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                                                                                                                                                                        OMB No. 1140-0008 (06/30/2024) 
U.S. Department of Justice 
Bureau  of  Alcohol,  Tobacco,  Firearms and  Explosives                                                   Application and Permit  for  Permanent  
                                                                                                           Exportation of  Firearms (National  Firearms Act) 

(26 U.S.C. Chapter 53)(Submit in   quadruplicate. See              instructions on reverse.) 
ATF Control Number                                                                                                 Internal Control Number 
To:  Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, NFA                               Division,    244  Needy Road,  Martinsburg,     WV   25405 
Part         1- Application.  The        undersigned transferor     hereby    makes application to           export  the  firearm(s) described herein.  The application is supported by the 
attached certified copy      ofa written order or      contract of      sale of      such firearm          (s)   tothe consignee. 
1.  Name and    Address     of Foreign         Consignee                                                           2.  Intended Port of   Exportation            3.  Number of Firearms  Included in    
                                                                                                                        (Including air freight)                      This Application 

4.  Name of   Exporter       (Add Trade Name,   if any)                                5.  Address (Number, Street, City, County, State, ZIP Code)                        6. Email Address 

7.  Federal Firearms        License       (Add complete            8.   Employer  Identification  Number                                      9.  Export License  Number   for This Shipment    (If any) 
    15-digit number,   if any) 

10. Description   of Firearm           (s) (If additional space is needed, continue  on   a   separate sheet       using the format below.) 
 Line                                                                         Caliber, 
  No.           Type (Machinegun, destructive device, short                 Gauge   or                                            Length   of 
                     barreled  shotgun  or rifle,  etc.)                      Size                         Model                   Barrel(s)       Overall  Length                Serial  Number 
                                             (a)                               (b)                         (c)                         (d)                 (e)                         (f) 




Under  penalty      perjury,of           I certify  that  I am the  lawful  possessor   the   of   firearm(s) described on this form  and any accompanying sheets.               I have examined this  
application,  and to  the  best of      my  knowledge  and belief, it      is true,  correct,  and complete. 
11.  Signature and   Title            (Owner or Authorized    Official)  (See  Instruction  1c.)                                                                 12.  Date of Application 

Part     Permit2 - (This portion to   becompleted by   Bureau of Alcohol,            Tobacco,         Firearms     and Explosives) 
13.  This Application Is:                                                                                                                  14.  Assessment of    Tax Incurred by This Transfer Will     
                                                                                                                                                Be Made Unless Proper Evidence of   Exportation        
                Approved                       Disapproved:  (Reason)                                                                           Is Received on   or Before: 

15.   Authorized  ATF  Official                                                                                                                                             16.   Date 

Part         3- Certification by  Customs and Border            Patrol   (CBP) 
I hereby  certify  that  the  described merchandise,  which is covered by a      shipper’s export  declaration on file  in this office,  was laden and cleared as described  
Laden   In    (Name and/or type   of carrier)                                                              Date Cleared                    Foreign Destination 

Signature      CBPof  Official                                                                             Port Of                                                          Date 

Part 4         - Certification of  Mailing  by  Parcel  Post/Exportation 
I certify today, that parcel             (s) addressed as indicated in Item 1,      Part 1          ofthis application,   which was    (were) declared to    be  firearms by  the  transferor  named in   
Item 5,      Part 1, or          the  transferor’s authorized agent,  who  has waived the  right to      withdraw same              from  the  mails,  was (were)  posted from  this office. 
Post  Office  Name or      Stamp                                                         Signature of    Postmaster, By                                                     Date  Posted 

Note:  Previous editions are oboslete.                                                                                                                                                   ATF Form 9 (5320.9) 
                                                                                                                                                                                         Revised June 2021 

