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Form  8038-T                                   Arbitrage Rebate, Yield Reduction 
(Rev. October 2021)                    and Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate                                                                   OMB No. 1545-0047
Department of the Treasury   ▶ Under sections 143(g)(3) and 148(f) and section 103(c)(6)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
Internal Revenue Service              ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form8038T for instructions and the latest information.
Part I    Reporting Authority                                                                                               Check box if Amended Return ▶
1       Issuer’s name                                                                                           2       Issuer’s employer identification number (EIN)

3       Number and street (or P.O. box no. if mail is not delivered to street address)     Room/suite           4       Report number (For IRS Use Only)
5       City, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code                                                         6       Date of issue 

7       Name of issue                                                                                           8      CUSIP number 

9       Name and title of officer of the issuer or other person whom the IRS may call for more information    10    Telephone number of officer or other person

11      Type of issue ▶                                                                                       Issue price ▶            11 
Part II   Arbitrage Rebate and Yield Reduction Payments                                                                                         Amount
12      Computation date to which this payment relates (MM/DD/YYYY)  .                 . . . .  
13      Arbitrage rebate payment (see instructions)         check box if less than 100% of rebate amount  .               . .          13 
14      Yield reduction payment (see instructions)          check box if less than 100% of yield reduction amount                      14 
15      Rebate payment from Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB) defeasance escrow (see instructions)  .                      .          15 
Part III  Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate 
16      Number of months since date of issue: 
         6 mos                12 mos       18 mos             24 mos                     Other. No. of mos ▶
17      Penalty in lieu of rebate  . . .   .   .        . . . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          17 
18      Date of termination election (MM/DD/YYYY)  .        . .     . .  . .           . . .  
19      Penalty upon termination     . .   .   .        . . . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          19 
Part IV   Late Payments 
20      Does failure to pay timely qualify for waiver of penalty? See instructions .       . .  Yes                     No 
21      Penalty for failure to pay on time (see instructions)  .    . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          21 
22      Interest on underpayment (see instructions)  .      . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          22 
Part V    Total Payment 
23      Total payment.  Add lines 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, and 22. Enter total here         . .  .           . . .       . . .          23 
Part VI   Miscellaneous 
24      Unspent proceeds as of this computation date  .       .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          24 
25      Proceeds used to redeem bonds  .       .        . . . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          25 
26      Gross  proceeds  used  for  qualified  administrative  costs  for  guaranteed  investment  contracts  (GICs)  and 
        defeasance escrows  . .      . .   .   .        . . . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          26 
27      Fees paid for a qualified guarantee .  .        . . . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . .          27 
                                                                                                                                                           Yes  No 
28      Is the issue a variable rate issue?  . .        . . . .     . .  . .           . . . .  .           . . .       . . . .       . .  .   .        28 
29      Did the issuer enter into a hedge?              Name of provider 
                                                          Term of hedge                                                                                 29 
30      Were gross proceeds invested in a GIC?          Name of provider 
                                                            Term of GIC                                                                                 30 
31      Were any gross proceeds invested beyond an available temporary period?  .            .  .           . . .       . . . .       . .  .   .        31 
32      Calculations for filing of this form prepared by:           Issuer                 Preparer: 
          Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and 
          belief, they are true, correct, and complete. I further declare that I consent to the IRS’s disclosure of the issuer’s return information, as necessary to 
Signature process this return, to the person that I have authorized above. 
and       ▲                                                                                                ▲
                    Signature of issuer’s authorized representative        Date                               Type or print name and title 
          Print/Type preparer’s name                        Preparer’s signature                                Date                             PTIN
Paid                                                                                                                          Check         if 
Use Only  Firm’s name      ▶                                                                                                  Firm’s EIN  ▶
          Firm’s address  ▶                                                                                                   Phone no.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.                              Cat. No. 11545Y                            Form 8038-T (Rev. 10-2021) 

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