OMB No. 1140-0017 (11/30/2026) U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report (AFMER) Under 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, Firearms NOTE : This reportMUST filedbe even firearmsif no were exported distributedor into commerce. Please read the Instruction Sheet before completing this form. Original Annual Report - Calendar Year Ending December 31, Out of Business Final Report Amended Report - Year (fill out year) (fill out year) 1. Name of Licensee (As reflected on your FFL): 2. Trade Name (As reflected on your FFL )(If any): 3. Federal Firearms License Number(Type 07 or Type 10 only): 4. Employer Identification Number (EIN): 5. Address (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code): 6. Mailing Address (If different than item 5): 7. If Business has Been Discontinued*: Note: Even if you have discontinued business, you are still required to complete this (Date of Discontinuance) form for any year for which you have maintained your manufacturer's license for 1 *Not selling firearms while maintaining your FFL isNOT considered "discontinued." or more days.(See Instruction #4 and Definition #6) FIREARMS PRODUCED AND SOLD OR DISTRIBUTED INTO UNITED STATES (U.S.) COMMERCE - EVEN IF NO MONETARY VALUE RECEIVED 8. Number offirearms typeby (See Instruction #6 and Definition #5)that wereSOLD or DISTRIBUTED INTO U.S. COMMERCEduring the reported calendar year you listed above (even if produced in a previous year).Fill in alltotals for items 8a-j. Enter "0" (zero) if no firearm was distributed into commerce(See definition #2). Number of Firearms Distributed into Commerce Pistols and Revolvers by Caliber Type of Firearm Up to Up to Up to Up to Up to 9MM Up to Total Distributed into Commerce .22 .25 .32 .380 PARA. .50 Distributed into Commerce a. Pistols + + + + + = Up to Up to Up to .38 Up to .357 Up to .44 Up to .22 .32 SPEC. MAG. MAG. .50 b. Revolvers + + + + + = Type of Firearm Total Type of Firearm Total Distributed into Commerce Distributed into Commerce Distributed into Commerce Distributed into Commerce c. Rifles h. Short-Barreled Shotguns d. Shotguns and Combination Guns i. Silencers e. Machineguns j. Miscellaneous Firearms* f. Any Other Weapons *Describe misc. firearms (8j) here: g. Short-Barreled Rifles FIREARMS PRODUCED AND EXPORTED OUT OF THE U.S. 9. Number offirearmsby type (See definition #5) that were EXPORTED out of the UNITED STATES during the reported calendar year you listed above (even if produced in a previous year). Fill in all totals for items 9a-j. Enter "0" (zero) if no firearm was exported, or if the firearm was only temporarily exported (See Instruction #7). Type of Firearm Exported Total Exported Type of Firearm Exported Total Exported a. Pistols g. Short-Barreled Rifles b. Revolvers h. Short-Barreled Shotguns c. Rifles i. Silencers d. Shotguns and Combination Guns j. Miscellaneous Firearms* e. Machineguns *Describe misc. firearms (9j) here: f. Any Other Weapon Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this report and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. 10. Name: 11. Title: 12. Signature: 13. Date: 14. Telephone Number: ATF Form 5300.11 Revised November 2023 |
Instructions Please obtain your downloadable forms from to ensure you are using the most current version. Hardcopy forms can be obtained from the ATF Distribution Center (Type "ATF Distribution Center" into a search engine or call 240-828-5316 to order.) 1. This form must be submitted annually for all Type 07 (manufacturer firearms), of and Type 10 (manufacturer of destructive devices) Federal Firearms Licenses, in compliance with 18 U.S.C. § 923 (g)(5)(A). Purpose:The AFMER is intended for manufacturers to report only the number of firearms distributed into commerce or exported during the reported calendar year regardless of when they were manufactured; not the total number of firearms you manufactured. The AFMER is not a tax form - it is used for statistical purposes. NOTE: A hardcopy of this form is sent to all 07 and 10 manufacturers at the beginning of the next year. If you need a replacement form, are discontinuing business, or need to file amended an form, this form accessible is via Type "AFMER" or"5300.11" in the search box toobtain a downloadable version this of form. You may also complete this form via eForms you if have registered so. to do (See Instruction #10 below) 2. IMPORTANT : Even no if firearms have been exported distributed or into commerce, annual an report must still filed. be The current reporting period for is the previous calendar year ending on December 31. 3. This form MUST be submitted by April 1st . Please retain copy a for your files. 4. When manufacturing a license discontinued is (see Definition #6 Out ofBusiness/Discontinuance of Business), submit this form no later than 30 days following the discontinuance of business; and include the date of discontinuance in Item 7. Check "Out of Business Final Report" at the top of the form and complete form. NOTE: When discontinuing your license, you must complete your final report for the current year you if were inbusiness 1 more or days the of current year. for If, example, you discontinue business on January 5th the of current year, you must complete form a for both the full previous year and final a report for the 5days theof current year. however, If, you discontinued business on December 31st prior, or this can, and should, bemarked as your "final" report. Not selling firearms while maintaining your FFL is not considered "discontinued." 5. You must identify/briefly describe all miscellaneous firearms accounted for initem 8j and/or item 9j. 6. When completing Items 8a-8b for Pistols and Revolvers, please do your best to most accurately put items within the calibers provided since we cannot list all existing calibers. Enter "0" a (zero) all in caliber boxes for which NO firearms that of type were sold/distributed into commerce. 