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                                                                                                                                             OMB No. 1545-0123
Form  4626                          Alternative Minimum Tax—Corporations
Department of the Treasury                              Attach to your tax return.                                                            2023
Internal Revenue Service         Go to www.irs.gov/Form4626 for instructions and the latest information.
Name                                                                                                                 Employer identification number

A     Is  the  corporation  filing  this  form  a  member  of  a  controlled  group  treated  as  a  single  employer  under 
      sections 59(k)(1)(D) and 52? .  .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .        . . . . . .   .  .             . . . .   .  .               Yes       No
      If “Yes,” the corporation must complete Part V listing the names, EINs, and separate company financial
      statement income or loss for each member of the controlled group treated as a single employer taken into 
      account in the determination of “applicable corporation” under section 59(k)(1)(D).
B     Is the corporation filing this form a member of a foreign-parented multinational group (FPMG) within the
      meaning of section 59(k)(2)(B)? .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .        . . . . . .   .  .             . . . .   .  .               Yes       No
      If “Yes,” the corporation must complete Part V listing the names, EINs, and separate company financial
      statement income or loss for each member of the FPMG under section 59(k)(2)(B).
Part I     Applicable Corporation Determination (Report all amounts in U.S. dollars.)
           If you have already determined in current or prior years you are an applicable corporation, skip Part I and continue to Part II.
                                                                                            (a)                        (b)                         (c)
                                                                                        First Preceding          Second Preceding             Third Preceding 
                                                                                        Year Ended                 Year Ended                 Year Ended
                                                                                          /     /                    /   /                    /       /
1     Net income or loss per applicable financial statement(s) (AFS) (see 
a     Consolidated net income or loss per the AFS of the corporation  .             1a
b     Include  AFS  net  income  or  loss  of  other  includible  entities  (add 
      net income and subtract net loss)      . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          1b
c     Exclude  AFS  net  income  or  loss  of  excludible  entities  (add  net 
      loss and subtract net income)  .    .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          1c
d     Adjustment for certain consolidating entries (see instructions)    .          1d
e     Specified additional net income or loss item B. Reserved for future use       1e
f     AFS  net  income  or  loss  of  all  entities  in  the  test  group  before 
      adjustments. Combine lines 1a through 1d  .  .    .    . .  .   .  .          1f
2     Adjustments:                                                                                                                                  
a     Financial statements covering different tax years  .   . .  .   .  .          2a
b     Corporations that are not included on the taxpayer’s consolidated 
      return (see instructions)   . . .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2b
c     Pro-rata share of net income from controlled foreign corporations for 
      which the corporation is a U.S. shareholder. If zero or less, enter -0- 
      (see instructions for special rules if completing this form for an FPMG)      2c
d     Amounts that are not effectively connected to a U.S. trade or business 
      (see instructions for special rules if completing this form for an FPMG) 2d     (                          )(                          )(                          ) 
e     Certain taxes (see instructions) .  .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2e
f     Patronage dividends and per-unit retain allocations (cooperatives only)       2f
g     Alaska native corporations  .   .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2g
h     Certain credits (see instructions)  .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2h
i     Mortgage servicing income  .    .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2i
j     Tax-exempt entities (organizations subject to tax under section 511)          2j
k     Depreciation  .      . . . .  . .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2k
l     Qualified wireless spectrum  .  .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2l
m     Covered transactions  .    .  . .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2m
n     Adjustments related to bankruptcy and insolvency  .      .  .   .  .          2n
o     Certain insurance company adjustments      . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2o
p     Adjustment P—Reserved for future use  .    . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2p
q     Adjustment Q—Reserved for future use  .    . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2q
r     Adjustment R—Reserved for future use  .    . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2r
s     Adjustment S—Reserved for future use  .    . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2s
z     Other (see instructions)  .   . .   .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          2z
3     Specified adjustment. Reserved for future use .   .    . .  .   .  .          3
4     Total adjustments. Combine lines 2a through 2z  .      . .  .   .  .          4
5     AFSI. Combine lines 1f and 4  .     .  . . . .    .    . .  .   .  .          5
6     AFSI of first, second, and third preceding tax years. Combine columns (a), (b), and (c) of line 5 .            . .     6
7     3-year average annual AFSI (see instructions)  .  .    . .  .   .  .        . . . . . .   .  .             . . . .     7
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions.                          Cat. No. 12955I                                       Form 4626 (2023)

