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Form            Wisconsin Combined Corporation
                Franchise or Income Tax Return                                                                                             2024
For calendar year 2024 or tax year beginning                      2 0 2 4    and ending                        2 0
                                                M M       D   D   Y Y Y Y               M M D                D Y Y     Y Y 
• Do not use this form if filing as a single entity.
Due Date:  Generally the 15th day of 4th month following close of taxable year. See instructions.                                                             This form must be filed ELECTRONICALLY 
 Designated Agent Name

 Number and Street                                                                                                                 Suite Number

 City                                                                  State  ZIP (+ 4 digit suffix if known)    A  Federal Employer ID Number

D  Check  if applicable and attach explanation:                                                                 B  Business in Wisconsin
 1       Amended return (Include Schedule AR)                   4   Short period - change in accounting period            Check if no business in Wisconsin
                                                                                                                 C  State of Incorporation        and   Year
                                                                                                                            Enter abbreviation of 
 2       First return - new corporation or entering Wisconsin   5   Short period - stock purchase or sale                   state in box, or if a 
                                                                                                                            foreign country, enter    Y Y  Y Y
         Final return - corporation dissolved or withdrew       6   The controlled group election is being made             below.
                                                                     for the first year of the 10-year period

 1  Combined Unitary Income. Form 6, Part II, line 8 combined total ......................                               1                                  .00
 2  Wisconsin apportionment percentage. Form 6, Part III, line 1d combined total.
      Check if 100% apportionment:  .............................................                                        2                 .                 %
 3  Multiply line 1 by line 2 ......................................................                                     3                                  .00
  4  Wisconsin net nonapportionable and separately apportioned income. Part III, line 4 .......                          4                                  .00
  5   Add lines 3 and 4  ..........................................................  5                                                                      .00
  6   Net capital loss adjustment. Form 6, Part III, line 5 combined total .....................  6                                                         .00
  7   Subtract line 6 from line 5 ....................................................  7                                                                   .00
  8   Loss adjustment for insurance companies. See instructions ..........................  8                                                               .00
  9   Add lines 7 and 8. This is the Wisconsin income before net business loss carryforwards ....                        9                                  .00
 10  Wisconsin net business loss carryforward. Form 6, Part III, line 7 combined total  .........                      10                                   .00
 11  Subtract line 10 from line 9. This is Wisconsin net income or loss. 
      Check if excess inclusion income from real estate mortgage investment conduit          .......                   11                                   .00
 12  Sum of gross tax from all members Form 6, Part III, line 9 combined total           ..............                12                                   .00
 13   Nonrefundable credits. Form 6, Part III, line 10 combined total  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .  13                                 .00
 14   Subtract line 13 from line 12. If line 13 is more than line 12, enter zero (0). This is the net tax              14                                   .00
 15   Economic development surcharge. Form 6, Part III, line 11c combined total  .............  15                                                          .00
 16   Endangered resources donation ...............................................  16                                                                     .00
 17   Veterans trust fund donation ..................................................  17                                                                   .00
 18   Add lines 14 through 17  .....................................................                                   18                                   .00
 19  Estimated tax payments, including 2023 carryforward, less refund from Form 4466W ......                           19                                   .00
 20  Wisconsin Tax Withheld.  See instructions  .......................................                                20                                   .00
 21   RefundableDRAFTcredits. Form 6, Part III, lineSample13 combined total ..........................09-03-2024  21        Form.00
 22   Amended return only - amount previously paid ....................................  22                                                                 .00
 23   Add lines 19 through 22  .....................................................  23                                                                    .00
 24   Amended return only - amount previously refunded               ................................  24                                                   .00
 25   Subtract line 24 from line 23 ..................................................  25                                                                  .00
 26   Interest, penalty, and late fee due. Check the box if annualized on Form U..........                             26                                   .00
 27  Amount due. If the total of lines 18 and 26 is larger than 25, subtract line 25 from the total of
      lines 18 and 26 ............................................................  27                                                                      .00
 28  Overpayment. If line 25 is larger than the total of lines 18 and 26, subtract the total of lines
      18 and 26 from line 25  ......................................................File Electronically28                                                   .00
 29  Enter amount from line 28 you want credited to 2025 estimated tax ....................                            29                                   .00
 30  Subtract line 29 from line 28. This is your refund .................................                              30                                   .00
IC-406 (R. 8-24)

