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Form               Wisconsin Tax-Option (S)
                   Corporation Franchise or
      5S Income Tax Return
For calendar year 2024 or tax year beginning             2  0      2 4                 and ending                       2 0                      2024
                                             M M  D    D Y  Y      Y Y                                       M M D D    Y Y Y Y 
 Due Date:  15th day of 3rd month following close of taxable year.
 Corporation Name                                                                                                             FEIN

 Number and Street                                                                                                                               Suite Number

 City                                                                                                 State      Zip (+ 4 digit suffix if known) Business Activity (NAICS) Code

 Number of Shareholders             Number of Nonresident Shareholders State of Incorporation                  and  Year

A  Check  if applicable and attach explanation:
    1      Amended return (Include Schedule AR)                                        6          Short period - termination of S corporation election 
    2      First return - new corporation or entering Wisconsin                        7          Electing to pay tax at the entity level pursuant s. 71.365(4m)(a)
    3      Final return - corporation dissolved or withdrew                            8          A lower-tier entity made an election pursuant to s. 71.21(6)(a)
    4      Short period - change in accounting method                                  9          Reorganization. Enter type (see instructions) 
    5      Short period - stock purchase or sale
Check if applicable and see instructions:
B     If you have an extension of time to file, enter the extended due date
                                                                                                  M          M D D Y    Y Y Y 
C     If no business was transacted in Wisconsin during the taxable year, attach a complete copy of your federal return.
D     If you are filing a Form 1CNS on behalf of nonresident shareholders. Note: A separately filed Form PW-1 may also be required.
E  Effective date of Wisconsin tax-option corporation election
                                                                   M M                 D D  Y                Y Y Y 
F     If you have related entity expenses and are required to file Schedule RT with this return.
G1  Wisconsin Property ......       G1                                                   H1  Wisconsin Payroll ........         H1
  2  Total Company Property  ..     G2                                                     2  Total Company Payroll  ....       H2
I     Internal Revenue Service adjustments became final during the year. Enter years adjusted                             I
J     If you are electing to claim a credit under s. 71.28(3w)(c)2.b. or (3y)(c)1.b., Wis. Stats., at the entity level, 
      attach the appropriate Schedule EC or BD and include the amount of the credit(s) on line 15.
Part I
  1  Federal, state, and municipal government interest (see instructions) ..................................                    1
  2  Wisconsin apportionment percentage.  This is a required field.
     Enter the apportionment schedule used:...........................................                                 A        2                .%
     If 100% apportionment, check () the space after the arrow.................................
     If using separate accounting, check () the space after the arrow ............................
  3  Multiply line 1 by line 2 ......................................................................                           3
  4  Enter 7.9% (0.079) of the amount on line 3. This is gross tax ........................................                     4
  5  Manufacturer’sDRAFTsales tax credit (from Sch.SampleMS, line 3).............................................. 08-05-20245    Form 
  6  Subtract line 5 from line 4. If line 5 is more than line 4, enter zero (0). .................................              6
  7  Additional tax on tax-option (S) corporations (page 2, Schedule Q plus Schedule 5S-ET) ..................                  7
  8  Economic development surcharge (from page 2, Schedule S, line 6) ..................................                        8
  9  Endangered resources donation (decreases refund or increases amount owed) .........................                        9
 10  Veterans trust fund donation (decreases refund or increases amount owed) ............................                      10
 11  Add lines 6 through 10 ......................................................................                              11
 12  Estimated tax payments less refund from Form 4466W ............................................                            12
 13  Wisconsin tax withheld (see instructions)........................................................                          13
 14  Amended Return Only amount previouslyFilepaid..................................................Electronically  14
 15  Add lines 12 through 14 (see instructions).......................................................   15
 16  Amended Return Only – amount previously refunded ..............................................   16
 17  Subtract line 16 from 15 .....................................................................                             17
IC-049 (R. 7-24)

