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                                                          Monthly Tax Return for Wagers 
Form  730                                                                                                                                        OMB No. 1545-0235 
(Rev. December 2017)                                    (Section 4401 of the Internal Revenue Code)
Department of the Treasury                              ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form730 for the latest information.                                  For IRS Use Only 
Internal Revenue Service  
Enter your                   Name                                                       Month and year                                           FF 
address,            ▲                                                                                                                            FD 
employer                     Number, street, and room or suite no.                      Employer identification number                           FP 
number,                                                                                                                                          I 
and                          City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code                                            T 
month and  
year of  
Check applicable boxes:                                   Final return                      Address change 

          1  Gross amount of wagers accepted during month (not including laid-off wagers) (see instructions)  .                   .      1 

          2  Gross amount of laid-off wagers accepted during month (see instructions)  .                    . . .           . . . .      2 

          3  Add lines 1 and 2     . .        . . .     . . .      . . . . .    .       . . .         . . . . . .           . . . .      3 
          4a Tax on wagers authorized under the law of the state in which 
             accepted. Enter the amount of these wagers included in line 
             3; multiply by the amount shown and enter the result          .    .       . $                            ×     0.0025 = 4a 
          b  Tax on wagers other than wagers described on line 4a. Enter 
             the amount of these wagers included in line 3; multiply       by the 
             amount shown and enter the result  .           .      . . . . .    .       . $                            ×      0.02 =  4b 
          c  Tax on wagers.  Add lines 4a and 4b .          .      . . . . .    .       . . .         . . . . . .           . . . .   4c 

          5  Credits. No credit is allowed unless supported by evidence (see instructions)  .                 . .           . . . .      5 

          6  Balance due. Subtract line 5 from line 4c (see instructions)  .              . .         . . . . . .           . . . .      6 
File this return, your payment, and voucher with the IRS as shown under Where to file in the instructions. Make your check or money 
order  payable to “United States Treasury.” Write your name, address, EIN, “Form 730,” and the tax period on it. 
                  Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including any accompanying certificates and statements, and to the best of my 
Sign              knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer  has any 
Here              ▲                                                                                           ▲
Keep a copy  
of this return      Signature                                                                                   Date 
for your 
records.            Type or print your name below signature. 
                  Print/Type preparer’s name                       Preparer’s signature                       Date                               PTIN
Paid                                                                                                                            Check         if 
Use Only          Firm’s name      ▶                                                                                            Firm’s EIN  ▶
                  Firm’s address  ▶                                                                                             Phone no.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions.                                       Cat. No. 20585U                                      Form 730 (Rev. 12-2017) 

                                              ▼   Detach Here and Mail With Your Payment and Form 730.                        ▼                           Form 730-V 

     Form 730-V                                                      Payment Voucher 
(Rev. December 2017)                                                                                                                             OMB No. 1545-0235
Department of the Treasury                              ▶ Don’t staple or attach this voucher to your payment.
Internal Revenue Service     
1         Enter your employer identification              2                                                                           Dollars             Cents 
          number.                                               Enter the amount of your payment. ▶ 
                                                          Make your check or money order payable to “United States Treasury”
3         Enter year and month as shown on Form 730.      4 Enter your business name (individual name if sole proprietor). 
          Y     Y      Y     Y                M   M 
                                                            Enter your address. 
          Send Form 730, this voucher, and payment to:  
                Department of the Treasury  
                  Internal Revenue Service                  Enter your city, state, and ZIP code.
                  Ogden, UT 84201-0100 

