PDF document
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Form                                                                             Assessment date as of:  January 1, 2023
                                                                                           Due date:  March 1, 2023


  Wisconsin Manufacturing Personal Property Return Instructions                                                       2023

Manufacturing Classification
Applying for manufacturing classification
    » If you are applying for manufacturing classification for property tax purposes for the first time, you must complete and submit the 
      Questionnaire for Potential Manufacturers (Form PA-780) to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) Manufacturing & Utility 
      Bureau District Office in your area on or before March 1, 2023
    » DOR must determine whether your business qualifies as manufacturing for property tax purposes before you complete and file 
      an M-P Form
    » For more details, visit revenue.wi.gov and search key word “Form PA-780”
Reporting Requirements
•  Use the M-P Form to report only personal property classified as manufacturing by DOR. Under state law (sec. 70.995(12), Wis. Stats.), 
  you must file the M-P Form annually with DOR.
•  You must complete Section 1 & Section 2, Schedules A, Y-P, P and S. Also, if you filed a schedule last year, you must continue to file 
  that schedule until the declared value is zero.
•  You must enter a Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) in Section 2
•  You must keep a detailed asset list at your business for inspection by DOR. Note: If you do not provide an asset list on request, DOR 
  may consider all assets taxable. (Also review ”Initial Return”)
•  Paper filed M-P Forms must have original signatures. The fields under “Preparer” and “Manufact./Owner” must be completed with 
  current and accurate information.
Notice regarding Wis. Act 59: 2022 M-P Filling  – the new machinery tools and patterns exemption, created in sec. 70.111(27), Wis. 
  Stats.,  applies only to locally assessed personal property. The exemption does not apply to DOR assessed manufacturing personal property
Due date: March 1, 2023 – mail your completed return or extension request to the Madison district office   on or before March 1, 
  2023. If you mail your form or extension request, it must be postmarked on or before March 1, 2023.
Confidentiality – under state law (sec. 70.35(3), Wis. Stats.) personal property returns filed with the local assessor are confidential 
  records of the assessor’s office. This state law also applies to Manufacturing M-P Forms filed under sec. 70.995(12), Wis. Stats.
Updates – sign up for the DOR Electronic Mailing List to receive emails on filing availability, deadlines and updates. Visit revenue.
  wi.gov/Pages/HTML/lists.aspx and check the “Manufacturers” box, enter your email address and click “Subscribe.” An email will be 
  sent to your inbox and you will need to confirm the request.
Extension Requests
State law grants one filing extension to April 3, 2023. You may file your extension request online through My Tax Account (MTA), or by 
email, first class mail or fax. DOR must receive your extension request on or before March 1, 2023. However, if you mail your extension 
request, it must be postmarked on or before March 1, 2023. DOR will deny an extension request postmarked after March 1, 2023.
Extension request methods:
    » Online request – file an online electronic extension request in MTA. Visit    revenue.wi.gov and  search key word “E-Filing 
      Manufacturing Forms.” Timely filed electronic extensions are immediately acknowledged on screen.
    » Email, fax or mail – if you do not electronically file your extension request, you must send your extension request in writing to 
      the district office in your area, with the heading “Attn: Extensions.” To verify delivery you must choose an email delivery receipt 
      confirmation (sender option), a fax transmission confirmation report, or get a certificate of mailing from your preferred document 
      delivery service.
To file an extension request, you must:
    » Identify each manufacturing personal property account requesting a filing extension by its full state identification number 
      (ex: 76-13-251-P000099999), 9-digit account number (ex: 000099999) or Wisconsin taxpayer identification number  
      (ex: 238-xxxxxxxxxx-xxx)
    » If you are filing extension requests for multiple personal property accounts, you must submit the full state identification number 
      of all individual accounts for which you are requesting an extension
If this property was sold you must complete the “Sale Information” worksheet:
Electronically file (e-file) – select “Record Sale” on your MTA accounts page and answer all the questions
Paper file – complete the Sale Information on page 3
Contact us with questions, comments or suggestions.
PA-750P_inst (R. 1-23)                                                                                      Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Department of Revenue - Manufacturing & Utility District Offices 

                                                                                                 Manufacturing & Utility Bureau

                                                                                                  Contact Information
                                                   Manufacturing & Utility
                                                   District Office Territories                   Eau Claire District Office (79)
                                                                                                 610 Gibson St, Ste. 7
                                                                                                 Eau Claire, WI 54701-2650
                                                                                                 Ph:  715-836-4925   Fax: 715-836-6690 

                                                                                                 Green Bay District Office (81)
                                                                                                 200 N. Jefferson St, Ste. 126
                                                                                                 Green Bay, WI 54301-5100
                                                                                                 Ph:  920-448-5191   Fax: 920-448-5210

                                                                                                 Madison District Office (76)
                                                                                                 Mailing Address
                                                                                                 PO Box 8909  #6-301  
                                                                                                 Madison, WI 53708-8909
     District Territory                                                                          Street Address
            Eau Claire  (79)                                                                     2135 Rimrock Rd  #6-301
            Green Bay  (81)                                                                      Madison, WI 53713-1443
            Madison   (76)
            Milwaukee (77)                                                                       mfgtel76@wisconsin.gov
                                                                                                 Ph:  608-267-8992   Fax: 608-267-1355