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2024 Form 5S        Name                                                                                     ID Number                                                          Page 2 of 5
 18  Interest, penalty, and late fee due (from Form U, line 17 or 26). If you annualized check () the box  ..                                                    18
 19  Amount due. If the total of lines 11 and 18 is larger than line 17, enter amount owed .....................                                                  19
 20  Overpayment. If line 17 is larger than the total of lines 11 and 18, enter amount overpaid .................                                                 20
 21  Enter amount of line 20 you want credited to 2025 estimated tax .....................................                                                        21
 22  Subtract line 21 from line 20.  This is your refund  ...............................................                           22
 23  Enter total company gross receipts from all activities (see instructions) ................................                     23
 24  Enter total company assets from federal Form 1120S, item F ........................................                            24
 25  If the tax-option corporation paid withholding tax on income distributable to nonresident
     shareholders, enter total amount paid for all shareholders for the taxable year ..........................                                                   25
Schedule Q - Additional Tax on Certain Built-In Gains
  1   Excess of recognized built-in gains over recognized built-in losses (attach schedule)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .                           1
 2  Wisconsin taxable income before apportionment (attach computation schedule) .........................                                                         2
  3   Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 2. This is the net recognized built-in gain (see instructions) ...............                                          3
  4   Wisconsin apportionment percentage.  This is a required field.
      Enter the apportionment schedule used:  ............................................                             A                                          4         .%
  5   Multiply line 3 by line 4 (see instructions)........................................................                                                        5
  6   Wisconsin net business loss carryforward (attach schedule).........................................                                                         6
  7   Subtract line 6 from line 5....................................................................                                                             7
  8   Enter 7.9% (0.079) of the amount on line 7. Enter on Form 5S, page 1, line 7 ...........................                                                    8
Schedule S - Economic Development Surcharge
  1   Enter net income (loss) (see instructions)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .  1
 2  Wisconsin apportionment percentage.  This is a required field.
      Enter the apportionment schedule used:  ............................................                             A                                          2         .%
  3   Multiply line 1 by line 2 (see instructions)........................................................                                                        3
  4   Nonapportionable and separately apportioned income .............................................                                                            4
  5   Add lines 3 and 4 ..........................................................................                                                                5
  6   Enter the greater of $25 or 0.2% (0.002) of the amount on line 5, but not more than $9,800.
     This is the economic development surcharge to enter on Form 5S, page 1, line 8 ........................                                                      6
  Additional Information Required
 1   Person to contact concerning this return:                                                                              Phone #
  2  City and state where books and records are located for audit purposes:
  3  Are you the sole owner of any QSubs or LLCs?       Yes           No                   Attach a list of the names and federal EINs of your solely owned QSubs
     and LLCs and include Schedule DE. Did you include the incomes of these entities in this return?                        Yes                                     No
  4  Did you purchase any taxable tangible personal property or taxable services for storage, use, or consumption in Wisconsin without
     payment of a state sales or use tax?       Yes     No        If yes, you owe Wisconsin use tax. See instructions.
  5  List the locations of your Wisconsin operations:
 6  Did you file federal Form 8886 – Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement with the Internal Revenue Service?                                                   Yes       No 
     If yes, include federal Form 8886 with your Wisconsin return.

Pass-ThroughSample Form                                                                                                                                                                    Entity Representative 
      DRAFT 08-05-2024 
 Representative’s Name (see instructions)                                                  Contact’s Name (see instructions)

 Email Address                                                                                                                                                      Phone Number

 Mailing Address                                                                                                                                                    Apt. 

