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Wisconsin Adjustments for
Insurance Companies
4I File with Wisconsin Form 4 2024
Department of Revenue Read instructions before filling in this schedule
Corporation Name Federal Employer ID Number
Part I Additions Specific to Insurance Companies
1 Loss carryforward deducted in the calculation of federal taxable income........... 1
2 Dividend income received to the extent not included in the amount on Form 4,
line 1 .............................................................. 2
3 Additional federal deduction for insurers required to discount unpaid losses........ 3
4 Add lines 1 through 3. Enter this amount on Schedule 4V, line 9................. 4
Part II Nontaxable Income from Life Insurance Operations
5 Insurance company's federal taxable income as reported or included on
Form 4, line 1 ........................................................ 5
6 Insurance company's total addition modifications from Schedule 4V, line 11 . . . . . . . . 6
7 Add lines 5 and 6 ..................................................... 7
8 Insurance company's total subtraction modifications from Schedule 4W,
lines 1 through 15i .................................................... 8
9 Subtract line 8 from line 7............................................... 9
10a Enter net gain from operations other than life insurance ....................... 10a
10b Enter total net gain from operations ....................................... 10b
11 Divide line 10a by line 10b and enter result as a percentage (see instructions) ...... 11 . %
12 Multiply line 9 by line 11 ................................................ 12
13 Subtract line 12 from line 9. Enter this amount on Schedule 4W, line 16 ........... 13
Part III Net Business Loss Adjustment for Insurance Companies
14 Enter net income or loss from Form 4, line 9. ............................... 14
15 Enter the net income or loss from Form 4, line 10. ............................ 15
16 Add lines 14 and 15. If the amount is positive, there is no net business loss
adjustment. If the amount is negative, complete lines 17 to 20................... 16
17 Enter the total dividends received deduction from Schedule 4Y, computed as
explained in the instructions. Enter as a negative number ...................... 17
18 Enter the apportionment percentage from Form 4, line 8........................ 18 . %
IC-020C (R. 6-24)