                                                                                                 Milwaukee District Office (77)
                                                                                                 State Office Building
                                                                                                 819 N. 6th St,  Rm. 530
     Wisconsin Counties - Alphabetical List                                                      Milwaukee, WI 53203-1610
     County      District         County    District      County      District                   mfgtel77@wisconsin.gov
Code Name        Office      Code Name      Office   Code Name        Office                     Ph:   414-227-4456   Fax: 414-227-4095
01   Adams       79          25   Iowa      76       48   Polk        79
02   Ashland     79          26   Iron      79       49   Portage     81
03   Barron      79          27   Jackson   79       50   Price       79       Waukesha County Municipal - Assignment Detail
04   Bayfield    79          28   Jefferson 76       51   Racine      77                         District                       District  
                                                                               Municipality Type Office    Municipality    Type Office
05   Brown       81          29   Juneau    79       52   Richland    76
06   Buffalo     79          30   Kenosha   77       53   Rock        76       Big Bend     V    76        Milwaukee          C 77
07   Burnett     79          31   Kewaunee  81       54   Rusk        79       Brookfield   T    77        Mukwonago          T 76
08   Calumet     81          32   La Crosse 79       55   St. Croix   79       Brookfield   C    77        Mukwonago          V 76
09   Chippewa    79          33   Lafayette 76       56   Sauk        76       Butler       V    77        Muskego            C 77
10   Clark       79          34   Langlade  81       57   Sawyer      79       Chenequa     V    76        Nashotah           V 76
11   Columbia    76          35   Lincoln   79       58   Shawano     81       Delafield    T    76        New Berlin         C 77
12   Crawford    76          36   Manitowoc 81       59   Sheboygan   81       Delafield    C    76        North Prairie      V 76
13   Dane        76          37   Marathon  79       60   Taylor      79       Dousman      V    76        Oconomowoc         T 76
14   Dodge       76          38   Marinette 81       61   Trempealeau 79       Eagle        T    76        Oconomowoc         C 76
15   Door        81          39   Marquette 81       62   Vernon      79       Eagle        V    76        Oconomowoc Lake    V 76
16   Douglas     79          72   Menominee 81       63   Vilas       79       Elm Grove    V    77        Ottawa             T 76
17   Dunn        79          40   Milwaukee 77       64   Walworth    76       Genesee      T    76        Pewaukee           V 76
18   Eau Claire  79          41   Monroe    79       65   Washburn    79       Hartland     V    76        Pewaukee           C 76
19   Florence    81          42   Oconto    81       66   Washington  77       Lac La Belle V    76        Summit             V 76
20   Fond du Lac 81          43   Oneida    79       67   Waukesha    76/77    Lannon       V    77        Sussex             V 76
21   Forest      81          44   Outagamie 81       68   Waupaca     81       Lisbon       T    76        Vernon             V 76
22   Grant       76          45   Ozaukee   77       69   Waushara    81       Men. Falls   V    77        Wales              V 76
23   Green       76          46   Pepin     79       70   Winnebago   81       Merton       T    76        Waukesha           V 76
24   Green Lake  81          47   Pierce    79       71   Wood        79       Merton       V    76        Waukesha           C 76

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M‑P Form                         Sale Information for Account:

Contact Information
Seller                                                            Buyer
Name                                                              Name

Mailing address                                                   Mailing address

City                                 State Zip                    City                                State            Zip

Contact name                                                      Contact name

Email                                                             Email

Phone                                                             Phone

Date listed
                                           Mailing address
Sale date
                                           City                                            State Zip
Asking price $
                                           Email                                                 Phone
Sale price $

Personal Property
Was personal property moved?   ..............     Yes             No   If yes, enter new location address below.
New address location:
Indicate whether you are manufacturing:
In Wisconsin         Yes No          At this location     Yes        No
Reason for sale: 
Out of business
Business sale
Fixed asset sale
Merger    Name of surviving entity
Was there a transfer?           No       Yes, to related entity      Yes, to unrelated entity

Type of sale:        Fixed assets    Accounts receivable          Accounts payable         Inventory        Goodwill/blue sky
(check all           Intangibles     Other (describe)
that apply)

Note:  If you are paper filing, return this page to the district office in your area.  See page 2 for office locations.

PA-750P-SQ (R. 1-23)                                      - 3 -

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Form M-P                                                                     General Instructions                                              2023
General Filing Information
•  You must include the state identification number (ex: 76-13-251-P-000099999)
  Assessment date – DOR considers the information you provide on this form when establishing the full value of your manufacturing personal 
    property as of January 1, 2023
  Initial return – if this is your first return as a manufacturer, you must submit a “Fixed Asset List” identifying each asset, its original cost, acquisition date, 
    and whether you are reporting it as taxable or exempt. Note: If you do not provide the asset list on request, DOR may consider all assets taxable.
  Property location
      » If you are reporting property located in more than one Manufacturing & Utility Bureau District Office, you must mail a separate return to the 
        Madison district office
      » If you own personal property in different municipalities, in different counties within the same municipality, or in special taxation districts, you 
        must submit a separate M-P Form for each location
Filing Your Return
      » If you sold this personal property, select “Record Sale” on your MTA acccounts page and answer all the questions
      » Complete this M-P Form with any changes that took place since January 1, 2022
      » Make sure your contact information is accurate (name, firm/title, email, phone, fax). Before submitting, you must agree to the items on the 
        confirmation screen.
      » Attachments – when you e-file your M-P Form you must attach required documents, forms and additional information DOR requires to process 
        your return
  Paper file
      » If you sold this property, complete the Sale Information form on page 3
      » Complete the form with any changes that took place since January 1, 2022
      » Since DOR requires an original signature, we do not accept a faxed or emailed copy, or another rendering (in-house version) of this prescribed 
        form, including versions from prior years
      » Mail your completed original return to the Madison district office 
      » Additional documents – when filing your completed M-P Form, you must include required documents, forms and additional information DOR 
        requires to process your return
      » For proof you mailed your return and additional documents, we recommend getting a certificate of mailing from your preferred document 
        delivery service
  DOR considers this return properly and timely filed if:
      » You used the current official M-P Form to file your personal property information
      » Completed M-P Form is received and/or postmarked by March 1, 2023
      » You completed Section 1 & Section 2, Schedule A, Y-P, P and S and all other appropriate schedules
      » You included attachments/additional documents (supporting the completed schedules) with the return or sent them to the Madison district office
  Filing penalty – state law (sec. 70.995(12)(c), Wis. Stats.), requires DOR to charge a filing penalty if this return is not filed, filed late or is not complete 
    when filed
Exemption of Waste Treatment Property
•  State law (sec. 70.11(21)(am), Wis. Stats.), provides for the exemption of property purchased or constructed as a waste treatment facility
•  You must report costs associated with items qualifying for the waste treatment exemption on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 11. Do not report the waste 
    treatment personal property costs on any other schedule.
•  Keep an asset list (of items reported on Schedule Y-P, Part I, Line 11) at your place of business for inspection by DOR
Leased Equipment
View the list of locally assessed leasing companies (see page 6). Do not report property leased from these companies on Schedule L.