 City                                                                                                                       State                                   Zip Code

                                          File Electronically
Third            Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the department?             Yes            Complete the following.                             No
Party            Print Designee’s Name                                                                                          Phone Number
DesigneePersonal Identification Number (PIN)

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2024 Form 5S           Name                                                                  ID Number                       Page 3 of 5
Under penalties of law, I declare that this return and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief .
Signature of Officer                                                 Title                                               Date

Preparer’s Signature                                                 Preparer’s Federal Employer ID Number               Date

You must file a copy of your federal Form 1120S with Form 5S, even if no Wisconsin activity. 
For information on how to file, see filing methods in the instructions under “When and Where to File.”
Part II Schedule 5K – Shareholder’s Pro Rata Share Items
                           (a) Pro rata share items               (b) Federal amount (c)      Adjustment              (d) Amount under Wis. law
               1  Ordinary business income (loss)             1                                                  1
               2  Net rental real estate income
                   (loss) (attach Form 8825)  . . . . . .     2                                                  2
               3  Other net rental income (loss)
                   (attach schedule) ............             3
                4  Interest income  .............             4
               5  Ordinary dividends ...........              5
               6  Royalties   ..................              6
       Income  7  Net short-term capital gain (loss)          7                                                  7                             (Loss) 
               8  Net long-term capital gain (loss)           8
               9  Net section 1231 gain (loss)  
                   (attach Form 4797)  ..........             9
               10  Other income (loss)
                   (attach schedule) ............             10
               11  Section 179 deduction
                   (attach Form 4562)   . . . . . . . . . .  11                                                  11
               12a  Contributions   ..............           12a                                                 12a
               b   Investment interest expense ...           12b12b
               c   Section 59(e)(2) expenditures
Deductions(1) Type
                   (2) Amount  ................              12c                                                 12c
               d   Other deductions
                 (attach schedule) ............              12d                                                 12d
               13  Wisconsin credits
                a  Schedule          .............................................................               13a
                   Scheduleb .............................................................                       13b
                   Schedulec         .............................................................               13c
                   ScheduleDRAFTd    .............................................................Sample08-05-202413dForm 
                   Schedulee         .............................................................               13e
                   Schedulef         .............................................................               13f
                   Scheduleg .............................................................                       13g
                   Scheduleh         .............................................................               13h
               i   Tax paid to other states
                   (enter postal abbreviation
                   of state)...................      13i-1           .....................................       13i-1
                                                    File  13i-2      .....................................Electronically13i-2
                                                     13i-3           .....................................       13i-3
               j  Wisconsin tax withheld (do not include tax properly claimed on page 1, line 13)  ............. 13j

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2024 Form 5S                                                   Name                                                                            ID Number                                                         Page 4 of 5
                                                               (a) Pro rata share items                      (b) Federal amount                (c) Adjustment                                                 (d) Amount under Wis. law

                                                           14  If you are reporting items of international tax relevance, check this box and attach federal 
                                                               Schedule K-2 (Form 1120-S) to your return (see instructions) ..............................                                                 14

                                                           15a  Post-1986 depreciation 
                                                               adjustment    ................ .          15a
                                                           b  Adjusted gain or loss  . . . . . . . . . . 15b 
                                                           c  Depletion (other than oil and gas)         15c 
                                                           d  Oil, gas, and geothermal
                                                               properties – gross income  . . . . .      15d
                                             x (AMT) Items
                                             Ta            e  Oil, gas, and geothermal
                    Alternative Minimum                        properties – deductions  . . . . . . .    15e
                                                           f  Other AMT items (attach schedule)          15f

                                                          16a  Tax-exempt interest income  ..            16a                                                                                               16a
                                                            b  Other tax-exempt income  ....             16b16b
                                                            c  Nondeductible expenses  ....              16c                                                                                               16c
                                                            d  Property distributions  .......           16d                                                                                               16d
                                                            e  Repayment of loans from
                                                               shareholders ..............               16e                                                                                               16e
                                                            f  Foreign taxes paid or accrued.            16f                                                                                               16f
                                                          17a  Investment income  .........    17a                                                                                                         17a
                                                            b  Investment expenses  .......              17b17b
                                                            c  Dividend distributions paid from
                                                               accumulated earning and profits           17c                                                                                               17c
                                                            d  Other items and amounts
                                                               (attach schedule)   . . . . . . . . . .   17d                                                                                               17d
                                                          18a  Related entity expense addback            18a   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18a
                                                            b  Related entity expense allowable          18b ..............................................                                                18b
                                                          19   Income (loss) (see instructions)          19                                     ......................                                     19
                                                          20   Gross income (before deducting
                                                               expenses) from all activities  ......................................................                                                       20

