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Elections Under Section 338 for
Form 8023 Corporations Making Qualified Stock Purchases OMB No. 1545-0123
(Rev. October 2023)
Department of the Treasury See separate instructions.
Internal Revenue Service Information about Form 8023 and its separate instructions is at www.irs.gov/Form8023.
Section A-1—Purchasing Corporation
Check if Purchasing Corporation is a foreign entity
1a Name of purchasing corporation 1b Employer identification number
Street City 1c Tax year ending (MM/DD/YYYY)
State ZIP Country 1d State or country of incorporation
Section A-2—Common Parent of the Purchasing Corporation
Check if Common Parent of the Purchasing Corporation is a foreign entity
2a Name of common parent of purchasing corporation 2b Employer identification number
Street City 2c Tax year ending (MM/DD/YYYY)
State ZIP Country 2d State or country of incorporation
Section B—Target Corporation
Check if Target Corporation is a foreign entity
3a Name of target corporation 3b Employer identification number
Street City 3c Tax year ending (MM/DD/YYYY)
State ZIP Country 3d State or country of incorporation
Section C—Common Parent of Selling Consolidated Group, Selling Affiliate,
S Corporation Shareholder, or U.S. Shareholder
Complete only for a section 338(h)(10) election or if target was a member of a consolidated group or a controlled foreign corporation (CFC)
or had been a CFC within the preceding 5 years.
Check if Common Parent of Selling Consolidated Group, Selling Affiliate, S Corporation Shareholder, or U.S. Shareholder is
a foreign entity
4a Name of common parent of the selling consolidated group, selling affiliate, U.S. shareholder(s) of 4b Identifying number(s)
foreign target corporation, or S corporation shareholder(s)
Street City
State ZIP Country 4c Tax year ending (MM/DD/YYYY)
Section D—General Information
5a Acquisition date (MM/DD/YYYY) 5b What percentage of target corporation stock was purchased:
(i) During the 12-month acquisition period? %
(ii) On the acquisition date? %
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 49972Z Form 8023 (Rev. 10-2023)