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                                 Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship                                                    OMB No. 1545-0013
Form 56-F                                              of Financial Institution
(Rev. December 2022)
Department of the Treasury                (Internal Revenue Code sections 6036, 6402, and 6903)                              For IRS Use Only
Internal Revenue Service                  Go to www.irs.gov/Form56F for the latest information.
Part I   Identification
1      Name of person for whom you are acting (as shown on the tax return)                            2     Employer identification number

3      Address of financial institution (number, street, and room or suite no.)

4      City, state, and ZIP code                                                                      5     Telephone no.

6       Check the applicable box for the type of financial institution:    Bank           Thrift
7       Check here          if the financial institution is insolvent.
8       Enter the ending date of the financial institution’s tax year (mo., day, yr.):
9      Fiduciary’s name                                                                               10   Contact person

11      Address of fiduciary (number, street, and room or suite no.)

12      City or town, state, and ZIP code                                                             13   Telephone no.

14      Check the applicable box if the fiduciary is a:
         Receiver                Conservator
15      Check this box      if the financial institution is or was a member of a group filing a consolidated return and complete lines 16 to 21 below:
        Lines 16 through 21 are to be completed only if the financial institution is or was a member of a group filing a consolidated return.
16      Name of person for whom you are acting (as shown on the tax return)                           17   Employer identification number

18      Address of the common parent (number, street, and room or suite no.)

19      City, state, and ZIP code

20      Check here          if a copy of this form has been sent to the common parent of the group.
21      Enter the tax year(s) that the financial institution is or was a member of the consolidated group: 
Part II  Authority
22      Evidence of fiduciary authority. Check applicable box(es), and attach copy of applicable orders:
a        Appointment of conservator                    b              Replacement of conservator
c        Appointment of receiver                       d               Order of insolvency
e        Other evidence of creation of fiduciary relationship (describe):
Part III Tax Notices
23      All notices and other written communications with regard to income, employment, and excise taxes of the financial institution (listed on 
        line 1) will be addressed to the fiduciary. Indicate below if other notices and written communications should be addressed to the 
        fiduciary. Include the type of tax, tax periods, or years involved.

Part IV  Revocation or Termination of Notice
                                          Section A—Total Revocation or Termination
24      Evidence of termination or revocation of fiduciary authority (Check applicable box(es)):
a        Certified copy of court order revoking fiduciary authority attached.
b        Copy of certificate of dissolution or termination of a business entity attached.
c        Other evidence of termination of fiduciary relationship (describe):

         Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this document, including any accompanying statements, and to the best of my 
Please   knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.
         Fiduciary’s signature                                             Title, if applicable                          Date
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.                                 Cat. No. 12784J                    Form 56-F (Rev. 12-2022) 

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Form 56-F (Rev. 12-2022)                                                                                                                         Page 2 