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
 Designated Agent Name

 Federal Employer ID Number

Reconciliation With Federal Consolidated Return:
 1  From the federal consolidated return(s), list the parent corporation(s) name, federal employer identification number (FEIN), and the 
 amount on line 28 of the consolidated federal Form 1120. If there are more than three federal consolidated returns, see instructions. 
 If no members of the group filed a federal consolidated return, skip to line 2.
 Parent Company Name                                     FEIN                            Form 1120, Line 28
 a                                                                                                                                                         .00
 b                                                                                                                                                         .00
 c                                                                                                                                                         .00
 d  Total from the sum of all Forms 1120, line 28 listed in number one above .......................  1d                                                             .00
  2  List companies whose federal returns are not listed on line 1 that are in the Wisconsin combined group.
 Company Name                                            FEIN                            Form 1120, Line 28
 a                                                                                                                                                         .00
 b                                                                                                                                                         .00
 c                                                                                                                                                         .00
 d  Total from the sum of all Forms 1120, line 28 listed in number two above .......................  2d                                                             .00
  3  Add lines 1d and 2d...................................................................  3                                                                       .00
  4  List companies who are included in the federal consolidated return from line 1, but are not Wisconsin
 combined group members.
 Company Name                                            FEIN                            Form 1120, Line 28
 a                                                                                                                                                         .00
 b                                                                                                                                                         .00
 c                                                                                                                                                         .00
 d  Total from the sum of all Forms 1120, line 28 listed in line 4 above  ...........................  4d                                                            .00
 5  Subtract line 4d from line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5        .00
 6  Enter the number of companies included in this combined return ...............................  6
 7  Enter the federal net income of corporations in the commonly controlled group that are not in the federal
 consolidated return or this combined return. Submit a schedule identifying each corporation ..........  7                                                           .00
 8  Enter total gross sales corresponding to amount on line 7 .....................................  8                                                               .00
  9  City and state where books and records are located for audit purposes: City:                                                                              State:
10  List the locations of Wisconsin operations:
11  Person to contact concerning this return:
 Last Name:                                                              First Name:
 Phone Number:                                                           Email:

         Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the department? 
Third                                                                                    Yes Complete the following.                                           No
Party    Print                                                           Phone Number          Personal Identification Number (PIN)
Designee Name

Under penalties of law, I declare that this return and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief .
 Signature of Officer                                    Title                                                                                             Date

 Preparer’s Signature                                    Preparer’s Federal Employer ID Number                                                             Date

You must include a copy of your federal return with File Electronically
Form 6, even if no Wisconsin activity.
See the instructions for a description of federal return 
information that must be included with Form 6.

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
Designated Agent Name                                                       Federal Employer ID Number

Part I:  Modified Federal
    Taxable Income
                                 Corporation Name:
                                                                                                          Elimination        Combined
                                 FEIN:                                                                    Adjustments        Totals

1   Net receipts or sales ..................                         1  .00 .00                       .00             .00  1         .00
  a Intercompany sales   ..................                          1a .00 .00                       .00             .00 1a         .00

2   Cost of goods sold  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2  .00 .00                       .00             .00 2          .00
3   Gross profit. Subtract line 2 from line 1  ...                   3  .00 .00                       .00             .00 3          .00
4   Dividends  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4  .00 .00                       .00             .00 4          .00
5   Interest ............................                            5  .00 .00                       .00             .00 5          .00
6   Gross rents .........................                            6  .00 .00                       .00             .00 6          .00
7   Gross royalties  ......................                          7  .00 .00                       .00             .00 7          .00
8   Capital gain net income  ...............                         8  .00 .00                       .00             .00 8          .00
9   Net gain or loss from U.S. Form 4797  ....                       9  .00 .00                       .00             .00 9          .00
10  Other income  .......................                            10 .00 .00                       .00             .00 10         .00
11  Total income. Add lines 3 through 10 ...                         11 .00 .00                       .00             .00 11         .00
12  Compensation of officers  ..............                         12 .00 .00                       .00             .00 12         .00
13  Salaries and wages less employment credit   13                      .00 .00                       .00             .00 13         .00
14  Repairs and maintenance  .............                           14 .00 .00                       .00             .00 14         .00
15  Bad debts  ..........................                            15 .00 .00                       .00             .00 15         .00
16  Rents  .............................                             16 .00 .00                       .00             .00 16         .00
17  Taxes and licenses ...................                           17 .00 .00                       .00             .00 17         .00

