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 Form     706-GS(D-1)                             Notification of Distribution From a                                                    OMB No. 1545-1143
 (Rev. October 2008)                                       Generation-Skipping Trust                                                      
Department of The Treasury            Complete for each         skip person distributee. See separate instructions.                 Copy A: Send to IRS
Internal Revenue Service                                        For calendar year 
 Part I           General Information
 1a      Skip person distributee’s identifying number (see instructions)             2a Trust’s employer identification number (see instructions)
 1b     Skip person distributee’s name, address, and ZIP code                        2b Trust’s name, address, and ZIP code
 Part II          Distributions
 3       Describe each distribution below. (see instructions)
     a                                b                                  c              d                    e                                   f
 Item                    Description of property                         Date of     Inclusion               Value                          Tentative transfer
    no.                                                                 distribution  ratio              (see instructions)         (multiply col. e by col. d)

 Part III         Trust Information  (see instructions)
 4       If this is not an explicit trust, check here and attach a statement describing the arrangement that makes its effect 
         substantially similar to an explicit trust                                                                                             ©
 5       Has any property been contributed to this trust since the last Form 706-GS(T) or (D-1) was filed? If “Yes,” attach                               Yes  No
         a schedule showing how the trust’s inclusion ratio has been refigured
 6       Have any contributions been made to this trust since the last Form 706-GS(T)                     or (D-1) was filed that were not
         included in calculating the trust’s inclusion ratio? If “Yes,” attach a statement explaining why the contributions
         were not included
 7       Has any exemption     been allocated to this trust by reason of the deemed allocation rules?
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief,
it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer other than trustee is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.
Signature of trustee       ©                                                                                                        Date    ©   

Signature of preparer other than trustee ©                                                                                          Date    ©   

Address    © 
 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 5 of the separate trustee’s instructions.                  Cat. No. 10328B     Form 706-GS(D-1) (Rev. 10-2008)

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 Form      706-GS(D-1)                   Notification of Distribution From a                                     OMB No. 1545-1143
 (Rev. October 2008)                              Generation-Skipping Trust
Department of The Treasury       Complete for each     skip person distributee. See separate instructions.       Copy B: For
Internal Revenue Service                               For calendar year                                         Distributee
  Part I          General Information
  1a      Skip person distributee’s identifying number (see instructions) 2a  Trust’s employer identification number (see instructions)
  1b     Skip person distributee’s name, address, and ZIP code            2b  Trust’s name, address, and ZIP code
  Part II         Distributions
  3       Describe each distribution below (see instructions).
     a                           b                            c               d              e                        f
  Item                   Description of property             Date of      Inclusion          Value               Tentative transfer
     no.                                                    distribution   ratio           (see instructions)  (multiply col. e by col. d)

Skip person distributee.     To report this distribution, you must file Form 706-GS(D), Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for
Distributions, at the following address: Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Center, Cincinnati, OH 45999.
For      Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 5 of the separate trustee’s instructions.               Form 706-GS(D-1) (Rev. 10-2008)

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                           Instructions         for Skip Person Distributee

 General Instructions                                  Specific Instructions
Purpose of Form                                       Part I
Form 706-GS(D-1) is used by a trustee to report to the 
distributee and to the Internal Revenue Service       Line 2a. Enter the trust’s employer identification
distributions from a trust that are subject to the    number from Part I of this form on Form 706-GS(D),
generation-skipping transfer tax. The skip person     Part II, column a.
distributee uses the information on Form 706-GS(D-1)   
                                                      Part II
to complete Form 706-GS(D), Generation-Skipping
Transfer Tax Return for Distributions.                 Column a. Use the same item number used here for
   Attach a copy of each Form 706-GS(D-1) you         the corresponding entry on Form 706-GS(D), Part II,
received during the year to your Form 706-GS(D). You  column b.
should also keep a copy for your records.              Column c. The date of distribution is the date the title
                                                      to the property distributed passed from the trustee to
                                                      the distributee. This is the date used to determine the
If you believe the trustee has made an error on your  value of the distribution.
Form 706-GS(D-1), notify the trustee and ask for a     
corrected Form 706-GS(D-1). Do not change any items   Column f. Enter the tentative transfer amount on Form
on your copy. Be sure to ask the trustee to send a    706-GS(D), Part II, column c.
copy of the corrected Form 706-GS(D-1) to the IRS.     

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