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                                                                                                                    Instructions (See 27 C.F.R. Part 479) 
1.  Any  person       desiring        to permanently  export   a   firearm                    without            payment              of the transfer        tax   must      submit      ATF      Form     9   (5320.9)   to the           Director,   Bureau    of                            
    Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, ATF                                      National Service                 Center,      NFA      Division,          244     Needy        Road,     Martinsburg,       WV     25405,          for  a permit     providing           for         
    deferment   of the        transfer      tax.  No shipment may   be made until                                  that  permit      is  received from               the  Director. 
        a.  ATF Form   (5320.9)9          must not   be submitted until                        a   license for          the  exportation,            if any, has        been issued by           the Department         of State or   Commerce.                          If no                 
        license      is needed, please          attach   a   statement                to that effect.          
    b.  Part 1   of ATF Form 9   (5320.9) must      be completed by                                      the   applicant         and      submitted               to ATF along        with   a   certified   copy               of a written order,  contract            of sale,      or   
        other evidence         showing       the    firearm                     is to be shipped          to a foreign destination.              The         exporter’s        written     certification        attesting          to that fact   must   appear        on    the               
        documentation.       If the applicant                 wishes            to transfer the            firearm       tax  free          to another person            who       will  export    the  firearm,       the  applicant         must    submit        ATF     Form        9     
        (5320.9) with documentation                     that     the  transfer                    is a part      of the exportation         process.         
        c.  ATF Form   (5320.9)9          must      be completed by                 typewriter                   or pen and      ink.   Penciled           entries       are   unacceptable.           The   signature           in item 10      must         be entered      in ink on         all    
        four copies.  Photostatic, facsimile or   carbon copy                                  signatures              are unacceptable.                 ATF Form   9(5320.9)   is                   available          in a fillable format      on   the  ATF       website       
        (www.atf.gov) and may                     be downloded and            printed           from        that     website.         ATF     Form           9   (5320.9) may also                be filed electronically             via  ATF’s   eForms        system         
        (www.atfonline.gov) by   a   person                    who    registers            and          is qualified      to do so.       
    d.  Applications         approved        by  ATF        will   serve           as the permit                 to export the     firearm     (s) described on the application. 
    e.  In the   event    exportation              is not effected,        all  copies               of the form        must          be immediately returned                       to ATF for    cancellation        (27 C.F.R.   § 479.116). 
2.  When     the   firearm        is     to be exported by       other     than        parcel         post,    two      copies       each         of the permit,         the   Shipper’s     Export        Declaration            (Commerce Form 7525-V)                        , and   a 
    copy   of the      State   or Commerce Department license, must   be submitted to                                                the District           Director      of   U.S. Customs          and Border         Patrol         (CBP)   at the         port   of exportation.   
    These documents            must   precede              or accompany the              shipment                   in order      to permit appropriate               inspection        prior       to lading.  The      CBP          official,  after  execution           of Part      3, will   
    retain one copy of the permit and return one copy to the Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, ATF National Services Center, NFA Division,  
    244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV                          25405, as provided in   Customs Manual Supplement                                                   No.  3284.02       dated   March 12,          1979. 
3.  When     the  firearms     are           to be exported by      parcel       post,        one        copy            of the permit    must             be presented      to the postmaster               at the office  receiving           the  parcel.       The                         
    postmaster will       execute      Part              4 of ATF Form     9    (5320.9) and return the permit to   the exporter. 
4.  Proof       of exportation must             be furnished by        the    exporter                     to ATF within      six     months            of the date           of issuance      of the permit       by  ATF.          Satisfactory     evidence              of exportation   
    a.  The    certificate   exportation   of            executed         by   CBP   a        official.        
    b.  The    certificate   mailing   of        by    parcel      post    executed              by   postmaster.   a            
    c.       A certificate   landing   of    executed           by   customs   a          official   the   of           foreign     country   which   to           the      firearm   exported.   is       
    d.  A  sworn       statement   the   of      foreign       consignee           covering              the    receipt   the   of     firearm.         
    e.       A return  receipt   photostatic   or           copy,  signed        by      the     addressee     authorized     or an                 agent   the   of        addressee,   the   if      shipment     firearm     of a        was    made     by     insured         or
        registered parcel post. 
NOTE:   ATF        receipt   the   of  required        documentation                   that   the       firearm         has  been      exported         will      relieve      the  exporter      from     the   transfer     tax      liability.    
IF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE IS NOT FURNISHED WITHIN THE STATED                                                                                  PERIOD, THE                  TRANSFER            TAX      WILL BE          ASSESSED. 
5.  ATF Control Number            box    is   only to      be completed                 by ATF          personnel. 
6.  Internal Control     Number           box  can   completed   be                 by     the     person          desiring   permanently   to                 export      the     firearm.   Any      pertinent       control        information       that   person         wants      to
    annotate   this   in  box     pertaining   this   to          exportation   allowed.   is                    