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Form 730 (Rev. 12-2017)                                                                                                                 Page 2 
Form 730-V, Payment Voucher                    Specific Instructions                            • Enclose your check or money order made 
                                                                                                payable to “United States Treasury.” Be sure 
Purpose of Form                                Box 1. If you don’t have an EIN, you may         to enter your name, address, EIN, “Form 
                                               apply for one online. Go to the IRS website at   730,” and the tax period on your check or 
Complete Form 730-V if you’re making a         www.irs.gov/EIN. You also may apply for an       money order. Don’t send cash. Don’t staple 
payment by check or money order with           EIN by faxing or mailing Form SS-4,              this voucher or your payment to Form 730 (or 
Form 730. We will use the completed voucher    Application for Employer Identification          to each other). 
to credit your payment more promptly and       Number, to the IRS.                              • Detach the completed voucher and send it 
accurately, and to improve our service to you. 
                                               Box 2. Enter the amount paid from line 6 of      with your payment and Form 730. See Where 
  If you have your return prepared by a third  Form 730.                                        to file, later. 
party and a payment is required, provide this 
payment voucher to the return preparer.        Box 3. Enter the same date you entered on 
                                               page 1 of Form 730. 
  Don’t file Form 730-V if you’re paying the 
balance due on Form 730, line 6, using the     Box 4. Enter your name and address as 
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System          shown on Form 730. 
(EFTPS). See Line 6, later, for more 

Section references are to the Internal Revenue Rounding. You may round amounts to                 Foreign address  . Follow the country’s 
Code unless otherwise noted.                   whole dollars. If  you do round, leave the entry practice for entering the postal code. In some 
Future developments.For the latest             for the cents amounts blank. You can drop        countries the postal code may come before 
information about developments related to      amounts that are less than 50 cents, and         the city or town name. Enter the full name of 
Form 730 and its instructions, such as         increase amounts that are 50 cents or more to    the country using uppercase letters in English. 
legislation enacted after they were published, the next whole dollar. If you do round, do so    Line 1. Enter the gross amount of wagers 
go to www.irs.gov/Form730.                     for all amounts. But if you have to add two or   accepted during the month. Gross wagers are 
                                               more amounts to figure the amount to enter       the total of those wagers that are authorized 
What’s New                                     on a line, include cents when adding and only    and those wagers that aren’t authorized by  
                                               round off the total. 
Effective January 2018, send Form 730 and/or                                                    the state in which they are accepted. Include 
Form 730-V, Payment Voucher, to Ogden, UT.     When to file. If you’re liable for the tax, file all charges connected with placing the wager, 
See Where to file, later, for the updated      Form 730 for each month by the last day of       including any fee or charge incident to placing 
address.                                       the month following the month for which          the wager. If you can prove that the person 
                                               you’re reporting taxable wagers. The IRS         placing the wager has paid a separate charge  
General Instructions                           won’t send you a notice that a return is due.    equal to the tax, don’t include that amount in 
                                               File a return each month whether or not you      the amount of the wager. Don’t include      
Who must file. You must file Form 730 and      have taxable wagers to report. If you have no    laid-off wagers in this amount. 
pay the tax on wagers under section 4401(a) if tax to report, write “None” in the entry space     What is taxed. The tax applies only to 
you:                                           for line 6 and sign and date Form 730. If you    wagers accepted in the United States or 
• Are in the business of accepting wagers,     stop accepting wagers, check the final return    placed by a person who is in the United 
                                               box above line 1. 
• Conduct a wagering pool or lottery, or                                                        States with a person who is a U.S. citizen or  
• Are required to be registered and you        Where to file. Send your return to:              resident. 
received wagers for or on behalf of another    Department of Treasury                             Taxable wagers include those placed: 
person but didn’t report that person’s name    Internal Revenue Service                         • On a sports event or contest with a person 
and address.                                   Ogden, UT 84201-0100                             engaged in the business of accepting wagers 
  Use Form 11-C, Occupational Tax and                                                           on a sports event or contest;
Registration Return for Wagering, to register. Specific Instructions                            • In a wagering pool on a sports event or 
  Exempt organizations. Organizations          Name and address. Enter the name shown           contest if the pool is conducted for profit; or 
exempt from income tax under section 501 or    on the eligible entity’s most recently filed     • In a lottery conducted for profit, including 
521 are generally not exempt from the tax on   federal income tax return. Include the suite,    the numbers game, policy, punch boards, and 
wagering or the occupational tax. However,     room, or other unit number after the street      similar types of wagering. 
see Lottery, later, for an exception.          address. If the Post Office doesn’t deliver mail 
  Completing Form 730. If you aren’t using     to the street address and the entity has a P.O. 
the preaddressed Form 730, enter your name,    box, show the box number instead of the 
address, employer identification number (EIN), street address. 
and the month (MM) and year (YYYY) for 
which this form is filed. 