18  Interest ............................                            18 .00 .00                       .00             .00 18         .00
19  Charitable contributions DRAFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19     Sample.00 09-03-2024.00       .00Form.00          19         .00
20  Depreciation ........................                            20 .00 .00                       .00             .00 20         .00
21  Depletion  ..........................                            21 .00 .00                       .00             .00 21         .00
22  Advertising  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   22 .00 .00                       .00             .00 22         .00

                                                                        File Electronically

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
Designated Agent Name                                        Federal Employer ID Number

Part I:  Modified Federal
   TaxableCorporation Name:                                                                Elimination        Combined    Income 
                             FEIN:                                                         Adjustments        Totals

23 Pension plan, etc  .....................           23 .00 .00                       .00             .00 23         .00
24 Employee benefit programs .............            24 .00 .00                       .00             .00 24         .00
25 Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction .  25 .00 .00                       .00             .00 25         .00
26 Other deductions  .....................            26 .00 .00                       .00             .00 26         .00
27 Total deductions. Add lines 12 through 26   27        .00 .00                       .00             .00 27         .00
28 Taxable income or loss. Subtract line 27
   from line 11 ..........................            28 .00 .00                       .00             .00 28         .00
29 Net capital gains included on line 28
   (enter as a negative in member columns)  ..        29 .00 .00                       .00             .00 29         .00
30 Recomputed net capital gain, applying capital
   loss limitation at combined group level .....      30 .00 .00                       .00             .00 30         .00
31 Sum of charitable contributions deduction,
   net section 1231 losses, and losses from
   involuntary conversions included on line 28
   (enter as a positive in member columns)  ...       31 .00 .00                       .00             .00 31         .00
32 Sum of recomputed charitable contributions
   deduction, net section 1231 losses, and
   losses from involuntary conversions,
   applying limitations at combined group level
   (enter as a negative in member columns)  ..        32 .00 .00                       .00             .00 32         .00
33 Adjustment to defer or recognize intercompany 
   income, expense, gain, or loss between group 
   members  ...........................               33 .00 .00                       .00             .00 33         .00
34 Other adjustments based on federal law
   (explain on an attached statement)DRAFT .......    34 Sample.00 09-03-2024.00       .00Form.00          34         .00
35 Combine lines 28 through 34. Enter on
   Form 6, Part II, line 1, on the next page ....     35 .00 .00                       .00             .00 35         .00

                                                         File Electronically

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
 Designated Agent Name                                                 Federal Employer ID Number

Part II:  Unitary Income
                             Corporation Name:
                                                                                                     Elimination          Combined
                             FEIN:                                                                   Adjustments          Totals
 1   Modified federal taxable income from
  Part I, line 35 ......................                      1    .00 .00                       .00             .00 1            .00
 2  Additions to income:
    a  Interest income from state and
     municipal obligations   .............                    2a   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2a           .00
  b  State taxes accrued or paid   ........                   2b   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2b           .00
  c  Related entity expenses (from
     Schedule RT Part I, Sch. 2K-1, and
     Sch. 3K-1)   .....................                       2c   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2c           .00
  d  Actual distributions of previously taxed
     income .........................                         2d   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2d           .00
  e  Expenses related to nontaxable
     income   ........................                        2e   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2e           .00
  f  Basis, section 179, depreciation
     difference   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2f   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2f           .00
  g  Amount by which the federal basis of
     assets disposed of exceeds the
     Wisconsin basis (attach schedule)  ...                   2g.00    .00                       .00             .00 2g.00
  h  Total additions for certain credits
     a  Business development credit  .....                    2h-a .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-a         .00
     b  Community rehabilitation program
       credit ........................                        2h-b .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-b         .00
     c Development zones credits  ......                      2h-c .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-c         .00
     d Economic development credit   ....  2h-d                    .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-d         .00
     e Electronics and information tech-
       nology manufacturing zone credit ..                    2h-e .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-e         .00
     f Employee college saving account 
       contribution credit ..............                     2h-f .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-f         .00
     g Enterprise zone jobs credit   .......  2h-g.00                  .00                       .00             .00 2h-g.00
     h Farmland preservation credit  . . . . .                2h-h .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-h         .00
     i Reserved for future use  .........  2h-i                    .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-i         .00