7. (a) Export data in item 9 is not a sub-set of the data in item 8. They should be separate counts. For example, if you manufactured 10 pistols and distributed 7 of them into commerce and exported the other 3, 7 should be reported in item 8, and 3 should be reported in item 9. (b) DSP-73 If a application was approved for export, an and thus the firearm was only exported temporarily, the export does not need toreportedbe on this form. 8. This form must be executed (signed) by an active responsible person authorized to sign and be responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information furnished. 9. Ifat any time after filing your report you discover anerror in what you reported, please submit corrected a AFMER. Be sure check to "Amended Report" the at top the of form and be sure to indicate the correct calendar year for which you are reporting the corrected information. 10.Submission of the completed form can only be submitted in two acceptable formats: • Electronically submit via eForms: (Electronic submissions MUST be completed by an active responsible person on the license and requires a one-time registration process and authorized ATF approval which can take a few days) • OR - Mail this form to: ATF-FFLC, AFMER program, 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405 (If you mail in your form you will not receive confirmation of receipt.) HELP WITH AFMER: • General questions regarding form completion: Call customer service @ 866-662-2750 • Questions regarding the functionality of the E-Form system i.e. registration, associating FFL through E-Forms, or submissions: please email questions only to (DO NOT send forms by email - forms accepted via mail or eForms only - See Instruction #10 above) Definitions 1. Produced - Firearms manufactured by Type a 07 Type or 10 Federal Firearms Licensee. Separate frames receivers, or actions barreled or actions, are considered firearms and are to be included in this report when they are exported or distributed into commerce to someone other than a licensed manufacturer. Enter "0" (zero) in each category whichin NO firearms were exported sold/distributed or into commerce for the reporting year. GCA NFA to conversions on previously owned firearms should also be reported. Do NOT report the following: a. Firearms manufactured but NOT distributed into commerce or exported (still in your possession); b. Firearms distributed to another licensed manufacturer (FFL Type 07 or Type 10) for further manufacturing (including if you are contracted by another manufacturer by approved marking variance, and after completion return the firearm back the to original manufacturer). Those firearms will reported be by the Type 07 Type or 10 FFL who finally distributes the firearms into commerce, exports or them; Firearmsc. received solely for the purpose the of manufacturer toact as Dealer, a thus only receiving for purposes transferring. of Those firearms should reported be by the Type 07 Type or 10 FFL who distributes the firearms the to Dealer; d. Firearms remanufactured or customized that were previously in the possession of a non-manufacturer; e. Firearms incorporating frames or receivers of foreign manufacture; Firearmsf. produced solely for the official use the of Armed Forces the of United States; Destructiveg. devices defined as under 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(4) § and 26 U.S.C. §5845(f) see- definition #3 below; or Antiqueh. firearms defined as under 18 U.S.C. 921 § (a)(16) see - definition #4 below; i. Firearms exported temporarily under an approved DSP-73 application. 2. Commerce - a purchase or sale, business deal or transaction, within or between any of the following: a State of the United States; District of Columbia; U.S. Territory or possession. ATF Form 5300.11 Revised November 2023 |
3. Destructive Device - (A) any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas - (i) bomb, (ii) grenade, (iii) rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, (iv) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, (v) mine, or (vi) device similar to any of the devices described in the preceding clauses; (B) any type weapon of (other than a shotgun shotgun or a shell which the Attorney General finds generally is recognized particularly as suitable for sporting purposes) by whatever name known which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter; and (C) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described in subparagraph (A) or (B) and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. The term"destructive device" shall not include any device which is neither designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon; any device, although originally designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety, or similar device; surplus ordnance sold, loaned, or given by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to the provisions of section 4684(2), 4685, or 4686 of Title 10; any or other device which the Attorney General finds not is likely tousedbe as aweapon, is anantique, or rifle is a which the owner intends use to solely for sporting, recreational or cultural purposes. 4. Antique Firearm -(A) any firearm (including any firearm with matchlock, a flintlock, percussion cap, similar or type ignition of system) manufactured before in or 1898; (B) or any replica any of firearm described subparagraph in (A) such if replica not - (i) is designed redesigned or for using rimfire conventional or centerfire fixed ammunition, (ii) or uses rimfire conventional or centerfire fixed ammunition which no is longer manufactured the in United States and which not is readily available in the ordinary channels commercial of trade; (C) or any muzzle loading rifle, muzzle loading shotgun, muzzle or loading pistol, which isdesigned to use black powder, or a black powder subsitute, and which cannot use fixed ammunition. For purposes this of subparagraph, the term "antique firearm" shall not include any weapon which incorporates firearm a frame receiver, or any firearm which converted is into muzzle a loading weapon, any or muzzle loading weapon which can readily be converted to fire fixed ammunition by replacing the barrel, bolt, breechblock, any or combination thereof. 