                                                  Annual Assessment Calendar for 2023
  January 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . Assessment date. The assessment is based on the value of your personal property as of this date.
  February  . . . . . . . . . . . . DOR posts “notification” roll on the DOR website
  March 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last day to request an extension
  March 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-P Form and the appropriate schedules due if you did not request a filing extension
  April 3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-P Form due if you timely requested a filing extension
  June    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •  DOR mails assessment notices. Contact us if you have not received the notice by the end of June.
                        •  DOR mails penalty bills (if applicable) at the same time as the assessment notices. Penalty payments are due to DOR within 
                            30 days.
                        •  DOR posts the “full-value” manufacturing roll on the DOR website
  60 days following . . . .    Appeal period. You and the municipality each have the right to appeal the assessment and/or penalties. You must file your
  assessment   notice     appeal no later than 60 days after the date of the notice. Your appeal is considered timely if the State Board of Assessors 
                          receives it with the filing fee by the 60th day; or you send your appeal form by USPS certified mail with the filing fee, and it 
                            is postmarked before midnight of the 60th day.
  Oct. & Nov.           •  DOR equates the fair market assessment to the same level of assessment as all other property in the municipality
                        •  Then DOR posts the “equated” assessment roll to the DOR website so the municipal clerk can prepare and mail the tax bills
  Dec., Jan.            Manufacturer pays the tax bill to the local municipal treasurer

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Form M-P                 Machinery and Equipment (M&E) Taxable / Exempt Reference List                                     2023

Safe Harbor
•  Federal Government’s (IRS) safe harbor and de minimis safe harbor standards provide guidance for federal income tax deductions, 
  not state personal property tax reporting
State law on personal property
    » State law on personal property taxation is not impacted by the federal standards
    » There is no clause in the state property tax law allowing an exemption based solely on the value of the personal property
    » Under state law, all property is presumed taxable unless the property is exempt by statute
 For additional detail on state laws that establish this state personal property taxation requirement, review secs. 70.04,70.109,70.34 
  & 70.35(3), Wis. Stats.

Taxable Storage and Material Handling
•  All shipping and receiving equipment
•  All raw material storage equipment (ex: racks, shelving, tanks, silos), including refrigeration
•  Hopper-feed tanks that are freestanding from an exempt machine
•  All finished product storage equipment (ex: racks, shelving, tanks, silos), including refrigeration
•  Equipment used for storing work-in-process more than three days
•  Forklifts NOT used greater than 95% of the time in the production process
Exempt Storage and Material Handling
•  Equipment used for storing work in process for three or less days
•  Hopper-feed tanks directly affixed to an exempt machine
•  Forklifts/conveyors used greater than 95% for moving material to, along or from the production line
•  High density sequencing systems that move, store and retrieve printed materials within the production process

Taxable Maintenance Equipment
•  Equipment to maintain and repair production machines, buildings or yard
•  Equipment for plant housekeeping, yard maintenance, safety or communication
•  Clean-in-place equipment (CIP) – not embedded in production machinery

Taxable Research and Development
•  Equipment for developing new products or improving existing products
•  Pilot plants where the sample product is not sold to customers
•  Equipment for designing specifications for products at testing labs
•  Creative work (ex: work by authors, artists, ad agencies, photographers)

Other Exempt Equipment
•  Quality control equipment used for testing the product manufactured (not raw material)
•  Power wiring
•  Motors, compressors and computers that exclusively power or operate exempt machines
•  Process piping
•  Packaging equipment, including in-house printing of labels, instructions and manuals
•  Hand tools used with exempt machines, but not for repair or maintenance
•  Spare production line machines and parts 
•  Administrative computers (sec. 70.11(39), Wis. Stats.), software and related processing equipment and production computers exempt 
  under sec. 70.11(27), Wis. Stats.

Other Taxable Equipment
•  All generators, transformers and boilers (except wood waste boilers)
•  Equipment used to check the specifications of raw material received
•  Equipment added to licensed or unlicensed vehicles (ex: cranes, hoists, man-lifts, cherry pickers)

If you have questions, contact the district office in your area.

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Form M-P               Leasing Companies Locally Assessed      (By Municipal Assessor, Not DOR)          2023

In general, DOR assesses personal property leased to, rented to or loaned to a Wisconsin manufacturer. However, Chapter 18 of the 
Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual allows the municipal assessor to assess low value items with no likelihood of qualifying 
as exempt M&E. Below is a list of leasing companies who lease such items to Wisconsin manufacturers. For the January 1, 2023 
assessment, the municipal assessor assesses property owned by these leasing companies and leased to Wisconsin manufacturers. In 
addition, all assessable vending machines continue to be locally assessed.

Property leased from these companies should not be reported on Schedule L.