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Form 730 (Rev. 12-2017)                                                                                                                    Page 3 
Sports event. A sports event includes             • Games of the type in which all persons           If you haven’t paid the tax, you may claim a 
every type of  amateur, scholastic, or            placing wagers in the game are present when      credit on Form 730 in the amount of the tax 
professional sports competition, such as auto     wagers are placed, winners are determined,       due for the laid-off wager, if the certificate 
racing, baseball, basketball, billiards, bowling, and prizes or other property are distributed.    described in Regulations section 44.6419-2(d) 
boxing, cards, checkers, cricket, croquet, dog    • Drawings conducted by an organization          is attached to Form 730 for the month during 
racing, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey,       exempt from tax under sections 501 and 521,      which the wager was accepted and laid off. 
horse racing, lacrosse, rugby, soccer, squash,    as long as the net proceeds of the drawing         If you have paid the tax, you may claim a 
tennis, track, tug of war, and wrestling.         don’t benefit a private shareholder or           credit for the tax paid on the laid-off amount. 
Contest. A contest is any competition             individual.                                      The claim must be filed within 3 years from 
involving speed, skill, endurance, popularity,    Line 2. Enter the gross amount of any laid-off   the time the return reporting the tax was filed 
politics, strength, or appearance, such as        wagers accepted during the month. Gross          or 2 years from the time the tax was paid, 
elections, the outcome of nominating              laid-off wagers are the total of those laid-off  whichever is later. Interest won’t be allowed 
conventions, dance marathons, log-rolling         wagers that are authorized and those that        on a credit for the tax imposed on a wager 
contests, wood-chopping contests,                 aren’t authorized by the state in which they     that you laid off. 
weightlifting contests, beauty contests, and      are accepted.                                      No credit is allowed unless the following 
spelling bees.                                                                                     information is attached to the return for each 
                                                  Lines 4a and 4b. Enter the applicable amount 
Wagering pool. A wagering pool                    included in line 3. Multiply the amount by the   laid-off wager: 
conducted for profit includes any method or       rate shown and enter the result. The rate of     • The certificate described in Regulations 
scheme for giving prizes to one or more           tax depends on whether the wager is              section 44.6419-2(d). 
winning bettors based on the outcome of a         authorized by the laws of the state in which     • A statement that includes (a) the reason for 
sports event, a contest, or a combination or      the wager was  accepted. The lower rate          the credit, (b) the month in which the tax was 
series of these events or contests if the         applies to wagers that are authorized by state   paid, (c) the date of payment, and (d) whether 
wagering pool is managed and conducted for        law.                                             any previous claim covering all or part of the 
the purpose of making a profit. A wagering 
pool or lottery may be conducted for profit       Line 5. You may be able to claim a credit for    amount involved has been filed. 
even if a direct profit doesn’t occur. If you     the amount of  any overpayment of tax or for     Line 6. If line 4c is more than line 5, enter the 
operate the wagering pool or lottery with the     the amount of tax imposed with respect to a      difference on line 6. You don’t have to pay if 
expectation of a profit in the form of increased  wager that you laid off. You may also use        line 6 is under $1.00. You  may pay the 
sales, attendance, or other indirect benefits,    Schedule 6 (Form 8849), Other Claims, to         amount shown on line 6 using the Electronic  
you conduct it for profit.                        make a claim for refund.                         Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) or by 
Lottery. This includes the numbers game,            Credit for an overpayment of tax.              check or money order. If you pay using 
policy, punch boards, and similar types of        Generally, you may claim a credit for any        EFTPS, don’t file Form 730-V, Payment 
wagering. In general, a lottery conducted for     overpayment of tax. The claim must be filed      Voucher. 