                                                                   File Electronically

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     2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
      Designated Agent Name                                                    Federal Employer ID Number

UnitaryPartCorporation Name:                                                                                                                  IncomeII:  
                                                                                                             Elimination          Combined
                Computation                    FEIN:                                                         Adjustments          Totals

             j  Reserve for future use  ..........                    2h-j .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-j         .00
             k  Manufacturing and agriculture credit                  2h-k .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-k         .00
             l  Research credits   ..............   2h-l                   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-l         .00
             m  Reserved for future use..........                     2h-m .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-m         .00
             n  Total credits
                (add lines 2h-a through 2h-m)  ....                   2h-n .00 .00                       .00             .00 2h-n         .00
          i  Special additions for insurance
            companies ......................                          2i   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2i           .00
          j  Other additions:
             a                                                        2j-a .00 .00                       .00             .00 2j-a         .00
             b                                                        2j-b .00 .00                       .00             .00 2j-b         .00
             c                                                        2j-c .00 .00                       .00             .00 2j-c         .00
             d                                                        2j-d .00 .00                       .00             .00 2j-d         .00
             e  Add lines 2j-a through 2j-d  .......                  2j-e .00 .00                       .00             .00 2j-e         .00
          k  Total additions (add lines 2a
      .      through 2g, 2h-n, 2i, and line 2j-e) ....                2k   .00 .00                       .00             .00 2k           .00
      3  Total (add lines 1 and 2k)  ............                     3    .00 .00                       .00             .00 3            .00
      4   Subtractions from income:
          a  Wisconsin subtraction modification for
             dividends (from Form 6Y, line 4)  .....                  4a   .00 .00                       .00             .00 4a           .00
          b  Related entity expenses eligible for
             subtraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4b   .00 .00                       .00             .00 4b           .00
          c  Income from related entities whose
             expenses were disallowed ..........                      4c   .00 .00                       .00             .00 4c           .00
          d  Subpart F and 965(a) income .......                      4d   .00 .00                       .00             .00 4d           .00
          e  Global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) 4e                 .00 .00                       .00             .00 4e           .00
          fGross-up  of foreign dividendDRAFTincome  ..               4f   Sample.00 09-03-2024.00       .00 Form.00         4f           .00

          g  Nontaxable income    ...............                     4g.00    .00                       .00             .00 4g.00
          h  Foreign taxes ....................                       4h   .00 .00                       .00             .00 4h           .00
          Costi depletion ...................                         4i   .00 .00                       .00             .00 4i           .00

                                                                           File Electronically

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
 Designated Agent Name                                      Federal Employer ID Number

Part II:  Unitary Income
            Computation                Corporation Name:
                                                                                          Elimination                                                                                                                                        Combined
                                       FEIN:                                              Adjustments                                                                                                                                        Totals

     j  Basis, section 179, depreciation
       difference .......................        4j     .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4j           .00
    k  Amount by which the Wisconsin
       basis of assets disposed of exceeds
       the federal basis (attach schedule)   ... 4k     .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4k           .00
     l Federal credits ................... 4l           .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4l           .00
     m Federal research credit expenses .... 4m         .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4m           .00
     n  Other subtractions:
       a                                       4n-a     .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4n-a         .00
       b                                       4n-b     .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4n-b         .00
       c                                       4n-c     .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4n-c         .00
       d                                       4n-d     .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4n-d         .00
       e  Add lines 4n-a through 4n-d......  4n-e       .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4n-e         .00
     o Nontaxable income from life
       insurance operations .............      4o       .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4o           .00
     p  Total subtractions (add lines 4a
       through 4m plus lines 4n-e and 4o)  ..  4p       .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               4p           .00
5  Total (subtract line 4p from line 3) .....  5        .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               5            .00
6  Net nonapportionable and separately
     apportioned income from Form N, line 8    6        .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               6            .00
7  Pre-apportioned income. Subtract line 6
     from line 5  .......................      7        .00 .00                       .00             .00                                                                                                                               7
  7a 100% Wisconsin groups only:
     Enter each members elimination
    adjustments  ......................        7a       .00 .00                       .00
7b   100% Wisconsin groups only:
     Subtract line 7a from line 7. Enter
     result here and on Part III, lineDRAFT2 ...... 7b  Sample.00 09-03-2024.00       .00 Form 
8    Combined unitary income. Subtract
     line 6 from line 5. Enter on Form 6,
     page 1 line 1    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8            .00

