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                                  Information Return of Nontaxable Energy  
Form  6497                        Grants or Subsidized Energy Financing                                                  OMB No. 1545-0232 
(Rev. August 2019)                ▶ Go to www.irs.gov/Form6497 for the latest information.  
Department of the Treasury  
Internal Revenue Service                              For calendar year 
           1    Payer’s name                                                                     3    Payer’s employer identification number 

           2a  Number and street and apt. or suite no. (Include P.O. box, if applicable.)        4    Payer is agent for 
or Print 
            b  City or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code          5    Program name or number 

                                                           Complete 6(b) or 6(c) 
      6(a) Recipient’s name, address, and                               6(c) Recipient’s              6(d) Total         6(e) Total amount  
                         ZIP code                     6(b) Recipient’s  employer identification  amount of grant         of financing 
                                           social security number       number                                                     

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see back of form.                   Cat. No. 24535C                           Form 6497 (Rev. 8-2019) 

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Form 6497 (Rev. 8-2019)                                                                                                                   Page 2 
Instructions                                    Definitions                                      Line 5. Enter the program name or number  
                                                                                                 that authorizes the payment. 
Code.                                           given outright for property designed to          Line 6. 
Section references are to the Internal Revenue  Energy grant. An energy grant is a payment               Make an entry in columns 6(a)  
                                                conserve or produce energy, with no              through 6(e) for each recipient of a  
Future Developments                             requirement to repay the money.                  nontaxable energy grant or subsidized energy 
                                                                                                 financing. If you need more space, attach  
For the latest information about developments   Subsidized energy financing. Subsidized          additional Forms 6497. 
such as legislation enacted after they were     loan) made directly or indirectly under a        Column 6(a). 
related to Form 6497 and its instructions,      energy financing is financing (for example, a                   Show the name and address  
published, go to www.irs.gov/Form6497.          federal, state, or local government program,     of the entity that received the nontaxable  
                                                whose principal purpose is to provide            energy grant or subsidized energy financing.  
What’s New                                      subsidized financing for projects designed to    Do not show the name of an officer,  
New Where-To-File address. See Where To         conserve or produce energy. Subsidized           employee, etc. 
File, later, for the current address for filing energy financing can also include financing      Column 6(b). Complete this column for  
Form 6497.                                      under a federal, state, or local program         sole proprietors without EINs. 
                                                having two or more principal purposes, but (a)   Column 6(c). Complete this column if no  
Purpose of Form                                 only if one of the principal purposes is to      entry was made in column 6(b). 
grants or subsidized energy financing made      conservation or production projects, and (b)     Column 6(d). 
Use Form 6497 to report nontaxable energy       provide subsidized financing for energy                         Enter the total amount of  
under government programs whose principal       only if the financing is to be used for energy   nontaxable energy grants provided to the  
purpose is to conserve or produce energy.       production or conservation purposes (the         recipient during the calendar year under the  
This reporting is required only for recipients  “use test”) or is provided out of funds          program shown on line 5. 
that are businesses (including sole             designated specifically for energy production    Column 6(e). Enter the total amount of  
proprietors).                                   or conservation. Loan proceeds meet the use      subsidized energy financing provided to the  
Form 6497 lists the information to be           test only if any loan-related documents          recipient during the calendar year under the  
furnished about the nontaxable energy grants    indicate that the funds are intended for that    program shown on line 5. The amount of  
or subsidized energy financing, and about the   use.                                             subsidized energy financing may be different  
recipients. Only one program should be          Financing is made when funds for                 from the actual amount of money expended. 
reported on each form. This form should also    subsidized energy financing are disbursed.       Example. If a government agency spent  
be used to report funds received from the       The source of the funds for a program is not     $1,000 to permit a $5,000 loan to be made  
proceeds of tax-exempt bonds that have          a factor in determining whether the financing    with an interest rate lower than it would have  
