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GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS_________________________________________________________________________
All employers covered under Wisconsin's Unemployment Insurance Law must file the Quarterly Wage Report, which is submitted together with
the Quarterly Contribution Report [Form UCT-101] and the appropriate tax payment. Both reports can be filed online by selecting the "File Tax
and Wage Reports" option on our website, at http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/uitax/.
Type or Print the required information in black ink. Computer printed reports are also acceptable if prepared in portrait format on 8 1/2 x 11" white
paper, if the data fields are positioned in the same locations as our standard form.
CAUTION: Center typewritten or computer printed information in the white boxes.
1. UI Employer Account Number.
2. Calendar Quarter (1, 2, 3 or 4).
3. Year. 2 digit year, example (01)
4. Report Due Date.
5. Federal Employer Identification Number. (FEIN)
6. Employer Name.
7. Account Number (14-digits)
8. 1-23 denote the line number.
9. Employees’ social security numbers and names are preprinted on some wage reports. Preprinted names are limited to the
number of characters as shown. If incorrect in items 9 through 11:
a. Enter an “X” within the "Change" area (item 9);
b. Draw a diagonal line through any incorrect character(s);
c. Enter correct characters(s) above lined out information.
00 S J
X 123456789 // CMITH / TOHN/
10. Enter employee’s social security number if not preprinted. If an employee has no social security number, enter the name and wages and have your
employee immediately take steps to secure a number. Enter numbers without dashes or diagonal lines. Acceptable methods of reporting the social security
number are:
123 45 6789 123456789
11. Enter the employee’s last name if not preprinted. Type or Print in all CAPITAL letters. Do not use commas or periods. Hyphens are acceptable.
12. Enter the employee’s first name if not preprinted. Type or Print in all CAPITAL letters. Do not report a middle initial. Do not use commas or periods. Hyphens
are acceptable.
13. Enter total covered wages paid to the employee during the calendar quarter. Always use a decimal point followed by cents. Do not use commas or dollar
($) signs. Acceptable reporting methods are:
1234.56 5603.00 (if even dollar amount paid)
Leave blank if no wages were paid during this quarter.
14. Enter all wages listed on all pages of the report. THIS AMOUNT MUST AGREE WITH THE AMOUNT ENTERED ON ITEM 9 OF FORM UCT-101,
CONTRIBUTION REPORT. If submitting only one page, enter amount only on first page.
15. Enter total wages for all employees listed on this page.
16. Enter page number and total pages.
If you need additional pages for reporting wage detail or have questions about reporting, contact the Wage Reporting Unit, Division of Unemployment Insurance, PO
Box 7962, Madison, WI, 53707, or telephone (608) 266-6877. You can also e-mail your request to wagenet@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
If you file this report electronically DO NOT submit a paper copy of this report.
Mail To:
Department of Workforce Development
Division of Unemployment Insurance
P.O. Box 78960
Milwaukee, WI 53278
Send original report. DO NOT submit copies of this form.
If your Quarterly Wage Report is not received by the UI Division on or before the Quarterly Due Date, a Late Filing Fee must be
included in the payment due amount on the Quarterly Contribution Report (Form UCT-101). Also, if wages are reported for 25
or more employees, both forms must be filed electronically. A penalty may be assessed of $20 per employee reported
on paper and $25 for filing the tax report on paper.
More information regarding these filing options is available on our website at http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/uiben/wagehome.htm
More information regarding filing fees and penalties can be found on our website at http://dwd.wisconsin.gov/ui201/w7201.htm
UC-7823-E (R. 02/26/2014)