                                                        File Electronically

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
Designated Agent Name                                                              Federal Employer ID Number

Part III:  Member’s Share 
        ofCorporation Name:                                                                                          Combined      Form 6 Items 
                                  FEIN:                                                                              Totals

  1a Apportionment numerator from 
     apportionment schedule ...............                         1a     .00     .00                       .00 1a          .00
 1b  Apportionment denominator from 
     apportionment schedule ............... 1b                             .00     .00                       .00 1b          .00
 1c  Enter combined total amount from line 1b . 1c                         .00     .00                       .00
  1d Apportionment percentage. Divide the
     amount on line 1a by the amount on line 1c 1d                       .  %    .  %   .                     %  1d  .        %
     Enter apportionment schedule used ......                          A       A       A
  2  Multiply Part II, line 8, by line 1d. See Instr. . 2                  .00     .00                       .00 2           .00
  3  Adjustment for current year loss offset (see
     instructions)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3      .00     .00                       .00 3           .00
  4  Wisconsin net nonapportionable and
     separately apportioned income
     (from Form N, line 14)  ................ 4                            .00     .00                       .00 4           .00
  5  Net capital loss adjustment
     (from Form 6CL, Part I, line 9e)           ......... 5                .00     .00                       .00 5           .00
  6  Loss adjustment for insurance companies
     (from Schedule 6I, line 24) ............. 6                           .00     .00                       .00 6           .00
 7  Wisconsin net business loss carryforward
     (from Part IV, line 18 of this form)  ....... 7                       .00     .00                       .00 7           .00
  8  Wisconsin net income (lines 2 + 3 + 4 - 5
     + 6 - 7) ............................ 8                               .00     .00                       .00 8           .00
     Check if excess inclusion income from real 
     estate mortgage investment conduits .....
  9  Gross tax (generally = 7.9% x (lines 2 + 3                            .00     .00                       .00 9           .00
     + 4 - 5 - 7). See instructions ............ 9
  10 Nonrefundable credits                                                 .00     .00                       .00 10          .00
     (from Part V, line 6 of this form)         ........ 10
11   Economic development surcharge:
   a Enter gross receipts from all activities                              .00     .00                       .00 11a         .00
     (from Part VI, line 6)    .................DRAFT11a               Sample09-03-2024Form 
   b If line 11a is $4 million or greater, fill in
     the member’s gross franchise or income                                .00     .00                       .00 11b         .00
     tax from Part III, line 9  ...............          11b
   c Multiply line 11b by 3% (.03). If the result is  
     less than $25, fill in$25.If the result is more 
     than $9,800, fill in $9,800  ..............         11c               .00     .00                       .00 11c         .00
                                                                         File Electronically

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
 Designated Agent Name                                  Federal Employer ID Number

Part III:  Member’s Share 
    ofCorporation Name:                                                                               Form 6 Items 
                          FEIN:                                                           Totals
 12 Wisconsin tax withheld
   (see instructions)   .................      12   .00 .00                       .00 12          .00

 13 Refundable credits. For each credit,
    enter code from instructions and
   amount  .........................           13a  .00 .00                       .00

                                               13b  .00 .00                       .00

                                               13c  .00 .00                       .00

    Add lines 13a through 13c  ..........      13d  .00 .00                       .00 13d         .00

Part IV:  Wisconsin Net Business
    Loss Carryforward
 1  Member’s portion of combined unitary
    income from Part III, line 2 plus line 3 ...  1 .00 .00                       .00 1           .00

  2  Member’s net nonapportionable and
    separately apportioned income from
    Part III, line 4 ......................       2 .00 .00                       .00 2           .00

  3  Add lines 1 and 2  ..................        3 .00 .00                       .00 3           .00

 4  Member’s net capital loss adjustment
    from Part III, line 5 (enter as a positive
   number)  .........................             4 .00 .00                       .00 4           .00