ADP, LLC                                Johnson Controls Security -           Superior Services, Inc.
                                        Solutions, LLC
All City Communications Co.                                                   Sysco Food Services
                                        Lease Finance Group, LLC
Ameritech Applied Technologies, Inc.                                          Taylor Enterprises of Wisconsin, Inc.
                                        Mail Finance, Inc.
AnSer Services                                                                TELSEC Town & Country Sanitation
                                        Mineral Spring Water, LLC
Arch Communications                                                           Unified Merchant
                                        Mobile Reduction Specialists, Inc.
Associated Press USA, LLC                                                     United Parcel Service (UPS)
                                        Neopost USA, Inc. 
Badger Mailing & Shipping Systems, Inc.                                       United Rentals
                                        Northern Leasing Systems
Best Way Disposal                                                             Viking Fire Protection
                                        Onyx Waste Services, Inc.
Brent’s Mailing Equipment Co.                                                 Waste Management (Excluding 
                                        OSI Environmental, Inc.               Chemical Waste Management)
Brook Furniture Rental, Inc.
                                        Packerland Rent-A-Mat, Inc.           Worldspan
Business Service Center, Inc.
                                        Pelleteri Waste Systems
Card Establishment Services, Inc.
                                        The Peltz Group, LLC
Convergent Solutions, Inc.
                                        Pitney Bowes, Inc. (Not Pitney Bowes 
Culligan Water 
                                        Global Financial Services, LLC)
Farmer Bros. Co.
                                        Planteriors of Wisconsin Plant Rentals
Federal Express (Fed Ex)
                                        Praxair Distribution, Inc. 
                                        Premium Water, Inc. – Chippewa 
Francotyp – Postalia, Inc.              Springs Ltd.
Friden Neopost                          Republic Services, Inc.
Galileo International, Inc.             Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc.
Gross Industrial Towel & Garment        Security Link From Ameritech, Inc.
                                        Siemens Water Solutions
Honeywell International, Inc. 
Interiorscapes, Inc.
                                        Spic & Span, Inc.

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Form M-P                                             Schedule Instructions                                            2023
Completing the M-P Form – General
•  Complete all appropriate schedules. Review the instructions for each schedule.
•  Round all reported amounts to the nearest dollar
•  Leave all shaded areas blank
Paper Filers:
•  Only 2023 state-prescribed forms accepted with original signature
•  Make additional copies of schedules as needed and staple the return in the upper left corner
•  Mail only completed schedules. Do not include unused schedules.
•  DOR does not accept faxed, emailed or unsigned forms
•  Questions? – contact the district office in your area

Section 1 & Section 2
How to Report:
Owner Information
•  Enter the manufacturer’s legal name and mailing address. Note: If you use a PO Box, make sure to use the correct zip+4 code.
•  If the name or address changed from the prior year, check the name/address change box
•  Enter the county and municipality
•  Enter your state identification number (ex: 76-13-251-P000099999)
Enter your federal employer identification number (FEIN). Note: Do not enter a Social Security Number (SSN)  . The FEIN will not 
   appear on your printed return.
•  Enter your Wisconsin taxpayer number (WTN) (ex: 238-xxxxxxxxxx-xxx)
•  Check owner type (corporation, partnership, individual, other)
Preparer/Manufacturer/Owner Information
•  You must complete preparer and manufacturer/owner contact information
•  Enter the name of the preparer and the owner or person authorized to sign for the business entity
 Both preparer and owner must sign the completed return
•  You must provide your email address and phone number – these are required fields
•  Make a copy for your records

Schedule A – Manufacturing Personal Property Return Assessment Summary Report
Col. 2 – Total
Enter total values from individual schedules. Note: If you are e-filing, the values will auto-fill.

Schedule Y-P – Summary of Accounting Records

Part 1 – Total Personal Property Original Costs from Your Accounting Records
Part 1, Lines 1 - 8
•  Lines 1-8 will auto-fill from prior year returns and individual schedules 
•  Only Lines 9, 10 and 11 require entry
Complete Part 1, Lines 9, 10 and 11
Total personal property original costs from your accounting records for computers, vehicles and waste treatment.
Line 9: Computers – there is no separate schedule for computers
 Report on Part 1, Line 9 –   total original costs of all single-function fax machines (not used as copiers), computers, software and 
   related electronic data processing equipment (mainframes, personal computers, servers, terminals, monitors, disk and tape drives 
   and printers). Exclude from this total: copiers, telephone systems and multi-function devices (MFDs). MFDs are devices that print, 
   scan and copy). Report copiers, telephone systems and MFDs on Schedule D.
 Note: Keep an asset list for your computer equipment at your place of business for inspection by DOR. Include the asset’s acquisition 
   date and original cost.
PA-750P_inst (R. 1-23)                                           - 7 -                                   Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Form M-P                                           Schedule Instructions                                                   2023

Line 10: Vehicles –   there is no separate schedule for vehicles
 Report on Part 1, Line 10 –  total original costs of all licensed motor vehicles designed for over-the-road use (ex: automobile, 
   motor bicycle, motor bus, motorcycle, motor truck, moped, road tractor, snowmobile, truck tractor, truck trailer, or semitrailer used 
   in connection). Exclude from this total after-market attachments to vehicles like plows, cherry-pickers, cranes, hoists and man-lifts.
 Note: Keep an asset list for your licensed motor vehicles at your place of business for inspection by DOR. Include the asset’s acquisition 
   date and original cost.
Line 11: Waste treatment – there is no separate schedule for waste treatment assets
 Report on Part 1, Line 11 – total original cost of all waste treatment assets exempt under state law (sec. 70.11(21)(am), Wis. Stats.)
 Note: Keep an asset list for your waste treatment equipment at your place of business for inspection by DOR. Include the asset’s 
   acquisition date and original cost.

