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Community Rehabilitation Program Credit
CM Enclose2024 with Wisconsin Form 1, 1NPR, 2, 3, 4, 4T, 5S, or 6
Department of Revenue Read instructions before filling in this schedule
Name Identifying Number
Part I – To be completed by claimant
1 Enter amount paid in the taxable year to a community rehabilitation
program to perform work for your business. Do not fill in more than $500,000 1
2 Multiply line 1 by 5% (0.05)....................................... 2
3 If you paid an amount to more than one community rehabilitation program
to perform work for your business, fill in the amount from line 2 of any
additional Schedules CM ........................................ 3
4 Community rehabilitation program credit passed through from other
4a Entity Name
FEIN Amount 4a
4b Entity Name
FEIN Amount 4b
4c Total pass through credits from additional schedule. 4c
4d Total credits (add lines 4a through 4c) ............................ 4d
5 Add......... 5 lines 2, 3, and 4d. This is your 2024 credit (see instructions)
5a Fiduciaries – enter the amount of credit allocated to beneficiaries ......... 5a
5b Fiduciaries – subtract line 5a from line 5 ............................ 5b
6 Carryover of unused community rehabilitation program credit. Include
Schedule CF ................................................. 6
7 Add lines 5 and 6 (lines 5b and 6 if fiduciary). This is the available
community rehabilitation program credit. Include Schedule CF if the credit
was not used in full ............................................. 7
IC-234 (R.6-24)