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Certification by Churches and Qualified Church-
Form 8274
Controlled Organizations Electing Exemption From File
(Rev. August 2014)
Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Two Copies
Department of the Treasury ▶ Information about Form 8274 and its instructions is at www.irs.gov/form8274.
Internal Revenue Service
Full name of organization Employer identification number (EIN)
Address (number and street or P.O. box number if mail is not delivered to street address)
City, state, and ZIP code Date wages first paid
Please type or print If exemption is based on a group ruling, give full name of central organization Group exemption number
I certify that the above named organization is a church or qualified church-controlled organization which, as defined in section 3121(w) of the Internal Revenue
Code, is opposed for religious reasons to the payment of employer social security and Medicare taxes, and elects not to be subject to such taxes.
© (Signature of authorized official) (Title) (Date)
Purpose of form. Churches and qualified church-controlled • Normally receives more than 25% of its support from
organizations (defined below) that are opposed, for religious governmental sources and/or receipts from admissions, sales
reasons, to the payment of social security and Medicare taxes of merchandise, services, or facilities in related trade or
may elect exemption from the payment of the employer’s share business activities.
of these taxes by filing Form 8274. Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless
Effect of election. This election applies to services performed otherwise noted.
by all current and future employees of the electing organization. Eligibility for election. Any organization that meets both of the
However, this election does not apply to services as ministers above conditions is not eligible to file this form. For example, a
of a church, members of a religious order, or to services church-controlled hospital generally will meet both conditions
performed in an unrelated trade or business of the church or and will not qualify to make the election. However, seminaries,
qualified church-controlled organization. religious retreat centers, or burial societies generally will be
The electing organization must continue to withhold federal eligible, regardless of funding sources, because they don’t offer
income tax on wages, tips, and other compensation, and to goods, services, or facilities for sale to the general public.
report this income and the tax withheld on Form W-2, Wage A church-run orphanage or home for the elderly that is open
and Tax Statement. The organization must also file Form 941, to the general public may qualify if not more than 25% of its
Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, or Form 944, support is from admissions, sales of merchandise, services or
Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, to report both the facilities in related trades or businesses, or from governmental
wages covered by this election and the wages of any sources. Church pension boards, fund-raising organizations,
employees engaged in unrelated business activities whose and auxiliary organizations such as youth groups and ladies
wages are not covered by this election and are subject to auxiliaries generally may make the election.
employer taxes.
Revocation of election. Either the electing church or
Employees (except ministers of a church or members of organization or the IRS may revoke this election. The electing
religious orders) who receive wages of $108.28 or more in a church or organization can permanently revoke the election by
year from an electing church or qualified church-controlled paying social security and Medicare taxes for wages covered
organization are subject to self-employment tax on the by this election. The IRS will permanently revoke the election if
earnings. They will be considered employees for all other the organization does not file Form W-2 for 2 years or more and
purposes of the Internal Revenue Code, including federal does not provide the information within 60 days after a written
income tax withholding. request by the IRS.
Churches and qualified church-controlled organizations. Employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have an
The term “church” means a church described in sections 501(c) EIN, you may apply for one online. Go to the IRS website at
(3) and 170(b)(1)(A)(i). The term “church” includes conventions or www.irs.gov/businesses and click on the “Employer ID
associations of churches. It also includes any elementary or Numbers” link. You may also apply for an EIN by faxing or
secondary school that is controlled, operated, or principally mailing Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification
supported by a church (or conventions or associations of Number, to the IRS.
Signature. An official authorized to sign tax returns for the
A “qualified church-controlled organization” includes any church or qualified church-controlled organization must sign
church-controlled tax-exempt organization described in section Form 8274.
501(c)(3) unless the organization both:
When to file. File Form 8274 after you hire employees, but
• Offers goods, services, or facilities for sale to the general before the first date on which a quarterly or annual employment
public, other than on an incidental basis or for a nominal tax return is due (or would be due except for this election). Keep
charge, and a copy for your records.
Where to file. Send two copies of Form 8274 to: Internal
Revenue Service, Ogden, Utah 84201–0027.
Cat. No. 61933Q Form 8274 (Rev. 8-2014)