Property Type:

Part 1 – How to Report – Lines 9, 10 and 11
Col. 2:  Will populate with the total cost reported in the 2022 M-P as of January 1, 2023, for rows 9 – 11 (if applicable). Refer to last year’s 
     Schedule Y-P, Column 5.
Note:  Due to 2017 Act 59, DOR does not require manufacturers to complete Schedules C (Computers) and LC (Leased Computers). 
For 2023, manufacturers must report total cost of computers on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 9. If you did not report computer 
costs in 2022, use Columns 3 and/or 4 to adjust aggregate reported computer costs to obtain an accurate end of year balance  
(January 1, 2022). Remember:  Multi-function devices (combined copier/printer/fax machines) are not considered a computer and 
should be reported on Schedule D.
Col. 3:  Enter additions that occurred in 2022
Col. 4:  Enter deletions that occurred in 2022
Col. 5:  Calculated for electronic filers - the net amount of Column 2, plus additions reported in Column 3, less deletions reported in  
     Column 4
Col. 2-5, Line 12:  Calculated for electronic filers - total costs reported for Columns 2-5 for Lines 1-11

Part 2 – Classify Items as Real Estate or Personal Property
•  DOR recommends reporting items normally assessed as real estate on the M-R Form. Items include boilers used for heat, building 
   hvac, electrical, plumbing and sprinkler equipment. Also dock levelers, central air conditioning, rail siding, elevators, truck scales, etc.
•  Do not report as real estate, and instead report as personal property, generally taxable items such as process boilers, transformers, 
   portable air conditioners, tanks/silos, cranes and crane ways, refrigeration equipment, etc. Also report  generally exempt items such 
   as machine foundations, process wiring, piping, conveyors, movable office partitions, etc.
•  Check the appropriate box for each item

 Schedule P – Physical Location
How to Report:
Property Location
•  Street address – enter each location (situs) where you have manufacturing personal property within the municipality, regardless of 
   whether you lease or own the real estate
•  If the address is a Rural Route or PO Box number, provide the section number or some other description (ex: location, fire number) to 
   help DOR identify the personal property location
 Local parcel number – if you own the real estate parcel, provide the local parcel number as it is listed on your real estate property tax bill
 Note: You must provide DOR with the property location information since some municipalities have various school or special districts 
   included in their boundaries (this can make a difference in your tax bill)
Real Estate Owner Information
If you lease or rent this property, complete the Real Estate Owner Information section for each location.
If you are e-filing, answer the two questions regarding physical improvements on leased property:
1. If leased, do you own, or  are  you  related to the owner, of any building(s) on this land? – if you select yes, Schedule LB
    – Buildings on Leased Land appears. To file this schedule, review Schedule LB instructions.

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Form M-P                                             Schedule Instructions                                         2023
2. If leased, do you own improvements to the buildings? – if you select yes, Schedule LI – Leasehold Improvements and  
   Building components appears. To file this schedule, review Schedule LI instructions.

 Schedule LB – Buildings on Leased Land
Report: All buildings on leased land. These buildings are typically classified as real estate, but in this case are owned by someone 
other than the real estate owner.
Note: If a new building was built (on leased land) during the prior year, you must submit a Schedule R-1 (from the M-R Form) and 
building(s) sketch with this M-P Form.
Exclude: Leasehold improvements. Report on Schedule LI.
How to Report:
Col. 1:  Enter a complete description of the building
Col. 2:  Enter the year the building was built
Col. 3:
•  Enter original cost of the building on leased land
•  Enter total original cost of all buildings on leased land at the bottom of this column. This total must equal the amount entered on 
 Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 8, Column 5.
Col. 4:
•  Enter estimated market value for the building on leased land
•  Total: sum the total estimated market value for all buildings on leased land
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 13, of the Total column
Electronic Filers:
•  If there are multiple locations within the municipality, and you have multiple buildings on leased land, you need to identify which 
 building on leased land is at each location. You may need to revise a building record by moving it to the correct location.
•  To revise a building record – delete the record from the incorrect location, then add it to the correct location
•  Next year the building record will show the corrected location

 Schedule LI – Leasehold Improvements and Building Components
•  All leasehold items – these property items are typically classified as real estate, but in this case are owned by someone other than the 
 real estate owner. If the owner of the real estate and owner of the leasehold improvements are related, report leasehold costs with 
 the real estate on the self-reporting M-R Form.
•  Building components – normally assessed as real estate (ex: heating, lighting, plumbing, remodeling, office finish, land improvements) 
 that you capitalized as personal property because of investment tax credit or other considerations
•  If the leasehold improvements or building components are now at a newer or different location, you must add the additional account 
 location to Schedule P – Physical Location
•  Report buildings on leased land on Schedule LB
How to Report:
Col. 1:  Enter a complete description of each leasehold improvement/building component
Col. 2:  You must report all leasehold improvements on this schedule. DOR initially considers leasehold improvements as taxable   
       personal property. If the leasehold is exempt personal property or is assessed as part of the real estate, check “No.”
Col. 3:  Enter the year you added each leasehold improvement/building component
Col. 4:
•  Enter original cost of each leasehold improvement/building component
•  Enter total original costs of all leasehold improvement/building components at the bottom of this column. This total cost must equal 
 the amount on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 6, Column 5.
Col. 5:
•  Enter the appropriate acquisition year index factor. Use the 10-year life index factor from Schedule M or F. 
•  Use the factor corresponding to the year you acquired the leasehold improvement/building component

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Col. 6:
•  Multiply Column 4 by Column 5. Enter this amount in Column 6. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Total: Sum the total indexed net taxable value of all leasehold improvements/building components
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 9, of the Total column
Electronic Filers: 
•  If there are multiple locations within the municipality, you may need to correct a leasehold improvement entry by moving it to the 
  correct location
•  To correct a leasehold improvement entry – delete the record from the incorrect location, then add it to the correct location
•  Next year the leasehold improvement will show the corrected location

