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                                                                             Assessment date as of:  January 1, 2022
                                                                                        Due date:  March 1, 2022

  Wisconsin Leased, Rented or Loaned Personal Property Return Instructions                                      2022

For property located at, but not owned by a Wisconsin manufacturer.

Reporting Requirements 
• Use the M-L Form to report to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) only personal property you lease to, rent to, loan
  to or have located at a state-assessed manufacturer
• You must report  personal  property  leased  to  locally-assessed  businesses  (non-manufacturers)  to  the  appropriate  local
  municipal assessor (see below)
• Paper filed M-L Forms must have original signatures. The fields under “Preparer” and “Manufact./Owner” must be completed
  with current and accurate information.
• Note:  To avoid double assessments, do not report the same leased property to DOR and the local assessor

To report personal property leased to manufacturers:
• Review the general instructions
• Submit electronic or separate paper M-L Forms to the appropriate DOR Manufacturing & Utility Bureau District Office
• List all personal property (except computers, software and related processing equipment) leased to manufacturers within
  each district on Schedule LL

To report personal property leased to non-manufacturers:
• Report to the appropriate local assessor of the municipality where the leased property is located
• Contact the local assessor for more information on forms and filing. You can find a list of all Wisconsin municipal assessors at:

Due date:  March 1, 2022 – the appropriate district office must receive your M-L Form or your extension request on or before 
  March 1, 2022. If you mail your form or extension request, it must be postmarked on or before March 1, 2022.
• If you are reporting property located in more than one Manufacaturing & Utility Bureau District Office, you must mail a separate 
  M-L Form to each district office
• DOR does not print or mail M-Forms. We encourage leasing companies to electronically file (e-file) or download and print the
  M-L Form from our website. For more details, visit revenue.wi.gov; for e-filing search key word “E-Filing Manufacturing Forms”
  and for paper forms search key word “2022 M-L Form.”
Updates – sign up for the DOR Electronic Mailing List to receive an email newsletter on filing deadlines, forms updates and
  electronic filing availability. Visit revenue.wi.gov/Pages/HTML/lists.aspx and check the “Manufacturers” box, enter your email
  address and click “Subscribe.” An email will be sent to your inbox and you will need to confirm the request.

If you no longer lease property in Wisconsin – write “NONE” on the Schedule A and Schedule LL and submit this form 
to the district office in your area.

Contact us with questions, comments or suggestions.

PA-750L_inst (R. 1-22)                                                                                    Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Department of Revenue - Manufacturing & Utility District Offices 

                                                                                                 Manufacturing & Utility Bureau

                                                                                                  Contact Information
                                                   Manufacturing & Utility
                                                   District Office Territories                   Eau Claire District Office (79)
                                                                                                 610 Gibson St, Ste. 7
                                                                                                 Eau Claire, WI 54701-2650
                                                                                                 Ph:  715-836-4925   Fax: 715-836-6690 

                                                                                                 Green Bay District Office (81)
                                                                                                 200 N. Jefferson St, Ste. 126
                                                                                                 Green Bay, WI 54301-5100
                                                                                                 Ph:  920-448-5191   Fax: 920-448-5210

                                                                                                 Madison District Office (76)
                                                                                                 Mailing Address
                                                                                                 PO Box 8909  #6-301  
                                                                                                 Madison, WI 53708-8909
     District Territory                                                                          Street Address
            Eau Claire  (79)                                                                     2135 Rimrock Rd  #6-301
            Green Bay  (81)                                                                      Madison, WI 53713-1443
            Madison   (76)
            Milwaukee (77)                                                                       mfgtel76@wisconsin.gov
                                                                                                 Ph:  608-267-8992   Fax: 608-267-1355

