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Instructions for 2024 Schedule DE
Purpose of Schedule DE Exception: Some corporations may be
disregarded entities. For example, a qualified
Schedule DE informs the department of entities subchapter S subsidiary is a disregarded
you own that are disregarded as separate entity under the Internal Revenue Code
entities in the filing of your 2024 tax return. wholly owned by another S corporation.
Who is required to file Schedule DE? The owner of a disregarded entity reports the
income of the disregarded entity on the owner's
An individual, estate, trust, partnership, tax- return. If an entity is disregarded as a separate
option (S) corporation, limited liability company entity for federal income tax purposes, it is also
(LLC), or corporation filing a 2024 Wisconsin disregarded as a separate entity for Wisconsin
return must complete and submit Schedule income tax purposes.
DE if they are the owner of an entity that is
disregarded for income tax purposes. The most common disregarded entity is a
single-member limited liability company (LLC)
What is a disregarded entity? that reports its income on its owner's return.
An example is an LLC wholly owned by an
A disregarded entity is an entity that: individual and the income of the LLC is reported
on Schedule C of the individual's Form 1040
• has a single owner, federal tax return.
• is not organized as a corporation, Additional information
• has not elected to be taxed as a separate For more information, contact any Department
entity for federal tax purposes, and of Revenue office or:
• has business income or ownership of a pass- • Call (608) 266-2772
through entity
• Email: DORFranchise@wisconsin.gov
Applicable Laws and Rules
This document provides statements or
interpretations of the following provisions of
Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Rules in
effect as of June 14, 2024: chs. 71, Wis. Stats.
and chs. Tax 1, 2 and 3 Wis. Adm. Code.