 Schedule B – Boats and Watercraft
Report: All boats and watercraft subject to general property tax with all accessories and capitalized repairs.
Include: All fully depreciated boats still on hand.
Under state law (sec. 70.111(3), Wis. Stats.), these items are exempt from property tax:
  Watercraft employed regularly in interstate traffic                Charter sailboats
  Commercial fishing boats                                           Pleasure watercraft used for recreational purposes
  Charter sport fishing boats                                        Watercraft laid up for repairs
How to Report:
Col. 1:  Enter a complete description of the boats/watercraft
Col. 2:  Enter the year you acquired the boats/watercraft
Col. 3:
•  Enter original cost of the boats/watercraft
•  Enter the total original costs of all boats/watercraft at the bottom of this column. This total cost must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, 
  Line 1, Column 5.
Col. 4:  Select Taxable or Exempt
Col. 5:
•  Enter the 20-year index factor from Schedule N, Column 5
•  On the 20-year life table, use the factor corresponding to the year you acquired the boat/watercraft
Col. 6:
•  For taxable boats/watercraft, multiply Column 3 by Column 5. Enter this amount in Column 6. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Calculate and enter the total indexed net taxable value of all boats/watercraft at the bottom of this column
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 1 of the Total column

 Schedule M – Machinery, Tools, Patterns and Shop Equipment
Report: Machinery, tools, patterns, shop equipment, storage racks, transportation equipment, forklifts, end loaders, yard cranes, 
custom or production software and all similar items (see page 5)
•  All fully depreciated items still on site
PIP (Projects in progress) costs – costs accumulated over multiple years until the project is complete. When the project is complete, 
  the value is deleted from PIP and added to the most recent acquisition year.
•  Custom or production software used to operate production equipment exempt under sec.      70.11(27), Wis. Stats.
•  Over-the-road vehicles. Report on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 10. 
    » Maintain an over-the-road vehicle asset list that is available for inspection by DOR

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•  Waste Treatment items. Report on Schedule Y-P (Part 1, Line 11).
    » Maintain a waste treatment items asset list that is available for inspection by DOR
•  All boilers are assessed as personal property. Report on Schedule N.
Review – Machinery and Equipment (M&E) Taxable/Exempt Reference List on page 5. This list provides more detailed descriptions of taxable 
and exempt machinery, tools and equipment. If you have questions on taxable or exempt assets, contact the district office in your area.
How to Report:
Col. 2:  Enter total original cost as of January 1, 2022 for each Acquisition Year (see Col. 1). This amount is last year’s end of year balance 
       from Schedule M, Column 4.
Col. 3a:  
•  Enter the total original cost of additions during calendar year 2022 (new purchases or previously purchased and transferred from 
  another location) on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total Column 3a at the 
  bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 2, Column 3.
•  For PIP and 2022 – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $50,000
•  For years 2021 and prior – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 3b:  
•  Enter deletions that occurred in 2022 on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total 
  Column 3b at the bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 2, Column 4.
•  You must provide an explanation for deletions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 4:
•  Enter sum of Columns 2, 3a and 3b. This total must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 2, Column 5.
•  This total must also agree with a detailed asset list kept at your business and available for inspection by DOR. Note: If you do not 
  provide an asset list on request, DOR may consider all assets taxable.
Col. 5:  Enter total original costs of all exempt M&E (M&E used strictly in the production process). Calculate and enter total cost at  
       bottom of column. 
Col. 6:  Subtract Column 5 from Column 4. This amount is the total original cost of taxable equipment. Calculate and enter total cost  
       at bottom of column. 
Col. 7:  10-year index factors (composite useful life factors) are already entered in this column
Col. 8:
•  Multiply Column 6 by Column 7. Enter this amount in Column 8. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Calculate and enter the total indexed net taxable value at the bottom of this column
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 2, of the Total column

  Schedule N – Boilers Assessed as Personal Property
Report: All boilers assessed as personal property that primarily (more than 50%) serve manufacturing processes as personal property. 
Note:  All process boilers are taxable personal property.
•  All fully depreciated boilers still onsite. This includes back-up boilers, even if not in use.
PIP (Projects in progress) costs – costs accumulated over multiple years until the project is complete. When the project is complete, 
  the value is deleted from the PIP and added to most recent acquisition year.
•  Boilers assessed with real estate (used primarily for building heat)
•  Leased boilers. Report on Schedule L using a 20-year life factor.
•  Boilers qualifying as waste treatment equipment under state law (sec. 70.11(21)(ab)3.b., Wis. Stats.). Report on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 11.
How to Report:
Col. 2:  Enter total original cost as of January 1, 2022 on each Acquisition Year line (Col. 1). This amount is last year’s end of year balance 
       from Schedule N, Column 4.

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Col. 3a:  
•  Enter the total original cost of additions during calendar year 2022 (new purchases or previously purchased and transferred from 
  another location) on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total Column 3a at the 
  bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 3, Column 3.
•  For PIP and 2022 – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $50,000
•  For years 2021 and prior – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 3b:
•  Enter deletions that occurred in 2022 on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total 
  Column 3b at the bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 3, Column 4.
•  You must provide an explanation for deletions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 4:
•  Enter sum of Columns 2, 3a and 3b. This total must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 3, Column 5.
•  This total must also agree with a detailed asset list kept at your business and available for inspection by DOR. Note:   If you do not 
  provide an asset list on request, DOR may consider all assets taxable.
Col. 5:  20-year index factors (composite useful life factors) are already entered in this column
Col. 6:
•  Multiply Column 4 by Column 5. Enter this amount in Column 6. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Calculate and enter the total indexed net taxable value at the bottom of this column
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 3 of the Total column