                                                                                                     Action by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol                                            (CBP) 
Upon receipt     of an approved ATF              Form   9         (5320.9),   duplicate,   in                  the      CBP      official    may       order      such      inspection   deemed   as            necessary         prior      tolading of   the       merchandise.       If
satisfied that   the     shipment   proper   is        and     the  information                contained   the   in            permit      toexport is     agreement     in              with     the  information        shown   the   in        shipper’s       export        
declaration, the      CBP      official   will,  after      the    merchandise              has       been        exported,        execute       Part     ATF     3 of        Form      9 (5320.9)        . One copy      will   retained   be       with     the   shipper’s         export          
declaration.  CBP         will  forward      the    remaining           copy   the   to          Bureau   Alcohol,   of               Tobacco,          Firearms           and    Explosives,      ATF     National      Services           Center,    NFA     Division,          244        Needy         
Road, Martinsburg, WV  25405. 
                                                                                                                             Privacy Act  Information 
The following        information   provided   is             pursuant      toSection 3     the     of                Privacy        Act   1974   of         (5 U.S.C.   § 552a(e)(3))            : 
1.  Authority   .  Solicitation   of this information                        is made           pursuant   to the            National         Firearms Act               (26 U.S.C.   § 5854)            .  Disclosure        of this information             is mandatory         for          the  
    exportation           ofa firearm exempt           from      transfer     tax.       
2.  Purpose        . The information          will      beused to   determine                 whether             the    proposed         transfer        qualifies     exportation     as an         exempt       from     tax.      
3.  Routine Uses          . The information             will   used   be      by        ATF   make   to           the    determination          set       forth      inparagraph 2.     addition,     In         ATF     will       use  the   information       to                             
    annotate the National Firearms Registration and                                Transfer            Record           (NFRTR)             . No information             obtained         from   application,   an        registration,   records   or             required           to be
    submitted by        the   applicant   comply   to            with    any      provision   the   of               National        Firearms          Act,   regulations   or          issued    thereunder,        shall,          except   connection   in       with     prosecution,                
    or other  action,     for   furnishing       false       information,   used,   be                    directly      orindirectly, as   evidence                      against     that   person   any   in      criminal         proceeding     with      respect     violation     to a            
    of law   occurring        prior     concurrently     to or       with     the         filing   the   of       application.          The     information              from      this  application       may      only      bedisclosed to   Federal               authorities      as
    provided   in26 U.S.C.        §   6103       (as amended   bythe Tax Reform Act of   1979)                                           . 
4.  Effects of Not        Supplying         Information Requested                              . Failure   supply   to           complete       information                will    delay   processing        and   may      cause       denial   the   of   application.          
                                                                                                                       Paperwork Reduction Act Notice 
This  request     accordance     is in    with      the     Paperwork         Reduction                   Act   1995.   of        The     information             you     provide      isused to   verify         exportation     firearm     of a       and   justify        removal      of
the firearm   from      the  NFRTR.        The       information      isrequired to   show                           satisfactory         proof     that   firearm   a          may   exported   be      without        payment   the   of        transfer      tax          in amanner as      
prescribed by the Attorney General.   The furnishing   of this information is                                                mandatory                (26 U.S.C.   § 5854)             . 
The estimated       average     burden       associated          with    this     collection      ofinformation is   18                       minutes             per   respondent   recordkeeper,   or             depending          on   individual       circumstances.                    
Comments concerning             the   accuracy   this   of         burden        estimate             and      suggestion          for    reducing         this    burden         should      beaddressed to   Reports                Management         Officer,      Resource               
Management Staff,         Contracts       and    Forms           Office,    Bureau   Alcohol,   of                      Tobacco,       Firearms          and      Explosives,          Washington,         DC    20226.     
An agency     may     not   conduct   sponsor,   or             and      aperson is   not              required   respond   to             to,      acollection of   information                unless      itdisplays a   currently             valid   OMB        control       number.        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ATF Form    9 (5320.9) 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Revised June 2021 

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