                                                                                                 Milwaukee District Office (77)
                                                                                                 State Office Building
                                                                                                 819 N. 6th St,  Rm. 530
     Wisconsin Counties - Alphabetical List                                                      Milwaukee, WI 53203-1610
     County      District         County    District      County      District                   mfgtel77@wisconsin.gov
Code Name        Office      Code Name      Office   Code Name        Office                     Ph:   414-227-4456   Fax: 414-227-4095
01   Adams       79          25   Iowa      76       48   Polk        79
02   Ashland     79          26   Iron      79       49   Portage     81
03   Barron      79          27   Jackson   79       50   Price       79       Waukesha County Municipal - Assignment Detail
04   Bayfield    79          28   Jefferson 76       51   Racine      77                         District                       District  
                                                                               Municipality Type Office    Municipality    Type Office
05   Brown       81          29   Juneau    79       52   Richland    76
06   Buffalo     79          30   Kenosha   77       53   Rock        76       Big Bend     V    76        Milwaukee          C 77
07   Burnett     79          31   Kewaunee  81       54   Rusk        79       Brookfield   T    77        Mukwonago          T 76
08   Calumet     81          32   La Crosse 79       55   St. Croix   79       Brookfield   C    77        Mukwonago          V 76
09   Chippewa    79          33   Lafayette 76       56   Sauk        76       Butler       V    77        Muskego            C 77
10   Clark       79          34   Langlade  81       57   Sawyer      79       Chenequa     V    76        Nashotah           V 76
11   Columbia    76          35   Lincoln   79       58   Shawano     81       Delafield    T    76        New Berlin         C 77
12   Crawford    76          36   Manitowoc 81       59   Sheboygan   81       Delafield    C    76        North Prairie      V 76
13   Dane        76          37   Marathon  79       60   Taylor      79       Dousman      V    76        Oconomowoc         T 76
14   Dodge       76          38   Marinette 81       61   Trempealeau 79       Eagle        T    76        Oconomowoc         C 76
15   Door        81          39   Marquette 81       62   Vernon      79       Eagle        V    76        Oconomowoc Lake    V 76
16   Douglas     79          72   Menominee 81       63   Vilas       79       Elm Grove    V    77        Ottawa             T 76
17   Dunn        79          40   Milwaukee 77       64   Walworth    76       Genesee      T    76        Pewaukee           V 76
18   Eau Claire  79          41   Monroe    79       65   Washburn    79       Hartland     V    76        Pewaukee           C 76
19   Florence    81          42   Oconto    81       66   Washington  77       Lac La Belle V    76        Summit             V 76
20   Fond du Lac 81          43   Oneida    79       67   Waukesha    76/77    Lannon       V    77        Sussex             V 76
21   Forest      81          44   Outagamie 81       68   Waupaca     81       Lisbon       T    76        Vernon             V 76
22   Grant       76          45   Ozaukee   77       69   Waushara    81       Men. Falls   V    77        Wales              V 76
23   Green       76          46   Pepin     79       70   Winnebago   81       Merton       T    76        Waukesha           V 76
24   Green Lake  81          47   Pierce    79       71   Wood        79       Merton       V    76        Waukesha           C 76

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Form M-L                                         General Instructions                                                    2022

General Filing Information
•  Under state law (sec. 70.995, Wis. Stats.), leasing companies that own personal property leased to, rented to, loaned to or 
  located at a Wisconsin Manufacturer must file this form. For a complete list of all companies in Wisconsin currently classified 
  as manufacturers, visit our website revenue.wi.gov/Pages/manufacturing and review,   “Companies Classified as Manufacturing 
  for Property Assessment.
Assessment date –  DOR uses the M-L Form in determining the assessed value of property leased to, rented to or located at a 
  manufacaturer and subject to general property taxes as of January 1, 2022
Where to file the paper ML-Form 
    » Since DOR required an original signature, we do not except a faxed copy or other rendering of this prescribed form, including 
      versions from prior years.
    » Mail your completed original return to the district office responsible for the location of your manufacaturing property. 
      To determine the correct district office, match the county where the property is located to the 2-digit district office code 
      (see page 2).

Extension Requests
State law grants one filing extension to April 1, 2022. You may file your extension request online through our e-file system, or 
by First Class mail, email or fax. DOR must receive your extension request on or before March 1, 2022. If you mail your extension 
request, it must be postmarked on or before March 1, 2022. DOR will deny an extension request postmarked after March 1, 2022.
•  Extension request methods:
    » Online request – file an online electronic extension request from our website. Visit revenue.wi.gov and search key word 
      “E-filing Manufacturing Forms.”  Timely filed electronic extensions are immediately acknowledged on screen.
    » Email, fax or mail – If you do not electronically file your extension request, you must send your extension request in 
      writing to the district office in your area, with the heading “Attn: Extensions.” To verify delivery: you must choose an email 
      delivery receipt confirmation (sender option), a fax transmission confirmation report, or get a certificate of mailing from 
      your preferred document delivery service.
•  To file an extension request, you must:
    » Identify each leasing account requesting a filing extension by its full State ID number (ex: 76-13-251-L099100001) or 8-digit 
      account number (ex: 99100001)
    » If you  are filing extension  requests for multiple leasing accounts, you must  submit the full  State ID number of  all 
      individual accounts for which you are requesting an extension
Filing Penalty
•  DOR does not consider this form timely filed unless it contains all the required data for each equipment location. If you do 
  not provide the required data, you will be charged a filing penalty.
Lessors are required to file Schedule LL even though manufacturers are assessed and responsible for the property tax in the 
  State of Wisconsin. Lessees are also required to report leased property information on their personal property forms.