 Schedule D – Copiers, Telephone Systems and Equipment
•  Copiers, multi-function devices (MFDs), fax machines used as copiers, telephone systems and equipment
Note:   State law (sec. 70.11(39), 70.11(39m), Wis. Stats. and sec. 76.80(3), Wis. Stats.), do not apply to: copiers, fax machines used 
  as copiers, equipment with embedded computerized components or telephone systems, including equipment used to provide 
  telecommunications services
•  All fully depreciated items still on site
PIP (Projects in progress) costs – costs accumulated over multiple years until the project is complete. When the project is complete, 
  the value is deleted from PIP and added to the most recent acquisition year.
•  Office furniture, fixtures and office equipment (ex: computer workstations (desks), file cabinets). Report on Schedule F.
•  Computerized equipment exempt under secs. 70.11(39) and 70.11(39m), Wis. Stats. Report on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 9.
How to Report:
Col. 2:  Enter total original cost as of January 1, 2022 on each Acquisition Year (Col. 1). This amount is last year’s end of year balance 
       from Schedule D, Column 4.
Col. 3a:  
•  Enter the total original cost of additions during calendar year 2022 (new purchases or previously purchased and transferred from 
  another location) on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total Column 3a at the 
  bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 4, Column 3.
•  For PIP and 2022 – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $50,000
•  For years 2021 and prior – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 3b:  
•  Enter deletions that occurred in 2022 on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total 
  Column 3b at the bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 4, Column 4.
•  You must provide an explanation for deletions greater than $10,000 and over 25%

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Col. 4:
•  Enter sum of Columns 2, 3a and 3b. This total must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 4, Column 5.
•  This total must also agree with a detailed asset list kept at your business and available for inspection by DOR. Note: If you do not 
  provide an asset list on request, DOR may consider all assets taxable.
Col. 5:  Enter total original cost of all exempt copiers (copiers used in the production process). Exempt copiers include:
           » Copiers at a commercial printer used exclusively by employees to print customer copies
           » Copiers at non-printers used exclusively to print labels and/or instructions sold with the product
Col. 6:  Subtract Column 5 from Column 4. Enter this amount in Column 6. This amount is the total original cost of taxable equipment.  
        Taxable equipment includes:
           » Walk-up copy machines at a printing establishment used by the public
           » All copiers used in printing material for internal use (ex: administrative services, invoices, and advertising brochures not sold)
           » All telephone systems (communications equipment)
           » All fax machines used primarily as copiers
Col. 7:  6-year index factors (composite useful life factors) are already entered in this column
Col. 8:
•  Multiply Column 6 by Column 7. Enter this amount in Column 8. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Calculate and enter the total indexed taxable value at the bottom of this column
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 5 of the Total column

 Schedule F – Furniture, Fixtures and Office Equipment
Report:  All furniture, fixtures and office equipment.
•  All fully depreciated items still on site
PIP (Projects in progress) costs – costs accumulated over multiple years until the project is complete. When the project is complete, 
  the value is deleted from PIP and added to the most recent acquisition year.
•  Multi-function devices, photocopiers, fax machines and telephone systems. Report on Schedules D or L.
•  Works of art. Report on Schedule O.
•  Computerized equipment, exempt under secs. 70.11(39) and 70.11(39m), Wis. Stats. Report on Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 9.
How to Report:
Col. 2:  Enter total original cost as of January 1, 2022 on each Acquisition Year (Col. 1). This amount is last year’s end of year balance  
        from Schedule F, Column 4.
Col. 3a: 
•  Enter the total original cost of additions during calendar year 2022 (new purchases or previously purchased and transferred from 
  another location) on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total Column 3a at the 
  bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 5, Column 3.
•  For PIP and 2022 – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $50,000
•  For years 2021 and prior – you must provide an explanation for additions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 3b: 
•  Enter deletions that occurred in 2022 on the Acquisition Year line corresponding with the calendar year you acquired the item. Total 
  Column 3b at the bottom. This value must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 5, Column 4.
•  You must provide an explanation for deletions greater than $10,000 and over 25%
Col. 4: 
•  Enter sum of Columns 2, 3a and 3b. This total must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 5, Column 5.
•  This total must also agree with a detailed asset list kept at your business and available for inspection by DOR. Note: If you do not 
  provide an asset list on request, DOR may consider all assets taxable.
Col. 5:  10-year index factors (composite useful life factors) are already entered in this column

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Col. 6:
•  Multiply Column 4 by Column 5. Enter this amount in Column 6. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Calculate and enter the total indexed taxable value at the bottom of this column
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 6 of the Total column

  Schedule S – Taxable Supplies and Expensed Assets
Report: All taxable items expensed (not capitalized). Include taxable assets physically located on the property that were not reported 
on another schedule. Note: These assets may last longer than one year.

Part 1 – Supplies
Report: Non-production supplies
Include supplies used in:
•  Administrative functions         •  Transportation                                     •  Sales
Motor vehicle fuel                •  Research and development                           •  Heating fuel
•  Housekeeping                     •  Garage supplies                                    •  Building maintenance
Exclude: Factory supplies that render services to production, though not incorporated in the final product, including:
•  Grease, oil and fuel for production machines
•  Coke inventory
•  Molding sand inventory
•  Electroplating solution inventory
How to Report:
Choose your method of value determination below:
Physical inventory – identify items on hand as of January 1, 2023 and report their costs
Percentage of annual expenses – apply 1/12 (8.3%) to the total cost of supplies from the previous year, estimating supplies on hand 
  January 1, 2023
Estimated value – use this if there is no physical inventory or records documenting a value
•  If you do not have non-production (taxable) supplies, check “No supplies”

