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Form 5E Instructions
General Instructions After the due date, or extended due date, for filing the
corporation’s Wisconsin franchise or income tax return has
Purpose of Form – A corporation that is an S corporation passed, the “opt-out” election cannot be withdrawn, and it
for federal income tax purposes uses Form 5E to elect not remains effective for the corporation and any successors
to be a tax-option corporation for Wisconsin tax purposes. for at least the next 4 taxable years after the taxable year
to which the election first applies. After the 5-year period,
How to Elect – The election not to be a tax-option cor- you may revoke the “opt-out” election by filing Wisconsin
poration for Wisconsin requires the consent of persons Form 5R, Revocation of Election by an S Corporation Not
who hold more than 50% of the shares of the tax-option to Be a Tax-Option Corporation.
(S) corporation on the day the election is made. Note: If
an S corporation has a qualified Subchapter S subsidiary Exception: The “opt-out” election is automatically revoked
(QSub) for federal purposes, neither the S corporation for the taxable year in which a federal S corporation ac-
nor the QSub may elect out of Wisconsin tax-option (S) quires a QSub. In this case, it is not necessary to file Form
treatment. 5R. You must use Wisconsin Form 5S to report the income
of the corporation and its QSub.
When to Elect – You must make the election on or before
the due date, or extended due date, of the first Wisconsin
Specific Instructions
corporation franchise or income tax return affected by the
election. The election is completed by the filing of a Wiscon- Fill in the corporation’s name and address and enter the
sin franchise or income tax return in accordance with the appropriate information in items A through E.
election. Use Wisconsin Form 4 or Form 6, as appropriate.
Caution: Since the corporation will be filing federal Form Enter in the space provided the name, address, and federal
1120-S, special adjustments may be required to properly identifying number (social security number for individuals
determine Wisconsin net income. and federal employer identification number for estates,
qualified trusts, and exempt organizations) of each share-
Revoking the Election – You may withdraw the “opt- holder who is signing the election. Also enter for each
out” election prior to the date of filing the corporation’s shareholder the number of shares owned and the date
Wisconsin franchise or income tax return by sending a the stock was acquired. If the shareholder acquired stock
letter, signed by shareholders holding more than 50% of on more than one date, enter the last date on which that
the corporation’s stock, to the Department of Revenue on shareholder acquired stock. Each shareholder must sign
or before the due date, including extensions, of the corpo- in the space indicated. If the stock is held as community
ration’s return. If the corporation’s return was filed before property or if the income from the stock is community
the due date, or extended due date, you may withdraw property, the consent must be signed by both husband
the election by filing an amended Wisconsin franchise or and wife. Wisconsin’s marital property is a form of com-
income tax return, Form 5S, along with a letter requesting munity property.
the withdrawal of the “opt-out” election on or before the
due date or extended due date. If you need additional space, attach a schedule containing
the required information.
Applicable Laws and Rules
An authorized officer of the corporation must sign this form
This document provides statements or interpretations of in the space provided.
the following provisions of Wisconsin Statutes in effect as
of June 14, 2024: chs. 71 and 77, Wis. Stats. and chs. Tax
1, 2 and 3 Wis. Adm. Code.