profit includes any method or scheme for the      within 3 years from the time the Form 730          Electronic payment. Now, more than ever 
distribution of prizes among persons who          reporting the tax was filed or 2 years from the  before, businesses can enjoy the benefits of 
have paid or promised to pay for a chance to      time the tax was paid, whichever is later. No    paying their federal taxes electronically. 
win the prizes. The winning prizes are usually    credit is allowed unless a statement of the      Whether you rely on a tax professional or 
determined by the drawing of numbers,             facts involving the overpayment is attached      handle your own taxes, the IRS offers you a 
symbols, or tickets from a wheel or other         that includes the following information.         convenient program to make it easier. Spend 
container, or by the outcome of a given event.    • An explanation of the reason for claiming a    less time on taxes and more time running your 
It doesn’t include either of the following        credit.                                          business. Use EFTPS to your benefit. For 
kinds of events.                                  • The date of payment and the amount of the      information on EFTPS, visit www.eftps.gov or  
• Games of a type in which usually the wagers     tax.                                             call EFTPS Customer Service at 
are placed, winners are determined, and the       • Whether any previous claim covering the 
prizes are distributed in the presence of         amount involved, or any part, has been filed.    Paid Preparer Use Only
everyone who placed a wager. Card games,          • A statement that you:                          A paid preparer must sign Form 730 and 
roulette games, dice games, bingo, keno, and 
gambling wheels usually fall within this            1. Haven’t collected (whether as a separate    provide the information in the Paid Preparer 
exception.                                        charge or otherwise) the amount of the tax       Use Only section at the end of the form if the 
                                                  from the person that placed the wager on         preparer was paid to prepare the form and 
• Drawings conducted by a tax-exempt              which the tax was imposed, or                    isn’t an employee of the filing entity. The 
organization, if the net proceeds of the                                                           preparer must give you a copy of the form in 
drawing don’t benefit a private shareholder or      2. Have repaid the amount of the tax to the 
individual.                                       person that placed the wager, or                 addition to the copy to be filed with the IRS. 
What isn’t taxed. The tax isn’t imposed on          3. Have the written consent of the person        If you’re a paid preparer, enter your 
the following five items.                         that placed the wager to the allowance of the    Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) in 
                                                  credit. The consent must be attached to the      the space provided. If you work for a tax 
• Parimutuel wagering, including horse racing,    return.                                          preparation firm, you must also enter the 
dog racing, and jai alai, when it’s licensed                                                       firm’s name, address, and EIN. However, you 
under state law.                                  Note. If the overpayment relates to a laid-off   can’t use the PTIN of the tax preparation firm 
                                                  wager accepted by you, one of the three          in place of your PTIN.
• Coin-operated devices, such as slot             statements in the previous bullet must be 
machines, pinball machines, or video games.       attached for both the person who placed the        You can apply for a PTIN online or by filing 
• Sweepstakes, wagering pools, or lotteries       laid-off wager with you and the person who       Form W-12, IRS Paid Preparer Tax 
that are conducted by an agency of a state, if    placed the original wager.                       Identification Number (PTIN) Application and 
                                                                                                   Renewal. For more information about applying 
the wager is placed with the state agency or        Credit for wagers laid off by you. If you      for a PTIN online, visit the IRS website at 
its authorized agents or employees.               accept a wager and lay off all or a part of that www.irs.gov/PTIN. 
                                                  wager with a person who is liable for tax, 
                                                  follow the rules below to claim a credit 
                                                  depending on whether or not you paid the tax. 