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Form 4626 (2023)                                                                                                              Page 2
Part I Applicable Corporation Determination (Report all amounts in U.S. dollars.) (continued)
8  Is line 7 more than $1 billion?
       Yes. Continue to line 9. 
       No. STOP here and attach to your tax return.
9  Is the corporation a member of an FPMG within the meaning of section 59(k)(2)(B)?
       Yes. Continue to line 10. 
       No. Continue to Part II.
                                                                                        (a)               (b)             (c)
                                                                                    First Preceding Second Preceding Third Preceding 
                                                                                    Year Ended        Year Ended     Year Ended
                                                                                      /     /           /   /        /       /
10 AFSI for purposes of the $100 million test before adjustments:
a  AFSI from line 5 . . . .      . . . .    . .  . . . . . .      .            10a
b  Aggregation differences (see instructions)  . . . . . . .      .          10b
c  Total AFSI for purposes of the $100 million test before adjustments. 
   Combine lines 10a and 10b  .    . . .    . .  . . . . . .      .            10c
11 Adjustments:
a  Income not effectively connected to a U.S. trade or business . .            11a
b  Pro-rata share of CFC net income described in section 56A(c)(3) 
   (attach worksheet) (see instructions)  . . .  . . . . . .      .          11b
c  Reserved for future use—Other adjustments 1     . . . . .      .            11c
d  Reserved for future use—Other adjustments 2     . . . . .      .          11d
12 Total adjustments. Combine lines 11a and 11b    . . . . .      .            12
13 Total  AFSI  for  purposes  of  the  $100  million  test.  Combine  lines 
   10c and 12  . .    . . .      . . . .    . .  . . . . . .      .            13
14 AFSI of first, second, and third preceding tax years. Combine columns (a), (b), and (c) of line 13  .  .   14
15 3-year average annual AFSI for purposes of the $100 million test          . .  . . . .   .  .    . . . .   15
16 Is line 15 $100 million or more?
       Yes. Continue to Part II.
       No. STOP here. Attach to your tax return.
                                                                                                                     Form 4626 (2023)

