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                                                                                                                                                   OMB No.  1140-0006 (06/30/2019)
U.S. Department of Justice 
                                                                                                            Application and Permit for Importation of 
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
                                                                                                            Firearms, Ammunition and Defense Articles

                                                            For use by Members of the United States Armed Forces (Submit in triplicate)
For ATF Use Only
Permit No.                                                                                                         Valid for 12 months after the date of approval (item 20 below)
                                                                                Section I - Application
1.  Return Approved Permit to (Enter name, address and ZIP Code if different than                                2.  Applicant's Name and Address (Including ZIP Code)

                                                                                                                 Telephone Number
                                                                                                                 E-mail Address
3.  Name and Address of Seller                                                                                   4.  Name and Address of Seller

5.  Present or Last Foreign Duty Station                                                                         6.  Country of Exportation

7.  Description of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War (For firearms, enter (SG)-Shotgun; (RI)-Rifle; (PI)-Pistol; (RE)-Revolver)
                                          Name and Address  Type        Caliber Quantity              Unit         U.S.        Model        Length  Overall        Serial   New (N) 
                                          of Manufacturer   (Frame,     Gauge   (Each type)           Cost (U.S.   Munitions                of     Length          No.              or 
                                                                                                                                                                            Used (U)
                                                            Receiver,   or Size                       Currency)    Import List              Barrel (Inches)
                                                            SG, RI, PI,                                            Category
                                                   a           b        c       d                         e        f           g               h   i                 j              k



                                      War                                                                                      8.  Specific Purpose of Importation (Use additional sheets, 
                                                                                                                               if necessary)
              Implements of 


9.  Are you now or have you been on active duty outside the United States within                                   10.  Place of Residence in the United States
the 60-day period immediately preceding this importation?                                             Yes        No
11.  Date of Assignment to Duty Station within United States                                                       12.  Branch of Service          13.  Date of Birth

Under penalties of law, I declare that I have examined this application, including the documents submitted in support of it and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, 
correct, and complete, that the transportation to and the receipt and possession by me at my place of residence of the firearms and/or ammunition and/or implements of war 
described above, would not constitute any violation of Title I of the Gun Control Act of 1968 (U.S.C., Title 18 Chapter 44), or Title VII of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe 
Streets Act of 1968 (U.S.C. Title 18, Appendix, Sections 1201-1203) or any State law or local ordinance, that the firearms and/or ammunition and/or implements of war are 
intended for my personal use and that no firearm is a surplus military firearm or a firearm as described in 26 U.S.C. 5845(a).
14.  Name of Applicant (Printed)                                        15.  Signature of Applicant                              16.  Rank                         17.  Date

                                                            Section II - For ATF Use Only (Please make no entries in this section)
18.  The application has been examined and the importation of the firearms and ammunition and implements of war described herein is:
                                          Approved                                                                               Withdrawn by Applicant Without Action
                                          Partially Approved for the Reason Indicated Here or on Attached Letter                 Returned for Additional Information
                                          Disapproved for the Reason Indicated on the Attached Letter                            No Permit Required
19.  Signature of Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives                                                                    20.  Date

                                                                                                                                                               ATF E-Form 6 - Part II (5330.3B) 
                                                                                                                                                               Revised December 2015