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Form 730 (Rev. 12-2017)                                                                                                                      Page 4 
Recordkeeping. Keep copies of your tax            How Can You Learn About Your                      states, and the District of Columbia, and U.S. 
returns, records, and accounts of all             Taxpayer Rights?                                  commonwealths and possessions for use in 
transactions to show that the correct                                                               administering their tax laws. We may also 
tax has been paid. Keep records to support        The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic    disclose this information to other countries 
all adjustments claimed and all exemptions at     rights that all taxpayers have when dealing       under a tax treaty, to federal and state 
least 4 years from the latest of the following    with the IRS. Our Tax Toolkit at                  agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal 
dates: when the tax became due, when              TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov can help you             laws, or to federal law enforcement and 
you paid the tax, when you claimed an             understand what these rights mean to you          intelligence agencies to combat terrorism. If 
adjustment, or when you filed a claim for         and how they apply. These are your rights.        you fail to provide this information in a timely 
refund. Always keep your records available for    Know them. Use them.                              manner or provide false information, you may 
IRS inspection.                                                                                     be liable for penalties and interest. 
                                                  How Else Does the Taxpayer 
Penalties. Avoid penalties and interest by        Advocate Service Help Taxpayers?                  You aren’t required to provide the 
filing returns and paying taxes when due. The                                                       information requested on a form that is 
law provides penalties for filing a return late,  TAS works to resolve large-scale problems         subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
paying taxes late, failing to file a return,      that affect many taxpayers. If you know of one    unless the form displays a valid OMB control 
negligence, and fraud. These penalties are in     of these broad issues, please report it to us at  number. Books or records relating to a form 
addition to the interest charge on late           IRS.gov/SAMS.                                     or its instructions must be retained as long as 
payments. The penalty for filing a return late                                                      their contents may become material in the 
or paying the tax late won’t be imposed if you    Low Income Taxpayer Clinics                       administration of any Internal Revenue law. 
can show that the failure to file a timely return Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) are           Generally, tax returns and return information 
or timely pay the tax is due to reasonable        independent from the IRS. LITCs represent         are confidential, as required by section 6103. 
cause.                                            individuals whose income is below a certain       The time needed to complete and file   
If you receive a notice about a penalty after     level and need to resolve tax problems with       Form 730 will vary depending on individual 
you file this return, reply to the notice with an the IRS, such as audits, appeals, and tax         circumstances. The estimated average times 
explanation and we will determine if you meet     collection disputes. In addition, clinics can     are: Recordkeeping, 6 hr., 27 min.; Learning 
reasonable-cause criteria. Don’t attach an        provide information about taxpayer rights and     about the law or the form, 47 min.; 
explanation when you file your return.            responsibilities in different languages for       Preparing, copying, assembling, and 
                                                  individuals who speak English as a second         sending the form to the IRS, 56 min. 
Taxpayer Advocate Service                         language. Services are offered for free or a 
                                                  small fee. To find a clinic near you, visit       If you have comments concerning the 
Is Here To Help You                               TaxpayerAdvocate.IRS.gov/LITCmap or see           accuracy of these time estimates or 
                                                  IRS Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer         suggestions for making Form 730 simpler, we 
What Is the Taxpayer Advocate                     Clinic List.                                      would be happy to hear from you. You can 
                                                                                                    send us comments from www.irs.gov/
Service?                                          Disclosure of information on wagering             FormComments. Or you can write to:
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an         taxes. Except for administering or enforcing      Internal Revenue Service                               
independent organization within the IRS that      Internal Revenue taxes, neither the Treasury      Tax Forms and Publications                        
helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights.     Department nor any of its employees may           SE:W:CAR:MP:TFP                                        
Our job is to ensure that every taxpayer is       disclose documents, records, or information 
treated fairly and that you know and              obtained through them that a taxpayer             1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526             
understand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill    supplies in connection with wagering taxes.       Washington, DC 20224                                  
of Rights.                                        Also, certain documents related to wagering       Don’t send Form 730 to this office. Instead, 
                                                  taxes and information obtained through them       see Where to file, earlier. 
What Can the Taxpayer Advocate                    that relates to wagering taxes may not be 
Service Do For You?                               used against the taxpayer in any nontax 
                                                  criminal proceeding. See section 4424 for 
We can help you resolve problems that you                                           
                                                  more details. 
can’t resolve with the IRS. And our service is 
free. If you qualify for our assistance, you will 
be assigned to one advocate who will work         Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask 
with you throughout the process and will do       for the information on Form 730 to carry out 
everything possible to resolve your issue. TAS    the Internal Revenue laws of the United 
can help you if:                                  States. You’re required to give us the  
                                                  information. We need it to ensure that you’re 
• Your problem is causing financial difficulty    complying with these laws and to allow us to 
for you, your family, or your business,           figure and collect the right amount of tax. 
• You face (or your business is facing) an        Section 4401 imposes a tax on wagering. 
immediate threat of adverse action, or            Form 730 is used to determine the amount of 
• You’ve tried repeatedly to contact the IRS      the tax. Routine uses of this information 
but no one responded, or the IRS hasn’t           include giving it to the Department of Justice 
responded by the date promised.                   for civil and criminal litigation, and to cities, 
How Can You Reach Us?
We have offices in every state, the District of 
Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Your local 
advocate’s number is in your local directory 
and at www.irs.gov/advocate/local-taxpayer-
advocate. You also can call us at 

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