  5 Subtract line 4 from line 3 ............      5 .00 .00                       .00 5           .00

  6 Member’s net business loss carryforward
    from Form 6BL, line 30, column (i)
    (Nonsharable) or the amountDRAFTthis member     Sample09-03-2024Form 
    elected to use this period  ............      6 .00 .00                       .00 6           .00

  7 Enter the lesser of line 5 or line 6, but
    not less than zero ..................         7 .00 .00                       .00 7           .00

  8 Subtract line 7 from line 5 .............     8 .00 .00                       .00 8           .00

                                                    File Electronically

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2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
Designated Agent Name                                     Federal Employer ID Number

Part IV:  Wisconsin Net 
      BusinessCorporation Name:                                                                         Loss 
  9   Member’s net business loss carryforward                                              Combined
      from Form 6BL, line 30, columns (j) and (k)                                          Totals
      (Sharable) or the amount this member
      elected to use this period.............     9   .00 .00                       .00 9          .00

  10   Enter the lesser of line 8 or line 9, but
      not less than zero  ..................       10 .00 .00                       .00 10         .00

  11  Subtract line 10 from line 9. This is your
      remaining sharable net business loss
      carryforward.......................        11   .00 .00                       .00 11         .00

12    Subtract line 7 and 10 from line 5. This is
      remaining income before sharing with
      other members.....................         12   .00 .00                       .00 12         .00

  13  Sharable net business loss carryforward 
      amount being shared with other members
      (Combined Total should equal line 14
      Combined Total)....................        13   .00 .00                       .00 13         .00

  14  Sharable net business loss carryforward
      amount being shared with this member..     14   .00 .00                       .00 14         .00

  15  Subtract line 14 from line 12. This is
      your remaining income before sharing
      pre-2009 sharable net business loss
      carryforwards ......................         15 .00 .00                       .00 15         .00

  16  Pre-2009 sharable net business loss
      carryforward being shared with other
      members (Combined Total should equal
      line 17 Combined Total) ...............   16    .00 .00                       .00 16         .00
  17   Pre-2009 sharable net business loss
      carryforward being shared with this
      member ..........................            17 .00 .00                       .00 17         .00

  18  Member’s net business loss. Add lines 7,
      10, 14, and 17. Enter this amount on
      Part III, line 7 .......................   18   .00 .00                       .00 18         .00
                                                      File Electronically

- 11 -
                                                                                                       Page 11 of 14
    2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
    Designated Agent Name                                             Federal Employer ID Number

NonrefundablePartCorporation Name:                                                                     Combined       V:  
             Credits                                                                                   Totals

    1   Enter the available nonrefundable credits 
         from the credit schedules and Schedule 
         CF ...............................  1a                   .00 .00                       .00

                                                               1b .00 .00                       .00

                                                               1c .00 .00                       .00

                                                               1d .00 .00                       .00

      Add lines 1a through 1d ...............                  1e .00 .00                       .00 1e             .00

    2   Enter the member’s gross tax from
      Part III, line 9 .......................                 2  .00 .00                       .00 2              .00

    3   Enter the amount of nonrefundable credits 
         the member is electing to use. 
         Note: The total credits from line 3e should 
         not exceed the gross tax on line 2. See 
      Instructions ........................                    3a .00 .00                       .00

                                                               3b .00 .00                       .00

                                                               3c .00 .00                       .00

                                                               3d .00 .00                       .00

       Add lines 3a through 3d ...............                 3e .00 .00                       .00 3e             .00

    4   Subtract line 3e from line 2  ............             4  .00 .00                       .00 4              .00

    5  If the total available credits from line 1e 
         above is greater than line 2,  and the 
         remaining  credit includes a research credit, 
       enter the amount shared withDRAFTother                     Sample09-03-2024Form 
         combined group members as computed on 
       Form 6CS,  line 4 ....................                  5  .00 .00                       .00 5              .00

    6   Add lines 3e and 5. This is the amount to
      enter on Part III, line 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6  .00 .00                       .00 6              .00

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- 12 -
                                                                                                                                   Page 12 of 14
2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
Designated Agent Name                                                           Federal Employer ID Number

Part VI:  Additional Member
    InformationCorporation Name:
Complete the information below for
each member of the combined group.

