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                                                                                                                                                                                      OMB No. 1210-0110 
      SCHEDULE SB                                           Single-Employer Defined Benefit Plan 
           (Form 5500)                                                           Actuarial Information 
          Department of the Treasury 
          Internal Revenue Service                       This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 of the Employee 
           Department of Labor                           Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and section 6059 of the                                                 This Form is Open to Public 
   Employee Benefits Security Administration                                     Internal Revenue Code (the Code).                                                                         Inspection 
   Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 
                                                                          File as an attachment to Form 5500 or 5500-SF.
For calendar plan year 2023 or fiscal plan year beginning                                                                                      and ending   
Round off amounts to nearest dollar.Caution: A penalty of $1,000 will be assessed for late filing of this report unless reasonable cause is established. 
A  Name of plan                                                                                                                         B Three-digit
ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI                                                                                         plan number (PN)                                               001 
C  Plan sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 or 5500-SF                                                                      D    Employer Identification Number (EIN)
   ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI                                                                                      012345678 
                      ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 
E  Type of plan:     XSingle       XMultiple-A      XMultiple-B                           F Prior year plan size:    X100 or fewer      X101-500     XMore than 500 
 Part I         Basic Information 
1  Enter the valuation date:                           Month _________    Day _________    Year _________ 
2  Assets:
   a Market value ......................................................................................................................................................... 2a        -123456789012345
   b Actuarial value ...................................................................................................................................................... 2b        -123456789012345
3  Funding target/participant count breakdown                                                                                           (1) Number of (2) Vested Funding                   (3) Total Funding
                                                                                                                                        participants                           Target      Target
   a For retired participants and beneficiaries receiving payment ..................................... .
   b For terminated vested participants .............................................................................
   c For active participants .................................................................................................
    d Total ............................................................................................................................
4  If the plan is in at-risk status, check the box and complete lines (a) and (b) .............................. X                       
   a Funding target disregarding prescribed at-risk assumptions .................................................................................                            4a       -123456789012345
   b Funding target reflecting at-risk assumptions, but disregarding transition rule for plans that have been in
      at-risk status for fewer than five consecutive years and disregarding loading factor .............................................                                     4b       -123456789012345
5  Effective interest rate ................................................................................................................................................. 5                  123.12% 
6  Target normal cost 
   a Present value of current plan year accruals ..........................................................................................................                  6a 
   b Expected plan-related expenses ...........................................................................................................................              6b 
   c Target normal cost .................................................................................................................................................    6c 
Statement by Enrolled Actuary 
   To the best of my knowledge, the information supplied in this schedule andSAMPLEaccompanying schedules, statements and attachments, if any, is complete and accurate. Each prescribed assumption was applied in 
   accordance with applicable law and regulations. In my opinion, each other assumption is reasonable (taking into account the experience of the plan and reasonable expectations) and such other assumptions, in 
   combination, offer my best estimate of anticipated experience under the plan. 
                                                Signature of actuary                                                                                                                  Date 
ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE                                                                                                                                                        YYYY-MM-DD 
                                     Type or print name of actuary                                                                                                          Most recent enrollment number 
ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE                                                                                                                                                             1234567 
                                                Firm name                                                                                             Telephone number (including area code) 
123456789 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE                                                                                                                                                        1234567890 
                                                Address of the firm 
If the actuary has not fully reflected any regulation or ruling promulgated under the statute in completing this schedule, check the box and see instructions                                             X      
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 5500 or 5500-SF.                                                                                              Schedule SB (Form 5500) 2023 
                                                                                                                                                                                                          v. 230728

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           Schedule SB (Form 5500) 2023                                                      Page 2 -                                              1- x