Part 2 – Expensed Taxable Assets
Report: All taxable expensed assets
•  All taxable items at this location on January 1, 2023 that you expensed (if not capitalized or reported on another schedule)
•  Maintain an “expensed” asset list that is available for inspection by DOR
How to Report:
Col. 1:  Select the basis for estimated market value
         » Physical inventory – identify items on hand as of January 1, 2023 
         » Estimated value – use this if there is no physical inventory or records documenting a value
         » If you do not have non-production (taxable) expensed assets, check “No expensed assets”
Col. 2:  Enter the original cost
Col. 3:  Enter your value of expensed taxable items
Total value of non-production (taxable) supplies and expensed items:
•  Enter sum of the declared value from Part 1 and Part 2
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 10 of the Total column

  Schedule O – Other Property Not on Previous Schedules
Report: All owned property not previously reported on other schedules

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Include: All fully depreciated items (if not capitalized or reported on another schedule).
•  4-year life – pallets and wooden crates
•  10-year life – signs, unlicensed trailers, beer kegs, returnable containers
•  20-year life – tanks, silos, rail cars, mobile homes
How to Report:
Col. 1:  Enter a complete, detailed description of the property
Col. 2:  Select the asset life (see examples above)
Col. 3:  Select Taxable or Exempt
Col. 4:  Enter the year you acquired the property
Col. 5:
•  Enter original cost of the property
•  Enter total original cost of all property at the bottom of this column. This total cost must equal Schedule Y-P, Part 1, Line 7, Column 5.
Col. 6:
•  4-yr index factor
•  10-yr index factor from Schedule F
•  20-yr index factor from Schedule N
Col. 7:
•  Multiply Column 5 by Column 6. Enter this amount in Column 7. Repeat this for each entry.
•  Calculate and enter the total indexed net taxable value of all other property at the bottom of this column
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 11 of the Total column

 Schedule L – Leased (and Rented or Loaned) Items
Report: All leased (and rented or loaned) items that are on your premises as of January 1, 2023. Note: You must report all non-owned 
equipment on the premises regardless of who pays the tax.
•  Capitalized leases
•  Copiers and multi-function devices (MFDs) used as copiers
•  Any leased (and rented or loaned) items removed from your premises before January 1, 2023
•  Leased over-the-road vehicles 
•  Leased computers, software and fax machines (not used as a copiers) 
•  Leased buildings
How to Report:
Col. 1:
•  Enter requested owner/lessor information
•  If multiple leases have the same owner/lessor information, enter “Same as above” in the appropriate owner/lessor sections
Col. 2:
•  Enter requested equipment information (property type, description, brand name, model no., total quantity, serial no.)
•  It is best to enter equipment assets under separate leases; however, you can combine leases if the “Equipment Information” (Col. 2) 
 and the “Lease or Asset Information” (Col. 3) are identical for each individual asset
   » Example:  If you have three forklifts with the same brand name, model number, lease inception date and term, and the same gross 
     annual rent or original selling price, you can enter “3” in “Total quantity” field
     Note:  “Serial no.” field – if you enter a number greater than “1” in the “Total quantity” field, there is no need to enter a serial number
Col. 3:  Enter requested lease or asset information (lease no., start date, term (months), total gross annual rent)

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Col. 4:  If known, enter total original selling price and acquisition year or total current selling price used for “Total quantity” in Column 2. If  
        the “Total quantity” in Column 2 is greater than 1, multiply the total quantity by the original or current selling price and enter that  
        amount in this column under “Total original selling price” or “Total current selling price used.” Note: These amounts are  
        important for valuation purposes.
Col. 5:
•  If the property is capitalized (included on Schedules M, N, D or F), select the schedule where it is capitalized
•  If the property is exempt machinery and equipment (M&E), check “Yes”
Col. 6:  If the asset was not capitalized and is not exempt (in Column 5), you must estimate the current market value
Estimated market value – is based on the “Method of Valuation” (original selling price, current selling price, gross annual rent)
Valuation methods:
1. Original selling price –   below are the life factor examples used to calculate current value:
      » Machinery and equipment 10-year life factors  see( Schedule M, Column 7)
      » Boilers and tanks – 20-year life factors (see Schedule N, Column 5)
      » Copiers –      6-year life factors (see Schedule D, Column 7)
   »  Furniture and fixtures – 10-year life factors (see Schedule F, Column 5)
        Example: If you lease a forklift starting in 2022, take the original selling price and multiply it by .925 (10-year life factor from  
        Schedule M) to get the Estimated Market Value
2. Current selling price – current selling price equals the Estimated Market Value
3. Gross annual rent – gross annual rent multiplied by 3 equals the Estimated Market Value
•  If you are e-filing, the “Estimated Market Value” is calculated after you select the method of valuation and based on information 
   entered in each prior field
•  If you are paper-filing, select your method of valuation – original selling price, current selling price or gross annual rent
Total of All Pages:
•  Enter total estimated market value. If you complete more than one page of leases, calculate total of all pages
•  Enter this total on Schedule A, Line 7 of the Total column
Note:   DOR crosschecks this schedule with reports filed by lessors (M-L Forms)

  Submitting Your Return

•  You must correct all errors to submit your return
•  Confirmation screen - to submit your return, you must read the statements and click “OK”
 Submit Return
     » After you reviewed your return for accuracy and agreed with the confirmation statements, submit your return
     » You will see a confirmation screen. Keep the confirmation number for your records.

Paper Return
•  Only state prescribed forms are accepted. Imposter forms mimicking state prescribed forms will be rejected.
•  Check for errors – make sure you have assets listed correctly in the taxable or exempt columns and review your math
 M-P Form must have an original signature and ALL Manufact./Owner Information fields must be completed
•  When filing your completed M-P Form, you must include required documents, forms and additional information DOR requires to 
   process your return
•  DOR does not accept faxed, emailed or unsigned forms
•  Submit only completed schedules. Do not include unused schedules.
•  Mail return – mail your completed original return to the Madison district office 
•  For proof you mailed your return and additional documents, we recommend getting a certificate of mailing from your preferred 
   document delivery service

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