                                            Street Address/PO Box:

                                                       City, State:
                                                       Zip Code:


  1 Member’s state and year of incorporation .................... 1                                                       1
                                                                                  Y Y Y Y                         Y Y Y Y          Y Y Y Y
  2 Corporation’s tax period included in this return:  Beginning        2                                                 2
                                                                          M M D D Y Y Y Y                 M M D D Y Y Y Y  M M D D Y Y Y Y
                                                                          M M D D Y Y Y Y                 M M D D Y Y Y Y  M M D D Y Y Y Y
3  Member’s taxable year end  ..............................            3                                                 3
                                                                                  M M D D                         M M D D          M M D D
  4 If you have an extension of time to file, enter extended due date . 4                                                 4
                                                                          M M D D Y Y Y Y M                 M D D Y Y Y Y  M M D D Y Y Y Y
5  If IRS adjustments became final during the year, enter the years 
    adjusted  .............................................             5                                                 5


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- 13 -
                                                                                                        Page 13 of 14
2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
 Designated Agent Name                                Federal Employer ID Number

Part VI:  Additional Member
    Corporation Name:
                                                                                    Elimination         Combined
    FEIN:                                                                           Adjustments         Totals

 6   Enter total gross receipts from 
    all activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .00 .00                        .00             .00  6          .00

 7   Total Wisconsin sales, re-
    ceipts, or premiums included 
    in apportionment ratio ......              7 .00 .00                        .00                  7          .00

 8   Total sales, receipts, or premi-
    ums included in apportion-
    ment ratio ...............                 8 .00 .00                        .00                  8          .00

 9   Total Wisconsin payroll .....             9 .00 .00                        .00             .00  9          .00

 10 Total payroll.............. 10               .00 .00                        .00             .00  10         .00

 11 Total Wisconsin tangible
     property................. 11                .00 .00                        .00             .00  11         .00

 12 Total tangible property...... 12             .00 .00                        .00              .00 12         .00

 13  Enter total assets from
    federal Form 1120  ......... 13              .00 .00                        .00              .00 13         .00


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                                                                                                                       Page 14 of 14
     2024 Form 6 - Wisconsin Combined Corporate Franchise or Income Tax Return 
     Designated Agent Name                                                     Federal Employer ID Number

AdditionalPartCorporation Name:                                                                                                     MemberVI:  

     14 Was the member excluded from a combined group in another 
        state?.................................................             14 Yes No 14                 Yes No 14 Yes No

     15 Did the member file a separate Wisconsin return or was included in 
        another group?  .........................................           15 Yes No 15                 Yes No 15 Yes No

     16 Was the member an insurance company? ....................           16 Yes No 16                 Yes No 16 Yes No

     17 Was the member a tax exempt corporation?    ...................     17 Yes No 17                 Yes No 17 Yes No

     18 Did the member file a final return?...........................      18 Yes No 18                 Yes No 18 Yes No

     19 Did the member join the group during the year? ................     19 Yes No 19                 Yes No 19 Yes No

     20 Did the member leave the group during the year? ..............      20 Yes No 20                 Yes No 20 Yes No

     21 Was this a short period return because of a change in accounting 
        method?...............................................              21 Yes No 21                 Yes No 21 Yes No

     22 Was this a short period return because of a stock purchase or sale? 22 Yes No 22                 Yes No 22 Yes No

     23 Was this member the sole owner of any disregarded entities?  If 
        yes, prepare and submit Schedule DE with this return for each 
        member................................................              23 Yes No 23                 Yes No 23 Yes No

     24 Was the income from the disregarded entities in question 23 includ-
        ed in this return? ........................................         24 Yes No 24                 Yes No 24 Yes No

     25 Did the member purchase any taxable products or services for 
        storage, use or consumption in Wisconsin without payment of sales 
        or use tax?.............................................            25 Yes No 25                 Yes No 25 Yes No
     26 Did the member file federal Schedule UTP - Uncertain Tax Position 
        Statement?  If yes, include with this return ....................   26 Yes No 26                 Yes No 26 Yes No
     27 Did the member file federal Form 8886 - Reportable Transaction 
        Disclosure Statement? If yes, see instructions .................    27 Yes No 27                 Yes No 27 Yes No

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