Leased Property
Property leased to utilities and telecommunications companies – to report property leased to state-assessed utility and 
  telecommunication companies, complete the Lessor Data Report (Form LS-001). For more information, contact us at:
  Wisconsin Department of Revenue
  Manufacturing & Utility Bureau  #6-97
  PO Box 8971
  Madison WI  53708-8971
  (608) 264-6889
Property leased to non-manufacturers and non-utilities – you must report all property leased to non-manufacturers and 
  non-utilities to the local municipal assessor, except computers, software and related processing equipment. 

PA-750L_inst (R. 1-22)                                      - 3 -                                  Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Form M-L                                      How to Complete Schedules                                           2022

Schedule A

Report:  Personal property leased, rented or loaned to Wisconsin manufacturers only, except computers, software and related 
processing equipment. Note:  Multi-function devices (MFDs) are considered copiers and must be reported.

How to Report:
•  Enter the leasing company’s 8-digit State number (ex: 99100001) and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
•  Enter the company’s legal name and mailing address. Note:    If you use a PO Box, make sure to use the correct zip+4 code.
•  If the name of address changed from the prior year, check the name/address change box
•  Check the district box where the personal property is located
•  Sign Schedule A. Since DOR requires an original signature, we do not accept faxed copies of the form.

Schedule LL

Report – Lessor should report:
1.  All property leased to, rented to, loaned to or located at state-assessed manufacturers as of January 1, 2022. Except computers, 
software, and related processing equipment. MFDs are considered copiers and must be reported.
2.  Any property reported last year but no longer under lease as of January 1, 2022, must be accounted for this year. Either report 
this property on Schedule LL for 2021, checking the appropriate reason for disposal of (Column 5 – Lease Status), or attach a 
photocopy of last year’s Schedule LL indicating the status of the equipment. 

Lessor Date Reporting – Alternate method  (See “Attaching a file” instructions if filing electronically)
•  Review the 2021 Composite Conversion Index Factors. Report the required information for every manufacturer’s asset.
•  Instead of completing Schedule LL, you may use  an alternative method of reporting the lessor data. You can submit a substitute 
of the schedule or a computer printout in an 8 1/2” x 11” format    .
•  Alternate method must include all the requested information on Schedule LL
•  If you choose to report using this alternative method, you must also sign Schedule A of this M-L Form and file it with your 
substitute report to the appropriate district office
•  Electronic Excel (.xlsx) file:
  » Preferred file type
  » Sort by “municipality” then by “company”
  » Email Excel file to the appropriate district office

Col. 1:  Lessee Information – Lessee name and property location
Complete this column for each item leased to, rented to or located at a manufacturer (lessee) in this area: 
•  Report the manufacturer’s company name or DBA (Doing Business As) name, whichever is appropriate
•  List the property location (street address and city) of the asset
•  Enter the manufacturer’s phone number if available

Col. 2:  Equipment Information – Property type, description, brand name, model number, total quantity and serial 
To complete this column, enter:
•  General property type you are leasing to a manufacturer (ex: copy machine, MFD, telephone system, lathe, forklift truck)
•  Brand name, model number and serial number of the property
•  If there is more than one item, provide all the above equipment information for each item

PA-750L_inst (R. 1-22)                                        - 4 -                                Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Form M-L                                  How to Complete Schedules                                    2022

Col. 3:  Lease Information – Asset lease terms
To complete this column, enter:
•  Lease number
•  Month and year for the beginning of the lease 
•  Term of the lease (years)
•  Gross annual rent for the asset

Col. 4:  Cost of Information – Asset cost information
To complete this column, enter:
•  Lessee ID
•  Total original selling price – enter the selling price if amount reported corresponds with the original selling price for the 
manufacture or acquisition year. Also, enter amount here if the purchase price of the item you are leasing to a manufacturer 
represents a normal retail selling price. 
•  Acquisition year (or manufacture year) 
  » If you are a manufacturer/lessor of equipment, report the year the item was manufactured
  » If you purchased the item you are leasing to a manufacturer, report the year you purchased the item
•  Total current selling price used – enter amount that corresponds with the current selling price of the item you are reporting

Col. 5:  Lease Status – Active or inactive (Disposed)
To complete this column:
•  Check the appropriate box showing the current lease status on January 1, 2022
•  If you disposed of the property, check the appropriate box

Note:       DOR cross checks Schedule LL with personal property reports filed by manufacturers (M-P Forms).  The owner 
            and the manufacturer must report all leased, rented or loaned property located at a manufacturer, except 
            computers, software and related processing equipment.

PA-750L_inst (R. 1-22)                                       - 5 -                                     Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Form M-L               Leasing Companies Locally Assessed (By Municipal Assessor, Not DOR)              2022

In general, DOR assesses personal property leased to, rented to or loaned to a Wisconsin manufacturer. However, Chapter 18 
of the Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual allows the municipal assessor to assess low value items with no likelihood of 
qualifying as exempt M&E.

