
estates, or trusts.                          21 on only one Form 8825. The figures        ask for the information on this form to 
                                             on lines 18a and 18b should be the           carry out the Internal Revenue laws of 
  Before completing this form, be sure       combined totals for all forms.               the United States. You are required to 
to read the following.                                                                    give us the information. We need it to 
                                               Do not report on Form 8825 any of the 
• Passive Activity Limitations in the        following.                                   ensure that you are complying with these 
instructions for Form 1065 or Form                                                        laws and to allow us to figure and collect 
1120S, or Passive Loss Limitation            • Income or deductions from a trade or       the right amount of tax. 
Activities in the Instructions for Form      business activity or a rental activity other 
1065-B,  especially for the definition of    than rental real estate. These items are       You are not required to provide the  
“rental activity.”                           reported elsewhere.                          information requested on a form that is 
                                                                                          subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
• Extraterritorial Income Exclusion in the   • Portfolio income or deductions.            unless the form displays a valid OMB 
instructions for Form 1065, 1065-B, or       • Section 179 expense deduction.             control number. Books or records 
1120S.                                                                                    relating to a form or its instructions must  
                                             • Other items that must be reported          be retained as long as their contents 
                                             separately to the partners or                may become material in the 
Specific Instructions                        shareholders.                                administration of any Internal Revenue 
Form 8825 provides space for up to           • Commercial revitalization deductions.      law. Generally, tax returns and return 
eight properties. If there are more than                                                  information are confidential, as required  
eight properties, attach additional Forms    Line 1. For each property, give the street 
8825.                                        address, city or town, and zip code. If      by section 6103. 
                                             the property is located outside the            The time needed to complete and file 
  The number of columns to be used for       United States, give the postal code and      this form will vary depending on 
reporting income and expenses on this        country. Specify the type of property by     individual circumstances. The estimated 
form may  differ from the number of          entering one of the following codes in       burden for business taxpayers filing this 
rental real estate activities the            the “Type” column.                           form is approved under OMB control 
partnership or S corporation has for                                                      number 1545-0123 and is included in the 
purposes of the passive activity             Codes
                                                                                          estimates shown in the instructions for 
limitations. For example, a partnership      1—Single Family Residence                    their business income tax return.
owns two apartment buildings, each           2—Multi-Family Residence                       If you have comments concerning the  
located in a different city. For purposes 
of the passive activity limitations, the     3—Vacation or Short-Term Rental              accuracy of these time estimates or 
                                                                                          suggestions for making this form 
partnership grouped both buildings into      4—Commercial                                 simpler, we would be happy to hear from 
a single activity. Although the 
partnership has only one rental real         5—Land                                       you. See the instructions for the tax  
estate activity for purposes of the          6—Royalties                                  return with which this form is filed. 
passive activity limitations, it must report 7—Self-Rental
the income and deductions for each 
building in separate columns.                8—Other (include description with the 
                                             code on Form 8825 or on a separate 

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