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CU Wisconsin
Wisconsin Department Credit Union Declaration of Exempt Status 2024
of Revenue
Name of Credit Union
Number and Street
Ste Number City State Zip Code (+ 4 digit suffix if known) For Income Year Year of Incorporation
Federal Employer I.D. Number Wis. Employer I.D. (Withholding) Number Seller’s Permit or Use Tax Number
Form CU Instructions
Purpose of Form CU When to File
Credit unions which are exempt from the Wisconsin Form CU must be filed on or before April 15 of the
franchise or income tax under the provisions of Ch. year following the income year for which the return
71, Wis. Stats., should file Form CU instead of filing is filed.
a Wisconsin corporation franchise or income tax
return, Form 4 or 6. Thereafter, the credit union Where to File
need not file a corporation tax return (Form 4 or
6) or Form CU for any subsequent year unless Mail Form CU to the Wisconsin Department of
requested to do so by the Department of Revenue Revenue, PO Box 8908, Madison, WI 53708-8908.
or unless in a subsequent year the credit union
acts as a public depository. Use Schedule CU-1 to
report public deposits.
Note: Credit unions that do not derive income from
public deposits are exempt from the Wisconsin tax
on unrelated business taxable income, as computed
under section 512 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Applicable Laws and Rules
This document provides statements or interpretations
of the following provisions of Wisconsin Statutes in
effect as of the revision date: chs. 71, Wis. Stats. and
chs. Tax 1, 2 and 3 Wis. Adm. Code.
DRAFT 09-03-2024
I, the undersigned authorized officer of the credit union for which this declaration of exempt status is made, declare that the above
named credit union had no deposits of public funds during the income year shown above and I understand that a Wisconsin franchise
or income tax return must be filed for any future year for which the credit union’s deposits include public funds.
Signature Title Date
IC-081 (R. 8-24)