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                                                                 Detach Instructions Before Filing. 
                                            Instruction Sheet for ATF Form 6 Part II (Submit in triplicate)
                       General Information                                                                   Preparation of ATF Form 6 - Part II
1.  The Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may issue a 
permit authorizing the importation of a firearm, ammunition or implement of war        8.  Item 1.  Name and address of person designated, in writing, by a member to effect 
into the United States to the place of residence of any military member of the U.S.        the release of the articles from CBP custody or to handle the shipment from the 
Armed Forces who is on active duty outside the United States within the 60-day             duty station outside the United States.
period immediately preceding the intended importation, provided:                       9.  Item 7.  The application must show a detailed description of each firearm, 
(a) that such firearm or ammunition is generally recognized as particularly                ammunition or implement of war to be imported.  The description must establish 
suitable for sporting purposes; excluding surplus military firearms;                       that the firearm or ammunition is generally recognized as particularly suitable for 
                                                                                           sporting purposes and meets the other criteria for importation.  More than one 
                                                                                           firearm, ammunition or implement of war may be included on a single application. 
(b) that such firearm, ammunition or implement of war is intended for the                  Failure to supply complete information will delay processing and may cause 
personal use of such member; and                                                           denial of the application.
(c) that such importation would not constitute a violation of any provision of the     10.  Item 14.  Sign all copies of the application in ink.  All other entries must be 
Gun Control Act of 1968, Title VII of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe                    printed in ink or be typewritten.
Streets Act of 1968, as amended (82 Stat. 236; 18 U.S.C. Appendix), or of any 
State law or local ordinance at the place of the member's residence.                        Number of Copies and Mailing of ATF Form 6 - Part II
                                                                                       11.  The form must be submitted, in triplicate, to:
2.  A person not meeting the above criteria may engage the services of a Federal                  Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives 
firearms licensee to effect the importation, provided that the firearm is importable.             (Attention:  Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch) 
                                                                                                  244 Needy Road 
                                                                                                  Martinsburg, WV 25405
3.  A permit is not required for a firearm or ammunition brought into the United 
States or any possession thereof by any person who can establish to the 
satisfaction of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that such firearm or               12.  Any questions concerning the application should be referred to the Imports 
ammunition was previously taken out of the United States or any possession                  Branch at the above address or telephone (304) 616-4550.
thereof by such person.
                                                                                       13.  The application should be submitted approximately 90 days prior to the intended 
3.  A permit is not required for a firearm or ammunition brought into the United            importation.
States or any possession thereof by any person who can establish to the 
satisfaction of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that such firearm or 
ammunition was previously taken out of the United States or any possession                                                   Approval
thereof by such person.
                                                                                       14.  The Director will approve the application or advise the applicant of the reason for 
                                                                                            the disapproval.  In some cases it may be necessary to request additional 
4.  No permit will be issued to import a surplus military firearm or, a firearm or          information to determine the import status of the firearm, ammunition or 
ammunition which is not generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting          implement of war.
purposes, or a firearm as defined in 26 U.S.C. 5845(a) (e.g., machinegun, silencer, 
destructive device, short-barreled rifle or short barreled shotgun, etc.).             15.  The permit is valid for 12 months from the date of approval.  The approved 
                                                                                            application will serve as the permit to import the article(s) described on the form.
5.  Application for permission to import firearms, ammunition and implements of war 
by military members of the United States Armed Forces must be filed on ATF             16.  After approval, the Director will retain two copies and forward the original to the 
Form 6 - Part II (5330.3B).  Commercial firms (i.e., firearms importers, dealers,           member or his designated agent, along with copies of ATF Form 6A, Release and 
DOD civilians, military dependents, etc.) must use ATF Form 6 - Part I (5330.3A)            Receipt of Imported Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War.
to apply for permission to import firearms, ammunition, and implements of war.
                                                                                       17.  No photographs or other copy may be used, unless certified by the Director, to 
6.  The use of sale of firearms (including antique firearms) or ammunition is taxable       effect release of the firearms, ammunition or implements of war from CBP.  No 
in certain situations.  This tax will probably apply to the sale or use of firearms or      amendments or alterations may be made to an approved permit, except by the 
ammunition in any business that you conduct.  This Federal tax is in addition to            Director.
any CBP duties.  This tax does NOT apply to:
                                                                                                                     Release from CBP
(a) The personal use of firearms or ammunition which you had in the U.S. before.
(b) Firearms or ammunition (domestic or foreign) that were sold and used in the        18.  The ATF Form 6A, with Section I completed, the approved permit, and any other 
U.S. anytime after 1918.                                                                    necessary documents, must be presented to the CBP officials handling the 
                                                                                            importation to effect release of the firearms, ammunition or implements of war.
(c) Firearms or ammunition which an individual acquired for use (for example, 
shooting or protection) during a stay outside the U.S. AND used during the 
stay.                                                                                  19.  The CBP officer, after determining that the importation is in order, will execute 
                                                                                            the certificate of release on ATF Form 6A.
(d) Part for firearms or ammunition.  However, tax does apply to a complete 
firearm or to ammunition in knockdown condition (for example, kits).
                                                                                       20.  The CBP officer will forward the ATF Form 6A to the address shown on the 
(e) Firearms or ammunition of a nonresident that are temporarily imported for use           form and return the permit to the applicant.
in a specific event or action (for example, any lawful sporting purpose, official 
law enforcement, or repair).
7.  If firearms or ammunition are brought into the U.S. that do not meet these 
conditions, this tax may apply to their use or sale.  Contact the Alcohol and 
Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), National Revenue Center, 550 Main 
Street, #8002, Cincinnati, OH 45202, Telephone 1-877-882-3277 for help and 
                                                                                                                                          ATF E-Form 6 - Part II (5330.3B) 
                                                                                                                                          Revised December 2015

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                                                   Privacy Act Information
The following information is provided pursuant to Section 3(a)(3) of the Privacy of 1974:

1.  Authority.  With respect to the importation of firearms, ammunition, and implements of war, the information requested on ATF Form 6 - Part II (5330.3B) 
    is mandatory pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 925.

2.  Purpose.  To determine if the article(s) qualifies for importation by the applicant.

3.  Routine Uses.  The information will be used by ATF to make determinations set forth in paragraph 2.  In addition, information may be disclosed to other 
    Federal, State, foreign and local law enforcement and regulatory agency personnel to verify information on the application and to aid in the performance of 
    their duties with respect to the enforcement and regulation of firearms and/or ammunition where such disclosure is not prohibited by law.  The information 
    may further be disclosed to the Justice Department if it appears that the furnishing of false information may constitute a violation of Federal law.  Finally 
    the information may be disclosed to members of the public in order to verify the information on the application when such disclosure is not prohibited by 
4.  Effects of not Supplying Information Requested.  Failure to supply complete information will delay processing and may cause denial of the application.

                                                   Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

This request in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.  This information collection is mandatory pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 925, 26 U.S.C. 5844, 
and 22 U.S.C. 2778.  The purpose of this information collection is to allow ATF to determine that the article(s) described on the application qualifies for 
importation by importer, and to serve as the authorization for the importer.

The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 30 minutes per respondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual 
circumstances.  Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be addressed to Reports 
Management Officer, Document Services, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives, Washington, DC 20226.

An agency may conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control 

                                                                                                                    ATF E-Form 6 - Part II (5330.3B) 
                                                                                                                    Revised December 2015

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