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Form 4626 (2023)                                                                                                                             Page 3 
Part II  Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax
1   Net income or loss per applicable financial statement(s) (AFS) (see instructions):
a   Consolidated net income or loss per the AFS of the corporation  .    . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           1a
b   Include AFS net income or loss of other includible entities (add net income and subtract net loss) . .                           1b
c   Exclude AFS net income or loss of excludible entities (add net loss and subtract net income)  .  .   .                           1c
d   Adjustment for certain consolidating entries (see instructions)    . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           1d
e   Specified additional net income or loss item D. Reserved for future use  . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           1e
f   AFS net income or loss before adjustments. Combine lines 1a through 1d     .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           1f
2   Adjustments:
a   Financial statements covering different tax years  . .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2a 
b   Reserved for future use—Adjustment 2b         . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2b
c   Corporations that are not included on the taxpayer’s consolidated return (see instructions)  . . .   .                           2c 
d   The corporation’s distributive share of adjusted financial statement income of partnerships  . . .   .                           2d
e   Pro-rata share of net income from controlled foreign corporations for which the corporation is a U.S. 
    shareholder. If zero or less, enter -0-. (See instructions) . .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2e 
f   Amounts that are not effectively connected to a U.S. trade or business   . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2f 
g   Certain taxes. Enter the amount from Part III, line 7  . .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2g
h   Patronage dividends and per-unit retain allocations (cooperatives only)  . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2h 
i   Alaska native corporations  .  . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2i 
j   Certain credits (see instructions)  . .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2j 
k   Mortgage servicing income  .   . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2k 
l   Covered benefit plans described in section 56A(c)(11)(B)  .      . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2l 
m   Tax-exempt entities (organizations subject to tax under section 511)  .  . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2m
n   Depreciation  . . . .   .   .  . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2n
o   Qualified wireless spectrum  . . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2o
p   Covered transactions  . .   .  . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2p
q   Adjustments related to bankruptcy and insolvency  .      .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2q
r   Certain insurance company adjustments         . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2r
s   AFSI adjustment S—Reserved for future use  .      .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2s
t   AFSI adjustment T—Reserved for future use  .      .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2t
u   AFSI adjustment U—Reserved for future use  .      .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2u
z   Other (see instructions)  . .  . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2z
3   Total adjustments. Combine lines 2a through 2z .     .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           3
4   AFSI before financial statement net operating loss carryover. Combine lines 1f and 3  . .   .  . .   .                           4 
5   Financial statement net operating loss (FSNOL) (see instructions)  .   . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           5
6   AFSI. Subtract line 5 from line 4. If zero or less, enter -0-  . . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6 
7   Multiply line 6 by 15% (0.15)  . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           7 
8   Corporate alternative minimum tax foreign tax credit (CAMT FTC). Enter amount from Part IV, Section I, line 6 (see instructions) 8
9   Tentative minimum tax. Subtract line 8 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0-  . . . . .   .  . .   .                           9 
10  Regular tax liability (see instructions)  . . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           10 
11  Base erosion minimum tax (see instructions)  .    .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           11
12  Combine lines 10 and 11 .   .  . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           12
13  Alternative minimum tax. Subtract line 12 from line 9. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter here and on Form
    1120, Schedule J, line 3, or the appropriate line of the corporation’s income tax return  . .  . .   .                           13
Part III Adjustment for Certain Taxes Under Section 56A(c)(5) 
1   Current income tax provision—Foreign  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           1 
2   Current income tax provision—Federal  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           2
3   Deferred income tax provision—Foreign .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           3
4   Deferred income tax provision—Federal .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           4 
5   Income taxes included in equity method investment income  .        . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           5 
6 a Adjustment A—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6a
b   Adjustment B—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6b
c   Adjustment C—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6c
d   Adjustment D—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6d
e   Adjustment E—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6e
f   Adjustment F—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6f
g   Adjustment G—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6g
h   Adjustment H—Reserved for future use  .       . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6h
z   Income taxes in other places   . .    .     . . . .  .   .    .  . . . . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           6z
7   Total. Combine lines 1 through 6z. Enter here and on Part II, line 2g  . . .      . . . .   .  . .   .                           7
                                                                                                                                        Form 4626 (2023)

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Form 4626 (2023)                                                                                                Page 4
Part IV Alternative Minimum Tax—Corporations Foreign Tax Credit
Section I—AMT Foreign Tax Credit
1 Domestic corporation AMT foreign income taxes:
a Total foreign taxes paid or accrued as reported on Form 1118, Schedule B, 
  Part I, column 2(j)  . . . .  . . . . .        . . . . .  . .       . .  . .           1a
b Adjustment                                                                             1b
c Adjustment                                                                             1c
d Adjustment                                                                             1d
e Adjustment                                                                             1e
f Adjustment                                                                             1f
g Adjustment                                                                             1g
2 Total domestic corporation AMT foreign income taxes. Combine lines 1a through 1g  .         . . . . .  2
3 Allowable controlled foreign corporation (CFC) AMT foreign income taxes:
a Pro-rata share of CFC AMT foreign income taxes from Part IV, Section II, line
  11, column (n)  . .    . . .  . . . . .        . . . . .  . .       . .  . .           3a
b Carryover of excess foreign taxes (from Part IV, Section III, line 4, column (vii))    3b
c Total CFC AMT foreign income taxes. Add lines 3a and 3b . . .       . .  . .         . .  . . . . . .  3c
d Percentage specified in section 55(b)(2)(A)(i) . . . . .  . .       . .  . .           3d           15%
e Pro-rata  share  of  CFC  net  income  described  in  section  56A(c)(3)  (attach
  worksheet) (see instructions) . . . . .        . . . . .  . .       . .  . .           3e
f CFC AMT foreign tax credit limitation (multiply line 3d by line 3e) . .  . .         . .  . . . . . .  3f
g Allowable CFC AMT foreign income taxes (lesser of line 3c or line 3f)  . . .         . .  . . . . . .  3g
4 CAMT FTC Line 4—Reserved for future use        . . . . .  . .       . .  . .         . .  . . . . . .  4
5 CAMT FTC Line 5—Reserved for future use        . . . . .  . .       . .  . .         . .  . . . . . .  5
6 Total AMT foreign income taxes. Combine lines 2 and 3g. Enter this amount on Part II, line 8  . . . .  6
                                                                                                           Form 4626 (2023)

