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Form 8811 (Rev. 8-2013) Page 2
Thus, the return of a REMIC that is a the CDO to provide information Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
corporation or trust must be signed by a necessary to figure the amount of We ask for the information on this form
corporate officer or a trustee, interest and original issue discount (OID) to carry out the internal revenue laws of
respectively. For REMICs that consist of that the holder is required to report on the United States. You are required to
segregated pools of assets, the return the appropriate tax return. You may give us the information. We need it to
must be signed by a person who could enter a website address in line 6 only if ensure that you are complying with these
sign the return of the entity that owns the the address takes you directly to a laws and to allow us to figure and
assets of the REMIC under applicable webpage that contains all the address collect the right amount of tax.
state law. information specified in the instructions
You are not required to provide the
REMIC with a startup day before for line 3.
information requested on a form that is
November 10, 1988. A REMIC with a Note. Do not complete line 6 if the entry subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
startup day before November 10, 1988, would be the same address that was unless the form displays a valid OMB
may elect to apply the rules applicable to entered in line 3. control number. Books or records
REMICs with a startup day after relating to a form or its instructions must
November 9, 1988. Otherwise, Form Line 7
be retained as long as their contents
8811 must be signed by a residual Enter the Committee on Uniform may become material in the
interest holder or, as provided in section Security Identification Procedure administration of any internal revenue
6903, by a fiduciary who is acting for the (CUSIP) number assigned to each class law. Generally, tax returns and return
REMIC and who has given adequate of REMIC regular interest or to each information are confidential, as required
notice as prescribed in Regulations CDO. by section 6103.
section 301.6903-1(b). The term Line 8 The time needed to complete and file
“fiduciary” means a guardian, trustee,
executor, administrator, receiver, The startup day is the day on which the this form will vary depending on
conservator, or any person acting in any REMIC issued all of its regular and individual circumstances. The estimated
fiduciary capacity for any person. residual interests. However, a sponsor average time is:
may contribute property to a REMIC in Recordkeeping . . . . 3 hr., 6 min.
Issuer of a CDO. Form 8811 must be exchange for regular and residual
Learning about the law
signed by a person who could sign the interests over any period of 10
or the form . . . . . . 35 min.
return of the issuer of the CDO. consecutive days and the REMIC may
designate any one of those 10 days as Preparing, copying,
Specific Instructions the startup day. The day so designated assembling, and
is then the startup day, and all interests sending the form
Line 3 are treated as issued on that day. For to the IRS . . . . . . . 40 min.
Enter the number, street, room or suite non-REMIC debt obligations, the issue If you have comments concerning the
number (or P.O. box number), city or date is defined in section 1275(a)(2). accuracy of these time estimates or
town, state, and zip code. You may enter suggestions for making this form
a website address only if the address Lines 9, 10, and 11 simpler, we would be happy to hear
takes you directly to a webpage that Enter the name and title, address, and from you. You can send your comments
contains all the address information telephone number of the official or to:
specified in the prior sentence. representative of the REMIC or issuer of
the CDO whom the IRS may contact with Internal Revenue Service
Lines 4, 5, and 6 Tax Forms and Publications
questions concerning this form. This
Enter the name, title, and either the information will not appear in Pub. 938. SE:W:CAR:MP:TFP
address or the address and telephone 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526
number of the official or representative Washington, DC 20224
designated by the REMIC or issuer of