 Part II         Beginning of Year Carryover and Prefunding Balances 
                                                                                                                                           (a) Carryover balance                   (b) Prefunding balance
  7 Balance at beginning of prior year after applicable adjustments (line 13 from prior                                                    -123456789012345                        -123456789012345
    year) ...............................................................................................................................
  8 Portion elected for use to offset prior year’s funding requirement (line 35 from prior
    year)  .............................................................................................................................   -123456789012345                        -123456789012345
  9  Amount remaining (line 7 minus line 8) ..........................................................................                     -123456789012345                        -123456789012345
 10 Interest on line 9 using prior year’s actual return of          % .................................                                    -123456789012345                        -123456789012345
 11 Prior year’s excess contributions to be added to prefunding balance: 
    a Present value of excess contributions (line 38a from prior year) ................................                                                                            -123456789012345
    b(1) Interest on the excess, if any, of line 38a over line 38b from prior year
           Schedule SB, using prior year's effective interest rate of            % ..............  
    b(2) Interest on line 38b from prior year Schedule SB, using prior year's actual
           return ....................................................................................................................
      c Total available at beginning of current plan year to add to prefunding balance .................
    d Portion of (c) to be added to prefunding balance .......................................................                                                                     -123456789012345
 12 Other reductions in balances due to elections or deemed elections ..............................                                       -123456789012345                        -123456789012345
 13 Balance at beginning of current year (line 9 + line 10 + line 11d  –line 12) ....................                                      -123456789012345                        -123456789012345
   Part III      Funding Percentages 
 14 Funding target attainment percentage ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14   123.12% 
 15 Adjusted funding target attainment percentage ..........................................................................................................................................                   15   123.12% 
 16 Prior year’s funding percentage for purposes of determining whether carryover/prefunding balances may be used to reduce current
    year’s funding requirement .........................................................................................................................................................................       16   123.12% 
 17 If the current value of the assets of the plan is less than 70 percent of the funding target, enter such percentage. ..................................                                                    17   123.12% 
   Part IV       Contributions and Liquidity Shortfalls 
 18 Contributions made to the plan for the plan year by employer(s) and employees:
    (a) Date                  (b) Amount paid by        (c) Amount paid by             (a) Date                                                        (b) Amount paid by          (c) Amount paid by
   (MM-DD-YYYY)               employer(s)                   employees               (MM-DD-YYYY)                                                       employer(s)                                             employees

 YYYY-MM-DD             12345678901234                12345678901234                YYYY-MM-DD                                                     12345678901234                  123456789012345-
 YYYY-MM-DD             123456789012345               123456789012345               YYYY-MM-DD                                                     123456789012345-                123456789012345-123456789012345
 YYYY-MM-DD             123456789012345               123456789012345               YYYY-MM-DD                                                     12345678901234123456789012345-  123456789012345--123456789012345123456789012345
 YYYY-MM-DD             123456789012345               123456789012345               YYYY-MM-DD                                                     12345678901234123456789012345-5 -123456789012345123456789012345--123456789012345123456789012345
 YYYY-MM-DD             123456789012345               123456789012345                                                                              12345678901234  5-5-            -123456789012345-123456789012345-123456789012345123456789012345 
                                   5                              5                 Totals                                                  18(b) 1234567890123412345678901234 5- 18(c)-123456789012345-123456789012345-123456789012345-123456789012345 
                                                                                                                                                   1234567890123455-               -123456789012345-123456789012345-123456789012345
                                                           SAMPLE                                                                                                                  -123456789012345
 19 Discounted employer contributions  –see instructions for small plan with a valuation date after the beginning12345678901234of the year:                         5--            -123456789012345-123456789012345 
    a Contributions allocated toward unpaid minimum required contributions from prior years. ......................................123456789012341234567890123419a  -5             -123456789012345-123456789012345
                                                                                                                                                   123456789012345-5               -123456789012345
    b Contributions made to avoid restrictions adjusted to valuation date. ....................................................................... 19b                             -123456789012345
    cContributions allocated toward minimum required contribution for current year adjusted to valuation1234567890123412345678901234date. ....................19c   -5             -123456789012345
 20 Quarterly contributions and liquidity shortfalls:                                                                                              12345678901234-55
    a   Did the plan have a “funding shortfall” for the prior year? .............................................................................................................................12345678901234--5X Yes   X No 
    b   If line 20a is “Yes,” were required quarterly installments for the current year made in a timely12345678901234manner? .....................................................55-                         X    Yes   X No 
    c If line 20a is “Yes,” see instructions and complete the following table as applicable:                                                       12345678901234-5-
                                                      Liquidity shortfall as of end of quarter of this plan year1234567890123412345678901234                        5-
                (1) 1st                                    (2) 2nd                                                                         (3)     3rd1234567890123455-                 (4)                    4th
                                                      -123456789012345                                                                     -12345678901234512345678901234-5        -123456789012345
           -123456789012345                                                                                                                                         5

