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How to file Completing the worksheet for the Employee Withholding Agreement
Complete both the WT-4A worksheet and the withholding agreement. Line 2. Refer to the Wisconsin income reported on line 7 of Form 1 or
Provide one copy of the worksheet and the withholding agreement to your line 30 of Form 1NPR of your Wisconsin income tax return. Your 2023
employer. Mail another copy to the Department of Revenue within 10 days Wisconsin estimated income should be computed in the same manner
after the WT-4A is filed with your employer. as you computed your 2022 Wisconsin income, taking into account any
changes you expect to occur in 2023.
If you do not send a copy of Form WT-4A (including the worksheet) to the
department within 10 days, the law provides for a $10 penalty to be imposed Line 3. Your exemptions are $700 for yourself, $700 for your spouse if filing a
against you. joint return, and $700 for each dependent. Add $250 to the total if you are 65
years of age or over and, add $250 if your spouse is 65 years of age or over.
Expiration date of Form WT-4A (Exception: If you are claimed as a dependent on someone else's return, you
Form WT-4A will expire on April 30, 2024 for 2023 calendar year filers. do not qualify for an exemption.) Nonresidents and part-year residents
Calen dar year filers should place an “X” in the April 30, 2024 box on prorate the standard deduction as follows: (1) Figure your standard deduction
Form WT-4A. For fiscal year filers, the agreement will expire on the last using your federal adjusted gross income instead of your Wisconsin income,
day of the fourth month following the close of their fiscal year. Fiscal year and (2) prorate using the ratio of Wisconsin income to federal adjusted gross
filers should enter the appropriate expiration date in the space provided on income. Exemptions must also be prorated using the same ratio.
Form WT-4A and place an “X” in the box.
Line 6. Refer to a 2022 Wisconsin Form 1, or Form 1NPR.
How to amend your agreement
If you have already filed Form WT-4A and you have a substantial increase Where to get forms and assistance
or decrease in your 2023 estimated tax liability, you should fill out a new You may obtain additional forms and assistance in preparing Form WT-4A
Form WT-4A. Write the word “AMENDED” at the top of the new form. File one at the department's offices. A list of the department's office locations, open
copy of the amended Form WT-4A with your employer and mail one copy to hours, and contact information is provided on the department's website:
the Department of Revenue within 10 days after it is filed with your employer. https://www.revenue.wi.gov/Pages/FAQS/ise-address.aspx .
Revocation and penalties
If the department determines that the amount to be withheld per the Applicable Laws and Rules
Employee Withholding Agreement, Form WT-4A, is insufficient, the depart- This document provides statements or interpretations of the following
ment may void the agreement by notification to the employer and employee. laws and regulations enacted as of October 18, 2022: sec. 71.66, Wis.
Stats., and sec. Tax 2.92, Wis. Adm. Code.
If an employee enters into an agreement with the intent to defeat or evade
the proper withholding of tax, the employee will be subject to a penalty
equal to the difference between the amount required to be withheld and the
amount act ually withheld for the period that the agreement was in effect. Any
employee who willfully supplies an employer with false or fraudulent informa-
tion regard ing an Employee Withholding Agreement with the intent to defeat
or evade the proper withholding of tax may be imprisoned not more than
6 months, or fined not more than $500 plus the cost of prosecution, or both.
2023 Standard Deduction 2023 Tax Rate Schedules for Full-Year Residents*
Schedule for Single Taxpayers Schedule A – Single, Head of Household, Estates and Trusts
If Wisconsin income is: The 2023 Standard If taxable income is: The 2023
but Deduction is: of the but Gross Tax is: of the
over – not over – amount over – over – not over – amount over –
$ 0 830 $ 18,399 $ 12,760 $ 0 30 $ 13,810 $ 3.54% ...... $ 0
18,399 124,733 12,760 less 12% .......$ 18,400 13,810 27,630 488.87 + 4.65% ........... 13,810
124,733 or over 0 27,630 304,170 1,131.50 + 5.30% ........... 27,630
Schedule for Head of Household 304,170 or over 15,788.12 + 7.65% ......... 304,170
If Wisconsin income is: The 2023 Standard
but Deduction is: of the Schedule B – Married Filing Jointly
over – not over – amount over – If taxable income is: The 2023
but Gross Tax is: of the
$ 50 30 $ 18,399 $ 16,480 over – not over – amount over –
18,399 53,778 16,480 less 22.515% $ 18,400 $ 0 $ 18,420 $ 3.54% .......$ 0
53,778 124,733 12,760 less 12% ..........18,400 18,420 36,840 652.07 + 4.65% ............18,420
124,733 or over 0 36,840 405,550 1,508.60 + 5.30% ........... 36,840
Schedule for Married Filing Jointly 405,550 or over 21,050.23 + 7.65% ......... 405,550
If Wisconsin income is: The 2023 Standard
but Deduction is: of the Schedule C – Married Filing Separately
over – not over – amount over – If taxable income is: The 2023
$ 50 30 $ 26,549 $ 23,620 but Gross Tax is: of the
over – not over – amount over –
26,549 145,976 23,620 less 19.778% $ 26,550
145,976 or over 0 $ 50 80 $ 9,210 $ 3.54%........$ 0
9,210 18,420 326.03 + 4.65%...............9,210
Schedule for Married Filing Separately 18,420 202,780 754.30 + 5.30%.............18,420
If Wisconsin income is: The 2023 Standard
but Deduction is: of the 202,780 or over 10,525.38 + 7.65%...........202,780
over – not over – amount over –
*Nonresidents and part-year residents must prorate the tax brackets
$50 830 $ 12,599 $ 11,220 (amounts appearing in the first two columns of the 2023 Tax Rate
12,599 69,330 11,220 less 19.778% $ 12,600 Schedules) based on the ratio of their Wisconsin income to their federal
69,330 or over 0 adjusted gross income. For example, for a single individual the tax
brackets are $13,810, $13,820, and $276,540. Assuming the individual
has a ratio of 20%, the first $2,762 ($13,810 x .20) is taxed at 3.54%,
the next $2,764 ($13,820 x .20) is taxed at 4.65%, and the next $55,308
($276,540 x .20) is taxed at 5.30%. Taxable income over $60,834
($304,170 x .20) is taxed at 7.65%.
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