5. Types of Firearms (as identified on the form in items 8a-j and 9a-j) a. Pistol - A weapon originally designed, made, and intended tofire a projectile (bullet) from one more or barrels when held one in hand, and having (a) chamber(s) a as an integral part(s) of, or permanently aligned with, the bore(s); and (b) a short stock designed to be gripped by one hand and at an angle to and extending below the line of the bore(s). (See Instruction #6 for information in completing 8a. which requires reporting by caliber categories.) b. Revolver - A projectile weapon, of the pistol type, having a breechloading chamber cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or movement of the trigger rotates and it brings the next cartridge line in with the barrel for firing. (See Instruction #6 for information in completing 8b. which requires reporting by caliber categories.) c. Rifle - A weapon designed redesigned, or made remade, or and intended fire to from the shoulder, and designed redesigned or and made orremade to use the energy of the explosive fixed in a cartridge fire to only single a projectile through rifled a bore for each single pull the of trigger and shall include any such weapon which may be readily restored tofire a fixed cartridge. Having barrels least at 16 inches length in and least at 26 inches overall in length. d. Shotgun - A weapon firearm designed and intended fired to be from the shoulder, and designed redesigned or and made orremade to use the energy the of explosive in a fixed shotgun shell fire to through smooth a bore either anumber ball of shot single or a projectile for each single pull the of trigger and shall include any such weapon which may readily be restored tofire a fixed shotgun shell. Having barrels least at 18 inches length, in and least at 26 inches overall in length. e. Machinegun - Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot automatically more than one shot within mannual reloading by a single function of the trigger, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or any combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person. f. Any Other Weapon - Any weapon or device capable of being concealed on the person from which a shot can be discharged through the energy of explosive,an a pistol revolver or having barrel a with smooth a bore designed orredesigned to fire a fixed shotgun shell, weapons with combination shotgun and rifle barrels 12 inches or more, less than 18 inches in length, from which only a single discharge can be made from either barrel without manual reloading, and shall include any such weapon which may readily be restored fire. to Such term shall not include apistol revolver or a having rifled a bore, rifled or bores, weapons or designed, made, orintended to fired be from the shoulder and not capable firing of fixed ammunition. g. Short-Barreled Rifle - A rifle having one more or barrels less than 16 inches length, in and any weapon made fron rifle, a whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise, such if weapon modified as has overall an length less of than 26 inches, orbarrela or barrels less than 16 inches length. in h. Short-Barreled Shotgun - A shotgun having one or more barrels less than 18 inches in length, and any weapon made from a shotgun, whether by alteration, modification, orotherwise, if such weapon modified as has overall an length less of than 26 inches, orbarrela or barrels of less than 18 inches length. in i. Silencer - Any device for silencing, muffling diminishing or the report portable of a firearm, including any combination parts, of designed redesigned, or and intended for use inassembling or fabricating a firearm silencer firearm or muffler, and any part intended only for use such in assembly firearm or muffler, and any part intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication. j. Miscellaneous Firearms - Any firearms not included the in other categories, such asframes or receivers, etc. that are not identified particular as firearms. YOU MUST IDENTIFY OR BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE FIREARM(S). Attach a separate sheet if necessary. 6. Out of Business (OOB) Discontinuance of Business - If your firearms business was permanently discontinued, the Gun Control Act (GCA) and its implementing regulations require that your firearms records sent be within 30 days the to ATF Out-of Business Records Center, 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg, WV 25405, any or to ATF office the in division which in the business was located. As itpertains to the AFMER report, you must complete report a for each year which in you have maintained your manufacturers license for 1 day or more(see Instruction #4 above.) Please NOTE: Not selling firearms while maintining your FFL is not considered "discontinued." Paperwork Reduction Act Notice This form accordance is in with the Paperwork Reduction Act 1995. of The information you provide isused to compile statistics on firearms that have been manufactured and distributed U.S. in commerce and/or manufactured and exported out of the U.S. The furnishing of this information is mandatory (18 U.S.C. § 923(g)(5)(A)). The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 20 minutes per respondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual circumstances. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should beaddressed to Reports Management Officer, Resource Management Staff, Bureau Alcohol, of Tobacco, Firearms and Explo - sives, Washington, DC 20226. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. ATF Form 5300.11 Revised November 2023 |