Future Developments                                becomes insolvent, the fiduciary should file a      Part II—Authority
                                                   new Form 56-F and check the box on line 7.
For the latest information about developments                                                          Check the appropriate box and attach a copy 
related to Form 56-F and its instructions, such    Note: A fiduciary (defined above), who was          of the appropriate order.
as legislation enacted after they were             appointed a fiduciary of a financial institution 
published, go to www.irs.gov/Form56F.              prior to the issuance of Form 56-F and who          Part III—Tax Notices
                                                   still is a fiduciary for the same financial         All notices and other written communications 
General Instructions                               institution, should file Form 56-F with the IRS     with regard to income, employment, and 
                                                   as soon as possible.                                excise taxes of the financial institution will be 
Section references are to the Internal Revenue     A fiduciary (defined above), who may have           addressed to the fiduciary, with the exception 
Code unless otherwise noted.                       previously filed Form 56 for a financial            of notices sent to the common parent under 
Purpose of Form                                    institution, and is still acting as a fiduciary for the provisions of Regulations section 
                                                   the same institution, should file a new Form        1.1502-77. Other notices and written 
Use Form 56-F to notify the IRS of a fiduciary     56-F as soon as possible.                           communications will be addressed to the 
relationship only if that relationship is with                                                         fiduciary only as specified. For example, use 
respect to a financial institution (such as a      Where To File                                       this line to identify a transferee tax liability 
bank or a thrift). Until you notify the IRS of the For purposes of section 6402(k) and section         under section 6901.
fiduciary relationship, notices of tax liability   6903, send Form 56-F to the Internal Revenue 
sent to the last known address of the              Service Center where the financial institution      Part IV—Revocation or 
taxpayer, or transferee, subject to liability are  for whom the fiduciary is acting files its          Termination of Notice
considered sufficient compliance by the IRS        income tax return.                                  Complete this part if you are revoking or 
with the requirements of the Internal Revenue 
Code. However, if the financial institution is a   For purposes of section 6036, send Form             terminating all prior notices concerning 
member of a consolidated group, the                56-F to the Advisory Group Manager of the           fiduciary relationships on file with the IRS for 
provisions of Regulations section 1.1502-77        area office of the IRS having jurisdiction over     the same tax matters and years or periods 
apply to the extent not modified by section        the person for whom you are acting. See Pub.        covered by this notice concerning fiduciary 
6402(k) and Regulations section 301.6402-7.        4235, Collection Advisory Offices Contact           relationships.
                                                   Information, for more information.
In addition, the filing of Form 56-F is a                                                              Signature
requirement to secure a refund pursuant to 
section 6402(k) and Regulations section            Specific Instructions                               Sign Form 56-F under penalty of perjury and 
301.6402-7.                                                                                            enter the title describing your role as a 
                                                   Part I—Identification                               fiduciary (receiver or conservator).
Section 6036 and Regulations section 
301.6036-1 state that a notice is required of a    Lines 1–5. Provide all the requested 
receiver in proceedings other than                 information concerning the financial institution    Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask 
bankruptcy, and other like fiduciaries. Section    in this part.                                       for the information on the form to carry out 
6402(k) and Regulations section 301.6402-7         Line 2. Section 6109 requires that the              the Internal Revenue laws of the United 
state that a fiduciary of an insolvent financial   taxpayer’s identification number must be            States. You are required to give us the 
institution must file Form 56-F to secure its      disclosed. The principal purpose is to identify     information. We need it to ensure that you are 
position with respect to any refund that may       the financial institution for whom you are          complying with these laws and to allow us to 
be available to a consolidated group.              acting.                                             figure and collect the right amount of tax.
Section 6903 and Regulations section               Line 7. Check this box if the financial             You are not required to provide the 
301.6903-1 state that every person acting in a     institution is insolvent within the meaning of      information requested on a form that is 
fiduciary capacity must file a written notice      12 U.S.C. 191, 12 U.S.C. 1821(c)(5)(A), 12          subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act 
with the IRS.                                      U.S.C. 1464(d)(2)(A), 12 U.S.C. 1464(d)(2)(C),      unless the form displays a valid OMB control 
                                                   or any applicable state law (or any successor       number. Books or records relating to a form 
Who Should File                                    statute that adopts a substantially similar         or its instructions must be retained as long as 
Form 56-F should be filed instead of Form 56 ,     statute).                                           their contents may become material in the 
                                                                                                       administration of any Internal Revenue law. 
Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship, by       Lines 9–13. Provide all the requested               Generally, tax returns and return information 
the federal agency acting as a fiduciary           information regarding the fiduciary in this part.   are confidential, as required by section 6103.
(defined below) in order to notify the IRS of      For example, on line 9, enter the full name of 
the creation, termination, or change in status     the fiduciary (such as the Federal Deposit          The time needed to complete and file Form 
of a fiduciary relationship with a financial       Insurance Corporation or similar federal            56-F will vary depending on individual 
institution.                                       agency).                                            circumstances. The estimated average time is:
Definition                                         Line 10. The contact person should be the           Recordkeeping       .  .   . .   .  .      7 min.
                                                   individual within the federal agency who has        Learning about the                                     
Fiduciary. A fiduciary means the Federal           the authority to handle all tax matters on          law or the form     .  .   . .   .  . 28 min.
Deposit Insurance Corporation, or other            behalf of the financial institution.                Preparing the form     .   . .   .  . 41 min.
receiver or conservator of a financial             Lines 16–21. 
federal agency authorized by law to act as a                     Provide all the requested             Copying, assembling,                                
institution. The term also includes any federal    information in this part concerning the             and sending the form                                   
instrumentality, subsidiary, or agency that is a   common parent of a consolidated group that          to the IRS   .  .   .  .   . .   .  . 14  min.
predecessor or successor of this agency that       includes (or included) the financial institution 
is so authorized.                                  (if applicable).                                    If you have comments concerning the 
                                                                                                       accuracy of these time estimates or 
                                                   If the form is submitted in compliance with         suggestions for making Form 56-F simpler, 
When To File                                       the regulations under section 6402(k), the          we would be happy to hear from you. You can 
Form 56-F must be filed with the IRS within        identification number of the common parent          send us comments from www.irs.gov/
10 days from the date the fiduciary is             should be disclosed.                                FormComments. Or you can send your 
appointed to act as a receiver or conservator.     If the financial institution was a member of        comments to:
In addition, it should be filed in every           more than one consolidated group during any         Internal Revenue Service                             
subsequent tax year that the fiduciary             year(s) to which the fiduciary may claim a          Tax Forms and Publications 
continues to act as the receiver or                refund under section 6402(k), then the              1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526    
conservator for that financial institution for     fiduciary must file a separate Form 56-F            Washington, DC 20224
purposes of section 6402(k).                       providing the information on each parent.
                                                                                                       Do not send the form to this address. 
If a Form 56-F has been filed for a solvent        Line 20. Check the box if a copy of the form        Instead, see Where To File on this page.
financial institution by the fiduciary and         was sent to the appropriate common parent 
subsequently that financial institution            in compliance with Regulations section 

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