Part III Schedule 5M – Analysis of Wisconsin Accumulated Adjustments Account and Other Adjustments Account
                                                           DRAFTSample08-05-2024(a) Accumulated                                                                                                               Form(b) Other Adjustments
                                                                                                                                               Adjustments Account                                               Account
1  Balance at beginning of taxable year .............................                                                                                                                                      1
2  Ordinary income from Schedule 5K, line 1, column d .................                                                                                                                                    2
3  Other additions (including separately stated items which increase
                                        income) (attach schedule)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                                             3
4  Loss from Schedule 5K, line 1, column d (enter as positive) ...........                                                                                                                                 4
5  Other reductions (including separately stated items) (enter as positive)
                                        (attach schedule)  ............................................File                                    Electronically5
6  Combine lines 1 through 3, and subtract lines 4 and 5 from the total  ....                                                                                                                              6
7  Distributions other than dividend distributions  ......................                                                                                                                                 7
8  Subtract line 7 from line 6. This is balance at end of taxable year  .......                                                                                                                            8

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  2024 Form 5S        Name                                                                                    ID Number    Page 5 of 5
  Part IV Schedule 5K – Shareholder’s Pro Rata Share of Additions and Subtractions

      1State taxes accrued or paid   ..............................................................                     1
   2     Related entity expenses (from Schedule RT, Part I)  ............................................                 2
   3     Expenses related to nontaxable income  .....................................................                     3
    4    Section 179, depreciation, amortization difference (attach schedule) ................................            4
    5    Amount by which the federal basis of assets disposed of exceeds the Wisconsin basis
     (attach schedule)  ......................................................................                            5
    6    Total additions for certain credits computed:
         a  Business development credit  ..............................                                    6a
         b  Community rehabilitation program credit  .....................                                 6b
         c  Development zones credits  ...............................                                     6c
         d  Economic development tax credit  ..........................                                    6d
     e       Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone credit  .                           6e
     f       Employee college savings account contribution credit ...........   6f
         g  Enterprise zone jobs credit   ...............................                                  6g
         h  Reserved for future use  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6h
         i   Manufacturing and agriculture credit (computed in 2023)   ........                            6i
         j   Reserved for future use  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6j
         k  Research credits  .......................................                                      6k
         l   Total credits (add lines 6a through 6k)   ...................................................              6l
      7Adjustment for built-in gains tax   ...........................................................                  7
    8    Additions for federal capital gains and excess net passive income taxes  ............................          8
      9Other additions:
         a                                                                                                 9a
         b                                                                                                 9b
         c                                                                                                 9c
         d  Total other additions (add lines 9a through 9c)  .............................................              9d
   10    Total additions (add lines 1 through 5 and 6l through 8, and 9d) ...............................   10
   11    Related entity expenses eligible for subtraction (from Schedule RT, Part II)   .........................       11
    12   Income from related entities whose expenses were disallowed (obtain Schedule RT-1 from related
      entity and submit with your return)  .........................................................                    12
  13     Section 179, depreciation/amortization of assets (attach schedule) ................................            13
  14     Amount by which the Wisconsin basis of assets disposed of exceeds the federal basis
     (attach schedule) ......................................................................                           14
  15     Adjustment for built-in gains tax  ...........................................................   15
  16     Federal wage credits  ...................................................................                      16
  17     Federal research credit expenses  .........................................................                    17
  18     Commercial loans  ..................................................................... Sample18                  Form 
           DRAFT 08-05-2024 
  19     Other subtractions:
         a                                                                                              19a
         b                                                                                              19b
         c                                                                                              19c
         d  Total other subtractions (add lines 19a through 19c)  .........................................             19d
  20     Total subtractions (add lines 11 through 18 and 19d)     ........................................              20
Total21                                                   .............................................  21                           adjustment (subtract line 20 from line 10) 

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