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Form 4626 (2023)                                                                                                                    Page 5
Part IV Alternative Minimum Tax—Corporations Foreign Tax Credit (continued)
Section II—Allowable CFC AMT Foreign Income Taxes
                     (a)                                          (b)           (c)        (d)                  (e)            (f) 
                     Name of CFC                                  EIN or        CFC income Foreign taxes        Adjustment     Adjustment
                                                            Reference ID Number            for which credit 
                                                                  of CFC                   is allowed


11 Total. Combine lines 1 through 10 . . . . . . .   . .  . . . . .  .   . .
                 (g) (h)                         (i)              (j)           (k)        (l)                  (m)            (n) 
        Adjustment   Adjustment                Adjustment       Adjustment      Adjustment Total                Pro-rata share Pro-rata share of 
                                                                                           (combine columns (d) percentage     CFC AMT foreign 
                                                                                           through (k))                        income taxes 
                                                                                                                               (multiply column (l) 
                                                                                                                               by column (m))

                                                                                                                               Form 4626 (2023)

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Form 4626 (2023)                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 6
Part IV Alternative Minimum Tax—Corporations Foreign Tax Credit (continued)
Section III—AMT Foreign Tax Credit Carryover for Controlled Foreign Corporations (Report all amounts in U.S. dollars.)
                                                          (i)                          (ii)                       (iii)                       (iv)                        (v)                      (vi)          (vii) 
  Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation                5th Preceding                4th Preceding              3rd Preceding               2nd Preceding               1st Preceding                Current  Total 
                                                      Tax Year                     Tax Year                   Tax Year                    Tax Year                    Tax Year                     Tax Year (add columns (i) 
                                                                                                                                                                                                            through (vi))
1 Foreign tax carryover from the prior tax year 
  (enter amounts from the appropriate columns 
  of line 8 of the prior year Form 4626, Part IV, 
  Section III (see instructions)) . .  . . . .
2 Adjustments to line 1 (enter description—see 
3 Total. Combine lines 2a through 2g  .    . .
4 Adjusted foreign tax carryover from prior tax 
  year (combine lines 1 and 3). If zero or less, 
  enter -0-  .   . . .    . . .     .  . . . .
5 Foreign  tax  carryover  used  in  current  tax 
  year (see instructions) . . .     .  . . . .        (                          )(                          )(                          )(                          )(                          )          (                          )
6 Foreign tax carryover expired and unused in 
  current tax year (see instructions)  . . . .        (                           )                                                                                                                         (                          )
7 Foreign  tax  carryover  generated  in  current 
  tax year (see instructions) .     .  . . . .
8 Foreign  tax  carryover  to  the  following  tax 
  year.  Combine  lines  4  through  7.  If  zero  or 
  less, enter -0-  . .    . . .     .  . . . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Form 4626 (2023)

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Form 4626 (2023)                                                                                                                                     Page 7
Part V Members of a Controlled Group Treated as a Single Employer and Foreign-Parented Multinational Group (FPMG) Members Taken Into 
       Account in “Applicable Corporation” Determination
                 (a)                                    (b)           (c)               (d)                    (e)                      (f) 
                 Name of member                         EIN of member Check if the entity  Check if the entity EIN/FTIN of the          Member’s 
                                                                      is a member of a  is a member of a       U.S. return (if any)     financial statement 
                                                                      59(k)(1)(D) group 59(k)(2)(B) group      on which the majority of income/(loss)
                                                                                                               the member’s income 
                                                                                                               is reported

                                                                                                                                        Form 4626 (2023)

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