been used to finance energy conservation or     is subsidized. Financing is subsidized if the    been otherwise, the amount of subsidized  
production property.                            terms of the financing provided to the           energy financing is $5,000. 
Grants are always taxable to recipients         recipient in connection with the program or  
unless specifically exempted by the federal     used to raise funds for the program are more     Paperwork Reduction Act Notice 
statute authorizing the grants. The originator  favorable than terms generally available         We ask for the information on this form to  
of the grant or subsidy program should          commercially. In addition, financing is          carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the  
advise all disbursing agents whether the        subsidized if the principal obligation of the    United States. You are required to give us the  
program is taxable or nontaxable. Taxable       financing provided to the recipient is reduced   information. We need it to ensure that you are 
grants are reported on Form 1099-G, Certain     by funds provided under the program.             complying with these laws and to allow us to  
Government Payments. For details, see the       Payer. A payer is any person (including an       figure and collect the right amount of tax. 
Instructions for Form 1099-G.                   Indian tribal government) who administers a      You are not required to provide the  
                                                federal, state, or local government program      information requested on a form that is  
Who Must File                                   that provides nontaxable grants or subsidized    subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act  
Any person (including an Indian tribal          financing under programs whose principal         unless the form displays a valid OMB control  
government) who administers a government        purpose is the production or conservation of     number. Books or records relating to a form  
program for a federal, state, or local          energy. It includes agents (such as a bank)      or its instructions must be retained as long as  
governmental entity or agent of that entity     that administer federal, state, or local         their contents may become material in the  
that provides nontaxable energy grants or       government programs and actually make the        administration of any Internal Revenue law.  
subsidized energy financing for energy          payments to the recipient.                       Generally, tax returns and return information  
property to business recipients under           Recipient. A recipient is the business entity    are confidential, as required by section 6103. 
programs whose principal purpose is energy      (including a sole proprietor) that received the  The time needed to complete and file this  
production or conservation must file Form       grant or financing.                              form will vary depending on individual  
6497. If a federal agency is providing the                                                       circumstances. The estimated average time  
funds to a state agency, and the state turns    Specific Instructions                            is: 
the funds over to a bank or similar disburser   Line 1. Generally, this will be the name of the  Recordkeeping    .  .    .   .  2 hr., 23 min. 
to act as its agent in disbursing the money for federal, state, or local governmental entity  
the above purposes, only the bank, or           that makes the nontaxable energy grants or       Learning about the law 
disburser, must file Form 6497 to show the      provides the subsidized energy financing. If     or the form .  . .  .    .   . .      . 24 min. 
actual recipient information.                   an entity (such as a bank) is administering a    Preparing, copying, and 
Generally, reporting on Form 6497 is            program as the designated agent of one of        sending the form to the IRS    .      . 27 min. 
required only for nontaxable energy grants or   the above governmental entities, enter the       If you have comments concerning the  
subsidized energy financing made for energy     name of the agent and be sure to fill in line 4. accuracy of these time estimates or  
property (as defined in section 48 and the      Lines 2a and 2b. Enter the address where         suggestions for making this form simpler, we 
regulations under section 48).                  any IRS questions about Form 6497 can be         would be happy to hear from you. You can 
When To File                                    directed.                                        send us comments through www.irs.gov/
File Form 6497 for the calendar year by the     Line 3. Use the employer identification          FormComments. Or you can write to the 
last day of February following the year of the  number (EIN) for the payer shown on line 1.      Internal Revenue Service, Tax Forms and 
payment.                                        Do not use the social security number of an      Publications Division, 1111 Constitution Ave. 
                                                officer or employee.                             NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not 
                                                                                                 send this form to this address. Instead, see 
Where To File                                   Line 4. If line 1 shows the name of an agent,    Where To File on this page. 
LB&I Central Compliance Practice Area           use line 4 to show the federal, state, or local  
1919 Smith St., M/S 1000-HOU                    governmental entity for which the agent is  
Houston, TX 77002                               administering the program. 

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