Below is a list of leasing companies who lease such items to Wisconsin manufacturers. For the January 1, 2022 assessment, the 
municipal assessor assesses property owned by these leasing companies and leased to Wisconsin manufacturers. In addition, 
all assessable vending machines continue to be locally assessed.

Property leased from these companies should not be reported on Schedule L.

ADP, Inc                               ITU                                   SkyTel
All City Communications Co.            Johnson Controls, - Security          Spic & Span Inc.
                                       Solutions, LLC
Ameritech Applied Technologies Inc.                                          SPOK
                                       Lease Finance Group, LLC
AnSer Services                                                               Superior Services Inc.
                                       Mail Finance, Inc.
Arch Communications                                                          Sysco Food Services
                                       Mineral Spring Water, LLC
Associated Press USA, LLC                                                    Taylor Enterprises of Wisconsin Inc.
                                       Mobile Reduction Specialists Inc.
Badger Mailing & Shipping Systems Inc.                                       TELSEC Town & Country Sanitation
                                       Neopost USA Inc. 
Best Way Disposal                                                            Unified Merchant
                                       Northern Leasing Systems
Brent’s Mailing Equipment Co.                                                United Parcel Service (UPS)
                                       Onyx Waste Services Inc.
Brook Furniture Rental Inc.                                                  United Rentals
                                       OSI Environmental Inc.
Business Service Center Inc.                                                 Viking Fire Protection
                                       Packerland Rent-A-Mat Inc.
Card Establishment Services Inc.                                             Waste Management (Excluding 
                                       Pelleteri Waste Systems               Chemical Waste Management)
Convergent Solutions Inc.
                                       The Peltz Group, LLC                  Worldspan
Culligan Water
                                       Pitney Bowes Inc. (Not Pitney Bowes 
Evoqua Water Technologies
                                       Global Financial Services, LLC)
Farmer Bros. Co.
                                       Planteriors of Wisconsin Plant Rentals
Federal Express (Fed Ex)
                                       Praxair Distribution Inc. 
                                       Premium Water Inc. – Chippewa 
Francotyp – Postalia Inc.              Springs Ltd.
Friden Neopost                         Quadient Inc (FKA Neopost USA Inc)
Galileo International Inc.             Republic Services Inc.
                                       Springs Ltd.
Gross Industrial Towel & Garment 
Services                               Safety-Kleen Systems Inc.
Honeywell International Inc.           Security Link From Ameritech Inc.
Interiorscapes Inc.                    Siemens Water Solutions

PA-750L_inst (R. 1-22)                               - 6 -                                 Wisconsin Department of Revenue

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Form M-L                            2022 Composite Conversion Index Factors                                          2022

The composite conversion index factors reflect the change in prices over time and depreciation.
Use these index factors to help determine the January 1, 2022 value of fixed assets. The most common method DOR uses is 

Original Acquisition Cost (Retail) times Index Factor (for appropriate useful life)
The steps in this method are:
1.  Use the list below to find the appropriate useful life for equipment type
2.  Use the chart below to find the correct index factor based on the year acquired and indicated useful life
3.  Multiply the original acquisition cost (retail) times the index factor to arrive at the value

Example:  The value of a copier six-year life purchased in 2018 for $10,000 would be $3,910 ($10,000 x .391 = $3,910)

                                     2022  Composite Conversion Index Factors
                       Year         YRS. 4      6                     10            20           Year
                       Acquired     MOS. 48     72                    120           240          Acquired
                       2021              0.813  0.875                 0.925         0.963        2021
                       2020              0.513  0.663                 0.794         0.899        2020
                       2019              0.327  0.507                 0.688         0.849        2019
                       2018              0.210  0.391                 0.602         0.808        2018
                       2017              0.114  0.296                 0.517         0.754        2017
                       2016                     0.225                 0.433         0.704        2016
                       2015                     0.124                 0.377         0.651        2015
                       2014                                           0.327         0.614        2014
                       2013                                           0.280         0.573        2013
                       2012                                           0.240         0.534        2012
                       2011                                           0.144         0.507        2011
                       2010                                                         0.473        2010
                       2009                                                         0.442        2009
                       2008                                                         0.422        2008
                       2007                                                         0.397        2007
                       2006                                                         0.380        2006
                       2005                                                         0.359        2005
                       2004                                                         0.343        2004
                       2003                                                         0.318        2003
                       2002                                                         0.296        2002
                       2001 & prior      0.114  0.124                 0.144         0.189        2001 & prior
                       Note:  The outlined boxes, at the bottom of each column, show the index factors to use for 
                       the year (and any prior year) you acquired the fixed assets.
                       You must report all assets regardless of age. 

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