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        Schedule SB (Form 5500) 2023                                                               Page 3

Part V       Assumptions Used to Determine Funding Target and Target Normal Cost 
21  Discount rate:
    a  Segment rates:           1st segment:                                     2nd segment:                                 3rd segment: 
                                123.12_%                                         123.12_%                                     123.12 %                                                   X N/A, full yield curve used 
    b Applicable month (enter code) ............................................................................................................................                     21b                                          1 
22  Weighted average retirement age ............................................................................................................................                     22                                           12 
23  Mortality table(s)  (see instructions)    _    Prescribed - combined                _       Prescribed - separate                _  Substitute  

Part VI    Miscellaneous Items 
24  Has a change been made in the non-prescribed actuarial assumptions for the current plan year?  If “Yes,” see instructions regarding required
    attachment. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................X Yes   X No 
25  Has a method change been made for the current plan year?  If “Yes,”instructionssee             regarding required attachment. ................................X                                                       Yes   X No 
26  Demographic and benefit information 
    a Is the plan required to provide a Schedule of Active Participants?  If “Yes,” see instructions regarding required attachment. ...............                                       X Yes X No
    b Is the plan required to provide a projection of expected benefit payments? If “Yes,” see instructions regarding required attachment ...                                             X Yes X No

27  If the plan is subject to alternative funding rules, enter applicable code and see instructions regarding                                                                        27 
    attachment .............................................................................................................................................................. 
Part VII     Reconciliation of Unpaid Minimum Required Contributions For Prior Years 
28  Unpaid minimum required contributions for all prior years .....................................................................................                                  28   -123456789012345
29  Discounted employer contributions allocated toward unpaid minimum required contributions from prior years
    (line 19a) .................................................................................................................................................................     29   -123456789012345
30  Remaining amount of unpaid minimum required contributions (line 28 minus line 29) ............................................                                                   30   -123456789012345
Part VIII    Minimum Required Contribution For Current Year 
31  Target normal cost and excess assets (see instructions): 
   a Target normal cost (line 6c) .................................................................................................................................                  31a  -123456789012345
   b Excess assets, if applicable, but not greater than line 31a  ..................................................................................                                 31b 
32  Amortization installments:                                                                                                Outstanding Balance                                         Installment 
    a Net shortfall amortization installment ...............................................................................  -123456789012345                                            -123456789012345
    b Waiver amortization installment ....................................................................................... -123456789012345                                            -123456789012345
33  If a waiver has been approved for this plan year, enter the date of the ruling letter granting the approval
    (Month _________    Day _________    Year _________ )_and the waived amount .............................................                                                        33 
34  Total funding requirement before reflecting carryover/prefunding balances (lines 31a - 31b + 32a + 32b - 33).....  34                                                                 -123456789012345
                                                                                 Carryover balance                            Prefunding balance                                          Total balance 
35  Balances elected for use to offset funding
    requirement ................................................................SAMPLE -123456789012345                       -123456789012345                                            -123456789012345
36  Additional cash requirement (line 34 minus line 35) ...............................................................................................                              36   -123456789012345
37  Contributions allocated toward minimum required contribution for current year adjusted to valuation date (line                                                                        -123456789012345
    19c) ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37 

38  Present value of excess contributions for current year (see instructions) 
    a Total (excess, if any, of line 37 over line 36)                                                                                                                                38a  -123456789012345
    b Portion included in line 38a attributable to use of prefunding and funding standard carryover balances .............                                                           38b 
39  Unpaid minimum required contribution for current year (excess, if any, of line 36 over line 37) ............................   39                                                     -123456789012345
40  Unpaid minimum required contributions for all years ...............................................................................................                              40   -123456789012345
Part IX      Pension Funding Relief Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (See Instructions) 
41  If an election was made to use the extended amortization rule for a plan year beginning on or before December 31, 2021, check the box to indicate the first
   plan year for which the rule applies.   X2019         2020        X           2021X

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