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                                  Wisconsin Historic Rehabilitation Credits
 Wisconsin Department               File with Wisconsin Form 1, 1NPR, 2, 3, 4, 4T, 5S, or 6
      of Revenue                                                                                                   2024
Name                                                                                                         Identifying Number

Address of Rehabilitated Property 

City                                                                                     State             Zip Code

 Part I  Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

 1  Enter adjusted basis in the building on the first day of the rehabilitation period .............       1                       .00
 2  Check the box to indicate the election chosen (Note: You must claim the credit at the same time 
     as for federal purposes, unless the credit is transferred from another taxpayer):
     a  This credit is claimed based on when the rehabilitation work was completed  ............           2a
     b  This credit is claimed based on when the expenditures are paid. .....................              2b
     c  Enter the date on which the 24- or 60-month measuring period begins .................              2c
                                                                                                              M M  D D Y       Y Y Y
     d  Enter the date on which the 24- or 60-month measuring period ends ..................               2d
                                                                                                              M M  D D Y       Y Y Y
     e  Enter the total qualifying expenditures incurred on the project to date  .................         2e                      .00
     f  Enter the qualified rehabilitation expenditures on which the credit is computed for the current 
       taxable year ..............................................................                         2f                      .00
 3  Enter 20% of the amount on line 2f, round to the nearest dollar.  Include WEDC certification .         3                       .00
 4   Enter 20% of the amount on line 3; if the transition rule applies, enter the amount from line 3  .    4                       .00
 5  Historic rehabilitation credit passed through from other entities:
 5a  Entity Name
     FEIN                           Amount 5a                                         .00

 5b  Entity Name
     FEIN                           Amount 5b                                         .00
 5c  Total pass through credits from additional schedule.   5c                        .00

 5d  Total credits (add lines 5a through 5c) ............................................                  5d                      .00
 6  Fill in the amount of credit transferred from other taxpayers in 2024 .....................            6                       .00
 7  Add lines 4, 5d, and 6. This is your 2024 credit .....................................                 7                       .00
 7a  Fiduciaries - enter the amount of credit allocated to beneficiaries .......................           7a                      .00
 7b  Fiduciaries - subtract line 7a from line 7 ...........................................                7b                      .00
 8  Carryover of unused supplement to the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit. Include 
     Schedule CF  ...............................................................DRAFT 09-03-20248                                 .00
 9  Add lines 7 and 8 (lines 7b and 8 if fiduciary).  ......................................               9                       .00
10   Fill in the amount of credit transferred to other taxpayers in 2024 .......................        10                         .00
11   Subtract line 10 from line 9. This is the available supplement to the federal historic rehabilitation 
     tax credit. Include Schedule CF if the credit was not used in full .......................         11                         .00

IC-034 (R. 8-24)

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2024 Schedule HR       Name                                                            ID Number                       Page 2 of 2 

 Part II  State Historic Rehabilitation Credit – Individuals Only

    12Check the box to indicate the election chosen:
      a  This credit is claimed based on when the rehabilitation work was completed............      12a
      b  This credit is claimed based on when the costs are paid ...........................         12b
      c  Enter the total qualifying costs incurred on the project to date .......................    12c                   .00
 13  Enter qualified preservation costs on which the credit is computed for each project below, 
    but do not enter more than $40,000 per project ($20,000 if married filing separate)
      a  Project 1. Include WHS certification - see instructions  ...  13a                           .00
      b  Project 2. Include WHS certification - see instructions  ...  13b                           .00
      c  Project 3. Include WHS certification - see instructions  ...  13c                           .00
      d  Project 4. Include WHS certification - see instructions  ...  13d                           .00
      e  Project 5. Include WHS certification - see instructions  ...  13e                           .00
      f  Project 6. Include WHS certification - see instructions  ...  13f                           .00
      g  Total (add lines 13a through 13f) .............................................             13g                   .00
  14  Enter 25% of the amount on line 13g ............................................               14                    .00
  15  Carryover of unused state historic rehabilitation credit. Include Schedule CF..............    15                    .00
  16  Add lines 14 and 15. This is the available state historic rehabilitation credit. Include 
   Schedule CF if the credit was not fully used.......................................               16                    .00

 Part III  Transfer of Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
 1    Complete the following information regarding the transfer in 2024 of the supplement to the federal historic
       rehabilitation tax credit.
 1a   Person Eligible to Claim the Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit:
 Last Name                                                                 First Name                                  M.I.

 Business Name                                                                                       Identifying Number

 Number and Street

 City                                                                                          State    Zip Code

 1b   Recipient of Transferred Supplement to the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit:

 Last Name                                                                 First Name                                  M.I.

 Business Name                                                                                       Identifying Number

 Number and Street     DRAFT 09-03-2024

 City                                                                                          State    Zip Code

 1c   Transferred Amount.............................................................                1c                    .00

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