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Caution: The form, instruction, or publication
you are looking for begins on the next page. But first
see the important information below.
This form, instruction, or publication is being revised to reflect legislation
enacted December 20, 2019. The updated revision will be posted here as soon as
possible. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience. The most recently issued
final revision begins on the next page, but, again, is being updated to reflect recent
Early release drafts of forms and instructions (and some pubs) are posted before
the final release at IRS.gov/DraftForms (note that they remain there after the final
release is. The most recently issued final revision of forms, instructions, and
publications is posted at www.irs.gov/LatestForms and at www.irs.gov/AllForms,
which has revisions for all years each form, instruction, or pub has been issued.
Almost every form and publication has a page on IRS.gov with a friendly
shortcut. For example, the Form 1040 page is at IRS.gov/Form1040; the Pub. 501
page is at IRS.gov/Pub501; the Form W-4 page is at IRS.gov/W4; and the
Schedule A (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) page is at IRS.gov/ScheduleA. (If typing in a
link above instead of clicking on it, be sure to type the link into the address bar of
your browser, not a Search box.) Note that instructions and publications are
available from these pages in PDF for printing, HTML for viewing online, and in
many cases, in eBook format for mobile viewing (see www.irs.gov/eBook for
more details).
If you wish, you can submit comments to the IRS about draft or final forms,
instructions, or publications at IRS.gov/FormComments. We cannot respond to all
comments due to the high volume we receive and may not be able to consider
many suggestions until the subsequent revision of the product.
All information about all forms, instructions, and pubs is at IRS.gov/Forms.